The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 10, 1901, Image 1

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THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL VOLUME XI. NUMBER 365 In Can’t be Too Mil about haying a prescription filled. A prescription should be taken to only skilled pharmacists, that is what we are and we exercise great care and judgment in this work. Let us fill Your Prescription.^*. Our prices are always right. We send tor and deliver your prescriptions. W J BUTTS, DRUGGIST i ■ 1 ■ ‘On The Corner." | y. WE CURE THE ILLS • ' 3 Wr ' flesh is heir to. %r**M ? We make a specialty I ~ jr season. Our prescrip ts CbeaM |_bohax_U tion department is i" j I thoroughly equipped Ni a*‘d t h c drugs are high J'£ I \ grade in every respect. Amm S -ak \We sell toilet requisites 3/ and everything that k* L, 111 V you would expect to find in a first-class drug store. HUNTER-SALE DRUG CO Agents Lowney Candies. 12 COUCHES which we bought at a bargain will be sold at SIO.OO Each, One to a Customer, Only. These couches are overstripped in beaut I 'ful shades of velour, and sold everywhere for $15.00, our price is SIO.OO while they last. H. M. MILLER & SON, i TODAY AT KEANY’S u WILL SPECIAL BARGAIN SALE FOR Two Days Only Monday; Nov, 11th, and Tuesday, Nov. 12th- See Circular--Money Refund ed if not Satisfactory. J. H. HELLER & BRO, 220 Newcastle Street. FIND the following new and palatable eatables, such as — Edam Cheese, ‘■'wiss Cheese, Pineapple Cheese, Anchovy Paste, Anchovy’s in 2 lb dunks. Boneless Herring (English Smoked.) Cavaiar. ’Phone 11. 312 Newcastle Street BRUNSWICK, GA. SUNDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 10. 1901 911 if BUHBf A Society Tom Lady n f Decatnr, Ala. 10 HIVE MARRIED TODAY Her Promised Husband Did Not Put in His Appearance and She Became Grazed. Decatur Ala., Nov. 9,—Grazed over the desertion of her betrothed lover, Miss H len Sutton put an end to her life wi h a 38 cali ber pistol ban l-t yesterday after noor, the ballet soauering her brains about the epot in wtaioh her body wa found, the pistol having been dis charged through her month. Miss Hutton was to have been mar ried last Sunday to a young business man of Birmingham, Ala,, but he failed to appear. Her letters and tele grams elioited no response. The sui oide was committed in the baok yard at her home in East Deeatar. She was found about lifceen minutes later Miss Hutton was bnt 18 years old. Bbe was pretty, accomplished, and a great favorite in her sooiety circle. A RUNNING TRAIN ON FIRE. Lamp in a Mail Car, Near Columbia, S. C., Explodes. Colombia, S. C., Nov. 9.—The Flor ida fast mail dashed into the (jervaia street depot last night from Savannah a mass of dames and the die alarm was sent in. In a few minutes engines were pumping water into the burning mail and baggage cars. A lamp ex ploded in the mail oar two miles from town and the fire spread to the bag gage car. The employes hastily va cated their post. The mail loss Is not yet known. NOBLE CONVICT FREED. Lord Neville Has Completed His Sentence for Fraud. London. Nov 9 —Lord W. Neville was released from Parkhuret prison on a ticket of leave yesterday. He was ■entenoed to five year*’ penal servitude in 1898 for fraud in connection with a promissory note. His lordship spent moat of the time during his inoaroeratlou wheeling a barrow on a prison farm . Registrars to Meet Wednesday. The ciiy registrars will meet next Wednesday morning to revise the reg istration list and bear complaints. Among the peouliar points they will be oalled upon to decide Is, whether a voter can register by telephone or tel egraph and whether members of a Arm who have paid their personal taxeß but not the Arm’s taxes are enti tled to register. Plague Stamped Out. Glasgow, Nov 9 —The authorities are atufied that the bnbonio plague has been stamped out. The last case reported was placed In the hospital November 1 and the period of incuba tion expires today. Speoial bargain sale on Monday and Tuesday at Heller's. AMERICAN SHIPPING. Tonnage Has Attained Practically the High Water Figure Since 1861. Washington, Nov 9, —The report of Mr, Chamberlain, the United Slates commissioner of narration, states that the past flsoal year has been the third eucotssive year of notable pros perity and growth Id Amenoan ship ping, exceeding the two previous yesrs. The extent and nature of work under way or projected in shipyards promises an even greater growtn for the current fiscal year. Amerionn tonnage bas now attained praotiqply the former maximum of 1861. The figures of 1901, compared with 1861, snow an increase in coast ing trade vessels from 2,704,444 tons to ! 