The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 19, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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2 The <nifivirl T’fiie CiUbliihed ISS. The Brunswick toll mtabliuliu.l txtli The liroiiswick fimesGall, UONSOt.IUATKU llKin Cabl.dber EVERY MUKNINM ILXGKI*T MONDAX BYR. A. MULLINS, LESSEE. The Timvt-CAll will i*> delivered i*> carrier jt (Bill por yuDi, week it cent*. Uoi reeponaeniK on live solicited, lie-'* name f wnu*r hliooM accompany name. Sul* odrtpioma ia\aOk* id idvanr „ \*vH all communication* to CHK TIM Kls -t;ALI. firmia wick, Oft TO aUbauulHEßa. Subur.rlln-r-i are reqaMlnd K- notify the 018-■ thlientliof (ell to koi n, leeue of the Tims'. Call . .teotlon to thin metuir win be ap ctatnd hv tbe publMtiort loßtrail of vieiliiiK 45 Broadw*t M *yor (dee I. -w g<>' lo A Inny t > -e ■ the real G ive< nor o' Ih-t si a e, E izaoolh Uady alaolou r oanly o 1 bi • e i her B(>th 0 •ttid-.y with o co-iou imoii< or ho- ex-ct agn. in ,ay beer or no Su !(Jy bc-r i to bn he n- xt iTp-it niota' q-ioali in m the luora city • f N• w Y ra Aui ia.l nhotsuahore, ii >t Aua'riar> shoo io m r , aro -h- onr wto art, kick ntr agaiDHt American mo The K -pnbllca nay Th-todim- Roiievelt ih tun one logical candidate of tlioir party in 1904. Alia, you* Uncle Mark in gone a o' < en. I’hilmJer Ku >x, <• or oy lerdl. ■till Bl'iiug on tu >/0 pun i.-iie, and 110 will go ou of ofW I-. tin a Mae posi lion. Hu annul igo out very soon. The Schluy oou-' nn v proi>oos to ■it on the evxleuou right watts I< •till ha a uhrirn HTld-nua that will u >t ha un out somoUilug in hit length of t m . Admiral (ialllaril has an o ore I in Greek water* uusr MLtjrl n . • no will tday until I'nrany earns* ou *1 her |iromi-. Hi, <* to apuak, ju t round 'll* corner. i’ruai lent Hoosevolt would sit at the eame tabiu with Emperor Wiliam. if he anouid attoiul Km* Edward's oor enatlon, hut bo will not b-> preaeul Ho i an other tlsh to fry it i u favorable time tor Souiltrrr farmers to raise pork. They have * p miliar ndva itnge •vr th po k ri er of ilm West, esp-cully in a year of abort corn crops for there a stior corn crop means a short ho* crop; here H does not necessarily mean the in ue tiling, hooauau Bout burn farmers nr* not rmi i iotnl to corn fi r pork pro duaiion. In fact, there is a die iuctad vantage in growing and feeding crops other and mors certaiu than coru. Horn is tho heit known fesd for pu'ilng fit ou hogs hu' for o < o ti> r purpiou. I’ i tur. g<, and nit grain crops are far be'ter for grow n and growtu Is far mors than i alf the n g. O, ucooum of sc"Ctv of corn and con eqieni scarcity ■ f .'g. m ,h g e ■ turn- pro ducing nor lives', p rk is now nigh and mast remain so tar st is si (wo yes re. Therefore, bis w,o have bogs to market wih H and (hem more protltable than if the Ourn crop had been k uiuob larger one —Ti ns Farm •wo Hai on For Asthma use CHE KEY’S EX PEC rORANT, THAT OLD SUIT M KKI >S T< te ole>. *o and pressed. jim Oer tr iB Inr )’ion..i*rd i, aim,; clothes cleaner. Bend your oioitiea to bim MOW ABOUT THK OV KKOOAT? Now | tb rime to have .luu Carter cle > and repair jrour ivergoat. Uaw are the collar and lining r FOR A BETTER WIFEHOOD. Ren Herbert T H\hh, \ Philadelphia fiyii e, in * -nroi -it laa r Bund y•— • W feh'Mirt” h . -I.n m me truths Cb-t *r wofiU c Hinder .tion by i htse who are bou to ntibark on the maiMroonioi sna. Among other thi-g Dr. Fosb *y: •Wn ate io. a ihat w me i ar-to ou-y bold! rgro i vm.t lOm a"d naa'iatr ng it oie t'.n ad pleading tor > eir riKQie to , e