The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 22, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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2 The Hm isfliri Times- Kitablishei 1889 The Brunswick Established 1881. The lirnniwitk Tiraes-Call, CONSOLIDATED 1800. Published EVERY MORNING EXCEPT MONDAY. BY R. A. MULLINS, LESSEE Tne Tlmes-Unll will be delivered by oarriei or mat) per year, *5 00; per week is cent*. Cor re*i> >nde. to on line subjects solicited. Real name ol writer should accompany same. Bob ecrlptions payable In advance. Address all communications to THE TlM*tt-OALL, Brunswick, Ga. TO 8GB80IUBERS: Subscribers are requested to notary the office when they tall to get any Issue of the Tlinee aall. . itentioc to this matter will be apnia ctated by the publiebore. # lt Buvanuab wants the Htale fair a train she ought *o have It. The Savannah i’reaa was ten years old on Tuesday las', It ie a much bet ter paper Ulan ninny older ones in Georgia. . A Southern medicine concern has jugt sent out through tut United titales mail, thirty-two car i ails of almanacs for nemc year. And yet some people have the neive to contend that advertising is a was; of money. This same oomsrn has on appropristion off 75,000 for theii new paper auvcrlislug for 1902 A 1 ai‘k ■go of love 1> tt-is carried in bis inside cost p c'<er. raved sC u’jeoti cut man’s life the other day ny stop* ping s pistol ha I , Hu packages of love letters worn on the inside pocket generally do more t.a< in ti a i good, and the average in n w H p ef.-r to leave them ou and take it s chances with pi it ol halls instead. —A i tula Journal. When lien jam in Kr.uaiiu proposed the scheme ol -tartdng a oewapap r, his friends dissuaoed him, saying there whs already 0.. e paper publisoed io Boston, ami bat tuuooun ry would not support another. Today .here art 20,879 publi lotions ol " hich-2,158 are dailies; 14 827 w.tklios; 2, 791 are monthlies and 175 are tpiarieriies. Canada haß a total ot 930 publications. GEORGIA SYRUP. According to Dr. Wiley, the obemlst from ths Department of Agriculture at Washington, there is no syrup f qual to Georgia syrup, ric asys the sugar oane grown on the sandy soil of this state ie the best in the w. rld and particularly adopted for syrnp making. Syrup made from it Is far superior to the ample Hjkrup of commerce and if put op while hot in air:.'glic oaim will ktp forever Tbe£doo or saje there ia no chemical or other subatanoa that will preserve syrup and that nothing of the kind ehould ever be put in it. Jt is his opinion that under the present condi tions ti.a efforts of ttiosa who are try ing 10 develop the paying in dairies of this sec.' ion should te devoted to bring ing about th production of a uniform grade of Georgia syrup, in ordar to give it a high standing In the com mercial world, and that if this ia done the inferior grades of syrup will be driven out of the market, Much along this line baaalready been accomplished by those who believe in Biigar cane as one of the beat cropa that can be raised in this section, and they should feel encouraged to persevere in their laudable efforts. Sirup ia one of the principal articles of food and the dt iu ind for a good artiola|i almost un limited. There Is no reaton why our ayrop orop should not become one of the great staple crops of the oouotry. For LaGrippe and Influ enza use CHENEY’S EX PECTORANT. MARSHAL’S SALES, State of Georgia. 