The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 17, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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2 The .iuhowhi Times- Kitubliihed 1889 The Brunswick Oa.ll. Ketatilished in** The itawick Times-Cill. Published EVERY MORS INU KXOKPT MONDA Y. BYR. A. MULLINS, LESSEE. The Tlmee-UhU will ue delivered uy oarrtor or melt per voar, *6(W; per week 16 cent*. Cor respondeuta on live subject# solicited. Re* nsmc oi writer stioald eccoiupsnjr earns. nb oorlpuoiii payable in advance. Address nil oommunlcnttons to TUB TIMBtt-OAUU UrbL.sWiok.Mh. TO 8UB80RIBBR8: Subscribers are regnested to notify the offloe wheu they mil to get any Issue of the Times- Call, mention to this matter will be ap •- eland by the publuber* Oeorfltft in polut of p piilbtlon, with her 2 219,8211. u urp -a D> oii'y •me stales, vi*; New York, Pennsylvania, Oino, Texas, Marsschuset , lidians, J ioois. lows anil Missouri, Tbe senaie committee hss agreed to tbe W- ght nil, inenC:i gme 1 ca! option law, *o tht the people of *dj county in the note may voi* lor pro i Ihitlon ir dispensary. Ibe Arlgh’ bill passed the rouse by s gmrt mi jurily bud if the sc-.aio appruv-B the report, of the oommlttoe, the Dill wil become a law. .South Georgia oau’t compete with North Ueoi gia when 11 ooines to pollllos aid ge-tirir • 111-n hu* when it comes lo •gnoul'U e toe Wire G um eas ly taker the leuil. i'oi.ple from ,i.e upper p-rt of tbe slate who have boeo attending the .state fair at savr t ave bad itielr eyes opened to tbefsot that South Georgia is the garden spot of the Um pire State of the South. An editorial hi Town mi 4 Count'y says: "Home lny, wtin renttlßr y lu >kuil (1 lyiiinimot aeroplanes fl t rap idly and mfely from Loud-tn to New York, In a few h< u r , ami v-hen prU vale flying machines will he a com ■i on an automobile* are today, we wll* look baok upon 'll' first years of the pretem century and they will seem to us as quaint and primiiive as do now the early days of the nineteenth o*ti lury, when the only travel was by the cumbersome stage coach over wretobed ri ads, and when a journey of one hun dred miles from home was cue to be long talked about and prepared for as an adventurous undertaking.’’ Describing a large poultry establish ment at Smyrna, Oa., Mr. Lorinsr Brown waa reported in the Macon Tele graph as follows; "We have up there at Smyrna #OO 000 eggs now In process Of batching. We sell eggs a' 28 eeu.s a dozen to one Atlanta customer, and he takes them at that prioe all the year round. We ship our broilers to Wash- mgton city, where we get the highest* priced ma kct in the Holt, u 8 ales We guarantee all eggs to be fresh, and theya'e always mirkeied fresh and that la why we gel 26 ueute lor them when other people ge r 10 cent". The public will pay 28 titui, for eggs before they will pay 10 cents for questionable onee.” For Whooping Cough use CHENEY’S EXFECTO JKaNT, I hae just received 100 dozen boya’ and girls’ ribbed hose, which are worth lf> oeote, I am now offering at 10 cents per pair. H. V that 01,11 SUIT NERDS To he clem ed and preened. Jim C*r ter i* the iMogi.ited hading doilies cleaner. Head voiir clothed to hnn lIOW ABOUT I'HK OVKKCOAT* Now Is the Mine to have Jiuu Carter elesa nd repair yunr osercoat. How •re the collar and lining f FINi: HUNTING AND FISHING AROUND BRUNSWICK. .An internetm* llttie book Uaued by tfcw Southern Railway company gives aome valuable information in regard to tbe bsst localities in the South for -various kinds of fish