The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 03, 1901, Image 1

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THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL VOLUME XL NUMBER 356 You Can’t tie Too Careful about having a prescription filled. A prescription should be taken to only skilled pharmacists, that is what we are and we exercise great care and judgment in this work. Let us fill Your Our prices are always right. We send tor and deliver your prescriptions. W J BUTTS, DRUGGIST • • ' * ‘On The Corner." i A p—| WE CURE THE ILLS jjj that flesh is heir to. vvkl l/fyjw WemaKe a specialty $/M °t killing colds at this A season. Our prescrip |HtrßAHß|fßE I BOHix. fl fi o n department is ~ * Thoroughly equipped the drags are high -£ g 1 \ grade in every respect, s 3 We sell toilet requisites 3 and everything that L L ll you would expect to fil'd in h first-claes drug store- HUNTER-SALE DRUG CO Agents Lowney Candies. 12 COUCHES wlvch wn bouerht at a bargain will be sold at SIO.OO Each, One to a Customer, Only. These couches are overstripped in beautiful shades of velour, and sold everywhere for SL>.OO, our price is SIO.OO while they last. H. M. MILLER & SON, Our New Arrivals, $1.25--SPECIAL--$1.25 We have received one hundred white Bed Spreads, heavy quality, Marseille Patterns. We secured them at a special price. They ore worth $1.75 to $2 00. We offer them at $1.25 Only one to each purchaser while they last. Call early and secure one, thev are a great bargain. Sale commences at once. J. H. HELLER & BRO, 220 Newcastle. Street. Leader of low Prices* Buckwheat, Pan-cake Flour, Maple Syrup, Cranberries, Pettijohn’s B. Food, Mangoes or Stuffed Bell Peppers. THOMAS KEANY > 'Phone 11. 312 Newcastle Street BRUNSWICK, OA. SUNDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 3. 1901 lira is ■I ii iii Much Enthusiasm is Now Manilesteh 111 PROPOSED (MENU For the Improvement of the River Navagation and What It Means for Brunswick. The Board of Trade will bold a special meeting at eleven o’olook Mon da; morning to take action relative to tbe River timproveoieut convention. Tbe movement baa aroused a great deal of interest and enthusiasm in tbe territory penetrated by tbe Oomulgee river as far as Maoon, and toe Ooonee as far as Milledgeville, and every where on tbe Altamaba, even into tbe counties adjoining. Fitzgerald and (Jordele are interested, also Douglas, and Perry. They are signifying tbeir desire to be present at the convention. Tbe Maoon Cuamber of Commerce is taking an aousnal amount of interest, also tbe river boat ownere. Captain Qiilette states that: “The adopted pro* jeet for the improvement of the Alta maha, Ooonee and Oomnlgee rivers provides for a three foot channel be- tween tbe month of the Altamaha river and Macon (at inmmer low water) on the Ocmulgee, and Milledgeville on the Oconee. Fundi sufficient for the im provement of tbe Oomulgee have been appropriated, and only a moderate amount is needed to complete tbe im provement of the Altamaba, which has three feet of water the greatest part of the year. But this navigation does not oonnect with a sea-going navigation of any importance, einoe only sailing vessel* oarrying lumber reach the month of Altamaha river. And at present the nearest point Of connection with ooean steamer* is at Brunswiok, bat this place ispraotioally inaccessible to river boats on aooonnt of tbs neoesftity of eroislng St. Simon sound which is unsafe for flat bottom ed river crafts a great part of the year, This exposed navigation ean be cat off very readily, and at a email expense by oonneoting Clnbb creek and Planta tion oreek across Brunswick peninsula by a dredged cut only about 300 feet long, and the slight widening of tbe upper end of Plantation creek for a llstauce of about one.half mile. When oonneoted the two creeks would have a navigable depth of 0 feet at mere low water. The total oost will not exeead 18.000. Vast quantifies of timber are now rafted from these rivers, a great part of wbiob oould be advantageously shipped from Bronswiok, rather than from improvised loading in tbe marshes near Bapelo sound, ae at present. There is also a vast supply of rail road tiea, and have woods available on these rivers, which oould be brought to Brunswiok on river steamers and lighters were it not for the present necessity of orosing St Simon Sound. The above improvement would also permit the shipment of various mer chandise and supplies up and down from Brunswick ,as well ae to all the intermediate country. When opened for pratioal navigation tbia water route from Brunswiok | amounts to over 600 miles, and pene trates tbe riohsst teritory of Georgia, and nnder its present hampered cur - dition yellds a tonnage of nearly $6, 000,000 per annum, What will It yeild under favorable conditions? It means much for Georgia. HELP THE CHILDREN. Rev. W. E. Mumfords Hard Work is all For Them. Rev. W. £. Mumford, president of tbe Georgia Industrial Home of Maoon, is spending a few days in tbe city in tbe Interest of the home. He is one of Georgia’s best known speakers and men. Mr. Mumford’s work la the most suooessfal that has aver been under taken in tbe blato'if of tbe charitable movements of the state. He et&rted a little ever two and a half years ago witb no money, nothing but bis faitb in God and humanity and the justness of his cause, witb no endowment, no organized support, but