1 County of Glynn, y City of Brunswlca, ) Will be sold before the court house of said county oa the first Tuesday In December, 1901, wltbln the legal hours of sale, the following described property: * ‘ No. 1. Tbatcertala lot or parcel of land lying and being In the elty of Brunswick, county and state aforesaid, and known ami described on the plan ot said city made by George R. Baldwin In 1831 as follows, to-wlt: The northwestern [i-S| one sixth Of Old Town lot number thirty-three (83] Levied on ss unreturned property, under and by virtue of a tax ft-fa, Issued by N D JRunhcU, clerk of the mayor and council of said city, against said described property for taxes due the said mayor and coancil for the year 1000. Taxes, *4.83; costs,! No. a. Also at the same time and plaee that certain lot or parcel of iauu lying and being In the city of Brunswick, county and atate aforesaid, and kuowu and described on the plan of said eltv made by George R. Baldwin in Ik3T as follows, to-wit: The western 04) one q .artor of Old Town lot number forty-nine (■IB). Levied pn ay unreturned property nnder and by virtue of a tax 11 fa issued by N. 1). 1 tunnel I, clerk of the mayor and couacll of laid city, against said described property for taxes due tbe iinid mayor and council for tbe year 1800 Taxes, *5 85; coats, t No. 5. Also at tha same time and place that certain lot or parcel of laud lying and being hi the elty ot Brunswick, county and state aforesaid, and known aud described oh tbe plan of said city made by George R. Raid win in 1887 as follows, to-wit: The north wcslnrn (*4) one-quarter of Old Town lot number four hundred aud eventy-uight(47B) levied on an nnretumed property under aud by virtue of a tax tt-fa laaued by N. D. Russell, clerk of the mayor aud council of nnld city, against nald described property for taxee dui- the nald mayor and council for the year IDoO. Taxon, 18.03; coats, I No. 7., Alsu at the same time and place that certudn lot or paroeJ of laud lying aud being In tlbe city of Drtnewlck, coinity and state aforesaid, uud kuowu aud describes! ou the plan ef nalil city made Uj.Georpp It. iiattaWlD In 1887 an follows, to wit: Tji* . astern {%') ous-hslf of the western (H)ouu.nalf - (14) oue-qnarter of Old Town lot numser five Uumired aud thirty-two (632). Levied on as unrtrturned property, under uud by virtue at a tax B-fa, Issued by N. D. Russell, clerg of the mayor and couucil of said city, afcalust said Uom-.ilbed property for taxus iluc u>e sal 1 mayor uud council for the year 180 b. Texnt,*B.l3- costs,*.... No. I*. i-''' Also at the same time and place ttiut certain lot or uoioed of laud lying aud being in dbv city of Brunswick, county and state aforesaid, aud kuown uud described on the plan of said city made by George R, llaldwlu In 1837 as follows, to wit: Tbe northern (1-t) one-half ef tbe south ern (1-7) one-half (1-4) one-quarter of New Town lot number tour hundred and aix (108) Levied on as unroturued property, under and by virtue of a tax Ufa, Issued by N. D. Russell, clerk of the mayor aud couucil of said city, agalust said described property for taxes due me said mayor and council for the year 1900. Taxes, *0.63; costs.* No. 14. Also at the same time and place that certain let or parcel of laud lying aud being In Clio city of Brtmawlck, county and state aforesaid, and kuowu and ilescrllied on the plan of said city made by George K. Baldwin la 1837 as follows, to wit: New Town lot number nine hundred anil fifty-six (950). Levied ou as unreturued property, underand by virtue of a tax U fa. Issued by N. 1). Russell,clerk of Mayor ami Council of said city against said described property for taxes due tbe said mayor aud council for ths year 19U0. Taxes, 12.U8; costs, ( ......... No. 16. Also at the same time and place that certain lot or uaroel uf land lying aud beiug In ilia city uf Bruuawlck, couuty mid atate aforesaid, aud known aud described on , the plau of eald city made by George It. Baldwin in 1887 an follows, to-wit; New Town 10l number cloven hundred and fifteen (1115). Levied ou aa uureturned properly, under aud by virtue of a tux fi-fa, faßued by N. I). ItuH.pll. clerk of tbe mayor uml council of huid city, agalust said described property for taxes due the said mayor and council tor ha year 1807. Taxes, *2.52, coats,* No. 24. Also at the same time aud place that cerhaiu 10l or uarceil of laud lying and being lu the city of Brunswick, comity and state aforesaid, aud known aud described on the plan of nald city made