and g-ons. Ofihis locality it says: “Brunswlok, fatored in its situation bet ween ocean and fores', has become * famous health reaort. Many people ennually seek Its salubrious climate and Hud a haven of health and pleas ur -. Bathing, wiling, flsbingand driv ing are at their best here, snd all are given zeil by tbe invilii g air, Wear Brunswick lies the famous Jekyl is land, kept as a game preserve of a num ber of wealthy men who ewn it. Tbe 1 land contains about twenty square miles, and is eleven miles in length. Many wild fowl and some larger game are found then-, and sea fishing mav ai m be Indulged in by the members of the club An ither bean iful islavd near Brunswick is Cumberland, tie most of which la open to any sportsman who craves a hunt In Ha woods. Cum berland Island U twenty-four miles long, and fr m one to three miles in width. It la said to have the most splendid b.aob in America, stretching along for olgbiesn miles, gleaming white and al most as hard an store. On he be oh. oogr tbe government ligbthou'e, s flue bo'el b-been built, reached by gnar. row-gauge railroad from the steamer. A the toulu eoJ of tbe island Is the estate onoe owned by ‘Hlght Horse’ Harry Lae and General Nathaniel Gree . It s now the property of Mrs. Lucy Carnegie, of PiU-burg, an! much of It has been left in its natural state is a game preserre, Tbe sport* mar will Hud Cumberland Island teem ing with game, including oecr, pa t ridge snd ducks. The waters supply trout, Dass black fish, sheepshead, flounder and tarpoD In abundanoe while on the salt marshes at the northern end of the island are romo of the largest ovster beds In the country Partridge are found all about Brunswick, and larger game, bear, deer and turkeys, are near at hand." NOriCJC This Is to notify my friends, patrons, and the public generally that Mr. Phil Keller now tu charge of the Arcade saloon. B. Hir* c h. Currant*, Raisins, Citron a < , , f all kinds at W H. DeVue’* ATTENTION! Have just received the Snest line of New Wheels ever seen in Brunswick. 50 new Ones to Pick From. We can save you f?*00 on every wheel you buy. Repairing, renting and emaneling. Message service, PIANOS AND ORGAN If yon want a good Piano or Organ buy! a Hudden & Bates 8. J. OLEWINE 4ent* Cold Wave Coming And now is the time to get your stove* ptif up. Don’t wait until the wave gets here and ev-rytbirg is in a rush. Moss Dinikl *l* oi e 25. 315 Nawoesils *iree f , Bkin affection# will readily disappear by using Dewitt ‘a witoh Haael Bairs, look out ooiunerfeite. If you get U wltta you wt) get rood results. It is the quick and •i tiv 11 is icr pile* wi . J nit * Dswlu, >. Little Ksi i> KL. is *ssroD the remote*! ptrurrf the bowel* and remove the impiirll e? -i eertfiy with ni disoom ford T* *) asmm oi afo their ctloaojr Easy to labi, never grip* w J Butt* THE BRTP*WTnic TIMEB-CALL. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17. 1901 ££ |T?l* -%. M There Is a certain F , fiAT disease that has '* • W'St jv *4 come down to us S *x -- . ■* ih.ough many ce-.t --n turies and is ° ,der tha - 1 Pistols outside of those who have learned from bitter ex perience lrnow anything of its nature or characteristics. At first a little ulcer ot ec ap- irs, Ih—i "’-.nds r f the neclt ot gro. is & .veil; pimples break out on tha ren-.f, 1 r ■ so :-<i o':';cr pa-t of the body and fill with yellow pustular matter; lht mouth : n l, become so; e and the tongue is at all times badly coated. Headaches are frequent, and muscles and joints throb and hurt, especially during and