married, hut it Is W" toy note that a very large snare ot he JTomei- wn-i are doing theee hiog-am p/’n tm nently faithful wivos and eoru ni'tiu- mo l hers One rnaao-i why mar riK-s are fewer is the fao- fha' few kou-g popie are no' willing io b g n iti-jr career in bomoe a* huntbl aa were flre r necupied by 'heir fa’beri and ino hera The m-n and wcm*n of he older gensn-tion w o have attai' ed w Ith > and T)oni-1 >n began at the foo of the ladder and climbed it runts to gei fmr Th v-.ung people of today oo of-eo lie In to utgin a rh top, sort unable to' do ib*t, will not begin at all. ‘■|o |s--ga ci oi- s h- n in- of ihe pas w.,ere the husband hip! wife anr c'-ihirwn gather aroiin I be llfesid r. ail .he few books and piper- avail able, pl-yod iDDOce-nf. games a kne e-mho 'e-*; is p- f . Now he busbsnr gue - f O th<- elw and toe ife 'o 'er whist party >r bii o-K ie t-i*-a>er. white ih • child eo -re ef with l i-ed nurses. 00, for the old home ioU"dcO ns o e, with God add he Bible m!• J” It in' b-- sa-il saf-ly tha r n-eti-hrear )B in- large ci incut iu the modern ui-e hu k' p hi.n from Uie martiel obligations. He n unwiiLng to give up ha f icd liberties and freedom thv is the main iarcoation of bache lorhood 11- is loath to surrender those littic luxuries and d“i'eß which are 'he naturil grnv'bs o’ a life of celiba cy—,,d he fi"rl y beoo aes a mere re fi ih animal Dr. Foss continues by statin* that there ar" crta'n Grogs that bGiitleand and grade in .rrl ge : ••rhe percqulsito of safe marriage is Invr, and i his is u plant o{ slow growth. H >vh springs out *.f the soil of acquaint anoe, rep-ct and adnii ation. Hence four Qviir or two day oourtsbips, such as h ivc been res ntly heralded in the public orint , are extreme types of a comm >n peril. •‘Toe esse wi'h which divoroes are on amed is eftru tne reason of nssi and ill' ortod marriages. D imestlo differences, no' fatal to peace and happinrss, instead if being reconciled, re taken to the divorce court, Mi l m iy homes wiiiob m'ghl, w ith a little mutual forbearance, have been happy, are br< k in up.” ATTENTION! Have just received the lnest line of New Wheels •ver •'fen in Brunswick / SO nt l w Ones t*Pick From. We can sivc you SS-00 on 4 very wheel you buy. Kepairintf, mting and dmaneiinjr. .Messagt-. service. PIANOS AND ORGAN If you warn a good Piauo or Organ buy) a Jiiidden & Bates 8. J. OLJBW! NE Aarcmt ok Sai.k —N. io si typewriter n,,t imr'. oHI j“. Skin <fTeciioiie will • adi'y disappear by using If witt's witch H je r -<aie, took out oouuturfeitn li you eel l* witte you aril get good r*suiu it is Use (|iiiok n and ti tive i Lit Itr pltn. e.J.buitr THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19 1901 psm Ptfsra ivi3^ ire amongt'iclie; tknown V of the mo,.y and up (--us c v.ild plant:, a id siir is. Y/ To touch o.’ h.iin'd.i them ’Ti quickly produces swelling Iv/vT IT* and innainmation with in- V// ' - / .sei diing .m lhrsrninr ji;/->>?•%— •fthcikin. T’-.e eruption •au (1., i-ijieors, t..e 3uf- jf^rg^ lost ..s soon at the little Mist-rs and ,-u-. i'.csap’ie.' •••ilt'.e poison had reached the Mood, and will break out at regular iterv Is and each time in a more agera .alt dfaria. Tins poison will loiter in the vsH—-. f -r years, ai:d ev-ry atom of it must ho forced out of the blood before you an (i. occt a perfect, permanent cure. Nature’s AnJltSofe % % FOR N-ilerc’s Poisons, is the only cure for Poison Oak, Poison Ivy, and all noxious plants. It is com posed exclusively of l oots and herbs. Now ... the time to get the poison out of your ysteni, os delay makes your condition orse. Don’t experiment longer with .alves, washes and soaps—they never cure. Mr. S. r I. Marshall, of the Atlanta (Ga.) Gas Co., was poisuurd wi;h Poison lc. He took Sulphur. A’senic and various othf’r clings, and epi>lied externally numerous lotions and salves wit !i no benefit. At times the ' ••'clliifT nd inflammation w iro severe he was almost blind. 