The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 05, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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2 The rtmiifwicilTiA Ml* mmmm; * “■XffafifiXSTset The Brnnswid Times-CalL Ukb*a t' ,smfnt7 KVEUT MOBWniajLXUEI’T MONDAT. la . MM. A. MUlrlliStiLSSSfif^-Vl Tlmea-Uail will be delivered b* oariTei, 1 Mr reepondenjA fn ffdrae crrwViter hßoiuu aftme. Sob- '* nfWkwi sla ,aioJ*A;i Address all oomiaunlcatlons to hr .11-i-vbr -oi) vjfltßfllnvfgßßOATib. l *' b, .>; tsi aril no <gv ; ' l Hyl er . TV fltrfl9OhWdoHfi! n0,,08, ° ~and, LSußtcriiM-rißiare reqaaeied Mnbtifyale o4ns>- V 1 Cull. Atteniion to this metier will be aon-e -clatcd by the publishers. • ■xt-n —nr —fflfgtTWgu aMwawmeO uriT T ',r^ ? i (Ijlw suiJitq'ui* iludi b'uiuefOMOl Tbe Wusbington Poet, aeks; “What . gioioiT sirLcoolo is drunkennessV ’ Auf the bavannah ■ iiui t f iflssnifQ otlT Press answers: "Weil, something of bus .inonai Ji ri> - ,*i vu<ioy the same order Oeneral Shermnn said ba-aeada inilfil War belonguil lo.” i iloldw Information more ridcossary l fo*8'(I1f</ understand lug of tbe situation waWiS' have been bPttor dcrelbtJhtf'rifSti tbe achloy inquiry by aßotftt'tff n&ltHVy to enquire Into tbe |tlft’ J Jtifiy , ed UiidV Admiral HanipVort Wt"\fko VifttHfe (V 1 tiago bis wliereaboute before ment foy Qtjbis manevoers bot|> y (Au article in tne Fitzgerald Eater f [sj' of last week, in regard tu the change of nauieund dusiiualion of tbe Vyaycross Air Line’ seems to b< with out foundation, as tee last repor.s fr m headquarters Indicate a great deal of activity among the B. &B. people [n next week s,Dispatch wo hope to b j able to publish someluing definite in regard to this great euterprirr, tbe building of which moans so muck for Brunswick and wirograss Georgia, as well as tbe state.— Oclllc Dispatch. Richard II Edwards, editor of tbe Mauutaotuios Keonrd, in a recent inter view on tire advancement of nunufact' uring indu*triee in the south, has 'he following to say which should ba taken to heart by the people of this section There are in this immodiaie section undeveloped resources in the way of native hard woods that would supply any number of furniture, haudle snd o;Dur ta.’turius using that suit of material, Mr. Edmonds say f: "The story of ac ivity and of rtiyersitlosUoo in southern industry shun and ioc ude th rapid growth,-of wood-working-, the little town of High Point, N. C., for In stauoe, having over thirty furnl'ure fac lorice and fast tending to a rivalry w th Urund Rapids, while only lait week a >i*w England manufacturer ot furniture making mai’blaery dc'ided io build a in North Carolina’to provide the machinery for this rapidly growing fur niturelndustry, Itsboudls> tell of indaetijpe as diverse as ship building slid piirpet manufacturing, and l r should tail Of rfic fa. t that southern railroads *>4rl wded with business as to ma- e It Hmuftlfimpossible to piovide rolling hytjreaily though the souih is JustJgettmg under way for its material upbullrtfiApit is almost Impossible to cojMk litiwVole sUnailon,” FOR KENT—B room houee thoroughly rtuovaied, looation for boarding House, very near Depot, coruor A, and O, Street,—Apply 4>l, G. tbreet. v bhjalnotioe. % " Neither the piaster, owner nor con algntus of the bark Virginia will be responsible for any debts con tracted by tbc crew of said brk. Lowry, Matter. For Asthma use CHF.- NEPtj LAFPCFOKANT, c WARSffALj* Balm. 44 cyllfUjPbH li BrunswlflU 1 J county on Ute first Tuesday In Dceni!|*i/IUJI, within tlie legal hours of sale, the J following jMunuffl'nfuimfLVi - I.IiAU i/Ui*4‘of hind lying and l,Mk >g pIV f'Br of Brunswick, exunty aiiKjti|a agirastst. ; and known and deK!r|||Vi|t|lW J4lh Jof said ouy made hyecMkjjl! V. EiWawfn In 1*37 an loliows, to-wit: The corttLsetataru Li-d| Hfti w* ft 4" ">** ".my three IttiJ aMfllo i||h uil ■ rndf property, under ai/it iliV UU X a fa, issued by -S dill, |i|l to muiypr and council vlKlwiili uw?W!<l*ir.Rjri4P wnacoflucii fur tiie ytiar 1900. TaxeH, -*4.0*1; costi, No. 2. Alh< HI 1 Till" ‘4nnie time ud place, that cnrUin ioi or pn cri of laud lym g and IwIUM *>1 'he ertyryf Uruuswkk, uo.nn silitlSS'l the norihweptcriijll fij on*- hixOi of Olil Town lot mi 111 l>< r ryrt fypfSia* l* , ).n fwVi.M 1 on as un returned PMNWViiqisf a|l hyfVirtue of a tax 11 fa iH.spflljLv jjfc!l/J!u*Mli7 Work of * he mayor and council of Said city, against said drsei ibed property for taxes duo the said mayor and couucilTßrTlTe 'year lbol. Taxes, f*i. If; casts, t ipUßßfflffiS hu<] known fines d< ucrltycd oo the plan of aahl <itv made bv iioorae It, Haiti win in 1a37 un foliowa. i i-Wir j'lie weiforn (!4) ont‘- 1 <aitr of lilil Town l>t unmlior forty-nine ItitHHcJi, clerk of Uid uiayn ua l coune I of said IlKyO 1H X "a, 1.) | C ~. . ■mm No. 5. ,50 - yfOra I Also al the mills time and place that certain lot or pitrCSl of laud lying anil ileserlbcd on the |Ju,u of said oily made Obfielir italh wfi ik ISAf *S MllFw, to-wl t: I'he mir’liwi-sluru (!<) one-u iarlei oi Old Town <*•<' Uaadri-*] and seventy -<*iglil(47Ki [levied on as un ret dined properly under and <miilie'll if Hillil oily, ugalnsl said duaerilied propetti IWr? drttWaSVHlsr tfle * sMll fiftivor ■ hnil council for the y a llioo. Taxus, it tW; costs, I d> *uls<s ,M 1 *r*w > Also ill .the smut: thus and place that certalu'M 'df piircel of lann lying and lying mid being In tiiu city of Utunswluk, oftfnlt* itiitt statu nforesfild. an.l kuowu and tescrllied on the plan of said city made w, Upvx(U r ,Uild , t ( iu In IVS asfollo s,lo-wit. Hie ndrtliw, stern ( 1 ) onoqiarter of Old I'own lot., nunilier four llupdruil and seventy >*f, vnii on .is iiifroturned prop irty under mid by virtue of a Ins tl-ta, Msntedikw. I:ihi* eii.wierlr of Mayor and Uouurll of Haul city, ti£dlUßt Mild tleticribi'd iiifl ***k miy *r and •Anncfrfo “ih yar liK)l. iaaea, $2.