by Ucorgo K. Baldwin in 1H37 as follows, to-Wit; New Town lot number eleven hundred and seventeeu (1117). Levied on as unreturued property, uuder aud by Virtue Of A tax fi-fa, issued by N. D. Russell, clerk of the mayor aud couucil of said city, agalust said de orlbed property for taxes due The said mayor and council for the year 1901 Taxes; *1.83; costs, * No. ar, Also at the Mine time and place that certain .lot or parcel of laud lying anti being lu the city of Brunswick, county and state aforesaid, and known and described on tbe plan of said city made by George K. Baldwin in 1837 as follows, to-wit: New Town lot mini tier twelve hundred and twenty vine (1329) Levied on as uurct'urued property, under ami by virtue of a tax fl-fa, Issued by N. I). Kusaoll. clerk of tbe mayor end council of mild city, against said described property -far taxes due tbs said mayor and council for tbe year lUOO. Taxes, 18.66; costs,*.... Ho. M i ■ , Also at tho, same time and place that ce rials lot or parcel of laud lying and being lu tire city sf Jtninswlck, county and stale aforesaid. and known and described on tbe plan ef said city miide by Ueorg* it. Baldwin in 1837 as follows, te-wit: New Town lot uuiutier tldtteen hundred and eight (1303). Levied ou as unrelarned property, under and by virtue of a tax fl-fa, issued by N. L). Kuasell, clerk of tbe mayor and council of said city, against said described property for tuxes due tbe said mayor and council for the year 1898. Taxes, *1.13; costs. *. I*o, ai. Also at tin) same Urns anil place that certain lot or parcel of land lying and being In th* city of Brunswick, couuty and state aforesaid, and known and described on tbe pin a of said ctiy mads by George R. Ualdwin In 1807 aa follows, to>Wlt: New Town lot unmber twenty-two hundred and twenty (92*0) 1 levied on sa 1111 returned property, under and by virtue of a tax 11-fa, faaund by N. 1). Russell, clerk of tbe mayor and council of said city, against said desorlbed property for taies due the said mayor and council for , the yeiir IWQO. Taxes, .40; coats, • No. ill. Also •£ the name time and place tbnt certain lot or paired of land lying and being In tbe city of Brunswick, couuty and state aforesaid, and known and described on the plan of said city made by George K. Baldwin In 1837 as follows, to-wlt: Mew Town lot number tWCoty-two hundred and twenty-one (£111). Levied on aa unreturned property, tinder and by virtue of a tax fl-ta, Issued by N. D. Russell, deck of the mayor and council of said city, agaluot aald described property for taxcß due the said mayor and council for (he year 1900. Taxes,l,4o; eosts, $ No. as. Alao at the saute time and plsc* that certain lot or parcel of lanJ lying and being In tbe city of Brunswick, couuty and slate aforesaid, and tn that por tion of said olty known aa Dixvillc and being particularly described aa follows: Lot [T] number seven, east of Cochran between London aim Prince streets. Levied en as unreturned property, under and by virtue of a tax 11 fa, Isaued by N iv Russell, clerk of the mayor anil council of said city, against said described property for taxes due the said mayor sad council for ihe year HOI. Taxes, *lc; coats,} No. 36. Also at tha same time and place that certain lot or parcel of land lying and being In the city of Brunswick, couuty and slate aforesaid, and Is that por tion of aald cltv known as Dixville and being jiarlioulairly described as follows; lot 7 num ber seven, east or > tons wall. north of George st. Levied on aa unrcturuetl property, under and by virtue of a tax fl fa, Issued by N. p. Russell clerk f the mayor and council of said city, agnlust said described property for taxes mie tbe said mayor and council for the year IbOU. Tames, 11 98; costs, I No. 38. Alao at the same time aud place, that SCI lain lot or parcel of land Tylug aud being Lt Us alty vf Briatswlcs, eeouty THE BRUNSWICK TIMEB-CALL, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22 1901 TRY IT Women suffer "®Cl mg from i eir.ale t r o a b 1 e sand -'.Sfeg- weakness, and 'it.