The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 21, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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2 The Brunswick Times. liUbltihed 111*. The Brunswick Call Established 1810. ' The Brunswick Times-Call, CON SOI.I DATED IVOC. robllshsd EVERY MORNINU EXCEPT MONDAY. BYR. A. MULLINS, LESSEE. ~ , Tbs Tliutx-CkU Will t>e delivered by osrrler or mall par year, 16 00; per week It cent*. Cor respondent* on live subjects solicited. Real name Of writer should accompany seme. tab ccrlptiona payable in advance Address all cunamuhlcatlona to TUX TIMBB-CALI* 11 ’ Braaawlok,aa. TO BUBSORIMM: Subscribers are requested to notify the office wlieu they fall to get any itsna of the Timaa- Call. Attention to Ibis matter will be appi e clated by the publishers. The amall boye are. already counting the days that intervene before Christ mm i. We owe it to ourselves to Cos all we J 4 t,' t< i * ~4 1 | can to advance the intereats of oar r' • home city. UI , j Taere will be four territories asking congress for admission to statehood— New Nexlco, Aro/.oaa, Oklahoma and Indian Territory. Thu Paclfio route via dan Fraueiuo and New York pnw the Australian mail! Into London five days sooner than th Si. z route la cip.ble ot. The Jacksonville Tiuie. Union and Clliten remark*: “The man who ia a chronio fault finder has a narrow soul, driven edgewise into a narrow brain." i 1 ' *■ J * —' " ■■■■■■ t - - Tlie Chicago Post pole that another pUßlliatii! enoounter baa proved to be another fiasco and oommuula: “Attar •11, football ha* taken first place in the line of unquestioned.* knockouts’ mrnmmmmmm——mtmmm l * While there la do much talk about municipal reforma, it iny be well to note that do record can bo found _f the expenditure of 92,000 000 (hat has been checked ont of the Chicago sinking fund. That was a great "np-the hlil-ahd dvwu.again” of Franoe’a. 3'he pyro technic occupation ot Mitf lane iiaulted In a Turkish promlaa- ry note, payment . i a. Tm to begin sixteen months from new, k f < Z. ' ' H i * The fleet will have to make another trip sixteen months from now to gel the note renewed, ====*;, 4 Here It Is for you. We find this ollp ping in the Philadelphia Prase: “Marx Caret Brown, a young negro woman, bas been app'ilnted a teacher in public school No. 15, Jersey City, and the par ents of the pupils, described as being among the fashionable and wealthy people of tbe town, are 'mfckiog a strong protest." Tbe statement to tbe publfo author ized by the board of troateae of the MoKmlev National Memorial Associa tion and ihu notion to the people ol Brunswick, published this morning, speak for themselves Cue thing, bow* ever, that may not be understood is that the association does not aak for large individual oontribniions; every one who reveres the memory of Treat dent McKinley is asked to contribute a small saw. In some oltiss the donors are not allowed to give over one dollar, Any contribution no matter how small will be received. It is not to be a me. morial erected by rlob men bnt by tbe people in all walks of life, and. no one need feel sbsshed beosose their oontrl. button is smsll, asrnsll son will be ac knowledged the ssme as a large one. For LaGrippe and Influ enza use CHENEY’S EX PECTORANT. TECHNICAL TRAINING. Mr. Rohard H. Edmonds, editor of the Manufacturers’ Record, in a apeeoh before the Southern Cotton Spinners'' Association at Atlanta, made a strong pldaYor teohnioal training for poor White boys. Among other things be ahid: ‘ . "in this age whan the (killed band and the trained mind tarn the eoale in competition, we oannot for ear civil isation, afford to atand atilt, Wa most either advanoe or tall away. It rest* with os. and with ■■ alone, to deoide the fate of the Sooth. History will hold this generation of southern basi nets men responsible fox this section’s future. Is is becoming every minute more and more impossible for one man to liya nnto himself. It it not enongh that yon have already oreated employ ment where nsna existed before; it is not enough that 250,Ub0 persone are to day Ending steady work in eotton mllle through the great work which yon have done Toe Voiee which spake to Moses as he led the children of lerael eat of Egypt towards tbs land flowing with milk and