The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 06, 1901, Image 2

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The timcswiri Times. KitablUhed 1889 The Brunswick Call. Bstablished 1891 The llransfick Times-Call, CONSOLIDATED 1900, Published EVERT MORNING EXCEPT MONDAY. BYR. A. MULLINS, LESSEE. The Ttmei-fJail will i delivered by oerrler or mall per year, (6 00; per week 16 cunta. Cor rt aj-ou 'lent h on live subject* sol idled. Real name of writer should accompany name. Bnb- Bcrlptior.a payable in advance. Addreaa all communication* to THE TIMES-CALL, Brnniwiek, Ua. TO 8UBS0KIBBR8: Subscriber* are reqneated to notify the ofllee when Cl oy fall to get any leane of the Timaa- Call> Attention to this Mattel will be appie ctatod by the publiibtir*. Tbe state fair opens In Havannab today, A pound of meat now coats abont one and ono balf times as much as a pound of cotton will brine in tbe mark* et. And yet meat cau bo produced in this country at a less oat, pound tor pound, than co ton. Tbe meae state, mont of these conditions makes oat a cast that should need no argument with a practical farmer,—Albany lierald. Tbe young man who would attain sneoessin this oen'ury must he pre pared for it by special training ai.d such practical education as hat never before been demanded in tbe history of tlie world, says success. The tendency in every line of end avor is toward centralization, toward groat combina tions of interest, and the men who would climb up to tbe bead of affairs, or to responsible positions must, be specialists There will be llt'le hope in this century for the Jaok-01-all trades, A young man must know how to do someone thing effectually or he will • ' / * * ’ not rise.,' On the other hand, tbe prizes were never before so groat, nor the ap portuotnter so premising, for the men who have been trained to do one thing wot'. Those who know a little of every' thing, blit have nut been trained to do one thing effectively, wul be relegated I to mediocre positions. “Who would havsjbdivcd it possible, asks the New Orleans States, “after reading the American denunciation* of Spain’s oonoenlration polio; In Cuba In 1898 and 1898 that witbiu three years American generals would bo applying It in the I’litliy pinei? Yet t e unex oct> c ! has cOthe to pass. In Samar tbe strictest orders havs bpen given for the etriotest orders have b>en given for the entire population of the island to conoantra’e in towns, accompanied by the threat that any one found out. side them will be shot or hur.g as an enemy of the American propl". How we move the wrong way under the spur of imperialism! The New York Even ing Post says: “Any mao who should have dared in 1888 to prophesy such a state of affairs would have been de nounced far and wide as a slanderer of the United States, ard been informed that the American flagntver had cov ered and never would oovor such in famy.’’ Turpentine Operators Meeting. Tbe turpentine operator! of this go -tion will meet at tbe Phoenix Hotel in tbte oily on tbe evening of Nov 7 h. Tbe pftioers of tbe association wbiob was fortned in tms city on Sept. ISrh, areG.W. Deen, chairman; 8. F. Floyd, treasurer; W. W. Sharp, secretary. Tbe uiej'ing here on Nov. 7th will he an important one, end *ll turpentine operator* are invited to attend —Way cross Herald. ■ l 3ve ycur clothes cleaned and pressed at Jim Carter s. THE BRUNSWICK WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6 1901 PROSPEROUS) AND HEALTHY. The Brunswick Marble and Granite Cos., 1$ Doing a Large Business. Slnoe the Brunswick Marble and Granite company, of which Reed E. LaManoe is manager, started business a little oyer a year ago they have bad a remarkable business and have be-m deoidfdiy successful. They have just completed tbe stone and tile work for the new Hitob-Lo.t Block built at Wsycross, wb c i is tbe handsomest block in that oity. They are making a specialty of high grade and artistic memorials and in this department they now nave orders for over six months work ahead, m .ll o’uding orders from all over tbe eou’b. .11 , \ 1 * They wire awarded the oontract by W. H. Bowen & Cos., a few