The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 20, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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2 The Hrnn'Wirt Times. Istabllshsd 1889. The Brunswick Call. Kdabliahod 1 XU*. The Hranswicß Times-till, UONSOLIDATED hWO, Published evert morning except monimt. BY R. A. MULLINS, LESSEE. Tdo Tim* -<.'all WIN I* delivered by carrier >r mall per veer, *sl>"; ,<r week la cents. Cor respondents oo live HUbJ.-cW solicited. Heal 'leraeo' writer eboold accompany name. Bub ecrlptions payable in advauce. Address all communications to THE TIMKh-OALL. TO SUBSCRIBERS: Subscribers are reqoosted to notify the oflloe s l,oii the r rail to net any issue of the Tlmee- Uall. ..tentlon to thla matter will be apo *- elated bv tbe publishers. It is said the state of Georgia will own the t•severs over $1,000,000 Jan. 1 without a ernt io pay it. Do your buying in Brunswick. Wo must learn to keep our money at home, and when we do lesrn this lesson we will be lumpier and a more prosperous pe pie. Sarah Grand ha* c ms over the sea to proclaim the theory that the way to suhdue‘•mere raen" is by the din ner route. Sue is eminently a-'nnd. The ill fed man is tinoonfroUble. Toe Times Call wishes to codiinontl the Lyceum course arranged for this Winter. The at ra itiona are pond and the.e are live vt rc.ii -imiig to ho p-" sen ted: B-ih Hull'd. M-h, Gillow, The Moi d'l-hoii Man-, Prof A W. Hawks and'f eß* oit Hextetm Tuere are not enon<o *• übsorlbars to v the aotuul ixpenses of bringing tiese attentions bore sod ou ml zmd* ■•old leapond more g.-e r a ly lo the entero--"-* • .1 insure its sucnß Any I -of llle aUruOtiO'is slid to he pr c.,red are worMi the pric* of a s-aao tick at. but it >a ood tha those W io have not yet -i bscnbed oa.i ro dslvs a season idle at a prop -r o .ate r. due I >u lor bs remaiul g li v inner tslnuisi Is Toe N w V.nk journal of (Inu.)saye: “iMaiiufaetutlng will be toe malting of th- ri min. 1.. i. not s i mu. ill economically hr it is socially and poi t tally, t at the south has suffered foil) be almoßi exclusive obaraotsr of its agriculture Cotton mill* andiio> furnace. nnan more io the nub in o< her directions man they and > as sourc es of rvenue. It is ilroHti uk, there fore, to learn fr mi census bulletins just issued (bit A-Kansas has fSS.OUO.OOO ef capital la manufactures that emp oy oyer 26,000 persons, and that Louisiana has $113,000,000 of mmi r ao'unug oap - tal aud 42,000 wage-earn-rs. I > this state in ten yei'S ihe am< uit of capital invested In manufactures has increased 225 par oen>. and the value of products ha increased 109 per cent, la Arkan* ra< the value of tbe products has just di uoled In ten years ” 9 You r.'O much more iiao&le to deeeas wner your liver and bowels do not act proper,y. Dewitt’s Little Early (Risers res m ve the cause of disease. W .1. Butts Florid t orang"-, large app os, Gtpe C-d cranherries at. G. W. Harper’s. I’uone 158. I want to call me attention of the ladles to a tine line of ‘'Down Quilts” I am now offering at a bargain, U. V. Auouklky, For Asthma use CHE NEV’B EXPECTORANT, THAT Old) SUIT NEEDS To hr olsaed and pressed. Jim Gar* In is the roooK' ix-d haling clothes cleaner. Mend your clothes to bint. HOW ABOUT THIt OVKKCOAT* Now is t .