honey, bidding them go forward, speaks today to tke people of this seetion and bids the Sooth to go forward. “We asnst advance. We mnst hasten to tarn the mass of undisciplined .scat tering, unskilled material for work Into m compact army of Intelligent, itrong and skillful men, disciplined to do. ’’Let ns give the poor white boy his due, and mskethe Booth solid for com* tort and proa peel ty.” Ban Franeisoo desires to beat the band, for it has eleoted a bandmaster Mayor of tbe olty. THAT OLD SUIT NEEDS To be oleanad and pressed. Jim Cmt tar is the recognised leading cloths* els*ner, Head yonr olotbes to him. T ■ - ■ . - ft, " J\ \ A' \\l II JIT v|| * B %/ r * ah"** *•, We Never Hesitate wben a plumber le needed, todispatoii on* promptly to the scene of trouble. And the skillful way the work is done will please tbe most oritloal oustomer. The material used is high grads and will last for years under all ordinary strain. , . .. .. Our prices are especially Interesting. A. H. BAKER, *505 Gloucester St. V y ATTENTION! Have just received 4 the finest line of * New Wheels. ever seen in Brunswick. SO new Ones t Pick From. We can save you s£.(X> on every wheel you buy. Repairing, renting and emaneling. Message service, PIANOS AND OBOAI If yon want a good Piano or Organ buy] a •Ludden & Bates B. J. OLBWINE Aont> Warn Sit.*—National typewriter. o#fflnary’s offiee. Skin affsotions will readily disappear by using Dewitt’* wltcb Uassl Salve, .ook oak. oounterfelu. If you get D wHt s yoa wll ist'cood results. It is tbs qatok and i sltlva su rs for pilss. w. J, Butt s ‘ THE BRUNSWIIih TIME-.-OALL, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21. 1901 Pr&tty Children •• We have three children. Before the birth of the last one my wife used four but tie* of MOrilER’S FRIEND. If you had the pictures of our children, you could see at a glance that the last one Is healthiest, prettiest and finest-looking of them all. yj'yj My wife thinks Mother’s Friend Is the greatest . and grandest remedy in the ('Bußrf world for expect- EBB ,/ ant mothers.”— Wrltten by a Ken- F’’. tuckyAttorney-at Vv- ' TMBj m prevents nine-tenths of ths suffering Incident to child birth. The coming mother’j disposition and temper remain unrulfled throughout the ordeal, because this relax ing, penetrating liniment relieves ihe usual distress. A good-natured mother Is pretty sure to have a good-natured child. The patient is kept in a strong, healthy condition, which the child also Inherits. Mother's Friend takes a wife through th crisis quickly and almost painlessly. It assists in her r.Ed recovery, and wards off the dangers flat so often follow de livery. Sold by druggists for $1 a tottlc. THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA, CIA. Send for our free illustrated book writtet expressly for expectant mothers Advertised Letter List. The following is a use of letters re maining io the Posti (Hoe at Brunswick, Oa., nnolalmed, for tbe week ending November 16, 1901: B—William Biker, Mr Clin Brown. C —Miss Rosa Coones, Miss Bell Coop, James Cooper, Arthur Clarkson, J X Cantrell, D Connor, W L Cashion. D—Boisie Dioks. F —Roueet Faison, T J Fowler, Ef ward Fleming, Mrs Mary Florid. G —Walter K Gilchrist. H—MrsTempy Harper,Eugene Head, John West Harris, Miss Mary Harris. J —Emily Jeckson, R W Johnson, James Joerson, B B Jones. L —W A Lovell. M—Lather Malloy,Adam Miller,Miss L L Miller, MPs Mamie MoMillan, Lizzie Mskinggooda. P —Thomas Price, R R Prioe, Miss Lila Peterson (2), R—Jim Roberson. S -Miss Mary Soott, G H Simmons, Will Simmons, Gso Smith. T—T C Toomas (2), M Z rillotion(2), Monseur H L Ouray Toassard. W—A W Walker, Miohael C Wash* Ington. Parties oalllog for any of the above letters will say they were advertised and will pay 1 oent for each letter •lalmed. If you have any complaints against tbs service or facilities bring them to me. F. McO Brown, Postmaster. SOUTH CAROLINA INTER-STATE & WEST INDIAN EXPOSITION, Charleston, 8 C., Beginning Deo. 1, 1901. For this occasion the Southern Railway offer* very reduced rates and improved schedule*. Sale ol tiokete beginning Nov. 30th and continuing throughout the Exposition. Ticket agents of the Southern Railway and connecting lines will sell through tiokets and furnish oompiete information. i. U t Within half