4 682.683 tone (two-thirds of this in crease being on tde Great Lakes), a decrease in foreign trade veseels from 2,496,894 toes to 879,695 tone, and a decrease in whaling and fisoing from 338,375 tons to 61,940 tons. MISS UNA CLAYTON Will Appear at the Grand Opera House on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. The Una Clayton Company, winch plays an engagement, here next week for threa nights commencing Monday, has played recently in Mobile, and the following it from the Mobile Register : ‘‘A orowded bouse greeted the Una Clayton Company last night, when the comedy version of “Neil Gwynne” was .presented. The public had been prom ised a good show, and particular stress had been laid upon the cog uming and the soonio settings. The audienoe ex pected a fairly good show. That it was surprised and delighted was plainly demonstrated by the applause. From the rising of the curtain to its fall, the entire performance was wor thy of all the praise bestowed upon it. The oharaotor of Misireas Nell best suits Miss Clayton, and she was dainty, oaprioious, charming and daring, just as Nell should bs. Francis Morey, as Charles 11, Guy Qitner, as the Duke of Buckingham, Miss Frances lanes as Moll, an Orange girl, were very good, and Miss Rose Bernard as the Duchess of Portsmouth, the French spy who caused all the trouble, was very strong In tbe tragic parts. At no time did the oosluming or staging mar the perform ance.” Their opening bill here Mondaj 1 night will be the bright four-act oom edy drama, “Little Miss Military.” 1 i Sale of seats for Monday night's per formanoe now on. If you wish a good aeat secure Vearly. Two Men Killed By An Explosion. Winder, Ga„ Nov. 9.- A terrific boiler explosion occurred here yester day afternoon. H. C Horton, a well known white man. and Lewis Camp, a negro, were killed and John Taylor, badly soalded. The engine was a por table one being used on tbe farm of T. C. Dun. For South Georgia Sub-Station, Atlanta, Nov. 9.—The general agri culture oommittee of the House has deoided to appoint a committee of four to confer with the directors of the experiment station at GrifiiD with a view to getting them to establish a sub station in Bouth Georgia. SHIPPING REPORT. OorreoUd Daily i>y Oapt. Otto JohanobML Port of Brnniiok, Nov, 9, 1001 BAILED. Boh. Bagmore, Sanford. New York, 11111 i m i Grooiids Well Filled fill Visitors II Did THEIR PART *> 1 And the Attendance Is Composed Almost Entirely of Out of Town People. Savannah, Nov. 9.— The largest number of paid admissions so far taken in by the Fair Association will proba bly be bandied today, The indications at 3.30 were that the number will be fsr in excess of any other day sinoe the fair opened. The guards at the turn stiles say that the number of tioketa from the railway lines is considerably in excess of the number of paid admis sions from the city, a fact which shows that the railroads have done and are still doing their duty toward making the fair a sneoesg, Practically the entire morning at tendance today was from the oountry. as but few familiar faoea were to be seen among the orowds that thronged the grounds and brought joy to the promoters’ hearts. The fakirs at the grounds are not in abundant fashion,, bat they are plenti ful enough to make things lively. We make this bargain day beoanse the fall season is late, and we need money. Call on Monday and Tuesday; it will do os both good, Heller’s. Bis Store if Ob WJ Is a good place to buy table supplies of all kinds. Yon art uotmbiy not surprised that we think so, but if you will spend a few .ninnies with us looking over stock md the facilities we have for quiok lelivery, it is dollars to doughnut*- jou will come around to our way of binking. w have almost any tempting irtiolr. that you can name on out shelves. Phone 158. BOYS SHIRT WAISTS. 50 dozen Mothers Friend shir waists; unlaundered, patent band, small turn down collar attached; some pldated and some plain fronts, ALL NEW. 35c. Each, 3 For sl. LEVY’S. PRICE FIVE CENTS. SOUTH AFRICAN SITUATION. The Mortality Figures Paint A Dark Picture. London, Nov. 9.— The Dally News today exhaustively surveys the con centration oamps in South Afrioa with the following conclusions: “The truth is the death rate in the eampa is incomparatively worse than anything Africa or Asia oan show. There is nothing to matoh it even in the mortality figures of India famines, where cholera and other epidemics have to be contended with.” Convict Chase Still On. Kansas City, Nov. 9.— Nine of the conviota who escaped from the Federal prison at Fort Leavenworth Wednes* day are aooounted for. Two of them have been killed, two wounded, and five others captured nnhnrt. Of tbs seventeen still at large four are being closely pressed by armed prison guardi and citizens and word is expeoted at any moment that they have been cap tured or kilted. To Prohibit Divorces. Atlanta, Nov. 9. —ln the house to day Mr. Thomas of Pieroe introduced a bill to prohibit divorces from being granted in Gaorgia, The bill created quite a stir. Who is going to get the beautiful China Closet that is going to be given away on Jan, Ist, 1902? Why the one that gets the lucky number. Get a ticket with every cash purchase of 2jc. Get all the tickets you can. You can get any thing you want that is kept in a first-class gro cery, at this place and as for as little money as can be bought at any other place, considering quality; and at the same time get chances on the China Closet, and possibly get it. To lie Drawn Jan. Ist, 1902 . W. H. DeVoev ’Phone 109. Notice, In addition to affording every faoility to our customer! consistent with safe banking, we are prepared to act as Administrator or Executor of Estates, Guardians of property of minors, and to make Bonds in judicial and other matters—Generally to exer cise all our powers as a Trust Company Brunswick Bank & Trust Cos. H, W, Sals, Cashier -