(12; coBt. and Miug iu tlii* city of llritiutwick, couuity p#f 111 . and known and lon* Tlbcd oil tho plan of mm Id city maiid 'Vti& W'Qott •' i* l bh follows, to ni; "in' mt rn ( x /%) oiM-halfof the weniorn •*) opp Hall - * l 4 ) out* quarter of u)U owu lot nun bel live In *lr *l uud tuiriy two (532;. Levied on at* un re turned property, under and by virtue of a tax It-fa, lamied by N. It Itt.riicU, clerk of the mayor und council of Haid city, mild >vssrllie(i property for taxes due lie naid mayor and council for the yur 100 Taxe-, sl.l*; cords,s No. 3. Alsu ill the same time and place that certain lot or panel of laud lying anil being In the city of Brunswick, county and slats aforesaid, and known ami described on the plan of said city made bv George 1.. Baldwin in 1837 as follows, to wit: To east rn one-half of the western (i-2) one hall - one-quarter of Old lowu lot number Uvo bund red ana tliii tv-two (t32i. Levied ou us umeturued property, under and by virtue of a tax fl-fa, issued by N. 1). Russell.clerk of Ihe mayor and councilor said city, against said rlescilbed proper.y for taxes due ihe sanl mayor and council lor the rear iwol. Taxis, *2.96; eons, * No. 9 Also at the same time and place that certain lot or parce-l of land lying and being In Cite city of Brunswick, county and state aforesaid, and known and deserilied ou the plan of said city inaue by oemge B. Baldwin in 1837 as fellows, to wit: Tne weslem (I 3/ one-half of Old Town lot number five huudted and flftj-two (652). Levied on as uureturued property, under and by virtue of a tax li-fu, issued by N. D. Russell, clerk of tlie mayor and council of said cliy, agulust said desclibod property for taxes due the said mayor ami council for the) car 19 1. T xes, *4 90; costs,* No. 10 Also at the same time and place that certain lot or parcel of land lying and being lu die city of Brunswick, county and state aforesaid, aud known and described ou the plan of said city mad i liyGe rge B Baldwin In 1837 as follows, to wit: The southern (14) one-quarter of New Town lot uu liner throe hundred aud eighty live(is>).Levied on as unreturned property, under and liy virtue of a tux li-fa, issu. and by N. D. Bussell, clerk of the mayor and council of said city, against said described properly for taxes due the said mayor ana council lor the year 1900. Taxes, sl.2'; costs, $. • No. 11. Also :i.t tlic* unnie time and place that ee-rialu lot or parcel of laud lying; and H*lU£ !n the city of Brunswick, county and state uftMV>uiid, auu kuown and described on the plait of said city mt* e ly GHor rn K. B i dwm tu IS.H7 a follow#, to-wp: Tbo nOUlliOiD (1-4; bM VU&rter f New ’iV-wn lo liu'iibvr three bund ed and e Rhiy 11-e(risj) Levied ou tia unreturned piyperty, under and hy virtue of a tax tl fa, Issued by N. I>. ttunaol . clerk of tin* mayor ami council of said city, agAlust Mild drtcrjbeci property for tyeK due tb*> f*a*J mayor litni council for the year lvol. raxes, cost#, $ No. 11 . Also at the same time and place that certain lot or parcel of land lying and being in Oho cily of Brunswick, county and stale aforesaid, mid known and described on the phin of said * ity cane by Gto K© K, llaidwt tn 1837 as follows, to wit; The not jjiern ( 1 2) oiic-biuf ot the sootli ern ,1-2) une-Ualf (1 4) one-quarter of New Town lot n'unbe*- (our nut),lre, an six(l*>6) Levied 011 as imroturued proiK'rty, undei and hy virtue of a tax fl-fa, Issued by N. I>. Russell, clerk of tbe mayor and council 1 of said city, against said de-oribed prot erty ! for taxes due the sai l mayo 1 and counc I for tlie year 1900. Taxes $0.3; costs. $ No. 14. Also at the same time 11ml place that certain lot or parcel of laud lying and being iu the city of Brunswick, county amd state aforesaid, ami known ami described on (he plan of said cily made by George, R, Baldwin 111 'BB7 as follows, to wit: New Town lot number nine hundred land fITIV- lx (956 Loved 011 as irnrct*irli",i property.undcr'and by virtue of a tax Ufa. Issued by N. 1). Uossel .clerk of Mayor and Oouucil <*' said c.i>y agsiust said described property for taxes due the said mayor and council’ for tbe yea l ' TOO Taxes. (2.U3; costs, . No. 11!. Also at tlie same lime and place that cert 11 In lot or parcel of land lying aud being In the city of Brunswick, comity and stale aforesaid, and kuowu aud described on <lie plan of said cily m de by George 11, Bildwin ill 1837 ss f. Hows, to wit: 'ew Town lot number nine bund ed am) tlfty six ari’i. Levied on as u ircimn-.l liropfely, uuderaudliv virtue of'H tax Ufa Issued by N O.Ku sell, elerk of the mayor and council 'f laid *ity, sgainst s-d de scnbnl pr iperiy for taxes due tba said mayor and conned for the year 1901, Tax* a, (I.BS, muds, $-...,, . No 15 Also at tlie same lime and place But crrialn lot or pared of land lying and being lu Ute city *>f Brunswick, county nml stale nfen-said, wild known arid dos.rßnsl on tbe )iln of said city lumlo bv George R. Baldwin tn 1837 as follows, to-wlt; New Town let number eleven loindrisl snd fiftaen (111,5). Levied on as nll returned protierty. under nml liv virtue of 1 lax fl-fa, I by N !