The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 27, 1901, Image 1

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THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL VOLUME XI. NUMBER 356 Yon Can’t lie Too Careful - about having a prescription filled. A prescription should be taken to only skilled pharmacists, that is what we are and we exercise great care and judgment in this work. * Let us fill Your Prescription.^^. 4 Our prices are always right. We send for and deliver your prescriptions. W J BUTTS, DRUGGIST ‘Op The Corner." j WE CURE THE ILLS 3 W fi o sh is heir to. I g We make a specialty of killing colds at this I XY- C1 K || season. Our prescrip- CbeaMk* i tion department is Jr\*J ifi° equipped 'll a * i( i ine are high \ grade in every respect. \> Weselitoi 1 qulsites 3 and every -o : g that “-iLJ you would expect to find in a first-class drug store. HUNTER-SALE DRUG CO Agents Lowney Candies. 12 COUCHES ■which we bought at a bargain will be sold at. SIO.OO Each, One to a Customer, Only. These couches are overstripped in beautiful shades of velour, and sold everywhere for So.OO, our price is SIO.OO while they last. H. M. MILLER & §Ol, MY STOCK CONSTANTLY CHANGING HANDS. HAVE YOU SEEN OUR SHOES? We have some good ones, (rent’s, Ladies, Misses, Childrens, All are fitted here. Prices will suit you too. J. H. HELLER & BRO, Leader of low Prices. lie Groceiies I He don’t stay here until they are absolutely unfit for joneumption. It’s a little more trouble, our way, but in* finitely better for you. Have just received a shipment of RITTER’S FINE PRESERVES AND JELLIES, in la 2s 3s and 51b glass jars Would be glad to show them to you. THOMS EEANY ’Phone 11. 312 Newcastle Street. BRUNSWICK. GA. SUNDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 27. 1901 ■II Ii 101 I 111 111 it a Malle Galleriai ii New York City tie Dis iiliislefl Mi Brunswickian Dees liaiself auU Tlis City Pro 1 ! Through the instrumentality of Col j E. C. MacVd, Mr. Edwin Brobston, tad tie 15 'ard of Trade of Brunswick, ttua city has again taken on new lif ad.ia moving onward in the path of prcgfcas and prosperity. Each day brings sumo ueT evideuoe of this faot und now conies echoes from a far dis tant city that Brnuswiok and Brunt wiokians are moving in mighty ways to help push this oity along On Tuesday night last, in ne cr.y ot New Ycrs, there were gather and at ana Manhaitap hotel 150 of the leading m?n of diplomacy and finance of the United States. This gathering includ ed: Hon. and Mrs, Bussell Sage, Ex minister to Spain; Gen, Stewart L. Wosdfjrd Mrs, Woodford, Hon. Eenrj Clews, President Kiobard A, McCurd, tbe world’s greatest life in surance offiolal; Hon. James J, Bel den, Col. H. B. Masters, Col. Ralph E. Prime, Rev. Robert S, Mao Arthur, Hon, E. Hsgaman Hall, Hon, Walter S. Logan, Hon. W. W. Goodrioh, Hon. S. V. White, Gen. Edward W. Ruoker, Hon. George S. Corey and other nota bles including Col. L. C Hopkins, Col, E. C. Machen and Hon. Edwin Brobston. The ocoasion was a farewell banquet to Col • Louis C. Hopkins, and a very handsome, loving onp was also given to Col. Hopbinsat the same time. Col, Hopkins bas long been a prom* menl business msn of New York oity, and bas decided to become a resident of Bruacwioic and identify himself with its industrial development. Tbs banquet was presided over by Judge Goodrioh, of tbe Appellate oourt of New York and d.stinguished men of national repu.ation who are friends of Col. Hopkins ~,mude ad dresses. Covers were laid for 150 in tbe beau tiful banquet hill of tbe Manhattan hotel, one of tbe ewellsst in the Baited States, end besides partaking of a royal feast, that bad been provided by the friends cf Col, Hopkinß, tbe company was entertained by some of tbe best after-dinner speakers in tbe United. States, For tbe edifieation of Brans* wiok people the speech of Mr. Brob