* mini to nave .Inn (;> rter clean and repair your overcoat. Uuw are the collar and lining f • THE BRUNBWTOK TIMER-CALL, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1901 COLONEL MACHEN IS HAPPY. The following from the New York Bun, concerning a gentleman in whom the p-ople of Bmnawiok are greatly interested, will be read with pleasure by Colonel Macheo’a many frlenda. “For several mornings past a prosper ous-looking mao has seated btmself on i he railing outside the Broad street door of J, P. Morgan k Co’s offloe and watch- ed with intense satisfaction the buildiog of the new Stock Exchange aoroae tbe rreec. He was E.C. Maoben, aa m’.b• urn railroad president, anl he feels a pors„nal Interest in tbe marble need in tbe new building, He says that If he has no other monament, the new Stock Exchange building will stand for many . f years as an aeairar to the gibes of ‘Maohen’s folly.' “ ‘I spent sleepleis nights,' said Mr. Machen, with bis eyes on tbe new building, ‘in getting the railroad built that hauls that marbls from tbe qusr* hes in Georgia that were opened fifteen years ago. 1 have now no peouniary interest in the railroad or tbe queries. We built the bridges of this road on marbie piers and ballasted the road with marble. Tbe newspapers referred to it as 'Macben’a folly.’ Thera was not k man spoken to by me on tbe sup jeot op here that did not seem to look upon me with pity when I predicted tbit some day New Yoik would use that marble as building (tone. With the high freight rates of these days tbe prediction did seem preposterous, but every black that goes into that building makes ir*oii my prophecy. It la a great satisfaolon fir me to sit here and wtico tboe blocks going into place, and to know that they have been haul ed over ‘Machen’* folly.’ ” I have just received 100 doceD boye’ - r end girls’ ribbed hose, which are worth 15 oen's, I am now < ifsring it 10 oente per pair. H V Addkri.ey. ' “ t(|'*•**. We Never Hesitate when a plumber ie needed, todivpatchore promptly to tbe scene of trouble. Ana the ekillful wey the work is done will please the most oritioel customer. The material ueed ie high grade and will last for years under all ordinary strain. Our prices are especially interssting. A. H, BAKER, aOB Gloucester St. ATTENTION! Have just received the finest line of New Wheel? ever seen in Brunswick. 50 new Ones to Pick From. We can save you $?-(X) on every wheel you buy. Repairing, renting and emaneiinjf. Message snrvice, PIANOS AUD ORGAN If you want a flood Piano or Organ buy a Luddeii & Bates B. J. OLRWINE Asent* Pok Sale—National typewri'sr Ordinary’* offi >e. Bkin affections will rraiiiv disappear by using Dewitt’s witoh Hazel rialve, look out oounterteits. If you get I) •Ill's you wll get good results. It is tbs quiok and si live cu rs for piles. w.J. butt's Pelsea Poison ivOjp are amongthe best known of the many dangerous Y\// wild plants an l shrubs, mil/// To touch or liar. .11; them ir ”77 quick 1 y produ- va availing and inflammation with in- VI/ tens'd itching an-1 burning of the f bin. The eruption soon disappears, tile suf- H/w feror liojscs forever ■ but almost ra coon a-i Die little blisters and piwti lcacppcarcl t'..e po .ion La.l reached the blood, and v. l'.l break out at regular intervals and each time in a more eggra vated form. This po: r.on will loiter in the system for years, and every atom of it nut nt be forced out of the blood before you can expect a perfect, permanent cure. Nature's Antidote '**&'**& Naiiirc’Tpoisons. is the only cure for Poison Oak, Poison Ivy, and all noxious plants. It is com posedexclusivelyofroolsandherbs. Now is the time to get the poison out of your system, as dciay makes your