The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 26, 1901, Image 1

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THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL VOLUME XI. NUMBER 356 You Can’t to 100 Carefol about having a prescription filled. A Description should be taken to only skilled pharmacists, that is -what we are and we exercise great care and judgment in this work. Let us fill Your Prescription. Our prices are always right. We send for and deliver your prescriptions. W J BUTTS, DRUGGIST ‘On The Corner." I J /s s rf m \/L VE CDRE fHE ILLS I W flesh is heir to. Ix® We make a specialty &'/m °f killing colds at this season. Our prescrip- F H l BAa i!^ BE *MI B ° UAX ‘ {( tion department is WT" ■ — JtSmim ' thoroughly equipped a and the drugs are high A 1 grade in every respect. I > We sell toil-t requisites \ 9 an< l everything that L'. 'J- ■!! yon would expect to find in a first-clars drug store- HUNTER-SALE DRUG CO Agents Lowney Candies. 12 COUCHES which we bought at a bargain will be sold at. SIO.OO Each, One to a Customer, Only. These couches are overstripped in beautiful shades of velour, and sold everywhere for liy.OO, our price is SIO.OO while they last. H. M. MILLER & SON, MY STOCK CONSTANTLY CHANGING HANDS. For the Ladies. We have just received a beautiful line of Ladies Shirt Waists, Silk waists, Flannel waists, in the latent styles. Don’t buy your skirt, jacket or cape before seeing our line, lid! S'ns Refunded if no! giMy. J. H. HELLER & BRO, Leader of low Prices itie teiies I inis don’t s f ay here until fbry are absolutely unfit for consumption. I>’s a little more .rouble, our way, but in finitely better for you. Pave just received a sbipmnt rf RITTER’S FINE PKESERVE3 AND JELLIES, in 1 2 3s and 5 b glass jars Wou'd be glad to show them to you THOMAS KEANY GROOETF^, ’Phone 11. 312 Newcastle Street, BRUNSW ICK. GA. SATURDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 26. 1901 n Hi i 1B1! IIIS minlii Hon Now Beii lafleliy its Brunswick Board of Trade CONGRESS ID BE CALLED Of Represantativs Prom Various Communities to Discuss Plans For Future Action. There was a large and representative meeting of the Board of Trade ester day and a move wai inch will mean a great deal for Bmuswick. This move has for ita ultimate end rhe improvement of the rivere tributary to Bruu iWlok and the cutting of a oaual via the Plantation oreek route by wbioh the many steamers plying inland can reach B. unswiok, To speciiy the plaus in detail would tak6 too muoh apace tbia morning, but suflioe it to aay that the move his the hearty oo*operation of tbo 'i imes at it is one of the beat things lor commercial Brunswick that has evtr bee.i proposed, Ic will re quire fcovermneut aid to do the word, and looKlog securing that aid, means and methods of how oest to gee it were discuesad, Mess.-s. E. H. Mason aud£. F. Coney wore appointed to confer with C;pt. Gillet.6 on the matter and a committee of aev< n were appointed to write to the Board of Trade bodies of Muoou, Dub lin, Hawkinsvilleand other towns along the O tmuigee, Oionee, Ohoope and Al tamabt and get their views regarding holding a corgi-ess in Brunawlok at an early date to discuss river improve ment. This committee is composed of W.B, Irvine, T. Newman. A. Fendig, W. B Cook, E. H. Mason, E. F. Coney and W. M- Tupper Toe Board of Trade also passed resol utions of thanks to the Manufacturers Record of Baltimore and its Brans wtck co-respondent Mr. W. 8. Irvne for s three column write up of this ports business which appeared in the Record of Oct. 17th. This write np was one of the best that Brunswick has ever bad aid the vole of thanks was timely and deserved. FOR RENT— Two fotnislnri rooms. G-nMem-p prefetch. 503 George St , opposite Hanover park, Haiti Wood Mantels Reed E. Li- Mi doc, Manager ' Fmh Buckwheat Pan Cake Judtin Flour. mm rrnrawmn ■■fini— Plione 158. If it’s nice, we have it* aninii iMiimwi'i mil—— Georgia Maple Syrup. Syrup. EXCELSIOR SOCIETY MEETING, Officers Elected and an Interesting Program Rendered. at sobnol the Exoelsicr Literary aooiety hold its drat moetiug for the year. The president and sec retary of last year, Willie Bailey and Janie Symons occupied rhe chairs and after the reading of the minutes, Willie Bailey administered the rath of effioe to the new President Elliott Butts and Secretary Leah Johnson. President Butts made as appropriate address, thanking the numbers of the society for the honor oonferred upon him, and assured them that be would do hlabeat to make the aooiety a aucoess. The following program was wel rendered >,ad very muoh enjoyed: Song, “VYaen Life i* Brightest."— Choir. Ruoiutior, “The Old Maid’s Pray er.’’—L.’ah Jjfanaon. So g—Mary Kllenwood . Rouat ion—Henry BuDkley. Duet—Katie Franklin and Lilly GoJ-uto Radiation, “Being a Woman ” Clare O’Qonnor. Solo (Instruments I )—Fannli Maßon. Recitation—Rjbeocs Davis. Reoitation—Mabel Rioney. Declamation—Riohard Everett. Song by the oboir with aoloa by Willie Bailey and Tallulah Fleming, a The aociety is very muoh indebted to Mias Janie Symons who assisted with the musical part of tbe program. After tbe program Supt. Ballard spoke to tbe sooiety congratulating them on the success of tbe entertain ment, Mr. Bailard’a address was very muoh enjoyed. Tbe sooiety then adjourned to meet Friday Nov. 8. HARRIS KING, Reporter for Timea-Call, !IN PHILADELPHIA fla i mt s WMsvOTmaa .t" *- ,'iarui.B Philadelphia, Oot, 25.