nip, rainy weather. Th-se are some oi the symptoms of that most loathsome of all diseases, Contagious Blood Poison. This strange pois- CoiTkt skfqiOS on does not affect Blood Poison eaten up with it within a short time after being inoculated, while others show but slight evidence of any taint for a long time after exposure, but its tendency in every case is to complete destruction of the physical system, sooner or later. fi. S. S. is a safe and infallible cure for this bad disease—the only antidote for this specific prison. It cures Contagious Blood Poison in every form and stage thoroughly and permanently. S. S. 3. contains no Mercury, Potash or other harmful minerals, but is strictly and entirelv a vegetable remedy, and we offer $1,000.00 reward for proof that it jc not. O'Jk MF-DtCAL which was <?stab _li-ihcd yc„ro ago, DSlk ARlKr.aiT, doing? a saobls work in relieving? sufiorinf?. Giro oul physicians so short history of youkcasa and get their advice. This will cost you nothinp, and what you say will ba held in strictest confideaca. With their help and a copy of our book on Contagious Blood Poison, you can manag?e your own case and. cure your eeii at home. SWiFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga “WINTER HOMES IN SUMMER LANDS.” Is the title of a very neat And attractive folder just issued by the Southern Rail way loving complete information regard ing the various winter resorts of health and pleasure on and reached by its lines, with rates of board, capacity of hotels, names of proprietors, Etc. This booklet is in a very ooncise and attractive form and will trove valuable to auy one contemplating a trip for the winter, . copy may be had by applying to C. L HANDLER, General Agent W. H. TAYLOR, Brunswick. Ga. A. G. P. A., Atlanta, Ga. tit, w. J. Baxter of North Brook, N. C. .aye he suffered with piles for fifteen years tie tried many remedies with no result uitU be used Dewitt’s witoh Hazle Save and oat quiukly cured him. J. w. Butts We call the attention of the public to a line of new goods which we have just reo.ived; Fettijohn'e Breakfast Pood, Prepared Buckwheat in pack ages, all sizes, Plain Buckwheat in hulk, package and loose oatmeal and yellow meal. W. H. DeVoe. The Southern Kai'way han inaugurated Pullman sleeping oar line between Wash* ington, D. C. and Atlanta, Ga , on their ‘’Atlanta and Express,” trains Nos. 83 and 84; first oar south bound leaving Wash ington November 3rd; first oar north nod leaving Atlanta November sth. I . 'ffords Pu linan service on these . ajna ,i. irh from Atlanta to New York, th I'tt'tnsa i ■ hav{ng heretofore been attached to the At -nta & New York Kxpruss a r t’ otfe and no Pullman service between Charlotte aul Atlanta DEATH QUICtxL Y FOLLOWS DISEASED KIDNEYS, Death soon follows from diseased kidnevs unless a cure is made by taking the old reliable Stuarr’sGin and Bncbn The follnwtng avmptons indicate the sppruaou oi Brigui’s Disease or Dia betes and Jvidney troubl ; Puffy or (lark oiroifl* under the eyes, sallow, yellow oi mplexion, dull, heavy beaw acbes, dizzy tired feelug, feint, spells, pair or duM ache in rbe back, uri® oioudv, milk like or sirngy. dark in color or offe"sive, psintui scalding sensario" >n nassing uriue, obliged to go dunthe day <>r uighf. There is a ou*e in S’uar's Gi<• and Buobu .It Is the one remedy you o-.ure'y on It will oorreoi. all of theie symptoms and permanently care even Bright’s dis ease ait r all other tieatrunts fail, Stuart’s Gm and Buohn will neutrals ite the urine and cause it to ll w in a p