-gHg* T)tn J'jffSjo.xira or painful men- U KM.lgf net \ (jlFPlto lose hope if doctorß cannot P SiCi " S aTe // the peculiar ail ' ■ ments and the and elicate organism of woman. What the sufferer ought to do is to give a. fair trial to RRA D FIELD'S Female Regulator which is the true cure provided by Nature for all female troubles. It is the formula of a physician of the highest standing, who devoted hif whole life to the study of the dis tinct ailments peculiar to our moth ers. wives and daughters. It is made of soothing, healing, strengthening herbs and vegetables, which have been provided by a kindly Nature to cure irregularity in the menses. Leu oorrhoea. Falling of the Womb, Nerv ousness, Headache and Backache. In fairness to herself and to Brad* Teld’a Female Regulator, every suffering woman ought to give it a trial. A large $i bottle will do a wonderful amount of good. Sold by druggists. , „ , and Send for a nicely til.Moled fr-e book on tho subject. The Brad field Regulator Cos., Atlanta, Ga. and state aforesaid, aud in that por tion of said city known as Dixville and being particularly dcacrilied as follows: Lot 2 number two, west of Gordon between George and London streets. Levied ou as unreturned property, under and by virtue of a tax fl-fa, isaued by N D. Russell, clerk of the mayor and council of said city, against said described property for taxes due the said mayor and council for the year 1900, Taxes, *8.81; coats, I No. 38. Also at the same time aud place, that certain lot or parcel of laud lying aud being iu the city of Brunswick, couuty aud state aforesaid, aud in that por tion of said citv known as Dixville and keing particularly described as follows: Lot 9 nnmber nine watt of Cle burne and north of London street. Levied on as unreturned property, under and by virtue of a tax fi-fa, Issued by N. D. Itussell, clerk of the mayor and council of said city, against said described property for taxes due the said mayor and council for the year 1899. Taxes, i1.48; costs, { No. 41. Also at the same time and place that certaiu lot or parcel of land lying and being In title city of Uruufiwlck, county aud state aforesaid, and in that por tion of said city known as Winosor l’ark and being particularly described as follows; Lot number thirty nine 39. Levied on as unreturned property, under and by virtue of a tax fi-fa, issued by N. D. Russell, clerk of tbe mayor uud council of suid city, agalust said described property for taxes dm the said mayor and council for the year 1899. Taxes, $2.42; costs, $ No. 44. Also at tbe same time and placs that certain lot or parcel of land lyiDg aud being in tbe city of Brunswick, county and stale aforesaid, aud in that por tion of said city known as Evansville and being particularly described as follows: Lot uumber fifty-eight 58. Levied on as unreturned property, under aud by virtue of a tax fi-fa, issued by N. 1). Russell, clerk of the mayor and council of said city, ugaiust said described property for tuxes due tbe said mayor and council for the year 1899. Taxes, .25; costs, * No. 47. Also at tbe same time and place, that certain lot or parcel of land lying and being In tbe city of Brunswick, county and stale aforesaid, and in that por tion of said city known as Four and a Half Acre tract and being particularly described as follows: Undivided (1-2) one-half of block number eleven (11). Levied on as unreturued property, under and by virtue of a tax fl-fa. Issued by N. I). Russell, clerk of tbe mayor and council of said city, against suid described property for taxes due the said mayor and council for the year 189S. Taxes, *1.12, costs, * No. 51. Also at the same time and place that certain lot or parcel of land lying and being In Dhe city of Brunswick, county and stute aforesaid, aud in that poj tion of said city kaown as Four and a Half Aore tract aa.l being|particulavly described as follows: Undivided 1-2 one half of block num ber twelve 12. Levied on as unreturned property, under and by virtue of a tax li-fa, issued by N. D Russell clerk of tbe mayor and council of said city, against said described property for taxes due the said mayor and council for tbe year 1899. Taxes, 90c; costs, * No, 33. Also at tbe same time and place, that certain lot or parcel of laud lying and being In tbe city of Brunswick, county and state aforesaid, and In that por tion of said city mown s Four and a Half Acre tract und being particularly described as follows: U udivided 1-2 one half of block num ber twelve 12. Levied on as unreturned property, under and by virtue of a tax fl-fa, issued by N. D. Kussell. clerk of the mayor and council of said city, against said described prop rty for taxes dm the said mayor und council for the year 1900. Taxes, $1.05: costs, * ....... No. 56. Also at the same time and place, that certain lot or parcel of land, lying and being in obe city of Brunswick, county und stale aforesaid, and in that por tion ot said C'ty known as Four and a Half Acre tract and lieing particularly described as follows; Kasiora 1-2 one half of b.ock number fifteen 15. Levied on as un returned property, under and by virtue of a tax fl-fa, Issued by N. D. Russell clerk of tbe mayor and council of said city, ngaiust said described property for taxes dim the said mayor and council for the year 1897. Taxes, *1.40; costs.* No. 107. Also at tbe same time and place the unexpired leasehold interest in and to that certain lot or iKtroel of land lying and being in the city of Brunswick, county and state aforesaid, and kuown and described on tbe plan of the town com mons as follows to wit: Seven tifteenths 7-13 oi tbe eastern l-2 one half ~ 7-30 seven thirti eths of town commons lot number fifteen *5, between Wolff a id Albany stvaets and bound ed as follows: Beginning at a point thirty feet north of the southeastern corner of said lot, running theuce north forty-two feet, thence west ninety feet, hence south forty-two feet, thence east ninety feet to point of beginning Levied on as unreturned property, under and by virtue of a tax fi-fa, issued by N. H. Bussell, clerk of the mayor and council of said city, against sHld described propeuv for taxes due the said mayor and council for the year 1901'. Taxes T >9c, costs * No. 109 Also at the same time and place, tbe unexpired leasehold Interest in and to that certain lot or parcel ot land lying and being in tbe city of Brunswick, county I and state aforesaid, and known and described on the plan of tbe town com mons of -aid city as follows, to-wit: North western I 6 two sixths of lot number fifteen 16, between Wolff and Albany streets. Levied on as unreturned property, under •ud by virtue of a tax ti ia. Issued by N. i D. Russell clerk of the mayor and council 1 of said city, against said described property for taxes due tbe said mayor and council lor the year 1899 Taxes 76c, costs t ... No. in. Also at the same time and place, tbe unexplred leasehold interest la and to that certain lot or parcel of land, lying and being In the city of Brunswick, county ami atate aforesaid, aud known aud described on the plan of the town c- m mons of said city as follows, to-w-t: Lot numb.-r forty-one 41, lietwcen Albany and Amberst streets. Levied on as unreturned property, under and by virtue of a tax fi-fa, issued by N. D. Bus ell, clerk of the mayor and council of said city, against said described property for taxes due the said mayor and council fur I the year 1901. Taxes sa. 45. costs * No, 11*. Also at the same time aud place, the unexplred leasehold Interest In and to that certain lot or parcel of land lying and being In the city of Brunswick, couut.v and state aforesaid, and known ami described on the plan of the town com mons ofsald city as follows, to-wlt: Lot number forty-two 42, between Albany and Amberst streets. Levied on as unreturned property, under and by virtue of a tax