> Kus ell clerk of tbe mayor ami council 1 of said city, wgalust salil described pronerljr for taxes dm- the said mayor and council for be year laW, T *e, (2 2, ooas, I THE BRUNSWICK TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1901 ■So. | \| “ P Also pi the me time anig.piStc Chat ra®au3lol orAtaircel of laud lyliig and being Ih the klty of Itniglwlckfi coPcty anil ptftte ppSSvsaid, niq. kiujWu described on the [dan of suld elty mede (*y *.e,*rg- ■ . wtn tn l*c:7 a* follows, to-wit: tevV T ■ lot number ( • iiuji'ljriyl- *an ' /lV , W’| I > jLdjvtid Ou '.iif uiiw-j uniix ti,y*[*irfy. uilai-r and by virtue al. u 4x U.i.i..isaned-iije. I>. ttu-seii. clerk of the mayor and coudcll 7o sa^^^b3t^,AWii,'i^;f;; y r the year 1 axes, 42 08; *•.- 1-, $ S£. being In rh<- Pity- of .Ui inj-.'.-iclL, county and state* ufe<SsS*ajV.*iuiVlK ItihUvn and described "i the plan of said city in ole by (*c rge H rtuolwil. in 1831 as folows. to-wit: New Town lpt, number eleven hundred < And f iff teen I#M). levied on as unreturned property, under and by virtue p£ di lax ii-£a, lik'Sed i:hor*'Al D. f£ns-ell clerk or tap mayor aml council of paid pity, dLgulmg seW.a'fWW ‘l,yd prop : m; for taxes fine rfttfßjtid wnrfj or and odtincil lor the year J 899. Taxe. s2.(fi; coats. No. 18. Also at tlie saiin .tiinc ,Ati*l PbUd' oermlH lot or* paw <4- of lAnd '.fibg 'ruTl being In the city of Itrimswick. county and state* aforesaid,! ■’ rtDrfc? -kueuVn bond described on tbe plan of said elty - number eleven hundred aiid llftifin ,(IUA) l-uvled on al usrettlrmW uifiW and by virtue of a tax fl-fa, issued by N. U. Kusonil, clerk of the tduyiee stii/ "on,i*vn of said city, against said described property 'aio e °W 'cerluin lot ur parcel of land lying and. being in* the city of Brtitfcwtek,' cxjuofr und state aforesaid, and known and ilescrlbed on the plan of sstd Altfl made by George K. Baldwin in 1837 as follows, to-wit; , {te*| '.Tawvn, : ml, number alevetl handled and llftech (Ills). Levied on as unreturned property, under, quid by virtue of a tax il-fa, Issued by’ N. 1 I>. Knssel', clerk of the mayor anil council of Htiid city, against snhi de*or*tieayironeily for taxes uuetae.aid mayor and council tor the ys*r IfiJl. N *>. 20, Also at the saute tlniji mj p,n<iy t)liM cerhiru lot or parcel dr mud lying and being in tbe city of Brungwick, eoimty. and state Iwefcsxlu, aiid knbw* Aim described on the - plan of said city made by One rge K Baldwin Hh -18 t a. follows. o-wit: New town lot number 4h4 evv|tt**.yti (,UlfM : Levied on as Tinfetiirned property, under i>nd by virtue of a tax lj-fu. Issued, by Js.. TANARUS Rossell*, clerk bf the maySr and council’ of suld city, against said described property for tuxes due ti e s id mayor and oounoll lik the year 1897. Taxes. $2. 2; costs, $ Nw<#l. • • %a Also al the same time and place that certain lpt or parcel q£ land lying and being li, tlie city of Brunswick, county aud state aforesaid, and known and described on the plan of said city made by George R Baldwin in 1837 a*f follow-, to wit: New Town lot number el-veil hundred and ‘-eventeen (1117) Levied on as uureturued property, under uud by virtue of a tax ti-fu, issued by N. I>. Rus*>ed, clerk of the mayor and council ihe suld city again* * id described prop erty for tuxes due the said mayor and council for the ,ear 18V8 Taxes, 1206; costs, * No. 2!. Also at the same time and place that certain lot or parcel of land lying and being iu the city of Brunswick, county and state aforesaid, and known and described on tbu plan of said city made liy Ge *''ge R. bald win in 1837 as follows, to-wit: New Town lit number eleven hundred and seventeen (1:17). Levied on as unreturned property, under and by virtue of a tax fl-fa, Issued by N. I>. Bussell clerk of tbe mayor and council of sad city, against said described property for taxer due the said Mavor and councillor the yea 189.,. Taxes $2. 6; costs,* No. 23. Also at tbe same time aud place that certain lot or parcel of land lying and tit-iug In the city of Brunswick, county ami state aforesaid, and known and described on tbe plan of said city male by George R Baldwin in 1837 as follows. town: New Town lot number eleven hundred and vevea'een (1117). Levied on as uureturned property, under and by virtue of a tax ti-fa, issued by N. D. Kus-el , clerk of the mayor and council of said city, agaiust said described propeity for taxes flue tbe said mayor and conncil for the year 1900. Taxes, 12.31; costs, $ No 24. Also at tlie same time nml place that certain lot or parcel of land lying and being 111 the city of Brunswick, county and state aforesaid, and kuowu aud described 011 the plan of said city made by George K. Baldwin lu 1837 as follows, to-wit; New Town lot number eleven hundred and seventeen (1117). Levied ou as uureturued property, under and by virtue of a tax li-fu. Issued by N. D. Russell, clerk of the mayor and council of said city, against said de cribtd proceriy for taxes dm- the said mayor and council for the year 1901 Tv es, $l.B ; cost , $ No. 25. Also at the same (line and place that certain lot or parcel of land lying and being in the city ot Brunswick, county and state aforesaid, and known and described m the plan of said city made by G orge It, Baldwin in 1837 ax follows, to-wit; New Town lot num ber twelve hundred and tw *utv-i iue (1219) Levied on as iinietnrned property, under aud by virtue