rfeorly oatur<.l manner. A high grade k dte ; cure. The meat perfect made . Saar ’s G u aid B hu thoroughly tos'ed for ’h“ p a st twenty years. It gives lifo, power and vtjor lo :te kid neys thus mki g *ho bi i..d r*r' ar and nourishing. Try (hi* giaou oid rem edy. Druggists or by express prepaid sl. D ’scMbe trouble and free advice about kwinej - given. Smart Dmg Cos. 34 Wall St, Atl nia. Ga., NOTICE TO TAX I'\YKBB. For the |iuri>oac‘ o( eo'lectlug stale ard cuuiitr tug fur lieu, I will lie al the fol,ow ing cuumy precinct* as follows: Bt Hlmuo*,2sUidiet., Oct. tl, Nov 12. Dec. 3 Sterlliiit, limb “ ilii. *• |H, •* f Pyles Grossing. 27tli dial. “M, “ 14, " f Jamaica. Hmtli dist " 35. " * f llrunswiek Oct. I* and 2U. Nov til, is sad IS. Dec. 1, (‘ ard Id, it J. KKAD. 1 U. U.t. MARK TWAIN ON MEDICINE. The Noted Humorist Discovers a Cure For Heartburn. Mark Twain made <t talk on medicine Ihe other evening in N w York. Among other things be said “ For light years,” be said, “1 was troubled with ir digestion, which took the f orm of an insurrection in my stomach, after > wert to bed. Tbe various things I thought were good things began quar reling among ihemselvi s, and trying to agree upon a fusion ticket that would win out. Four years ago l was „n a foreign land where there were no drug Btores, so i hsd to reaort to the Swedish cure, which does not allow one to take medicine Therefore, I used carbonate of soda every night. When the heartburn came un 1 took a handful of it One night when i had no soda I said to myacif *1 would rather stand the pain ’ Purely by accident I stretched myself on my left side and, curiously enough, tbe g ain passed avay. I made the same experiment several tim°e with the same result. ” When I went to London I spoke to my friend, who is the secretary of the Royal Medical sooiety, and asked him why the hearthu n passed away when I lay on my left side. He said he didn’t know. Well, that was in a place where doctors were passing through each day by ue hundred, and I asked him to see If any of tht m cou and tell me, None of them could Une doctor, a very famous one, no Jess than Sir Wil liam Thompson, said he remembered hearing of it fifty years ago when his cwn heartburn wbb cured that way by an old man iu Germany but he had never thought of it since. There wae a case where t simple and certain cure was in his hands and yet he had forgotten it and emptied drug stores into hia patient3 without result, It w- 1 bi to the 1.8 .-a-.tag;, of he ladies (o can and inspect cuo fi .e lne ot dress goods which 1 carry. H. V. Addebley.. Raisins, currants, odron ana nuts fresh in, r.t G, W. Harper's ‘Phone 158, V^KEffmKr^i For Sale by T NEWMAN We rcoeive by each Week’s steamer Z mmermann’a oelobrafed meats and eaosag", Including Frs> kfurte s or Vienr a’s Bal ins*-, e’o. W H.DiV e. THE WORLD’S GREATEST FEVER MEDICINE Johnson’s Tonio does in a day what slow Quinine oannot do in ten days. Is splendid cares are in striking con trast with the feeble cures made by Qiinine. If yon are utterly wretched, take a thorough course of Johnson’s Tonic and drive obi every trace of Malaria poisoning. The wise insur* their lives and the wiser insure health by using Jobosoa’s Cbill and Fever Tonio It oosts 60 cents if cures; nor one cent if ii does not, NOF. J. J. PIETERSE, —Teacher on— Violin, Piano and Guitar. REFERENCES: Fleming & WsfP. ADPRESS; Ogl"tsorpe Hotel. Cheap Rates to JACKSONVILLE —Via The — ■in hue. to Jaeksouville. 52 to Fernandiiia. CASTORIA The Kind Yon Have Always Bought, and trnicn tet* (MMM iu use for ove* 30 years, has home thn stgrnes**?