fl-fa, issued by N. D. Russell, clerk of tbe mayor and council of said city, against said described property for taxes due the said mayor a< and council for the year 1901. Taxes *2 10, costs * No. 118. Also at the same time and place, tbe unexplred leasehold Interest In and to that certain lot or parcel of land lying and being In the city of Brunswick, county and atate aforesaid, aud known aud described on tbe plan of the town com mons of said city as follows, to-wit: Lot number forty-three 43, between Albany and Amherst strests. Levied on as unreturned property, under and by virtue of a tax fi-fa, Issued by N. D. Russell, clerk of the mayor and council of said city, against said described property for taxee due the said mayor and counoil for the year 1901. Taxes 12 10, costs ( No. 114. Also at the same time and place, the unexplred leasehold Interest In and to that certain lot or parcel of land lying and being In the city of Brunswick, county and state aforesaid, and known and described on the plan of the town com mons of said city at follows, to-wit: Lot number forty-four 44, between Albany and Amberst streets, Levied on as unreturned property, uuder and by virtue of a tax fi-fa. Issued by N. D. Russell, clerk of tbe mayor aud Cuuuco of said city, agalust said described property for taxes <iu>- the said mayor and council for the year 1901. Taxes *1.40, costs * No. 115. Also at the same time and place, the unexpired leasehold interest in and to that certain lot or parcel of land lying aud being In tbe city of Brunswick, couuty and state aforesaid, and known and described on tbe plan of tbe town com mons if said city as follows, to-wit: Lot uumber forty-five 45, between Albany and Amhorttt. stt.rAPAft. Levied on as unreturned property, under and by virtue of a tax fl-fa, Issued by N. D. Ru-sell, clerk of the mayor and council of said city, agaimil said described property for taxes due the said mayor ana council for the year 1901 Taxes *2,10, costs * No. 116. Also at the same time and place, the nnexplred leasehold interest in and to that certain lot or parcel of land lying and being in the city of Brunswick, couufy and state aforesaid, and known and described on the pian of the town com mons said city as follows, toswit-: Lo* number seventy-two 72, between Albany aud Amherst streets. Levied ou as unreturned property, under and by virtue of a tax fl-fa, issued by N, D. Russell, clerk of the mayor and coudcll of said city, against said described property for taxes due the said mayor aud council for the year 1901. Taxes *1.40, costs * No 117. Also at the same time and place, the unexpired leasehold Interest In and to that certain lot or parcel of land, lying and being in the city of Brunswick, county and state aforesaid, and known and described on tbe plan of the town com mons of said city as follows, to-wit: Lot nurnbor seventy-three 73, between Albany and Amherst streets. Levied on as unreturned property, under and by virtue of a tax fl-fa. Issued by N I). Russell, clerk of tbe mayor aud council of said city, against said described property for taxes due the (aid mayor and council for the year 1901. Ta uses *1.40; costs No. 118. Also at tbe eauie time and place, the unexpired leasehold Interest In and to that certain lot or parcel of land, lying and being In tbe city of Brunswick, county and atala aforesaid, and known and described on the plan of tbe Town Commons of said city as follows, to-wit: Lot number seventy-four 74, between Albany and Amherst streets Levied on as unreturned property, under and by virtue of * tax fl-fa Issued by N D. Russel, clerk of Mayor and Connell of said city, agaiußt said described property for taxes due tbe said mayor and council for the year 1901 Taxes *1.40; costs NO. 119. Also at tbe same time- and place, tbe unexpired leasehold interest in and to that certain lot or parcel of 'a-td lying and being In She city of Bruuawlck, county and state aforesaid, and known and described on the