square of the Southern Railway :a Charleston eleotrlc cars will taka you to t.'ie Exposition grounds for sc. W. H. Taylob, a. Q P.dL. Atlanta, oa. J. B. Beam,Jr„ D. P. A Atlanta, ea. J as. Freeman, T P. A., Mcaon, oa. HAS CURED THOUSANDS, WILL CURE SOU. n you are troubled with Kidney or bladder Afoabiee. such as a ropey, Bright’s diaeaet, ca tarrh , gravel of the bladder, albvmeu in urine and unhealthy depositing, or too frequent dis eharge of tbe urine, pain in the back and blad der. dropsical .welling of tbe feet and legs, etc *tc„ we guarantee that by using Smith’s Sure Xldaev Core, a complete cure will be elected Price 10 cents. For sale by all druggists. Florida Cod cranberries at. G. W. Harper’s. I'hone 158. mother’s WORM SYRUP. Rest worm medicine. Children like it eo well they eat it no bread. NOTICB TO TAX PAYERS. For the purpose of collecting state and countv tax for ItOT.. I will l>e at the following county precinct* as follows: Bt. Hintons,23th disc, Oct. ss. Nov. IS. le. 3 Starll up, 1 Mtlth “ “ VS. “ 18. 4 t’yle, Crossing, tfth Uit. *• 21, * W, " * Jamaica. Itmith diet. * lib. •• 13, * Brunswick Oet. ‘Jo. is and w. Nov. Id. Id and IS. Pee, 7, J and 10, H J. READ. T. C. U. C. Begged. While traveling., ia Cornwall In 1891 Rev. 8. Bnring-Goiild came near being overwhelmed in a bog. He and his com paiiium. got lost ami at dusk found themselves in a bog called Etedmtre. Six bullocks had already been lost there that year. Mr. Barlng-Gould’s ad venture is related in his “Book of the West.” "All at once 1 sank above my waist and was being sucked farther down. I *<ted to my companion, but in the dark ness be could not see me. and bad he seeD me be could have done nothing for me. The water Anally reached my armpits. “Happily I had a stout bamboo some six feet long, and I placed this athwart the surface and held It with my arms as far expanded as possible. By jerks I succeeded in gradually lifting myself and throwing ray body forward *<ll finally I was able to cast myself at fills length on the surface. The suction had been so great as to tear my leather gaiters off my legs. “I lay at full length gasping for near ly a quarter of an hour before I had breath and strength to advance, and then wormed myself along on my breast till I reached dry land. My com panion. it turned out, had had a similar experience.” A Whistler Btsrr. “A Colorado millionaire—extremely millionaire —one who was getting op an art gallery, went to Whistler's studio In the Bue du Bac," says Vance Thomp son In his Paris letter to The Saturday Evening Post “He glanced casually at the pictures on the walla—‘sympho nies’ In rose and gold, in bine and gray. In brown and green. “ ‘How much for the lot 7 he asP with the confidence of one who ©t gold mines. “ ‘Four millions.' said Whistler. • “ ‘What!’ “ ‘My posthumous prices.’ And ths painter added. ‘Good morning.’ " WANTED! All the second hand organs in town, and all the second hand furniture* stoves, etc, ’Phone 144-2, J. W. WATKINS, 208 Bay street. When in need of someone to olean your clothes find Jim Carter. Raisins, currants, oliroo and nuts fresh in, at O. W. Harper’s ‘Phone 158. frESSSta u, I For Bale by T. NEWMAN. Mr. w, J. Baxter of North Brook, N. 0. tays he suffered with piles for fifteen years He tried many remedies with no result intfl he used Dewitt’s witoh Hasle Save end mat quickly oured him. J. w. Butte THE WORLD’S GREATEST FEVER MEDICINE. Johnson’s Tonio does in a day what alow Quinine cannot do in ten days. Its splendid cures are in striking con trast with tbe feeble cures made by Quinine. r . , If you are utterly wretched, take a thorough course of Johnson’s Tonic and drive out every traoe of Malaria poisoning. The wise insure their lives and the wiser ineure their health by using Johnson’s Chill and Fever Tonio. It ooeta 50 oents if oures; not one oent if it does not. Iff. J. J. lIH —Teacher on— Violin, Piano and Guitar, REFERENCES: Fleming & Waff. ADDRESS: Oglethorpe Hotel. Yon r e much more Ilia bale to deeeaa whes your liver and bowele do not aot properly. Dewitt’s Little Early IRiscrs re*- more the oauss of disease. W J. Butti Cheap Rates to JACKSONVILLE —Via The— CUMBERLAND ROUTE. $3 to Jacksonville. 