1 ; ir years the poison would o* t every season. His condition was much improve after taking one boule S. S., and af . w bottles cleared liis hi >od of th#poison, and ul cvidcuccs of the disease disappeiired. People are often poisoned without knowing when or how. Explain your case fully to our physicians, and they will cheerfully give such information and ad vice as you require without charge, and we will send at the same time an interest ing book on P.lo <1 and Skin Diseases. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATUfvfifyCA. ZLUDWIG WINS SODA WATER SUIT.D ‘‘Globe Bottling Works’ 1 Will Have t Shut Down. Judge Bennet yus e day h tr did down hi de-in n m the case of L Ludwig vs Ni'hnn and Lo-i Markoii® grant* ing an inju'-otion aga'n-t the defendant Tula dec! ion m-HUH tbat Margow tz ill have ip keep out of the soda water busi n-8K for five years acc 'ruing to his contract. Bom time aro Ma k ■tj sold out h' • "da water bniine to tiiidwls ano at th<' same "me ea'errd m’o a oonf mot n tto eogage In tbn soda water huai nes’ in Brunwici for five yea's After keepinv out of the hueiruvs fiir about thr cmm'hs Mckowitg w-nt to New York purchased anew soda water factory ou fit and re emb irked in the hosii’ess here und*r the firm style nf the ‘‘Globe Bo’tling Words”. Mr. Ludwig thereup in filed suit in tbe Superior court - ykit * for an Injunction against Mt.tkow'ty. and his w feeej un ini’ them from carrying ou this bu mess m violation of toe r contract. After considering the case -h, rough, i Judge Bonne* *U9t‘ir*ei the ooufract and pi'j iaed Markowitt f om carrying on thi) bu.'incftS, Mr. Max I*ac r p r esented 'he ibain tiff and Judge Courtland Symmes re presented the defend r.ts Ins c se has exci'ed consult iati,e in erest 'orally aid i was generally tx i cted tha' Mr. Ludw g wou'd win. CASTOR 1A Fa* ii 8 and JhiuimMi. % Kind You Have Aiwavs^bowttt €u r-.ii>-,. Busins, (’< - -< . n s ( all tpnd a W H. f> Voe’- sftY• w .1. Baxter of North Bro >k, N. 0. ray* he inffered with pi'es for fi teen vee rs He tried many rttuedls with Q"i rsonlt intll he u and H“witt’s witch Hazie Hit,-# and nat quickly cured him. J. w. (utts We 'll the at'enOi oof the public to a lull of new good" W'iob we have just motived; I’ett j o ’# Breakfast Food, Prepared Uuofcwhea r in pack age*, all iie, Piß' i Hn ■ wb a f ip bulk, paokage odd ft no si t and yellow meal W. H. DeVot. MOTHERS WORM SYRUP. Beat worm medicine. Children like It so well they eat it on bread NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS. For the porpoae of collecting state ard ; county tix for UrU, 1 will he at the following ; pmipiy precincts as follows: SI SIUHIUS26th (list., Od. 22. Nov IS. Pec. 3 Sterling, ISdtltU • • “ W. “ )3, •• -J Pyles Crossing. 