The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 10, 1901, Image 2

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The Krniiswick Times XitablUhcd 1888 The Brunswick Call. Kit&bliabed 1891 The Brunswick Times-Gall, CONSOLIDATED IMOO. tmlilißhed KVKKY MORNING EXCEPT MONDAY. BYR. A. MULLINS, LESSEE. The Tlmta-Call will l delivered by oerrlar or mell per veer, *6 CB>; per week U cents. CJor rn|ioc<leuts on live guhjecte eoliclted. Ileal name of writer ehouid accompany tme. Sub crlptioni payable in advance. Addreaa all commnnlcattona to TUK TIM*B-OALL, BrnnaWlok.Ua. TO SUBS0RIBBR8: Subscribers are requested to notify theofflge when ther fall to get any Kane of the Tlmea- Cali. attention to thla matter will be apoie clatcd 'iv tne nnlilishnra Are you doing your pare in advanc ing Brunswick commercially and in diM.rmll) ? Wtiai a piiy that o many capable men wrn’„ work and lhar bo many who are willing to work a e not capable. The rapid extermmni ion of foresle in the gouth ie canning general alarm ltigidltwg on (leforogiation are need ed. Tne puople of tho Hru'iswiok distriot will *• e to il. that William Gordon Brantley goes back to c .ogress hy a age majority whether he Im* any op* position or not. 'Che Ga/.mie Hopes that the day is not far distant when Mr Braoliey will bs elected to the United States senate —Darien Gazette Tho happiest man in me world, in all probability ie tho progressive farmer. He lahcs enough to Iname health, sees hia broad acres year after year li to fruition of a bountiful yield and has the respect and good will of his neighbor. Ho ie more Indept udendeui than any monarch on the throne in this aide world. Ho sleeps Hound, r and more peaceful .than Jibe Czar of Itussla amid his gold An J tlua con dition will eontinue under the a;ma il hm of the friendship of neighbors, when all the po ‘erful rub rs shall have bean gathered to iheir fathers 81-eeed be the farim r. He is the man we look to through good and evil, in sickness and in health, in storm and in drouth. He is the lundeiti of our whole fabric, —Marietta Journal. A writer In one of the Atlanta pa pers writes that no one but the con gressmen interested are worrying over the redlstrictlng bill, but If this writer had only waited a day longer lie could have rcan by the press dispstches that the puople of Laurens county are very much exercised for fear that oounty will be taken out of the Eleventh Con gressional district and they will no long, r be represented hy Hon.W.G Brantley. The town council of Dublin —the coun'y seat of Laurens oounty, the b. aid of n un'y commissioners, the 1)-mooratio ex \iu ! lve committee of the couQiyand other bodies htvo passed resolutions asking their represents l ives In the legislature to use their utmost endeavors to prevent the county fr. m being taken out of the district it is now in In additions to this this-* same bodies and a mini ter of priva’e oilmens have written to Congressman Brantley on the sane line The good people of Laurens are write and the r wishes should be respected in tlieis matter. They say they have been changed from one congress!' nal district to another eve y ten years till they a c tired of It and want to stay where they ar", es peeially as long as Mr Brantley repre rents the district For Anthiiia use CHE-, KEX’S EXPECTORANT,! THE BRUNBWICK TIMEi-CALL, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 10. 19U1 numiß A letter r.ceived by William A, Brady from the Rev. Horaoe Porter of Plymonth Church, Brooklyn, N. T. thanking the above gentleman for hit kind app-eciation for witneaslng the performance of “Way Down East,” says: Dear Sir: Through your kindness it wae the privilege of Mrs Porter and myself <o attend the performance of “Way Dowd East” on Saturday afternoon las', M iroll 5 b Though several days have aiL'C* elapeed, the play le still ao Iresh and its le.s ins so powerful la our minds that we wish to acknowledge your kind roarieey and to express our high ap preciation of the dignity and worth of “Way Down Esst”. On the very day that we witnessed the play my wife and mygelf were trying to assist a beautiful Woman who la just now in almist exiotly (he fame situation In which poor Anna Moore found herself. You can then imagine, perhaps, what a tremendous hold the play took upon us as the terrible plot wae revealed. It germed no play, but, to us at least, theru seemed jeers of life's deepest ex pel it-noo passing in reality before us in thugs brief hours. Asa minister 1 could hut feol most keenly the comparative impoienceuf our pulplhi—needy all of our puipite are dealing with these reali ties of lif .