The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 02, 1901, Image 1

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THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL VC FMEXI. NUMBER 356 You Can’t be Too Careful about having a prescription filled. A prescription should be taken to only skilled pharmacists, that is what we are and we exercise great care and judgment in this work. *n us Jill Your Our prices are always right. We send lor and deliver your prescriptions- J BUTTS, DRUGGIST \ HHu 'On The Corner.' ■ y\ffrp} W£ CORE TBEILLS 12 COUCHIf w<* bought at ahargain will be sold at Each, ie to a Gustomer, Only/' 1 '? - '^ \ These .couches are overstnpped in hjH \ s or ve our, and sold everywhere if p|Pr ,rice JgHM r SIO,OO * .while they last/^^P •. M. MILLER & SON, k Our New A 'rivals. L- . S:t.3S~SPECIAL~SI.2S • a • hv<j receive! one hundred white Bed Spreads, eaiiity, Ma r <Tlle Patterns. We secured them at a |opec -nee. They ore worth $1 75 to $2 00. We offei <‘ffi at $1.25 I iy one to each purchaser while they last. Call earl mi secuone, thev area great bargain. I *• ; commences at once. |J. K. HELLER & BRO, L ; 220 Newcastle Street, Leader cf low Prices Buckwheat, Pan-cake Flour, Maple Syrup, Cranberries, Pettijohn’s B. Food, Mangoes or Stuffed, 1 Betl Peppers THOMAS MANY 'Phone It, 312 Newcastle Street BRUNSWICK. GA. SATURDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 2. 1901 it win i an Says Silli Gecrgias Can-, iile is a Winner IH GOOttalfll CONIES! Gives Some Inside Information Rel ative to the EstiiKTurner Controversy. Col. J. G. Bpottswood, well known all over the s?at-i fot his genial dispo sition and keuii insight into matter# political, arrived in the city yesterday on a visit to relatives He was warmly greeted by hie many friends and when seen last night at the Oglethorpe by a Times-Call repottar, wae ei joying the company of several B.unswiokians, The Times Call man caught the Colouel’e attention for a few brief moments on the subject of state pol itics and be said; ‘ By state politici, of oourse you mean the gubernatorial contest, and as a wiiegrass advocate I am more than jhI SMOS O teil yOU Whal 1 hDOW . the past few weeks i have been Mr business trip through the western Mrlhsrn part of the etale. To my 1 found that south Oeor- gn-at head- WR f| \ ■ tri.e nii. & ) '■xnei-.eot head the fraWlllHg element— Hf 1 bsojoonq of oar commercial is for him . fie ie growing in sHllape upper ol Gnuigts at a pace than any man who h* mentioned for this high office 'from this seotion of the eta’e and that la saying a great deal for we have had sum. tar favorites in tho past. “ tt seems that the Colonel’s record as a busioere man and bio loyalty at all times and under all oircutne ai.oea to the democrat c party is better known ,hao in at of us down here thought it was sad those people to whom 1 have laiked with, think he would make one of the ablest and most conservative chief executives that could be selected from the many good men who have been mentioned in connection with guberna torial honors. This brings me to a point which I want to emphasize, and that is to tbs effect that neither in the upper or lower part of the state do you hear any more about ‘differences be tween Mr. Turner and Col. Estili.’ Asa matter of fact I happen to know that there never was any hard feelings between these two distinguished south Georgians . Jt was ail more or Us. newspaper talk and this baa now about aubsided completely. Col. Estili and Judgs Turner have alwaya been warm frioodsaod nothing haa ooourred to change that feeling, I number botu o! tbem amongst ury friends and have seen and beard enough withiu the past few weeks to warrant tha belief that the triendahip between them baa nevor bseu broken and there ia no indication that It ever will he. “It might perhaps not ba going too far to predict that not only will Judge Tarner not oppose Col. Estili In the coming gubernatorial contest but on he contrary will give turn his warmest s ipport. } “This ia as it should bo for Col. Estiil has always supported Judge Turner in tbe past and those who know Judge Turner best, have never thought that he did not appreciate the support giveD him by hie Savannah friend. ‘ Col. Estiil for ona, does not doubt Judge Turner e friendship for him and l believe he feels that at the proper time Judge Turner will show his ap preoiation in no unmistakable manner “As tbe matter of state politics now stands sooth Georgia’s candidate is in the lead and gaining ground daily and tbe appslation of tbs “farmers candi date’ can well be transferred to him for be is oertainly receiving their sup port from all sections. ANOTHER LYNCHED. Assailiunt of Mrs. Daughtry Struug up by a Mob. Jeffersonville, Ga., Nov, 1.