of a lax fl-fa. Issued by N. I>. Russell, clerk of the mayor and council of said city, against said described property for taxes due me raid mayor and council lor tbo year 1909. Taxes, $8.65; costs, $ No. 28. Also at the same time ami place that certaii lot or parcel of laud lying and being In the city -it Brunswick, county and stale aforesaid, and known and descrilied ou the plan of said city uuidc hy Georgo It. Ba-dwqn in 1837 as folows, to wn: New town lot number thiitecn uuiiorcd aud eight (1308). Levied on .is iinreturned property, under and hy virtue of a tax li-fa, issued by N. I>. Russell, clerk of the mayor and council of suld city, against said described prope ty for taxes un lie -aid mayor and council for llte y ar IS9S. Taxes, $1.12; costs, t. No. 27. Also at tbe same time aud place, that certain lot or parcel of land lying and being iu the cily of Brunswick, county ami state aforesaid, aud known and described on the plan of said city in Ail,* by Gem go U. Baldwin 111 1837 as follows. ,o-wit: New Town lot 11 in-cr thirteen aid eivlu [I3OS) Lex led ou as uureturued property, under and by virtue of a tax fl-fa, Issued by N. I> RuVel:, clerk of the mayor ami council of said city, against said rie-cribed property for taxes dnethesam 0 ayor and councillor It e year .899. Taxes, $i 12; costs, $ 1 No. 28 Also at the same time and place that certain lot or parcel of laud lying and being In the city of Bruuswick, county and stale aforesaid, and known and described on the plan ot said clly_ male by George li Baldwin In 1837 as fil low 0, 10-wit: New Town lot uumbei thirteen hundred ud eight (1308). Levied on as uureturued property, uuder ami by virtue of a tax ft-fa, issued by N. D. Russel', clerk of the mayor aud council of said city, against said descrilied property for taxes due ute o.ilu mayor aim council for the vear .WiiO. Taxes, f; 16; costa $ No. 31. Also at the same time and place that certain lot or parcel of laud lyiug and being In tbe city of Brunswick, county ami stale aforesaid, .tud known and described ou tbe plan of said cily * a,o *v George K Bixl-iwia in 18-57 as follows, u-wit: New Town lot mi nber two tv-tw*> linn,lied and twenty 12220) Levied on as uureturued property, uuder ud by virtue of a tax ti-fa, issued by N. B Ru-soit. clerk of the mayor and council ; of said city, against said described property for taxes due h- -aid mayor and council tor 1 th* 5e.11 IPuO, Taxes, $t 40; costs, I No 32. Also st the same time and place that certain lot or iwivel of laud lying aud being In the city of Bruuswick, county snd state aforesaid, and known end described o* the plan of said elty * mads ny George K. luldwln lu 1837 > follows, to-wit: New Town lot number two it two bomlre-l ami taeutv one (-•-'4l). Levied on as mi ret timed property, under ! milt bv virtue of a tax fl-fa. Issued by N 1> Russell, elerk of tlm mayor ami comiicu ,-f su'd oltv, against said described p.o.erty for taxes due tbe said iuay< 1 ami eouucll for the year 1999 Tax's,(lilfl; costs, .... jftsofrr S Jh&v tlnne. and pLict; tha ts.-r|uifl lot WBultK of tfcuh 1 ring: (find bSug J®i lilHitfH H:Sjswic|jv MKUty JriTil eta;e iHtiesaW. iiiitKiatffc* tbalw pin 'l n o ihe city kuown as Dixville and ip :t k: “wm-Tirgrtr: m.:::aEdwa': T.ot (7) uumiK-r seven, east of Uochran Ij, IFase-Sr -ctrrtr-mf -rhC' mayor auit"COUneH lying the city of Brunswick, ’t't; I #-tf* IV 1 Ilf u 10 Wfl* 1 •< P * 1 ' P° r “ Minll UtSbernlcve I lia/.l mi ehrsn Hfftl IW|>do|i| and! UjU Uliß ts. Itflul ,f |is i#t*turak(kf p/V-Ay.- under and by virtue of a tax 11-fa, issued by N It. Bussell, clerk of the mayor and council of said city, agalnsi sshl. .escribed property for taxes flue the sid mayor and courcil for the year 1899- Taxes *0 23: costs,^. f .. .fcirii&iy lying and, beliig In the -City of Brunswu-k. county ait.‘s4saft- lubAsMiHl, Mil lm Mint pr-r -tton of'Mrjdjjcjay ttLiiii] all auxMllt' anc being pHridßliltlyl iUs-btinfUlaslUollows: Lot [7] n amber sb*W), eas' of Cochran beiweeu London an. Prince n nets. Levied on as imTPTITITIcd property, nude: and by virtue of tax fl-fa, Issued by N. IMKffl No. 35. Also at the same time and place [that certain Kft*' 0T “~f!"areel of laud 'lying and being in the city of Brunswick. particularly described as follows; Lot 7 num Sier seven, oat |oi,St,,n#wll. nsfjA Of (ieorge st. Levied ontrS il iinrearfrtied prtfpSrty, under imd by virtue of a tux r |l-fa, issued liy N. |L>. Russall, clerk of .Ih®ajbuyt>r and couucll of said city, against sum described property |for taxes uue the said mayor and council fer the year I*oo. Tax*i*rsL-9i*; coots, * No. 36. Also at, thex and. place, tint k'eitain lot or parcel Of land lying ami Jjcing in the city of Brunswick, county,, And state afoWSSH® am/' di ttat, por tion of said city known as Dixville and being particularly dttcilbed as follows: Lot 2 number two, west of Uoidon pet ween Geprge -and London streets, i Levied on ds uureturued property, under and by virtue of a tux 0-ta, Issued by N p. Bussells clerk of the mayor and council Of said city, against said described property for taxes due the said mayor and council for the year 1900. Taxes, *8.61; costß, I No. 37. Also at tbe same time anil plai-e that certain lot or parcel of land lying and being in the city of Brunswick, county and state aforesaid, and in that por tion uf said city Unocn as Lixvllle and being particularly descriled. as follows: Lot 2 number two. west of Gordon between George ami London