2"th dist. “ 21, * 14, 6 Jamaica, HiMllli .list. “ 36. *• IS. “ Itl'iin-wick (kit 3U.2S and 3H. Nov IK, Is an.l 111 Deo. anil I", U. J. BEAD.T.C. U.C, noicKr-W. While traveling in Oorir.vall in 1801 Rev S. Poring-Goald cntie near being overwhelmed iu a bog. lie and iiis com panions got lost nml ai dusk found themselves in a bog called l.admire. Six bullocks bin) already been lost there that year Mr. Baring-Gould’s ad venture is related in his “Book of the West.” “All at once 1 sank above my waist and was being sucked farther down. I rried to my companion, but in tbe dark ness he could not see me. and had he seen me lie could have done nothing for me. The water finally reached my armpits. “Happily 1 bad n stout bamboo some six feet long, and l placed this athwart the surface and held it with iny arms as far expanded as possible. By jpii;s I succeeded in gradually’ lifting myself and throwing my body forward • II finally I was able to east myself at fid: length on the surface The suction bad been so great as to tear my leather gaiters off my legs. “1 lay at full length gasping for near ly a quarter of an hour befo-p t hn : breath and strength to advance, an i then wormed myself along on n,. breast till I reached dry land. My com panion. it turned out. had bad a similtu experience.” A Whlatler Story-. “A Colorado millionaire--extremely millionaire —one who was getting up an art gallery, went to Whistler’s studio In the Rue du Bac,” says Vance Thomp son in his Paris letter to The Saturday Evening Post. “He glanced casually at the pictures on the walls—‘sympho nies’ iu rose aud gold, in bice and gray, in brown and green. “ ‘How much for the lot?’ he as 1 with the confidence of one who ox gold mines. “ ‘Four millions.' said Whistler. “ ‘What!’ “ ‘My posthumous prices.’ And th painter added. ‘Good morning.’ ” WANTED! All the second hanri organs iu town, and all the* second hand furniture, stoves, etc. ’Phone 144-2. J. W. WATKINB, 208 Kay afreet. When in neea of some on to clean your clothes find Jim C!art*r. It w*l be to rhe advantage of 'be ladies to call and inspect the tine line of dri .a goods which 1 carry. H. V. Adderley. Raisins, currants, citron and nuts fre-h in, at G. W. Harotr’s ‘Cnone 158, For Sale by T NEWMAN We receive by each week’s steamer Z mmermanu’s celebrated meats ana auagf, including Frankfurters or Vienna's, Batons", e‘o. W H.DeV,e. THE WORLD’S GREATEST FEVER MEDICINE. Johnson’s Tonio dose in a day what -low Quinine oanaoi do m ten days. Its splendid cures *re iu striking cod irast with the feeble oores made by Quinine. If you are utterly wrt c hed, fake a m oough course of Johnson’s Tome and drive out every trac- of Malaria poisoning. The wise insure thfrlives and th* wiser insure th,. r health by oeing Johnson’s Chill antt Fever Tonic ll costs 50 Cents if cures; not une oent if i 1 doee nor. W.UKIIB, —Teacher on Violin, Piano and Guitar. REFERENCES: Fleming & Waff. ADDRESS: Oglethorpe Hotel, Cheap Rates to JACKSONVILLE —Via The — ■bib nil to Jacksonville, 52 to Fernandina. mm B B" m B Wk B B, m-al m K Tbe Kind You Hava Always Bought, andt wtucu 9mm WMI iu use for over 30 years, lias borne /in: iasv at i- and h s be.en mute nu*er utnt {j?* j , s onal superxis'ion situ* . -cticAt/y* Allow no one io decf iv* YOttitt **> di. All Counterfeits, Imitations and ** Jinst-fW-(fOi*M w r* but Experiments that trifle with and e*f Tanker nun kMUili of Infants and Ch'ldren—lilxnerienA'e v-miimKr E What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute Cbr tzar r .