condition worse. Don’t experiment longer with salves,washes and soaps—they never cure. Mr. S. M. Marshall, bookkeeper of the Atlanta (Ga.) Gni IJght Cos., was poisoned with Poison Oak. He took Sulphur, Arsenic cud various other dnvßrt* and applied externally numerous lotions and snlvt“i with no benefit. At times the,, swelling and inflammation was *osevere he almost blk.d. I*v*r eight years the poison woufcl break out every season. His condition was mill improve 1 after taking one bottle r f S S. S., and r few bottles cleared his blood of the i>oison, aud all evidences of the disease disappeared. People are often poisoned without knowing when or how. Explain your case fully to our physicians, and they will cheerfully give such information and ad vice as you require, without charge, and we will r.end at the rime time an interest ing book on Blood aud Skin Diseases. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA. GA. TO OVERTHROW THE GOVERNMENT. A Rumor That An Effert Is to Be Made to Form Republic in Alaska. San Franoi-co, November 19.—The Call prints an unoonfirmed sto.y from Skagway, Alaska, under date of Nov ember 6, telling of the discovery of what is alleg'd to be a huge conspiracy existing in Dawson and ramifying to Skagwav, Victoria, Nanc uveraud Saat. tie, for the overthrow of the local government of the northwest te.ritory and tbe establishing of a npub ic with Dawson a* its capital According to tbe de ails of tne story, arm>, am muni tion ad provls'ons have b en Uken it> over the railroad n 1 ooac >ed at strate gio points. Prominent American red den a -f Skigway ar said to tie leaders in the conspiracy. Mineiatotbe u nber of 5 000 are said to await the summons to trini, ready to fight for the independence from and >- minion into of the gold fie ds, camps and to wns The plan is to overpower the moanted p>Lce, ar .at he civil auihoritie ana ak the governmeui Into <he r own hs ds. The rigors or tbe arctic winters -ou and glv > the inaur. genii- six mom hs Immauity from attack by Can-.dian or British troops, and the adventurous aroh ems -iralors hope for inttrvbn>.ioD or ou.sid.- a eistance by the time meltiug of ics and snow will p>rmlt,the Invasion of their isolated republic. CASTORIA Fr i Itifants and ll Kind You Have Always Houpt Gil r . KaiS'l) . Gl 1 • a- ,1 rule of a): kind- a W H.M V ‘ Si. w.J. -saxterof North Hrooa, N. 0. says 1 1 sn(Tired with poes for fifteen rears He tri"rt rsny r- medla • with no rosult tut*ihust;d Dewit*.'* witch Save acd -at q i’ctrlv oured him. w. Jutts We o*ll the atten'inn of ihr public fn a ' lie (i* new good' which have jn.t '*'o iv-0 : l‘..t >j -hn’s Rreskfast Fooit, P B.iuiwheat in pack age*, all >ir , Van Rnnkwheat in bulk, package *• and i-'o-- <-a’meal and yellow meal. W. H D-V MOTHKRS WORM HYRITP. Best worm medicine. Children like it so well tliey eut it on bread NOTICK TO TAX PAYERS. For the |,uri>*o of so'lectimr state xed county tax for 1801, I will he at the following county precincts as follows: St. Btmon,'AMli dist , Oct. Tl, Nor l'LDec. 8 sterling, i.