—A fire, in which the police say 17 people lost their lives and many more were serious ly and pernaps fatal.y injured, occur red today in the heart of the business section of the oity. The nine story bnildiug at 1219 and 1221 Market street oocnpitd by Hunt, Wilkinson & Cos., upholsterers and furniture dealers, ano two nnoocupied buildings at 1223 ana 1225 Market street, were destroyed. Many otber buildings were damagee and the loss is estimated ut upwards oi (500,000 Toe fire started at 10 30 o’clock, It is supposed lo bavi beet caused b, the expljsion ot beta no o naphtha*• r AFTER ROOSEVELT. Resolution of Censure Will be Introduced in the House. Atla<.te, Ooi, 25 K piesrnhtiv- Hat o( Fannir, Lading Republican mem ber of the bonne, will on MutiUay ic vr< dues a retolu iou 0.-uduming .beac lion ol President U oerveh for dining Booker Washingt n a- toe wb"e bouse. The resoln ton is erpem-d *on a e somewbtr of a seu a ior, coining from Republican sources, but it is safe mar, it will be unanimously adopted. Mr Hall said today be was a euunchßs publio3n iu every resp-ct, but be did net believe in toadying to negroes and he thought Roosevelt made a big fool of himself for bis action. n in i ■ Called to Ncminata an Al flenai to C-o 01 In the Blase Left Vacant BY MR. WOOD’S RETIREMENT Call Issued Yesterday in the Same Spirit of Harmony as Charac terized Last Meeting. Tho following tffioial oall explains itself. It reads: Tue nadereigned., uhairtnan of the masi meeting beul on the 18’b day of Oojober, 1901, to dominate a ticket for aldermen at the election in December next, and tbe oommtt'ee to notify th<* candidates nominated of tben nom n* ion, Mr. a, V. W'ood, one of said can didates, having declined the nomina tion, due to his wish to devote bis en tire spare time to bis duties as presi dent of the Board of Kdnoatior, hereby, at the instance of many oL.zeo*, oall a rnaes meeting to beneld at the city ball at S i.’eiock p m , October 28, 1901, to nominate another candidate in Mr. Woou's plane ou said tinker. All white citizens of the city r Brunswick who are of voting age are invited to attend. The objoct of proposed meeting la tbe 'ame as of the mas* meeting held on October 18 h—to avoid a heated politi cal oontast, thereby leaving everyone free to devote their attention to tbe best interest of the city of Brons witk, W. E K*y. Cbm Mass Meeting Htld Oot, 18. Constant Miller, F F. Twitiy, C. P. Goodyear, Notification Committee. FORA WORLD WIDESTRIKE. Barcelona, Oct. 24—Tbe anarohist oropaganda in favor of a general at rise s proving fru>tful in Spain. Leading inarebists assort ihat committees hrougbout the world, representing B,* 00,000 workrr, are only awaiting tb -Banal to inaugurata tbe universal strike proposed oy the German work men and oppioiei by the Amerio-n nd Hurt pean committees. PLAIN SAILING/ von Stetson Hats Uncle Sam knows a thing or two about hats, as he does about yachts. , Stetson Hats have distanced all competitors and successfully de fend American hat-supremacy against all coiners. No hats like them— they’re worn the world over. New Autumn atylca—•stiff and soft hats both. , took tor Brand on Sweat Leather 1 P RICE FIVE CENTS. TO SPEAK ON CANE AND CASSAVA. Agricultural Department Will Send a Man to Georgia and Florida Fairs, la response to i ff >rts that -ave been nude by id Boaru o[ Trade Bt .d Cua gresaman Brantley, the Agti-nUnral Department at Wash . gion has b-come tanref ed In ti e gr-u fh of can., end oasiava in sou h Ge-rg'a and Florida, Tbe mail* yes erdiy brought, to Congressman Brti tii y end a ontary Ogg. letters fr<-m Baoreury of Agriooi. ure Wilson, in w i.oh that t.fiicisl Stated that Dr. H W. Wiley, chief of tbe Burea ofChem’s ry would address tbe farmers of G< otgla on the u?ject of cane and oas ava at Stvannah during tbe G-orgia Sia.e Fair dates from Nov. 6to 16,h, aid a:si that Dr. Rilty would address ..he farmers of Florida at Jacksonville during the Florida State Fair from Nov. 18 to 23, This is quite a good thing for tbe farmers of Georgia end Florida and abows tbe interest ihat is'bamg taken in cane and cassava growing in this country at this time. LOST—Pooketbo ik confamir g 519.00 and cards of Mss Mary R. A ktn, v* ill pay $6.00 reward tor re uni to Frank D Aiken, City. For EaGrippe and Influ enza use CHENEY’S EX PECTOKAN I’. Who is going to gel the beautiful China Closet that is going to be given away on Jan. Ist, 1902? Why the one that gets the lucky number. Get a ticket with every cash purchase of 2£c. Get all the tickets you can. You can get any thing you want that is kept in a first-class gro cery, at this place and as for as little money as can be bought at any other place, considering quality; and at the same time get chances on the China Closet, and possibly get it. To be Drawn Jan. Ist, 1902 W. H. DeVoe* ’Phone lU9. Mice, In addition to affording every facility to our customers consistent with safe banking, we are prepared to act as Administrator or Executor of Estates, Guardians of property of minors, and to make Bonds in jud'cial and other matters—Generally to exer cise all our powers as a Trust Company Brunswick Bank & trust (o. H. W, Sale, Cahisr • I Also sole agents for Dunlaps, Gotham and KnoxalL Our Fall styles are ready for your inspec tion, only at LEVY’S.