plan of tbe Town Commons of said etty as follows, to-wit; Lot number seventy-flye 75, between Albany and Amherst streets. Levied on as unreturned property, under and by virtue of a tax fl-fa issued by N. Russel, clerk of the mayor and council of 6uid city, against said described property for taxes due the said mayor and council for tbe year 1901. Taxes *1.40; costs * No. 120. Also at tbe same time and place, the unexpired leasehold interest in and to that certain lot or parcel of land lying and being la tbe city of Brunswick, county and state aforesaid, and kuown aud described on the plan of the Town Commons of said city as follows, to-wit; Western 1-2 one-half of lot number seventy-six 76, between Albany and Amherst streets. Levied on as unreturned property, under und by virtue of a tax fi-fa, issued by N Kussell, clerk of tbe Mayor and Council of said city, against said dcserilied property for taxes due the said mayor aud council for tbe year 1901. Taxes *1.05, costs t No. 121 Also at tbe same time and place, tbe unexpired leasehold interest In and to that certain lot or parcel of land lying aud being in tlbe city of Br-mewlck, county and state aforesaid, and known and described on tue plan of the Town Commons ot said city as follows, towit: Northeastern 1-4 one-quarter of lot numbe. seventy-six 76 lie tween Albany and Amherst streets. Levied on as unreturned property, undet and by virtue of a tax fl-fa, issued by N. D. Russell, clerk of tbe mayor and council of said city, against said described property for taxes due the said mayor and council for the year 1901. Taxes 52c, costs No. 122 Also at the time time and place, tbe unexpired leasehold Interest la and to that certain lot or parcel of land lying and being In tbe city of Brunswick, county and state aforesaid, aud known and described on the plan of the Town Commons of said city as follows, to-wlt: Southeastern 1-4 one quarter of lot number seventy nine, 79, between Albany ard Amherst streets. Levied on as unreturned property, under and by virtue of a tax fl-fa, issued by N. I).Russell, clerk of the mayor and council of said aity, against said dcscriaed property for taxes due the said may r and council for the year 1901. Taxes 52c costs no. m Also at the sane time and place, tue unexpired leasehold interest in and to that certain lot or parcel ot land lying and being In the city of Brunswick, county aud state aforesaid, and known and described on the plan of the Town Commons of said city as follows, to-wit: Southwestern 1-fi one-sixth of lot number seventy-nine 79, between Albany and Amherst streets. Levied on as unreturned property, under aud by virtue of a tax fl-fa, issued by N. D. Russell clerk of tihe mayor and council of said city, against said described property for taxes due the said mayor and council for the year 1901. Taxes 36c, costal No. 124 Also at the same time and place, the uucxpired leasehold interest in and to that certain lot or parcel of land lying and being in the city of Brunswick, county and state aforesaid, and known and described on the plan of the Town Commons ol said citv as follows, towlt: Lot number eighty I 80. between Albany and Ainhertt streets Levied on as unrattiroed property, under and by virtue of a tax fl-fii issued by N D. Russell,clerk of Ihe mayor sad council of said city, against said described property lot for taxes due tbe said mayor and council fur the year 1901. Taxea Ilo,costs I , CONTIS IK l> ON TAGK THKLB CASTOR IA The Kind Yon Have Always Bought* and which ha* 99M in use for over 30 year;;, has borne tnn elgiadiri -and h?s been made Diiideaf hb gwv , sonal supervisVm since its -t&Cc/LtAZ Allow no one io decdYOfCSiiuttda All Countert'eits, Imitations and “Just-ngßoß"*se '**fc Experiments that trifle with and endanger tbe iMth rf Infants and Children—Experience Vj'iirsst ffisoDerfmmm* What is CASTOREA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Cfestfit yd, >rsaev goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups* St