>r>stb •• “ is. “ n, •• < Pyles Crossing, 37th diet. •' 24, * 14, “ t> Jamalea. I49>th dfst. “ 25. •• 15. “ # HrunswtuUO 't. ao. is and 28, Nov is, is and is. Dec. 7, S ami ll<, H. J . BEAD. T. C. G. C, While traveling iu Cornwall in 1801 Rev R. P.nriiur-GouUl came near being ovei ii iu a bog He au-J his com panion,-; got lost uud nt dusk found themselves In a bog '■nllcd (iedmire. Six bullocks hail alroatly been lost there that year. Mr ikiring-Gould’s ad venture is related in his “Hook of the West.” “All at once I sank above my waist and was being sucked farther down. I pried to my companion, but in the dark ness he could not see me, and had lie Been me he could have done nothing for mo. The water finally reached my armpits. “Happily I had a stout bamboo some six feet long, ami I placed this athwart the surface and held it with my arms as far expanded as possible. By jerks I succeeded in gradually lifting ra.vself and throwing my body forward rill finally I was able to cgst myself at fuk length on the surface. The suction had been so great as to tear my leather gaiters off my legs. “I lay at full length gasping for near ly a quarter of an hour before I bad breath and strength to advance, and then wormed myself along on my breast till I reached dry land. My com panion, it turned out, had had a similar experience.” A Whistler Story. “A Colorado millionaire—extremely mUßwmlre—one who was getting up an artT®ery, went to Whistler’s studio In the Rue du Bac,” says Vance Thomp son In his Paris letter to The Saturday Evening Post. “He glanced casually at the pictures on the walls—‘sympho nies’ in rose and gold. In blae and gray. In brown and green. ‘“How much for the lot?’ he as) ' with the confidence of one who 01 gold mines. ' “ ‘Four millions.’ said Whistler. “ ‘What!’ " 'My posthumous prices.’ And the painter added. ‘Good morning.’ " WANTED! All the second hand organs in town, and all the second hand furniture, stoves, etc, ’Phone 144-2, J. W. WATKINS, 208 Bav street. When in need of someone to olean your olotbes find Jim Carter. * It will be to the advantage of tbe ladles to oall and inspect tbe fine line of dress goods which I carry. H. V. Addekley. Raisins, currant®, citron and nuts fresb in, at G. V/. Harper’s ‘Phone 158, For Sale by T. NEWMAN We reoeive by each week’s steamer Zimmermann’s celebrated meats and sausage, including Frankfurters or Viem a’s, Balonas, etc. W. H.DeV je, THE WORLD’S GREATEST FEVER MEDICINE. Johnson’* Tonio does in a day what slow Quinine cannot do in ten days. Its splendid cures are in striking coo • Mat. with the fepble cures made by Quinine. If you are utterly wretched, rake a Thorough course of Johnson's Tonic and drive on) every trace of Malaru. The wise inrure their live end tbe wiser insure th„>r health hy ueing Johoeon's Chill and Fever Tonio It oosts 50 oente if cures; not one oenr if i does not. m. J. J. PIEIERSf, —Teacher on Violin, Piano and Guitar. REFERENCES: Fleming & Waff. ADDRESS: Oglethorpe Hotel. Cheap Rates to JACKSONVILLE —Via The — CUMBERLAND HIE. to JackHouville, $2 to Fernandina. ICASTOim The Kind You Have Alwaj'S Bought, and whlcn tots* M iu use for over 30 years, has bine th*) 0t and h *s been made anaer tm !s**- sona l supervision shvrx* ri* WSB-fc-uaf. Allow no one lo dee**S re ye*l kintib All Counterfeits, Imitations and ®‘* Iwßt , Experiments that trifle with and "Filanger the a? Infants and Children—Exoerienctt Tsnl’wt' What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute ihr tYaaltOi- GW goric, Drops aud Soothing Syrups* itt is j> tr £4 contains neither Opium, Morphine nor ttey HiMMWrtWi substance. Its age is its guarant*>i It desia.v* Womh# and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhtwt swm Wiasi Colic. It relieves Teething Trouble*", eures i;n'<tivn>BHtkMi and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food .reansSaa* *BMI Stomach and Bowels, giving health y anti naw.’