days ago for all tbe marble and stone work, both inte rior and exterior, lnolndlng tbe laying of tbe Terrezz . floors and the beautiful Vcrd nfcl 'e main stairway, wains coxtlrij, m tbe government build log bets. Mr, La? will Lave within a few days for tt ea in Indiana and Tenrussse to ouy material for this work and bring back a force of build ing stone cutters. This company has ample capital invested to ('audio ail business with decided promptness ana drawing as it doee, trade from throughout ibis and a nuoilier of other states it serves to adv-rtise our ouy, and we only wish Brunswok had many such live insti tutions. They are Dow contemplating putting in a plant of l’neumatlc tools and oth r niaobim-rv to handle their in oreasing business. TO CHANGE THE GAME LAW. The Woodcock and Summer Duck to Be Protected. A bill has been introduced by Hon, Wm. Harden providing for additions to the present, game law. The bill provides fur a closed season for wood oock hitherto unprotected, from Feb, 1 t’> Nov. 1 ar.d a closed season also for summer duck, from Mtrob 1 to Novem • ber Ist Hummer dunk, also, has never boei proteo'ed before. Opt. J, P White, the president, of tbs Field Trial Aiao oiation, said in disousalng the bll>. tbs' a measure of this sort is absolutely necessary unless the psop s are willing to have this bird practically ex e<-nr- - ns ted. Since tbe bill was introdnc. dai amendment has been msde to it in which it. is provided that in esor county of the state a gems warden b* appointed by tbe grand jury, such at sppoiatin*nt to be confirmed by thi \ ' II judge of tne Superior oourt, and that such a warden shill have the powers of a dr, uty sheiiff. His compensation ir to consist of ot e half tbe fine col eot-d ram rue h persons ps shall be proved tr have violated the gme law. Tbe other part uf trie das shall b added iO the county eohooi funds. Another proviaon of the amendment is to tbs affect that sny parson f una ' - 1 ‘4,* * \ with gums in Ms possession whlab bus been killed during ibe closed reason shall be oonetd< rid guiliy of a miad tueanor whvicer be killed or trapped the gHine him** If nr secured it from til Knottier per<ton or oOjroE, SHI BRING IPKFOKT. Oerr*oted Daily by Oapt. Otto Joh*mie§)*i Tert of Urass*ik, Nuv, 5, 1901 SAILED. Norwigisii batae Nagpore, Thus An j*r, F O. Hergiiot Andersen, Bristol W ANTED —A house containing 8 or 9 roome, with modern conveniences in a desirable l ea r <oO. Addres-i P, O. Box 174. Pmi f£y CkSS^a*on •< wc have three children. Before the birth of the last one my wife used four bot ties of MOTHER'S HUi.NL. If you had the pictures of our children, you could see at a g ance that the i~- 1 uae __ is he .:thle-‘,r - et"estcnd flnest-looKingoiihem ail. Friend Is the greatest and grandest /^7\i remedy in the (J world for expect- T_ /j ant mothers."- i Written by a Ken- ££ tucky Attorney-at \VS FU?r|||l prevents nine-tenths of the tiiLifu suffering incident to child birth. Thecomingmotber's disposition and temper remain unruffled thi ougituul the ordeal, because this relax ing, penetrating liniment relieves the usual distress. A good-natun.'d mother is pretty sure to have a good-mAred child. The pa'ient is kept in a stroß, healthy condition, which the child inherits. Mother’s Friend takes a wife througn the crisis quickly and almost painlessly. It assists iu her rapid recovery, and ward! off the dangers that so often follow de livery. SolJ by druggists for 51 a tottlc. THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA, HA. Send for our free illustrated book wrlttaf •yjwessl/ for expectant mothera. At the Oglethorpe Yesterday.