te PfcaaiDnt US contains neither Opium, Morphine nor ®thei' isftrwttl substance. Its age is its guarantee! It destroy l ! Siw >Retf and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea e-ad Wiwi Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures CoM-sU'wonfcfitt and Flatulency. It assimilates the Foodi rebuts *&•# Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and Bftfeß'J The Children’s Panacea-The Mother's 'freYmm* GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS The Kind You Have .toys Boa|ht In Use For Over THE CENTAUR COMMNV. TV *U*M! •KWh'. HWWVWRA tWM, SOUTHERN RAILWAY SCHEDULE. FOB SAVANNAH, WASHINGTON AND HP* TORN Lv Brnus wick SIB im IKam |S o m !) 05 p n ArSavannah ....9 00 am 12 16 pm 8 16 p m 12,30 ala Ar Washington ISSaia 9 00 pro Ar New York 2 C3 p m a *S a ro FOR MACON, ATLANTA. lOUISVILLE, CIN JINN ATI AND >. i ; GO. Lv Brunswick T o a m a c.> p a: Ar Macon 1 3 no * v\ Ar Atlanta t lu p n 5 St u u; Ar Louisville Sok I Ufit Ar Cincinnati imsh M(i? or Ar chicaeo 6 |o if iu j> m FKOM NEW YORK, WASHINGTON AND SAV'A'-..'A. . Lv New York 12 10 a u S 56 p B Lv Washington Ult !* %> 55 u Lv Savannah 6 00 a ta is iljia Ar Brunswick 7 ttm $ 5 10 p ir SUNDAY SCHEDULKS BETWEEN BRUNSWICK AN',: iiAV ANN AG. Lv Brunswick OCOt at i J.l in SO6 pv ArSavannah - > its i?i !* 15 :a * iSnv> Lv Savannah 6 fiC t, E) s ) \ i ... . . Ar Brun <wick Bly * m k p,a DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. ~ 0. L- Oa N OLK'k. ut uei <i Attaint. Hard Sense. It takes keen common sense, added to superior judgment and ‘ experience, to he superintendent of ,• . a railroad. Such a man never re- • 1. t,:,- * A: commends anything that he has not > himself subjected to crucial test. f i A prominent railroad superintend- . ' ent, living at Savannah, Ga., in j;’\ } i>. ... ■} which city he was born, says he I y'~~ ' 'i} feels better than he ever did, and —^’y^^y y '.- , V \\ ,s '" he had the worst case of dyspepsia y'/' ■'/’ '\ \ J&,- : : on record. He had no appetite, and y'/y '‘j) ; the little he ate disagreed with him, / P# ft causing him to vomit often. He had pains in the head, breast and / S/m&y'i ' stomach, but after using three hot- ly- : ties of P. P. P. he felt like anew MpJEk l/:': .' 'hi,.-' Jfe- j man. He says that he feels that he >%.// | could live forever if he could always ->.* 4 $ ' b getP. P.P. His name will be given — 4^ on application to Lippman Brothers, th 9^, proprietors of this great remedy. Dyspepsia in all its forms is promptly v and permanently cured by P. P. P. General Debility and lack of energy give place to vim and ambition through the use of P. P. P. Blood Poison and all its incidental and hereditary ills are eradicated by P. P. P. Rheumatism is conquered and banished by P. P. P., as are also Catarrh and Malaria. P. P. P. is a purely vege table compound, which has steadily grown in favor for years. • SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. LIPPMAN BROTHERS, PROPRIETOR BLO£ , K Savannah, Ga. W. .J. BUTCB. SIR SEffi MACHINES. '*B*st on Etrth,” and with all the ] atest improvements SOLD ON EASY TERMS G. F, GAY. 5 ’4 Gloucester Street ■M had a mnntng sore on my breast for over year,'‘says Heiry R. Richards of Willseyvllle N. Y., “and tried a grant many remedies, bnt got aoreli! in til 1 used Banner Halve. After using one knlf box I, was perfectly cured. 1 can’trecunsmeßd It too highly. 11 w. J. Butt*. J. M, BURKETTS PmOLESALEf ' Grain and Provision Cow and i Chicken Fee# LADIES CAN WKARHHOiCS. ■ one slc smaller after udne Allen's Foot Base a powder to bo shaken Inti • the shoos, It makes tight or new shoes feel ea-y, gives instant rc lief to corns or bnuions listhe greatest com fortdlsconery of the age. cures and prevents swollen feet, b'istera and sore spots. Allen s Foot Ease Is a certain cure f"i sweating, hoi. aching feet. At all druggists, and shoe store*. 26c. Trial package free by mall. Andrew ■ Allen S. Oliusted, LeUuy, N. Y,