*s 4 irtskV goric, I>rops aud Soothing Syrups, Kt H 'Weagnaat* Sft contains neither Opium, Morphine nor Jitter bnovoftia * substance. Its age is its guarantee, It dusixof’* Wows* and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea SUM* JNltwtf Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures * -onst.ipwinait and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food TOtf-nUMAS* tiS# Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and laiMNHMtii WtOkfh The CJ’Udren’s Panacea—The Motli vrV -'ro.. <-** CENUiriE GASTOFim as-wats The Kind You Have lit m Boujit in Use For Over 30 THE CENTAUR COMPANY, Tf OPfifUkV tVmn WtitAi'i* SOUTHERN RAILWAY SOHELUZf; ~FOR SAVANNAH, W A SHI NG T O tT fTri !,v Broubwick 615 a m '/ HO a ’.n kj p m ll Of, pn, ArSavannah IWaa 12 15pm Uyit U'Wam Ar Washington f U a aa 'oonm ■Vr New York a OUpm SSSara FOR MACON, ATLANTA, TOUIBVILI.K. CIWC.INRAT* .0!!)i SJ lAOI Lv Brunswick / ioas* v vipm Ar Macon Iky* Ar Atlanta * tapn. a &i- ji Ar Louisville J io u m Ar Cincinnati *,*• t m> - m Ar Chicago K aSfW v hljiin FROM NEW YORK W VSFINGTON A'!P9AV i>Y’ r Lv New York .-i M 8 ' Lv Washington )H. 8 -i Lv Savann ah ~o a at S3 i v -a Ar Brunswick if ansa §8 i 0 o n -UNO vY SCHEDULES BETWW *<* MRMHS'-vrcg. A VA Lv Brunswick t,' - * ac ... t•) n ArSavnnah !> , j ; , :J ,, g :% LvSav.mcih r. .Osp 1 is Ar Brtn*wiclc ! v D AIL V KX<;EPT SI X i AT„ ( ) i. 'i. 1 ,■ ■**tm Aem. o** Tf\ T*i p -f 8 ii!! Imb hissi r L Recent investigations by the authorities of several States have o tractee attention to proprietary medicines, ami there a i,.a. .a .. dif eition to ■*ra w 8 sharp line of distinction hetwee.? r:v - T rr. i and woi :'iy articles of scientific compooni and known character, “Many proprietary medicines,” says a leading physician, “are the best possible prescriptions for the >V j diseases which they are made to cure. It is certainly V only reasonable to expect that chemists of \ world-wide reputation and unlimited re- , Re sources, ought to make compounds with excep- Sj.. i tional skill, and it is manifestly to their in- v T. terest to have their ingredients fresh and fY* V; ••b;4s|x*' * ; pure. Take, for example, Lippman’s great Ss—; <jl| remedy, popularly know n as P. P. P. ’'.'.irt.* /■‘•Mfl The formula is on every bottle. Every /T’’”*' *' : R f physician knows that the ingredients are ti s ;i >7 |- . the best possible remedies for purify- /’% ‘ R- RR y/ ing the blood, and the compound is / I a scientific one, which increases the Mi- ) | j I efficiency of the whole. I some- J J times prescribe mixtures j l j for Blood Poisoning, Scrofulous j r" ii Affectic s, Catarrh, Eczema and other R jj complaints arising from impure and weak fils— blood, but I always feel safest in P. P. P„ especially where lam not personally acquainted with the druggist, in prescribing P. P. P. (Lippman’s Great Remedy), I know i urn taking nt ch—ices.” When doctors feel such confidence in a standard remedy, it h no wonder that the general public insist upon bavin . it. e% P. P. P. is sold by all druggists. $i a bottle; six bottles, $5. UPPfIAN BROTHERS, .jSKESPTOk. Savannah, Qa. W .] BUiJS. W SEWINIi lidlEiS ‘Best on Earth,'’ and t*f)ttipcej wifh all the ’atest improvem *nts SOLD ON E\SY TFRMS CI. F, GAY, 5 1f 4 H'oucester Street. •I had a r-tuning tore on my ore it for over year, *• says u air r H Richards of Willnevville N, Y., "and f’sd a great nany remedies, but got no relie" ••itll 1 ised Banner Salve, After using one- alf hog I, was perfectly cured. 1 cau’trecommen.l It tio highly." w. J. Batts, J M.WIETTr WHOIESaIE G r ain Provision H o 0 . w and CMck< n °pp r. •gAjH&b V, EAI. iSHOI* 5 one ftJittf.mailer an *r i -io tr lir.*s Foot Rao * powder to • -'h Ue'i Ilt■ .■ hbuo. It makes lgiito new <'nt> iti e ,'ive# instant rc #f to c .b orb'i'. n It com fortdißcouoiy ,>f no ap do. unu pr vents swollen feet blisters and m -v epmp. Allen’s hft.-e in . certa it <• .r !nir f hot, aching fet. At all niggi-t ~u. !•%) htores. 2. p *c. Trial pack age. bv m:ui. Address. Allen $. Olmated. LeUoy, N. Y.