- Owor s Johnson, Atlanta; R O Wylie. Darien; Cha, Greei., Macon; 8 J Ways, Macon; C B Davis, Atlanta; C W Rinehart, Macon; J js Gump, Baltimore S Marvens Jr. New York; Allen A Colline, at Louis; R D Fudge, Atlanti; L W MoUinnon, NO;.) A Oalwin, ,T- Dunn NC; A W \rp6. Atlanta; J O Buokatta, AbbeviPe; Orvil e E vng Rome Ga; E C El ingion, Dsw on Ga; L L Hritt, Eulonla Ga, John P Winand Baltimore; J J 8t vms, A’lant ;C R B*ent, Mac'in: G J Wjx-?lb ura, Macnn; Cw W Winter, Chicago; 8 P Holloway; Pbiiadelphls; Z B Ham elton, Atlantr; J M Burrell, Louisville. W M Ea'msn, Florida; Mlsb Mamie Stnltb, MiddtesOoro, Ky.. writes “My little sister had the croup very bad. I gave her several doses of Foley'* Honey and Tar and he was ldstantly relieved, It saved her life. W. J. Butt*. NEWCHARTS ARE ISSUED BRUNSWICK HARBOR, ST. SIMONS SOUND, ETC., ARE OUT IN A NEW EDITION. C. W. Dealing, agent of the United States Coast and GeoJetio Survey re ceived official notice Oct. 23rd, to tho <-tfeot that new editions of ohtrts have been published and they cnno n l the old fiber l No 447 of Brunewiok Hrbor. S*. H'tncn Hound, etc , are issued un der date of Oct 17, 1901, ou a soalr of 1-40 000; prioe, 25c. Chrt No 431 of Charleston (|arhor <8 elo issned in n°w edition undef-sarne dte on a reel*- of 1-30,000; price, 50c. Orders for tnese now editions \1 brt rnoyhe'ne fill and. f\ W. fi'enj'ng Phones 31 or 152 Office st residence. No. 2!8 Ulfon St. •I had a running sore on my* breast tor over .rear,** saye Henry H. lUeharda of Willneyville N. Y., “and tried a great many remedies, hut got no relief until I used Banner Salve. After using one half bo* I, was pejfeetly cured. 1 oan’trecommend It too highly ’* w. J. Butts. FOR KENT—A su't o' rooms fnrn- or oofo'Dish-<1; for couple w hout children, or to young men— -908 Richmond street 2t FOtt RENT—B room house thoroughly reuova'cd, good location for boarding house, vpry rar Drpnf, oornor A and G, Street,— Applv 405 G. Street. SHIP NOTICE. N ittier the master, owner nor con* sigma* of the bark Virginia will be responsible for any debts con- Panted bv the crew of said b rk. Howry, Muster. For Asthma use CHE NErS EXPECTORANT, Advertised Letter List. Tbe following is a list of letters re mai'iirg in the Pnstr fflie at Brunswick, iid , i.uo a.iuch, iu> lUo week eudiiig Nt v. 2, 1901: - A— Oil V°r Andr-WS. B—David W..R rnrent<*r (2), Aden M. Bake', Miss L. James Ben er, W B Bi custi-r Arrow Bolder, H C Bowen, Hnry Bareli, Isaac B own. G—G irtrude Clarke. Hu-nry Coleman. D- AT x DalotcP, Jobny Dick, Mi-- l.nia Dawson. Mls Addis D-vi®, F—George Fianci-. G —Everett Goodwin, E Goodwi’ , Geo H Gray. J. hn Green, Mias> Grady, Wm. N Gibbs . H—Albert Hass. Wtnre Hanku Carmichael Ha 1 !, Renty Hornet-, Bob H II ,G 0 Henry, Dtolel Harris, J—E M Jooer, Stephen Jones, Sam Jones. K— Gus Krtsebart. L—Miss Matilda Londs, Mis* Mary Loomis, M—M r s Peoimt MoLoai , Love ' Macon, Hur* McLendon, W and Mouro . Genie Melvin, Georgs McCoy. O—San, Orr. P—Cnarlte Peppers, Miss Mary P - nolley. R—Mrs Daniel Robinson, George Robir son Mrs Violet Roberts, J B. R '.rhe. S— Mr Sheapard, Miss Julia Smith, Mis Maine Sm tt, Luuia Stevsnu, E L) Stiriver & Cos. T—Mre J B fayloi (?,), G LI Thorn, J H Thomas. Eddie Tomer, W—Mies Liter Wilson B M Whiu, Miss Oceania W<ggine, Jack Walker,, Mrs R W lson.J Wilkereop. Parties calling for aoy of ihe above Metiers will say they were adverased ana wi 1 psy 1 cent for each letter nl-imed. If you have any complaints agetnui (hr service or facilities bring them to me. j! 1 . McO, Brown, Postmaster. THE will be in pur SUM TOTAL chasers favor The amount expended en DRUGS AND MEDICINES here gives the biggest returns. Tbe stock is constantly changing. Our sales are numerous and new goods are constantly arriving to fill vacant places. This insures freshness which is epsentialto efficiency in all drugs and medicines. The purity of our offerings is another strong points Also the email price Smitn’s Pharmacy. ’Phone 222. READY PRESCRIPTION, For all aches and pains within yout body the best and cheapest family medicine on earth is Natures Hcsltt Restorer the oelebrated bp od puriflsr and liver regulator six months treat ment for one dollar if ym are sick and past hop- it will keep you easy and oomfontable while here every body invited to call at 900 J Street and get a free trial psck"ge no patent. Mbs. C. I usbke. 900 J Street Brunswick Ga.