-The negro who attempted to asiault Mrs. Djughtry, wife of Representative D.ugbtry, was found hanging to a telegraph pole this norning at Allens town, He was seen and surrounded In a swamp last night. The ouuduotor on the {railroad was telegrrgbed to bring dogs from Dublin and permission was given by Superintendent Wright, Tbe doge were put on tbe soent as soon as they reached tbe place and the negro was oaught aboot 2 o’i V k this morning. The attempted assault was made at Mrs, Daughtry's homo at Allentown. Mr. Daughtry was in Atlanta attending the legislature. Neighbors were soon aware of the outrage and; 4 hundreds of people were in arm*. Crowds of deter mined men were sent in every direction end every pert of Wilkinson, Twiggs end Pulaski counties wore being searched when it was Teamed that he had been seen in the swamp, which was quickly surrounded. BOARD OF TRADE MEETING Invitation Extended to Dr, Hariis to Visit Brunswick. The Hoard of Trade moating at the City Hail yesterday was well attended and among other important matters attended to was the extending of an Invitation to Dr, Harris, of London, England to visit this oity. Dr, Harris is the representative of ’be Llpiom Co’s limited, who is here Investigating the advisability of settle ing colonies of (Herman farmers in South Georgia and dsveloping the lands in tb|s seotion to supply the numerous company stores* witbj farm produoti. Dr. W. B. Burroughs, who ia in Atlanta had • talk with Dr. Harris about Brnnawlok and then wrote to the Board of Trade suggesting that Dr. Harris be extended an invitation to come down here. The Board noted upon this suggestion by extending the invitation by wire and it ia hoped that Dr . Harris will aocept it and oame to Brunswick. The committee that is working on the matter of river transportation re ported progress and indications are 'bat it wilt be a success. We handle eilk downes, cnelrose crepe’le, aoleils, hennettas, whipoordr, serges, all in gold medal brands. Heller’s. I‘IANO FOR BALE—A nioe upright piano, to be almost given away; ele gant tone. Call at 107 D street and you will get a bargair. For the beat line of blaok dreai goods go to ileiler’s. For EaOrippe and Influ enza use CHENEY’S EX PECTORANT. i an Si Hi Si Tie Frars Compete For lany Gael Prizes 11 Ml IE BE IHEM A Very Large Crowd Gathers to See the Fine Exhibits of Farm Products. Wosdbine, Gs,, Nov. 1, 1901.-The annual fair of the Camden County Agricultural Society, held here today, attraetad a large crowd and passed off successfully. For several days past tbe farmers have been bringing m their exhibits and the fleer arrival of visitors j found tbe large building well filled wlwsplendid specimens of the various agnoultUral products cf this fertile county. The principal one-horse farm exhibits wore made by Messrs. Henry Ander son, R. N. Carmichael aad J, M. Thomas, and each one was so good it required sometime for the judges to decide how the prises should be award* ed. They finally agreed to award them in the order named above. The fourth prizs was awarded to Mrs. Geo. Mizall for a very interesting exhibit from "River aide Garden," her home near here. Hon. D. P. Rose, president of the •oolaty and one of the firm of 1, Btl verburg * Cos,, larg,e rice planters, bad Busy Busy Igj'ff Busy '^r That’s What We are Always Just Opened Mew Pickle Beef, New Snurkvaut, New Dill P.ckies, New Saratoga chips. Lots of Other Good Things. Phone 158. / A Shoe as >4* good as its I / wjM* me c- The 1 / Girl khoe in 1/ fathers 1 m(WTnSm&W an d the shapes, Pat Leather, Vici ! top, light weight and" exterL ! sion soles-. All styles; one i price $2,50 only at I LEVY’S. PRICE I? TVE CENTS. a magnifioent exhibit from bis rioe plantation, but it was not entered in competition for prizes. Among the apecial exhibits whiob attracted a great deal of attention wa some cassava jjrown by Mr. J. j£. g,. dell of title plaoe, also Urge stalk from a banana tree with a bnnoh of frnit, an exceedingly floe lot e( honey and beeswax from F. A. Whitford’i apiary; ai talk of eotton twelve feet high with about sixty boll* that would have matured; baled hay, baled rioe straw, an exhibit of native woods em - bracing *3 varieties and some Keiffer pears measuring at least twelve Inches in circumference. Ths ladies of Camden also had a fine exhibit of arr, and fancy work la their speoial department. During the morning there were some special excrolees, during whioh Rsy. W. JC. Mumford delivered an add’-oss and in the afternoon the priz-is wsre awarded and paid, BHIPPING REPORT. demoted Daily ky Oajt. Otto Manneisn Port of Brunsviek. Nov, 1, 1901 ARRIVED. British steamer Frieda, Barolay, Hamburg. Bark Virginia, Lowry, Barbados. SAILED. SS Riogrande, Johnstone, New York Who is going to get the beautiful China Closet that is going to be given away on Jan. Ist, 1902? Why the one that gets the lucky number. Get a ticket with every cash purchase of 25c. Get all the tickets you can. You can get any thing you want that is kept in a first-class gro cery, at this place and as for as little money as can be bought at any other place, considering quality; and at the same time get chances on the China Cioset, and possibly get it, To be Drawn Jan. Ist, 1902. W. H. DeVoe* Thone 109. Notice, In addition to affording every facility to our customers consistent with aafo banking, we are prepared to act as Administrator or Executor of Estates, Guardians of proporty of minors, and to make Bonds in judicial and other matters—Generally to .exer cise all our powers as a Trust Company Brunswick Bank & Trust Cos. H. W, bit. Cashier •