at the home there is a plant worth nearly *20,000 and there are over 100 ohildren from all over Georgia and they have been saved from pauperiam and orime by thle gieat charity. The fraternal orders, Masons, Odd Fellows, Knights Of Pythias and others have endorsed the work and belped it, and Mr. Mumford while In the city will have the influence of all our fra ternitiee behind him, and it is hoped that he will meet with success. All the people abould help him, The ministers and all the members of the churches are with him. A Card From Mr. Mumford. Before learning that Rev. Sam P. Jones would speak in Brunswick today there had been arranged through the kindneis of the fraternity of this oity a meeting at the Grand opera house in behalf of the canse I represent and the officers of all the loot! lodges of tbe fraternity had isened nails to their lodges to attend that meeting. After learning that Bro. Jones would epsak, which I did not know until he an nounced the same at the close of bis leotora last evening, 1 at onoe an nonnoed that my meeting would be called in. He is in thorough sympathy with the oanse of destitute childhood as are tbe miolaters of tbie city, and I am enre that tbey will give tbe people of Brnnswiok every opportunity to aid It. I desire to express to the officers of tbe various fraternities my sincere gratitude for their noble and ready response in aid of our holy eause. They are ever ready to help this work and 1 kno'wtbat they will appreciate tbecir onmitanoes of my oslllng in the meet ing. I want to thank tbe press of Bruns wiokfor their friendliness to my work, Yonrs for humanity. W. E. Mumford. HAVE TO HURRY. Hiss Stone May be Snowed Under Unless She is Released. New York, Nov. 2, —A di.patoh to The Journal and Advertiser frrm Samokac, Bulgaria, says tne latest snowstorms must has.ea ut gotlations for the release of Miss Scone, tbe kid-, napped missionary, beoanse fears are entertained about her health. We handle a full line of clothing, amts, half suits, trousers, boys suits, and kDee pants at popular prioes. Heller’s. For JLaGrippe and Influ enza use CHENEY’S EX PECTORAN l. Pill II Pfil 18(118 Wies Will Have to Bear K tie Burden 11 MAY BE IN MONDAY State School Commissioner Glenn is Very Anxious to Have the Law Enaoted. Atlanta. N.>v 2.—Tbe much talked of local taxa'ion measure has not yet made its appearanoe in either the bouse or tbe seuate. Its friend* and supporters throughout tbe els e are probably wondering wbat has become of it. It was determined at one time to al low the oommitteo on constitutional amendments to take up tbe meaaure and place it in tbe constitution of tbe state. But Hobool Cummisaioner Glenn says today that the bills are flowing iu so fast and the legislature has so much to do he thinks be will have tbe bill introduced instead of waiting on the constitutional oommittee. Senator Johnston of Ware wes to in troduce the bill and be may do so on Monday, Tbe bill is one whioh Com missioner Gleen has bean advocating in various parts of tbe state ail daring the year. It is a bill whlob will re quire tbe counties of tbe state to ap propriate as mnob from the oonnty taxes to the ednoational fund in tbe Busy Busy Hfi'l Busy That’s What We are Always Just Opened New Pickle Beef, New Sourkraut, New Dill Pickles. New Saratoga cbipe. Lots of Other Good Things. v-v Phone 158. * Shoe Leather, Vici Kid, lace, cloth; plain i top, ngut weight and exten | sion soles: All styles; one i price $2,50 only at > I LEVY’S. \ PRICE FIVE CENTS. county in proportion to the amonut paid tbe oonnties by the state. Mr. Glenn says he h%i traveled near ly all over Georgia and he believes fhar tbe people everywhere are in f® o r of it. He says the bill will help the com mon sobooli to a great exsent, as it will add a great deal of money to thu sohool fond. Commissions! Gleen is greatly interested in tbe bill and bus been working to accoinpli„h its p;Sß age for several years. CAMDEN’S EXHIBIT. At The State Fair in Savannah Next Week Will Be Very Fine Woodbine Ga Nov. 2—This is-‘tbs day after tbe fair:” and men are busily engaged in preparing the fl est or exhibits for shipment io Srva c,; where they will be rsed in C’ii ,i r eouoty’e exhibit at the ata-e 'air Termination of Treaty Washington, Nov, 2. —N.rar*gu ns* given notice of the rernruaticn id treaty of 1867, granting tbe U< i'ed States authority to bniid a canal ecross that oountry. Also of th<- tr e* ~ of 1870, WANTED—A house containing 8 '<r 9 rooms, with modern ounvenienoen in a desirable looation. Address P. O. Box 174 Who is going to get the beautiful China Closet that is going to be given away on Jan. Ist, 1902? Why the one that gets the lucky number. Get a ticket with every cash purchase of 25c. Get all the tickets you can. You can get any thing you want that is kept in a first-class gro cery, at this place and as for as little money as can be bought at any other place, considering quality;and ar the same time get chances on the China Closet, and possibly get it. To lie Drawn Jan. Ist, 1902. W. H. DeVoe> Thone 109. Notice, In addition to atTording every facility to our customers consistent with safe banking, we are prepared to act ae Administrator or Executor of Estates, Guardians oi property oi minors, and to make Sends io judicial and other matters—Generally to ,exer cise all our powers as a Trust Company Brunswick M & Trust Cos, H. W, Sale, Cashiar •