aton, which was stenographloally re ported, is given to speak for itself, Col. Hopkins leaves for Brunswick Q 'K', f.eo's to take np bis residanoe, H. is tbe gsntleman who, a few years ago insured tbeHavemeyer family for a largo ..mount, and the premium, which w&j al pJd at oue time, amounted to 78,0(0. and Col. Hopkins’ commit son oq same was over $50,000. Tbla is the largest premium ever paid at one turn on Ufa insurance. Cos). Hopkins will be a delightful addition to tbe social and business life of Brnnawiok. As bis friends are legion and bis en* erg? untiring it is likely that be will let them know tbe beauties of Bruns wick as a home. After.dinner speakers and their toasts were: Address of welcome—Hon, William Wniton Goodrioh. New York’s Message to tbe Sontb — Ge'- Stewart L/iidon Woodford. Cos Fathers-I'i-L*w—Hon, Stephen V. White. The Ladles—Mr, Walter Ssth Logan. A Trial by Jury—Mr. Edward Hsga man Hall. Accepting tta Verdict— Col. Lewis Chessman Hopkics. A W-Goome to Bruoawiok—Hon. /- % Edwin Br on, * In introdu . . Mr, Brobston Judge Goodrioh eaid: Jodge G:odrloh: This man (pointing toCo) Hopkin*) i!emi to hove the hap py faculty of going with the blessing of his fellows aod being welcomed with a blessing by those to whom be is going There U a gentloman with ns tonight who wishas to extend e welomoe to Col. Hopkine from the oity of Brnns wiok, Itis tbe Hon, Edwin Brobstur, whom I have now tbe pleasure to in troduce to this audienoe. Mr. Brobston’s Speeoh. Mr. Toast Master, Ladles and Gen tlemen : 1 appreciate the honor of be ing in this distinguished presenoe, and to have tbe privilege of talking about Brunswick. In the presence of so many bright and beautiful women and so many handsome and distinguished men, I oonld well imagine myself be fore a Southern audience, I have en teed into tbe spirit of tbe beautiful sentiments expressed tonight, and I want to say to you that wbiie you bav banished tbe handsome Colonel c* wn among tbe Georgia roses, tbe land of magnolia, the hcneysuokle and tbe woodbine, I dognot think be will Hod his banishment unpleasant, and when be has made Brunswick such a great oi*y that, as Judge Steel intimates, Nrw York will become a subnrb of Brunswick, and long before tbst time, we will present bim a ioving cup from Brunswick. And we will not permit bim to go away either; we want him to Spend his last years with us In tbst beautiful dime. Talk about Brunawlok—l love 3rui>s wick—and 1 have a poor opinion of any man who wouldn’t talk up for bis own town. I honor and respect tbe man wbo finds the sweetest smiles in his own home, tbe best people in bis own town and the grandest principles in bis own state. I love Brunswick because Its been good to me. I wont to Brunswick a stranger, and found there if warm hearted, loving people. And Colonel Hopkins in a few years, in a few months, I believe a few days, will be ready to eay to tbe people of New York tbst Brnnswiok is a good town, Brunswick has made herself a mcdei oily of tbe New South, with a delightful all year olimate, where Northern people build winter bcmes on Jekyl island, and Bouthern people build summer homes on Bt. Simon, with a magnificent harbor, with an entrance 26 feet, deep, that for a cost of one tenth of what it oost this great ci'y of New York to seonre her present depth,oould be obtained by ns and maintained also at one-tentb the expense; with a oomplete and comprehensive sewerage t>ytem and all tbe oooveuiences of a modern oity, with a moderate tax rate, with perfect health conditions, withs local government 'bat is clean and with a people pa riotic, why shou'du’t we face 'h firure with confidence? Tuere nre lots ot ohanges going on down Soiitb. Tnere ie a obange of seutimenr about e great many things The New Bomb, like the West of a few years sgj, is too busy faking care of tbe now to worry about the past