* f— and h~s been made amer bit pUF sonalsupervision sfrvee *4BfszßhßuV> Allow no one lo deceive yc* a fSda* All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as- BTB bat Experiments that trifle with and erdanger the baaStfi of Infants and Children—Experience Mnlmt fflvuygii—surt. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute fbr faster WU HW goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It lo A It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor h sulistance. Its age is its guarantee. It destrovs W<NAB) and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea aad dThaftt Colic. It relieves Teething Trouble;, cures Cou --.i-veitiMMl and Flatulency. It assimilates the Foot].: tcmiiiwmmsi Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and Hwp* The Children’s Panacea—Tho MotberV GENUINE CASTORIA *’•**▼* The Kind You Hare Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Vmm the cosumnv, tt Nucmv araerr. -vswvfep* W¥-?, SOUTHERN RAII WAY SCHEDULE; FOB SAVANNAH, WASHINGTON AND It K ?OHK l.v Brunswick 5 15am IDim ks *5 p m 9 O&eTm A ,?, va ?. nab 900 m 12 15 pm 8 1$ pm 12123 a m 4 r Washington f IK am 30 p m Ar New York... SOSpra ...... iin FOB MACON, ATLANTA, LOUISVILLE, CINCINNATI A NT* twin * on L v Brunswick ~ I ** Am 9 05 pm Ar AT aeon 1 50 t m 8 (VI a m Ar Atlanta 4 IS • m 6 Mam Ar Louisville. S 4tl am rtOpm A r Cincinnati. 0 14 a a no'e A r Chicago ( M® m T x.l p m FKOM NEW YORK, WASHINGTON AND BA VA VNAH, f v New York 1* 1(1 *Ki 825 ti Lv Washington 11 15 a w 65 f n, Lv Savannah U/a |S lspm Ar Brunswick ? §#;ap > SUNDAY SCHEDULES BETWEEN RBIINSWiCK ANB~BA TaVS A” Lv Brunswick 8 C-5 aua K. at 5 cn p Ar Savannah ! (Warn ’rsp® 8 Mar* Lv Savannah.. *OB am l.Opu *. Ar Brunswick Warn 8 pla D VILY EXCEPT SUNDAE. 0. L- CAJNDLKK. uenerai Agent.. mm •_ ' ** LUMBER IS LIKELY TO ‘GO UP” in prioe, so it is good policy for you to place your order now, and get the advan tage ot present prices. We Lave a com plete line of moulding, mill work, etc., all seasoned woods Kiln dried iiooring and ceiling always instock. Phone 197. . Lang & Wood Pbtatne Mill. *>Ai? OUKED THOUSANDS, WILL CUKE YOU. 11 you are ti lul led with kldne; or b.addet .i'onblei.. sach vs dropsy, Bright’s disease, ca . vrrh, gravel of the bladder, albumen in urlnt .ad unhealthy depositing or too frequent dis iharge of the urine, pain in the back and blad ler. dropsical swelling of the feel and legs etc. ;tc„ we guarantee that by using Smith’?- Sure Kldnev Ccve,i, com plate cure wid b( effec e, Pnce 60 nt . For sale b v all • Ini LV (st >• —wry>> -rntm mmmbimm-wmbmm -t —■ —nm ii CH ARTS FOR SA'.E. Charts tide tables and o her publication 8, U. 8 c< m: t r and (! eod e• ic ' urvoy foi sale by C. W Denting, Phones’ or 81, CASTOR 5 A ¥t LtAil inn Lm dr n. ll Kind You tiaß oomdir m ei mu on Earth, ’ and (Ml i{>ft iwi .h af ; the •atest improvements 'SOLD OH £ASYTERMS O. Jb\. GA Y, 504 Gloucester Street. j To cure SICK HEADACHE, HABITUAL CONSTIPATION, | ar and all ci'snases arising from in 3 digestlor They \vlll p irlfy your t blood anc make ycure iinpioxlon sas FAIR AS A LILY. They are 3 gelatin coated. PRICE 26 CENTS. •I had ii running (■ ire uu ir c for vea:, say? Hr irf E. ifeha,wi* it >vdUeyvlM* v, Y., “and tr'ed a great ai.,, reinedles, but *"* norclifl 1 atll I -iscd Banner Salve. After a lng one half box I, was perfectly cured. 1 can’treeommend It too highly " w. j. Batts. j m.Tof^ettT W3OLE3AI3 Grain and Provision Hor*e C w and Chicken Feed