—ss compared ,with power of your “unreal play”. It seemed to me that you ate doing a brave service in putting tins before the world. Long and widely may “Way Down East* prosper. lii conversing with Dr. Lyman Ab> bolt. Hastor of Plymouth Church, 1 have told him I attended the play last Bi'Urdny, He was much interested and inquired ail about it —bow I liked It as compared with “Bborc Acres” which ho called a moat delightful picture of life. I told him this new play to me seemed equally, If not even more delightful, ith its additional music sett logs and is a far mure powerful play. If you nave advertised the perfor-. matinne, I nave overio' kod them. Will you kindly let me know whether tbe play l* still continuing, as I think Dr Abbott will wish ro attend, and I wish a m* of my friends to do so also. The play is so admirably presented that we feel like complimenting every individual character, but will >ou kind ly extend to Miss Anna Moore our oum pllineiiie and our sense of the modes' dignity and power with which sh is bringing home to tbou ande of men lessons which too many of them rao*t serious y need. Very respootfully yonrs, Rev. Horaoe Porter 13 Meddagh Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. $2500 Doll Given Away As an inducement to oash trade we will give sway on Jan. Ist, 1902, a handsome 925 doll, the same now od exhibition in our window. Every purchaser receives a numbered ticket, no matter how small the pur chase. Ticket, will be ready for dis tribution, commencing Tuesday, Nov. 12. Fall particulars will be published In this space next Tuesday, In addition to tbis handsome premium, we will continue 10 sen everything id our line at lower prioos tbau any other store in Brii ns wink. Our store Is complete in every line ana you oanoot afford to miss an Inspection of it. MRS, M. 14 A AC, Tn*Drv Goods Leader, 20S and 20S'{ Newcastle Street. 16 yards canton timnel, bleached or uunleaohed, for $1 00 16 yards bieacbiog, good quality. || 00 O <iy on Monday and Tuesday at Hel ler t. You need tall g uni*, it is getting OO'd, you will he obliged t 1 buy * oo net nr later. Why not grab the obanoe and go to Heller’s on Monday and Tuesday. A ana „jn There is a certain disease that has Svtill come down to ns through many ecn m turics and is sfiriE! ■Lr BuvyVV yet very few outside oi those who h ive learned from bitter ex perience know anything of its nature o characteristics. At first a liU'.o nicer O' sore appears, then glands of the neck oi groin;, swell; pimples break out on tl: ' breast, back or some other part of the body and fill with yellow pustular matter; fine inouth and throat become sore ami the tongue is at all times badly coated. Headaches are frequent, and muscles and joints throb and hurt, especially durin.c damp, rainy weather. These are some o the symptoms of that most loathsome oi all diseases, Contagious Blood Poison. This strange pois- ContaglOUS on docs not affect Blocd Poison SrmiSly eaten up with it within a short time after being inoculated, while others show but slight evidence of any taint for a long time after exposure, but its tendency in every case is to complete destruction of the physical system, sooner or later. S. S. S. is a safe and infallible cure for this bad disease—the only antidote for this specific poison. It cures Contagious Blood Poison in every form and stage thoroughly and permanently. S. S. contains no Mercury, Potash other harmful minerals, but is strictly and entirely a vegetable remedy, and we offer $1,000.00 reward for proof that it is not. OTJF. MEDICAL h , lc s waS 68 *™' DEPARTMENT, j 8 doing a noble work in relieving suffering. Give our physicians . short history of your case and got their advice. This will cost you nothing, and what you say will be held in strictest confidence. With their help and a copy of our book on Contagious Elood Poison you can manage your own case and cure your self at homo. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga EXCELSIOR LITERARY SOCIETY. The Play, "How She Cured Him," Is Rendered. Th Excelsior Literary Society held its usual meeting on Friday afternoon. A play, “Elow Sho Cured Him,” was rendered by Lotta Bumgarten, Irma Simpson and Richard Everett, and was very muoh enjoyed by the sooiely. Miss Janie Symons favored the society with a vocal solo and was accompanied by Miss Maude Nightingale. Follow* ing is the program : Declamation—Hunter Hopkins. Music, instrumental—Emma Cornell. Rotation —Annie Lturle Southard. Isolation—Henry Cook. Hong—Ptul Morton, Elliott Moore, Harris King, Burford Coney, Ralph Wood, James Osborne, Harry Everett, Hnry Cook, accompanied by Mies Janie Symons. Declamation—Frank Atkinson. Recitation—Lelia Bnnkley. Mn- to, instrumental— Henaab Myers. Declamation—Owen Henderson. Song—Choir. The president. Elliott Butts, being absent, Vice-President Hnntr Hop kins presided, Tbe sooiety adjourned to meet November 23, 1901 All he 10c goods from the Ten Cent Store at half prioe on Monday and Tuesday at Hellai’.. FREDRICA SCHOOL Honor Roll of Pupils And Those Who Won Gold Medals. Fredrioa (St. Simon’s Inland) sohool under ibe direction of Miss Mada Mo Douald, is in a fl lurisbiog condition and much interest is taken in tbe studies by a number of bright pupils. Those who won tbe gold medals in October were: Elliott Stevens, Frederics S'evens. E -rl Wallace, Pot er Gould. Tbe honor roll for Oa'ober is as fob lows : Maude Taylor, D irotby Stevens, El iolt Stevens, Fredenok Btewart, Earl Wallace, Potter Gould, Richard G iuid, Martin Boyles, Neisoo Smith, Rufus Tbompsoo, W iiliarn Shsdmsn, Biggest hargtiua fhu season n< Mon day and Tuesday at Heller’s. I For Sale Cheap. To wind up Buildm? & mac A*sc elation, Th“ Sornfitm plre, contains 283 aor<-p, four n<l a ha” will*-- from oily. Ooe hou-ie and lot No 904 Hay s ree' One hou->e and lor N" 906 Bay sirett One eou* and lot No. 9 i 5 Oglethorpe sires'. One hou.e and let Ni. 907 Oglethorpe street. Library building and lot on Rich mond atreer. The Cnan. Morris residence, 916 South Amhurat strep'. House aud lot 1117 South Wolf St. Small tract of laod near the Chapel, known as the Perrin plsoe. A| p y to N. Fmanuel, President of the Atlantic Investment Company. Seats now on sale tor U i“ Clayton performances at the Grind. Popular prioes : 10, 20 and 80 o-n's. Phone 533 ie a leader when you want to have your olothes oeanoii and press ed. Mr. w. J. Baxter of North Brook. N. C. says he Buffered with piles for fifteen rears He tried many remedies with no result until he used Dewitt’s witch Hazle Save ved iuat quioklv cured him .f. w. But CHARTS SAi.E. Charts 1 ide tables and ocher publications, U. s coast and Geodetic survey for sale by C. W Doming Phones’ I?‘2 or St, A FIREMAN’S CLOSE CALL. "I stuck to my engine, although every joint ached and every nerve was racked with pain,” writes U W Bell- my, a locomo tive fireman, of Burlington, lowa , “1 was weak and pale, without any appetite and all run down. As I was about to give, 1 got a boitie of Electric Bitters and, after aking it, I felt as well as 1 ever did m my life.” Weak, sickly, run down people always gain new life, strength and vigor from their uae. Try them. Satisfaction guaranteed by all druggists. Price 50j Large Red cherries in Mararqnin quart bottle, at Harper’s, the Grocer. Seed Rye at Burnett’s Feed Store. PILK-INE CURES PILES! Money refunded if it ever fails. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. For the purpose of collecting state and county tax for 1901,1 will be at tbe following; county precincts as follows: St. Simons,26thdist., Oct. 22, Nov. 12, Dec. 3 Sterling, 1556th “ “ 23, “ 13, “ 4 Pyles Crossing, 27th dist. “ 24, “ 14, “ 5 Jamaica, 1499th dist. “ 26. “ 15, “ 6 Brunswick Oct. 26,28 and 29, Nov. 16,18 and 19, Dec. 7,9 and 10, H. J. READ, T.C. G. C. KIDNEY DISEASE? ire thu meat fatal of aH Cm CV’Q kidney cure it I ULt I 9 liiiriitiii Rmif •r money refunded. Cantata! remedies recognized by cent physicians as the vest f Kidney and Bladder troubfae nucsmtacesij* E. R. BAKER, Dentist. Special Attention to Crown and bridge work. Office. 