streets. Levied on as unreturned property, under and by virtue of a tax fl-fa, issued by N. I). Russell, clerk of tbe mayor anil council of said city, against said described property for taxes due the said mayor and council for the year 1901. Taxes, *7.00; costs, * No. 3s. Also at the same time and place, that certain lot or parcel of land lying and being in tbe city of- Brunswick, county and state aforesaid, and in tnat por ilon of sail ci v known as Dixville anti biing particular y described as follows: Lot 9 number nine we-t of Cle burne snd north of London street. Levied on ns unreturned property, under and by virtue of a tax fl-fa, issued by N. D. Russell,"clerk of tbe mayor ami couttcH of said city, against said described property for taxes due the said mayor and council for the year 1899. Taxes, 14.46; costs, $ No. 39. Also at the same time and place that certain lot or parcel of land lyiug and being In the city of Brunswick, county and state aforesaid, and in that portion of ,ai*i ctiy known as Dixville and being psrticmarly described as fol lows: Lot 9 number nine, west of Cleburne, north -of London street. Levied on as unreturned property, under and by virtue of a tax fl-fa, issued by N. D. Russell, clerk of the mayor anil council of said city, agaiust said des-iibedpr perty for taxes due the said mayor and council for ihc year 1990. Taxes, $5.11; costs, t No. 40. Also at tbe same time and place that certain lot or parcel ot laud lying and being lu the city of Brunswick, county ana state aforesaid, and tn that portion of said city known as Dixville and being p-vriiculariv described as toi lows: Lot 9 number nine, west of Cleburne, north of London street. Levied on as unreturned property, under and by virtue of a tax fl-fa. Issued by N. D. Russell, clerk of lihe mayor and council ot said city, against said described property lor taxes due the said mayor and council lor the year 1901. Taxes, $4,90; costs, $ No. 41. Also at the same time and place that certalu lot or parcel of land lying aud being In the city of Bruuswick, county and state aforesaid, and in that por tion of said city known as Win sor Park and being particularly described a’ follows; Lot number thirty nine 39. Levied on as unreturned property, under and by virtue of a tax fl-fa, issued by N. D. Russell, clerk of the mayor and council of said city, against said described property for taxes due the said mayor aud council foi the year 1899. Taxes, $2.42; costs, $ No 42. Also at the same time and place that certain lot or parcel of land lying and nud being in the city of Brunswick <-ounty and state aforesaid, and iu that por tion of said city known as Windsor Paik and being particulaily described as follows; Lot number thirty-nine 39 Levied on as uureturned property, under and by virtue of a tax n-fa issued by N. D. Russell, clerk of the Mayor and Council of said city, against said de.-cribed pioperty for taxes due the aid niuyor and council for tne year 1900. Taxes, $2 94; costs, $ .. No. 43. Also at the same time and place, that ertain lot ’or parcel *>f land, lying and being In the city of Brunswick, county and state aforesaid, aud in that por tion ( f sa'd city known as Wind or Park and being particplarly described ss follows: Lot number tnlrty-nine 39. Levied on as unreturned properly, under aud by virtue of it tax fl-fa, issued by N. D Russell, clerk of tbe mayor aud council of said city, agaiust suld described property for taxes due'be said mayor and council for the year 1901. Taxes, $2.10; costs, * No. 44. Also at tbe same time and place that certulu lot or parcel of land lying and being in tbe city ot Bruuswick, county aud stale - aforesaid, and in th *t p* r tion of -a and city known as Evansville and being particularly described as follows: Lot number fifty-eight 58 Levied oil as uureturued property, under and by virtue of a tax S-fa, issued by N D. Russell.' clerk of the mayor ami council of said city, agaiust said described prop, rty for taxes due the said mayor and council (or the vear 1899. Taxes, .25; costs,s No. 45. Alsa at ths sain* time and pises that certalu lot or parcel of laud lying aud being iu the city of Bruuswick, county and state aforesaid, and in that por tion of said city known as Evansville snd being particularly described as follows: Let nil mber flfty-elglit 58. , Levied ou as unreturned property, under and bv virtue of a tax fl-fa, issued by X. D Ru-lseli. clerk of the mayor and council of said city, agaiust said do erilied property for taxes ducth- said mayor aDd council for she ye ir 19 0. Taxes, 28c; cost* $ No. •:. Also at the same time snd place, that certalu lot or parcel of land lying and beiug In the city of Bruuswick, county aud stale aforesaid, aud in that por rlou of said citv known as Ewnsville and being particularly describeu as follows: Lot number fifty eight 58 Levied on us unreturned property, under ami by virtue of a tax fl-fa, issued by N. I D Russell, clerk of tlie mayor an,l council of said city, agaiust said de-crib-**: property for taxes due the said mayor and council for the year T.KU Tax •*, 2sc: costs, $ No. 47. Also at the *ame time snd place, that cortiiln lot or parcel of land lying aud being lu Ihc city of Brunswick, eouuty aud stale aforesaid, aud in that pur ttouot said city kuowu as Four and a Halt Icrapract id’lkfljDg purtraolurirSdescribed I 2s Uiiuvi : U!MlUifefrlS• 3) rt/Bp-n kl* of block plumber elt jfJnKll) r. Levied on 'aa.foai-eturucd<-.oi;ob(>tty. un<ls, ami