. The Children’s Panacea—The Motfcrvar**) CENUIKg CASTORIA **-W*VB The Kind You Have llw?ys Bought In Use For Over 30 Vmm THE CENTAUR COMAANV, TV fVUMMV SMHIKr, SOUTHERN BAKWi 7 SCHEDULE. FOR SAVANNAH, WASHINGTON ANDNH If fOES Lv Brunswick ilStu HOam ?8 J'? ra 9 05 p in Ar Savannah 9 00 a m 12 15 n as S IS 121! a m Ar Washington I *3 ski 9‘Bojm Ar New York saspra BSS*m FOR MACON, ATLANTA, LOUISVILLE, CIN SINN ATI Alii! CIiIUAGO. Lv Brunswick ISOum BOapm Av Macon 1 Stf a * 00 * m Ar Atlanta 4 M a. b Vk,ta Ar Louisville H4O ne j aupm Ar Cincinnati A ,0 6 m f *0 ■ -n Ar Chicaero 6 iitSjs.ii f•. p-n FROM NEW YORK, WASHINGTON AND 3A VANNAB. Lv New York IS 10 ajss fc SG B sn Lv Washington 11 it aat & .-n Lv Savannah huOsitn Ar Brunswick 7 4*m | ‘opm SUNDAY SCHEDULES BETWEEN BRUNSWICK AND SAV 'Nf *.H Lv Brunswick ((>?< ' Jf) . 6 OOn m Ar Savannah * , , s 3 8 >8 - A LvSavaunah SGO 4I& SCO .... 1 .. Ar Brunswick fc y i h'yia D AIL f EXCEPT SUN 1 'A*', U. J 1 Lr'i<. * < ••hs*hs A<*ept trl §\ i-f? f.a Ja. CJa £ vtA %*)' M. u. <**> *** o It takes keen common sense, w/""' ■■*!s£' j added to superior judgment and • experience, to be superintendent of . "v ' j a railroad. Such a man never re- -i;'' __ - • •.. f commends anything that he has not - himself subjected to crucial test. A. prominent railroad superintend- j ; * , V 'fif : ent, living at Savannah, Ga., in S 4 ',.’ • ■.&£ which city he was born, says he \ ilp feels better than he ever did, and— /' ’/ . V he had the worst case of dyspepsia '//,■/ •! \ 5 on record. He had no appetite, and 1 J) )/' 'ift the little he ate disagreed with him, 'yS /yy'zv V'.v/ \ .... ■’■tWA ' causing him to vomit often. He had pains in the head, breast and / , //MmL '?' ! stomach, but after using three but- S± v '.**£*'■ ties of P. P. P. he felt like a ndw MfeMkm: v- v ', . man. He says that he feels that he ::^ 5 ' ,%j could live forever if he could always a get P. P. P. His name will be given —• -ii . on application to Idppman Brothers, the v • . i *iv£ J proprietors of this great remedy. Dyspepsia in all its forms is promptly and permanently cured hy P. P. P. General Debility and lack of energy give place to vim and ambition through the use of P. P. P. Blood Poison .and all its incidental and hereditary ills are eradicated by P. P. P. Rheumatism is conquered and banished by P. P. P., as are also Catarrh and Malaria. P. P. P. is a purely vege table compound, which has steadily grown in favor for years. *> SOLD BV ALL DRUGGISTS. LIPPMAN BROTHERS, prop TSTTS 9 n block. Savannah, Ga. W. ,T. B TTT PS. 1 m sewm mm, on Earth,” and e'juippf j with all the ’atest improvements SOLOON E\SY TERMS G. F. GAY, 5 4 Gloucester Street ■*l bad a mining ivrn on my I'reaac for over year,“say* (• iry 11. ittcbarda of Wlilserrine s'. Y., “and tried a great many remedies, bnt got no relief util I need Gunner Salve. Aftei using one tmlf box I, wa perfectly cured. 1 can'trecoraineeil It too highly." w. J. lluttn. j. W, BURKETT. - CHOKES iLE Gram and Provision Hcr*°. >v/ 8l i t Ci T'Wirk n Feed L.vUlKe CA Sand ~.ih .lORb. X 4 g** ' one alT.c- smaller alter using Allert’r fmßt i a (powder to he shaken luto ttc shoes. It mas t tight or new shoes feel ea-y, give* inatant r j lief to corns or bunion* lt';T* greaieet co fori dlscouerr of the ai. cure* and prevei t swollen feet, blisters ai s,.re spots. Allen's Foot Ka-e is a certain ere for sweating, hi.';, aching feel. At all drr.ggiatst and shoe store t, 2f>c Trial i-eekagc free i-,- mail. Addrua , Alien h. Olmsted, LeKoy, N. Y.