5022 Glou’ster St. You are doing the wrong thing if yo U let any one except Jim Carter clean your clothes. THE WORLD’S GREATEST FEVER MEDICINE Johnson's Tonio does in a day what "low Quinine oaonot do in ten days, Its splendid cures are in striking c in fra* t with the feeble cures made by Q Home If you are utterly wretched, take a thorough course of Johnson’s Tonic aud drive out every traoe of Malaria poisoning. The wi9* insur* thcr liver, and the wiser injure tbair health by using Johnson’s Cbil 1 and Fever Tonic It oust- 150 C“nfs if ouree; not one oen> if n does not, MOTHERS WORM SYRUP. Rest worm medicine. Children like It so wall they eat it on bread. j mL Jm I The Kind Yon Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of S? - aud h"s been made under hia per- sonal supervision since Its infancy. ■ Allow no one to deceive you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “Just-as-good” are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the Sa&alth of Infants aud Children —Experience against ExpurißAei\t What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor 08, Pare* goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. St contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Karotfc substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroy* V¥-u*nM Bind allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and 'ri imi Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures ConsttpatUMft aud Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tfefil Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and naetmtl steaj*. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friw4 GENUEfiIE CASTORIA ALWAYS yj Bears the Signature off c'MfMz The Kind You Have Always Bough! in Use For Over 30 Y&r&. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, Tf MURRAY STREET* IIW VHHW IHV' : downing, Pkssident. E. H. mason. Vice-presids*®, ,o. Walter, cashier HIE NATIONAL BANKOF BRUNSWICK. CAPITAL slso*ooo. LOANS —DISCOUNT^ —EXCHANGE—CCLLttTIQNS, -—SAFE DEmiBOZB FORM!,— I itprest Allowed On Deposits in Savings Dspartmert DiR ECTOKe fOBEPH W. BENNET, C, DOWNING, ALBERT FEN DIG, Judge Brunswick Circuit, Pres. Downing Cos, of Bffobsion, Fendig & Cos, V. G. BRANTLEY, E. H. MASON; *?. D. WALTER, M. C. 11th Ga. Dist of E. H Mason &Go . Cashier. HENRY P, 'CALM A DOE, Pres Southern Pine Cos.. New York SOUTHERN RAILWAY SCHEDULE FOR SAVANNAH, WASHINGTON AND NEW YORK Lv Bruuswick S 15 am 7 20 a m $2 R; p m 9 05 pbn Ar Savannah —. 900 am 12 15 p m 8 1.; p m 12*20 am Ar Washington 7 35am ’oo p m Ar New York 2 0* p ei 6 23 a m FOR MACON, ATLANTA, IOUISVILLE. CINCINNATI AND CHICAGO. Lv Brunswick 7 20 % os 9 05 p m Ar Macon l tu p m 3 00 a in Ar Atlanta 4 10pm 5 20 a a Ar Louisville 840 am 750p,a Ar Cincinnati... 6 10am 7 30 p la Ar Chicago 5 ID put 7 10 p 4 FROM NEW YORK, WASHINGTON AND SAVANNAH! Lv New York 12 1C a us 3 25 p m Lv Washington 11 15 am 9 55 p a Lv Savannah 5 00 a m §3 15 p ia Ar Brunswick 7 45 a tss § 10 p a SUNDAY SCHEDULES BETWEEN BRiTN-’VfCK VND SAVANNAH! Lv Brunswick iOO am if. am 5 00p n Ar S vunuah ; no a m L 15 p m 8 15pm Lv Bavaanah. son am itiipm Ar Brunswick s 10 a in 8 55pm D VIL V EXCEPT SUNPAY. C. L. CANDLER, General Agent. atSSS** w For Gentlemen who cherish For Sale by T NEWMAN Mr. P. D. Arnold, Arnold, la., writes: He was troubled with kidney diseases a boat three Tears. Had to get up several times during the night but three bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure effected a complete cui e, he feels better than he evor did and recommends it to hie friends. W J. Butts. WANTED! All the second hand organs in town, and all the second hand furniture, stoves, etc. Phone 144-2, J. W. WATKINS, 208 Bay street. Thomas Maple, Birbeck, 111., writes: “1 had a very bad case of kidney trouble and my bach joined me so I could not straighten up- The doctor's treatment did mo no good Saw Foley s Kidney Cure advertised and took ,mr liettie which eared me end 1 nave not been affected since, l gladly recommend this remedy w J Butts. Fail and Winter hats have never been ex celled in any previous display, These hats are all of very artistic conception and are developed in goods of excep tionally quality and beauty, Perhaps no such value has never been offered. miss im mm to* fcMWiov-iflrsik vr„ CASTOR i A ¥vt Imams and Children. 1* Kind You Have Always Bought