by“WTrtue at it tife fl-farreSued by 1). clerk of Che. mayor aruL-cnuiicU xrf ha id -oity T KiOht said •iwerliied psop>fH ■ for taxes due tbc said cuayo' and eouucvl for tile yer 189' Taxes, *1.12, costs, t OCit No fe. _ _____ . . Also at the same time ana puree that certain lot or parcel of laud lying and trerrrg —In- the —efty rrt -Brunswick:,- connty and stale aforesaid, and in that (aif i.riiofs id city known as Four aiul* H If Acre tract and being particularly ft'VfT’fffH ds follows: Undivided 1-2 one hilli jujf :k number eleven 11. levied on as unreturned dial by virtue of a tax ti-fa, issued by N 0. Russell. clerk of the mayor and council ijf said city, against* said described propian j lor taxes <lt)ta|iibj.l VYGWt (Jn<IBo.TipV; ine year 1899. Tsae?, <5,-1 2; cot A. i —r. io.ia. -5951X0 llUOdi flO tjon of the city known as Four and a HC.j, Acre tract aim icing partieutarlv descuWl tjr follows: Undivided 1-2 one naif of block number • leven 11. ?X [Levied oti as uureturned P I 'fPf| Isjffl"F*i dud by virtue otoa. tax U-fa. iMnflil w I). Bussell, clerk Uotiflßil of ujf said city, against said described property ftir taxes ilue'ftt said arAjMt-and^uxpllkfor, tjie year 1900. 'faxes, *1 ft*.''s.ii. No. 50. , Also at the Bitnfcf tilijd (fcit'TtfafWj that •cfcrrain lot or parcel “of land lying ana tl jn of i§iii-oi irnfl\*n- ap lownstod; a Half Acre irslt -and? Mrrfv'^rUelilJilyVUacrily'U. ae follows: Undivided 1 2 one half of blocs unmoor twelve 12. a .Levied on as unreturned properffj lalid by virtue of a tax fl-fa. Issued by N 10. Bussell, clerk of the mayor and council of said eitv. against said desai ibed property for taxes dusYTre : aifriiiavoyffit! 'gh’iTTO’mor ■ tile rear l~v Tm -, W>: cw‘k. i No. 51. Also at the Oulilb *tHKO find place that, certain lot oruriaatc-1' of laud lying and •being in the city of Brunswick, country •and state aforesaid, and in that po.t *tfpn of .said city known as Four ann a Half jAcre tract an 1 beinggoarticularly described ai [ftfllow-s: Undivided 1-2 om h. If of block nujn her twebe 12. Levied on as unreturned property, under and by virtue of a tax ft-fa, issued by N. D Russell clerk of the mayor aud council of said city, against said descnbtd property for taxes clue the said mayor and council ft -r the year 1899. Taxes, file; costs, t O, 52. Also at the same time and place, that certain lot or parcel of laud lying and being In the city of Brunswick, county and state aforesaid, aud In that por tion of said city known vs Four and a Hal Acre tract and being par icularly (iegciit*ea as iollowe: Undivided 1-2 one half of block num ber ; welve 12. Levied on as unreturned property, under aud by virtue of a tax d-fa, issued by N D. ousaeil. clerk of the mayor and comic; of said city, agaiust said described proprnv for taxes *hn the said mxyor and council for the year 1900. Taxes, $1.05: costs, $ No. 53- Also at the same time and place, that certain lot or parcel of lead lying aits' being In tbe city of Brunswick, county and state aforesaid, aud 111 that por tion of said city known as Four aud a llal Aero tr ct and being particularly described sa follows: Eastern 1-2 ono half of block num ber fifteen 15. Levied on as unreturned property, under and by virtue of a tax U fa, Issued by v 1). Russell, clerk of the mayor aud counci of said city, agaiust said described or pert) for taxes due me-aid mayor and Council f Ol the -• ear 19U0. Taxe-,51.05; costs, $ No. si. Also at tbe same time aud place, the: certain lot or parcel of land lying aud being In the city of Brunswick, count' aud state aforesaid, aud in that por tion of said city known as Four and a Halt Acre tract aud b< ing'pattlcularly dcscrib-d a fol.-ows: Eastern 1 2 one ha f of block num Der tl, teen 15. Levied on as unreturned property, under and by virtue of a tax fl-fa, issued by X D. Russell, clerk of the mayor and counc,. of said city, agaiust said describe 1 propert fot* taxes due the said niuyor snd council fo tlie year 1899. Taxes, sl.l ; costs, $ No, 55. Also at the same time und place that certain lot or parcel of land lying aud being in the city of Brunswick, county and stale aforesaid, and in ihst por tion of the said known as Four and a liai Acre tract ami being particularly a- scribed a lollows: Eastern 1-2 one half oi block number fifteen 15 Levied on as unreturned property, under and by virtue of a tax fl-fa, issued by N D Russell, clerk of the mayor and council of suld city, against said described property for taxes due the said mayor and counc 110: the year 1898. Taxes, $112; costs, $ No. 56. Also at the same ti 1 e and place, that certain lot or parcel of land, lying am being lu tbe city of Brunswick, county and state aforesaid, and in thar por tion of said city known as Font- and a Half Acre tract and being particularly describ* and as follows; Eastern 1-2 one halt of b ock uumbei fifteen 15. Levied on as unreturned property, undet and by virtue of a tax fl-fa, Issued by N D. Russell, clerk of the mayor aud counci of said city, against said describe! pi operl for taxes due the said mayor and council foi the year 1.*97. Taxes, $1.40; costs, $ No. 58. Alsoat the same time and place, that certaii lot or parcel of laud, lying ano being In the city of Brunswick, county and stale aforesaid, and in that p rtion of said city known as Brewcrv tract and t iny particularly described as follows Uudivid,. 