52 to Fernandina. CASTOR I A! The Kind You Have Always Bought# and which tea ben in use for over 30 years, has borne the stgnchm at —and has been made under Ms per sonal supervision since ttSftßCkuqr. Allow uo ouek> deceive you rtotlrts. All Counterfeits, Imitations and ** Just-aa-good®**** tat Experiments that trifle with and andangar the tasEth of i Infants and Children—Experience ityptbu* Bsperimaak. What rs CASTOR!A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Csfl# fc-rtro goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups* It is Pleeauit. It contains neither Opium* Morphine nor other KwrvOtf substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys ’Ufonn and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Cou4l|mM> and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food.! regular * Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natwnai dmpu The Children’s Panacea— The Mother** ifetaw&k GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS jy Bears tlie Signature & The Kind You to ilwajs Bongil In Use For Over 80 Ifstm THE CENTAUR COMMENT. TT MEHMMT MMV, MC NM OM SOUTHERN RAILWAY SCHEDULE. FOR SAVANNAH, WASHINGTON AND HE V TURK Lv Brunswick 6 16 am I Mam IS tl p m 9 06 p ni Ar Savannah 9 00 u m It 16 pm S II p m 12190 a m Ar Washington IHib 980 pm Ar New York 9 08pm SlSam FOR MACON, ATLANTA, J OUISVILI.E, CUi CINH ATI AND CHI OAGO. Lv Brunswick 7 90 a an SOSpni Ar Macon 1 80 pat too am Ar Atlanta 4 10 pm 6 90 a m Ar Louisville 8 40am 710 pm Ar Cincinnati 8 10 am fSOpmd Ar Chicago sKpm Tic pm FROM NEW YORK, WASHINGTON VND SAVANNAH. Lv New York u 10 aes stop* Lv Washington U It am 9 56pm Lv Savannah 6 00 am IS 16 pm Ar Brunswick T 41 a m |s 10 p m SUNDAY SCHEDULES BETWEEN BRUNSWICK AND 8/ VANNAH Jit Brunswick.„ totia r Main 5 00 p m Ar Savannah !) 90 . as ISiSpm 8 J 6 p m Lv Savannah (00 am (Onm Ar Brunswick 8 loam I ipn DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. C. L- CANOLA rt. Mivnerai Agent. Hard Sense. It take* keen common sense, added to superior judgment and **** experience, to be superintendent of jTZjsSI .iff ~ a railroad. Such a man never re commends anything that he has not ' himself subjected to crucial test. vM®? A prominent railroad superintend- J , ent, living at Bavannah, Ga., in jj\' ‘1 *£|||L^SE| which city he was born, says he feels better than he ever did, and //O' he had the worst case of dyspepsia '//,/ • .‘A MpjraflP|f 1 on record. He had no appetite, and ///s'/ <J J h L'-flt-yfc-.-.. the little he ate disagreed with him, yV/M/jk\ \ y iV cansing him to vomit often. He had pains in the head, breast and / stomach, but after using three bot- f ! tie* of P. P. P. he felt like anew . T man. He says that he feels that he gf could live forever if he could always get P. P. P. His name will be given •a application to Lippman Brothers, the proprietors of this great remedy. Dyspepsia in all its forms is promptly and permanently cured by P. P. P. General Debility and lack of energy give place to vim and ambition through the use of P. P. P. Blood Poison and all its incidental and hereditary ills are eradicated by P. P. P. Rheumatis tn is conquered and banished by P. P. P., as are also Catarrh and Malaria. P. P. P. is a purely vege table compound, which has steadily grown in favor for years. • SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. LIPPMAN BROTHERS, BLOCK, Savannah, Ga. V. .J. BUTTS. m SEWING MACHINES) ’’Best on Earth,” and equipped with all the improvements SOLD ON EASYTERMS G. F, GAY, Gloucester Street •1 had a running sere on my breast for over yesr,** aaye 4s iry R. Richard* of Wlllaayyllle H, Y., “and tried a great many remediea, bat got no relief tetll I used Renner Salve. After •slug ous halt box I, wsa perfectly cored. I cax'lrecomtnesd It too highly ” w. J, llult*. J. M, BURNETT WHOLESALE Grain and Provision Hors*?, Cow and C hicken Feed LADIES CAN WEAR SHOES, one else smaller after using Allen's Foot F.nse a l>owder to be shaken into the shot® It make* tight or new shoe* feel eny, give* Instant, re lief to corns or bun ion- Its the greatest com fort discount? of the age, cures and prevents swollen feet, blisters and *>,re -pots. Allen’s Foot Ka*e Ih h certain cure for - westing, hot, aching feet. At all druggistst and shoe stores, IV. Trial package free by mail. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, XeiLty, N. Y.