- V ' DewitU a Little Early Kisers eearen the remotest pens of the bowels and remove the impurities speedily with no discern ford. They are tamous for their efficacy Easy to tak>, never gride w J tfus-ts WANTED— R’epnr'sible PMladel phia firm wants cffiie manager at Brunswick; -alary sl£oo yeany; $650 oash and satisfactory references re vjulied; commercial reference furmsh ed“; position permanent Address Posti ffice Box 281, Philadelphia, Ps, You are doing the wrnrg thing if ytuj let any ooe except Jnu Career clean y >nr clothes THE WORLD'S GREATEST FEVER MEDICINE. Johnson’s Tonio dos in a day what -low Quinine canon do in ten days. I 8 splendid cures are in striking con trast wnb tbs feeble cures made by Quinine. If yon are utterly wretched, take a thorough course of Johnson's Tonic and drive out every trace of Msluria poisoning. Tbe wiss inture tbeir lives and the wiser insure their health by using Joboaon’s Cnill and Fever Tome It costs 50 oents if cures; not one cent if it dove not, STOP AT THE DESOTO WHEN YOU GO TO THE FAIR. The De Soto Hotel has accommoda tions for six hunrtr'd gii-t sod will msk“ a •f>*ni! rt of $2 50 p*r day and upward* during tbe fair. Tbe Kind You Hava Always Bought, and which has been iu use for ov<‘r 30 years, has borne the signature of— and lrs been made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy, vK Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good” are hut Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment, What is CASTORSA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomaeh and Bowels, giving healthy and nateral sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend, GENUINE CASTORSA ALWAYS Tie KM Yea Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, 77 MURRAY JSTRECT, NEW YORK CfTY, '.. DOWNING, President. E. H. MASON. Vice-President. E. I). W aJ.XEE,Casbieb THE NATIONAL BANK OF BRUNSWIOK, CAPITAL slso*ooo - NS—DISCOUNT* —EXCHANGE- ( 0 LLtCTIONS. ” - —safe mmm m asst.- — I iterast Allowed On Deposits m Savings DepartmeLt L>l RK CTO Jsf 6S fOBEPH W BENI-TET, 0, DOWNING, ALBERT FENDIG, Judge Brunswick Circuit, Pres. Downing Cos, of Brobston, Fendig&Co, V. G, BRANTLEY, E. H, MASON; B. D. WALTER, M. C. lltu Ga Diat. of E H Mason & Uc Cashior HENRY P, TALMADGR, Pres Rrinthern Pine Cos . New York SOUTHERN RAILWAY SCHEDULE FOR SAVANNAH, WASHINGTON AND NKW YORK Lv Bru us wick 5 15am 7 20 ain f3 55 p m 9 05 p m ArSavannah 9 00 am 1215 pm 815 pm 12"20 a m Ar Washington — 7 35 am 9“ 00 pm Ar New York 2 03 p m 6 23 a m FOR MACON, ATLANTA, I.OUISV II.LE. CINCINNATI AND < UICAGO. Lv Brun wick 7 20 am 9 05 p m Ar Macon 1 30 jp m 3 00 a m Ar Atlanta... 4 10pm 5 20am Ar Louisville.'. 8 40 am 7 50 pm A r Cincinnati...... 8 loam 7 3o p m Ar Chicago ....... -.j- • 5 30pm 7lopm VliOM Nil W YgBK, WASHING! ON AND SA VANNAH Lv New York 12 10 a m 3 25 p m Lv Washington 11 15 a m 9 55 p m Lv Savannah 5 00am S3 16 p m Ar Brunswick 8 10am §OIO put SUNDAY SCHEDULES BETWEEN BRUNSWICK AND SAVAN NAH Lv Brunswick...,.'.* V.I, ■■ - 515 am 7 20.a in 600 pm Ar Savannah . 9 On a m 12 15 cm 8 15 p m 3>vSavannah.: ...o iSiDi... - 5 min 5 onpm .... AFBrunswrck... SlOp.m 8 35pm DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. ' ' C. D CANDLER, General Agent. V v HEffnjacr 4 '^r Mpwtiasn-d F hike t T NiEWrittAN Mr. F. D. Arnold. Arnold;**hr., 'writes: Hu wan troubled with kidney diseases abont three years Had to get np several times daring the night but three bottles of FOltjy‘ Kidney Cure effected a complete cure, he feels better than he ever die ml recomm- ndi- it to hi* friends. W J. liUtM WANTED! \ll the mcoh ! lifti D u *,a <Hi town, and a!I the second ha?id .furniture, Hiove-, etc *, J. W. WATKINS, 208 bay strevi. Thomas Maple. Biroeck, 111., writes: *-I hail a verv bd ■*•! kid my trouble and my imcii palruvl me no 1 could not straighten tip The doctor.-, treatment lid me mi good. Saw Foley’i Kidn. v Curo advertised and t.iok one imttli which cured me and 1 have not been affactac aiucc. i gladly recommend This remedy w J llutu. 1 A ~- Fall and ¥ inter hats hnvs ntver been ex lied in any pfevious display, i lits- hfits are ail veiy arri'tio ton cep non arid are. L v*- loped i n fcoods oi excep tinnally pood quality and beau'y, P r'saps lo such baa never heeu offer d m, HTS SLATER •* aixicct-t b.:i i C ASTORIA Fox Infiicis and Ctiiidrca. tie Kind You Have Aiwsyg yougiit brat. -•-