1-3 one third of lot mini ber one 1, Levied on as unreturned property, unde aud by virtue of a tax fl-fa, issued by N 1). Russell, clerk of tbe mayor aDd couuei of said city, against said descril ed uioperiy for taxes due tlie said mayor and co.*ncil fo’i the year 909. Taxes, $3.22; costs, $ No. 59. Also at 1 lie same time and place thai certain lot or parcel of laud lying ami being lu the city of Brunswick, county and state aforesaid, and in that p rtioi; of said city known as Brewery tract and bein, particularly described as follows. Undivided 1-6 one sixth of lot numb-r three 3. Levied on as unreturned property, midei and by virtue of a tax fl-fa, issued by N" D RxsselL clerk of tbe mayor and eoiinci of said city, agaiust said de oribed p opevty for taxes due too said mayor and council for the year 1909. Taxes, 32c; costs, $ No. 80. Alsu at the same time and placr that certain lot or parcel of am’ lying and being In the city of Brunswick county at.d state aforesaid, aud iu that p*" tion of said city Known as lirewerv tract and being particularly described as foilaws: Ull divided 1-3 one third if lot munoer three 3 Levied on as unreturned property, undei and by virtue of a tax fl-fa, issued by N D Bussell, elerk of tbe mayor aud couuc, of said city, against said described pnmeitj for taxes due the said mayor and council fo' the year 1901. Taxe-, 59c; costs, i No. 61 Also at the same time and place, that certain lot or parcel of lanu lying and being iu the elt; of Brunswick county and state aforesaid, aud in : ha'per Mono! Said citv known as Brewery trait and leing particularly de-crib and as 'allows: Un divided 1-4 one quarter of lot number l'oiu 4 Levied ou as uureturued property, under and by virtue of a tax fl-fa, issued by N. D Hassell, clerk of the mayor and conn -i of said city, against said da erilied property for taxes due the said •ay *r and * ounc-il for the v ear 1900. '1 axes,49c; costs, $ No. 62. Also at tbe same time and place that certain lot or parcel of lane lying aud being in the elty of Bruuswick county and state aforesaid, ami ia tn.-i por tion oi said city known as Brewery tr ict and heu g part-cnlariy de-crihed aefu'Uiw-s Und* vhlea 1-6 one ,ixt& of Io- nusiber file 5. Levied on as uureturned property, undo and bv virtue of a tax fl-fa, issued by N. I). Russel', clerk of the mayor and council of said city, against said described property for taxes due lh“ said mavor and council for the >ear 1909. Taxes, 24c; costs, $ .... No* 63. Also at tbe same time and place, that certain lot or parcel of lam] lyiug and being iu the city of Bruuswick, count? amt state aforesaid, am) in tlmr por tion of > aid city known as Brewery tract and being particularly describid a follow,: Uodl v Ideil I-6 *>• e ,'xth of 'Ol • nir ber flu- 5 in-vied ou as mireturiii'-l property, undei ami by virtue of u tux li-fa, issued by N of ti: mayor and council oFjStid jCity, awlust sal uescr bel property fofjtaxJß due He samßayor an 1 council for WT*. laHH yJK-cogts, $ No 84. und pt-voe that certain Tot or parcel of liuid lying ttiul tOTWi a±iu.cli# -.•ai** 44~*** -h rewerjr-tmrt't ’inra • mg p*rt‘cu:*rtrTtDgcvi&{M as* folio We : Undivided . l-(i one six h oi lot number hix-i'.. ■Levied' on as unreturned property, under and by virtue of a tax U fa, issued by N. Ru- opneierk ft tfce maftSpr nudVVunvil No. I 0 Also at the same time and place that certain lot or parcel of laud sl-in*raikillseing in the city of Brunswick, xrmiilny niVl'state aforesaid, nod it* tharpolr vv he year 1901. Taxjs, costs, $ _ ( MllolftWdill li liJanV being In the city of Brunswick, county and state a/oreivGd. and in that portion liiyfwtffcMjlkmwf. af) Bn wery trace on I bcifig particularly-described as follows: Undivided 1-6 one sixth of lot number seven 7. n BdiOOii)o4) fife -ii fiflatii rußd Sjßope rI v, uud dr aud by virtue of a tax fl-fa, issued by N. Ik itnsstoil,vCla j Ei' of- e thi ipmyisr aud council bfikß <jlt|, felalnsl saidVfT4rlbed property far tixek lirfiie salL oiav’frfand council for Uauy-Jar kldtl.V2fcxes,"c; cast* $. ... No. b 7. ’ * Also r Jft'-ths same time and plsoe f fleet eeptfiin lot or parcel of laud lying and being in the cily of Brunswick, county und stut. a.oresald, aud in tnat por ,.ttou of said citv kuowu at> Uroweiy ti act and being particularly described as follows: Undi videci i-8 one sixth of lot number sev* n 7. Levied oh as uureturned property, under aud by virtue of a tax fl-fa, issued by N. IV Russell, clerk of the mayor and council of said city, against said described proi erty for taxes due the said m vyor and * uncil lor the year 1901, Taxes, 29c; cos's, ?. No. 88. Also at the same time and place, that certain lot or parcel of lanu tying and being in the city of Brunswick, county eouuty and state aforesaid, and in that por tion of sain city known s Bv-wevy i ract and being par iculariy rescribed as fol ows: Un divided 1-6 one sixth of lor number <■ gilt 8. Levied on as unreturned property, under md by virtue of a tax fl-fa. issued by N. : t Ri- ell. clerk of the mayor und council •if said city, against said and . riv* 9 property for taxes due Mies,.a mayor and council for tbo ! oar 1090. Taxes, 82e: c mis, $ No. 69. Also at the same time and place, that certain lot or parcel of laud lying and being in the city of Brunswick, ouuty and state aforesaid, and iu that por ion ol V* i * city known us 1 rewei-v tract and being p '*ti ular.y described a. follows: Undi vided i 6 *'!j*- sixt.’ of lot nil opt cigi't 8. Levied on as unreturned property, under ind by