or theorize about the future. The fire of her elo quence over her wring, aud political troubles burns leas as the fire of her furnaces ioor-aae? aod are lighting tbe hills aud valleys, (Applause.) Wo are building railroads. You know it has taken tbe South these several years to save enough money to get into a position to begin to develop bet own rescuroos. Batvn have begun to build fsw factories and dig into a fe w mines unt : l now I read in one of yonr pap r 'his morning, coming from old Eng land, that “it losks like the Southern Slates of the UnGed States protecMnh, themselves In ihe production of cotton has ifftoteo oar ictlls, until several of thsm a'e closing down.” 1 was talk ing a f>-.w days rgr to actt.e nunu'ic tnrers ef New England, Tuey were (l!‘oußßing the arils of rh iB< at, and I ss. and: ‘Y n mw’fln'i. worry about iht mills of the Soutb ; there ie no question of o jiijie Ition as long as oid Eugland is oroduoirg four times as muob cotton g '"d’ s 'he entire United Stele?; it ie a common cease against the world. Of oooren the oo'tvj mill at (be cotton field has an advantage, but until we coiquer the old world, let not jealousy aris- between ourselves. Now as to ttrunswiok and its future. We are g’acl *0 have men like Colonel Colon. 1 Hopkins. We believe the time isoominr, and coming rapidly, when Biu'swiok-w:M be reeogmz-das a cen ter of greet commercial importance. W ere building railroads and develop* ing terminals of those already bnilt. Fresh Buckwheat Justin. JLJL •w- Phone 158. If it’s nice, we have it- Georgia Syrup. name, —The ffijasaS Amen can Girl Shoe in jMjjjjttmlm aH leathers Leather, Vici top, light weight and exten sion soies: All styles; one price $2,50 only at LEVY’S. PRICE FIVE CENTS. We are doing a bnsiness now of $26,- 000,000 a year; hegmning In 1885 we exported about 8500,000 worth of pro duots through on- por‘. We have gaaduGly end steadily mcrea-ed an ii we are shipping $26,000,000, with it prospeot of $32,000,000 for this year. Oar railroads—the great Sou 1 hern road is improving its terminal.; the Plant System has just put iu sisi,ooo m its terminals, and our friend Oil. Machen has oome down the-e with a proposi t'.on totulld a railroad Iro-n Brunswick to Birmingham, he is building and though helegun within fheyei.l no • operating i f , and # have already foit •ta benefl’, He prep- s’e to open a Lie ofroad oat tbrough our back country ttist will pour through nor pur’, and' ovif our dusks lumber, oross ties,nova* rtoies, and give cur merchants an op piutonity to reach a country they car uottoucha. thu present time. If hr sueOortl , if hu carries iiitt road tor <ugt to Bit mingham, \ aOß, and gin ~ ni coal and iron f?utu tl at great s'at' which will enable us to become a great manufacturu g oity, I want to pay to you that, wane it nab nm end ia jes aud in here tonight; it may ha thut Co'. Hwpkimi will be able to help ’ontinned on second oage For LiaUrippe and Influ enza use CHENEY’S EX PECTORAN Who is going to get the beautiful China Closet that is going to be given away on Jan. Ist, 1902? Why the one that gets the lucky number. (let a ticket with every cash purchase of 25c. Get all the tickets you can. You can get any thing you want that is kept in a first-class gro cery, at this place and as for as Tittle money as can be bought at any other place, considering quality;and at thfc same time get chances on the China Closet, and possibly get it. To be Drawn Jan. Ist, 19(12- W. H. DeVoe* ’Phone 109- Pan Cake Flour. Notice, -I- In addition to affording every facility to our customers consistent with safe banking, we are prepared to act as Administrator or Executor of Estates, Guardians of propern of minors, and to make Bonds in judicial and other matters—Generally to axer cise all our powers as a Trust Compat: Bnuuwick Bull & Trust Cos. H, W, Silt Caiisr • w Maple Syrup.