virtue of a tax li-fa ‘..'sued by N. I). R s.iell, clerk of Mayor and Council of said city, against said described property tor taxes dm- he **iwi mayor and coamul for the year 1901 Taxes, 29c; * os:s. $ No. 70 Also at the same time and place, that certain lot or parcel of laud lying and being lu the city of Brunswick, •ounty and state aforesaid, and in that por tion * f said cit) ki own as Brew eiy tract aud b ing particularly doner.bed as follows; Un ivuled I lions sixth of lot number rune 9. Levied oil as unreturned property, under md by virtue of a tax fl-fa, Issued by N. i) Rus-ed. clerk of the mayor anil council •f said c ity, against said described i ropertv i'or taxes due tli said mayor and council for he ye- r 1900. Taxes :.’2c, costs 8 Xo. 71. Also at the same time and place, hat certatu lot or parcel of land lying and being in the city of Brunswick, county and state aforesaid, and ,u that, por tion -*t ad l ily mown : Brewery t‘-act and ■oiug particularly described as follows: Un bvid'-'i 1-600- 1 * s x'b of lot number nine 9. Levied on as till returned property, under ami by virtue of a tax ti-fa, issued by N. D -<ii el clerk of the mayor and council if said city, against suld d* scrinett property for taxes Gut- io-.s.iM mayor and council for Hie year 1901. Taxes 29c, costs •? No. 72 Also at the same time and place that certain lot or parcel of land lying anil ot or iiarcel of laud. lying and being in the city of Brunswick, county ini stale aforesaid, aud in that por tion of said ity known as Br, weiy nact and b. ing pameu rK described as otlows: Un livid -,i 1:8 on- s x:h .f ho hu be-fliteen 15 Levied on as unreturned property, under tud by virtue of a tax ti-fa, issued by N. D. Russell, clerk of file mayor and council of said city, against said described proper, v for taxes due the said mayor and council lor '.beyear 1900. Taxes 49c, co ts ( ■Jo. 73. Also at the same time and place that certain lot or parcel of land lying and being In the city of Brunswick, county oid state aforesaid, and in that por tion if said city known as Brewery tract and being par;icnlarl de-cribed as follows: Un jlvidcu 16 one sixth of lot number fifteen 15. Levied on us unreturned property, under and by virtue of a tax li-fa, issued by N. t) Un-sell, clerk of the mayor and council >f said city, against said ae cribed properly for taxes due the said mayor and council for the year lilt . Taxes 46e, cosis $ \'o. 74. Also at the same time and place mat certain lot or parcel of lane lying and being in the city of Brunswick, •ounty and state aforesaid, and in that, p ■- lion of said city kn \n, n? Biewery tract ad being particularly 'escribed >'s follows: U tivided l-o one sixth of lot numb r sixteen 1 Levied on ns iinreturned property, under md by virtue of a tux ti-fa. issued by ' . f). K isselk clerk of the mayor and council if said cliy. against said described proper y 'or taxes due tiie s -tid m iyor and council '• r the jeer 11100. Taxes 2e costs*.... sr >. 75 Also at the same time and place, that certain lot or parcel of laud whig and being In the city of Brmiswlck. •onni.y and state aforesaid, and in thin por ion of said city known as Brewery i rMt and be ng parti ular y described as f Clow : Un livided 1- > one nxt of lot numb r >-ixtceii 16. Levied on ns uureturned property, under md by virtue of a tux ti-fa. Issued by N, t> Kussell. clerk of the mayor and council if said city, against said riescribtd pioverty for taxes due'he said mavor and council for ■he year 1901. Taxes 45c. costs $ No. 76. Also at the same time nnd place hat certain lot or parcel of 1 ,ying and being in the city of Brunswick, ■ounty and stare aforesaid, and in that por tion of said city known as i'.r. wry true "and oelnar particularly de. ctihed es to ows; tlmli video 1-6 one sixth ol lot numb,-., twenty-six 26 Levied on as iinreturned property, under md by virtue of a tax 11-fa. issued by h. ! >. Ku-sel'. clerk of the mayor and council if said city, against said d'scribed property for taxes due "e said may r and council for ne car MHO, T.ixes Blic, Cost $ V . 77. Also at the same time and place that •ertain lot or parcel of land lying and being in the city of Brunswick, county tnd state aforesaid, anti inthatp>rti >i of sdd city known i. Brewery tract and being aniculai ly <1 scrib and .'•= f Hows: Undivided l-ttone sixth of lot ’ o "lie filly 50. Levied on as an returned property, under lud by virtue of a tax fi-fa, issued by N. D Itu'soll. clerk of the mayor and council and said city, against said dose ibed property for taxes due the said mayor no conm il for the year 1900. Tuxes 4c, cos t 8 Vo. 7S. Also at the same time and place, the •ertain lot or parcel of land lying and being in the city of Brunswick, count r and stale aforesaid, and in that por tion of su'd city tU'uvi as brewery tract and ■eine por leula" l> I so” bed a- follows: Un divided Ifi one S'xi It of In', o arn'e'r fi'tv 50 Levied on as unreturnod property, under and by virtue of a tax fi-fa. issued by N . l> K Nell, clerk of Idle mayor and eoune I Of said city, against sai l ne-ciibeo property for taxes due the said in*.tor and council foe the yeai 1901 Taxes Bc, costs 8 No .79. Also at the same time and place that certain lot or parcel of laud lying ami being In the city of Brunswick, eouutv and state uforesuki. mid in that por lifinof aid city known as llrewurv • ruct nl > being pailii'iilui ly dcs> ril id us lollowa: L’n CONTINI’KIi OS I’AUK V IVK.