The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 24, 1901, Image 2

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■Bp. Gall. Times-tall, n moo. ■:!Vy/ j %'/ M: '.;-,jW (Kr ' <* !)SI ' AT I.LSSEf. IjSlSSWiSmy' i i:fr*.: cnier ','*■' J.S^"*--.’Wjt' mmh lUmU, Cor V^'.^'r*.,'f ■ ") ( U Hull. Iti*l. Koikl iv" 1 ' >uc. ,u ‘ i '‘"’ ll ' * ll<mß to l ’ ult llM * 3 < AlJ > m/HHBBBm rX'i'// : %-\ 'B* ifwjtuwHKi i uolily U.OUJ. Kot to? luue of lb* Tlmi m H‘l* manor will be tpo.t- ubllaliera |l||||■■l uml third part ion are fad- regular partis* are as HHWtne country can support. |?W IR Die sea-on of the year when ||fll has to begin to get money in hi* Hfun in contemplation of wbat is com- Hg noxt month —Augusta Herald The New York Evening Poet Hatur day last observed with a epeoial edition the ono hundreth anniversary of Its first publication. Not many newspapers in the country can look back one century of continuous publication. . •/ of itnmigra'ion agents •• • ioeffo for a tour i < • . the purpose of their trip btl t • study the outh's advantages so as to iuduoe northern people to move down this way. A bet ter section of the globe in wbloh to go home seeking can not be found. WINTER COURSE FOR YOUNG MEN. What promisee toll* an Important feature or the a ale iiuiXArsily’a edu national work ia tbe short winter oourae of instruction which baa bean upeolallv arranged (or the benefit of young meu on the farm, many of whom are prevented hy tlnanoiai lim itation from taking the foil college oourae, Thla special oourae will last only three months and will cover the eea son when the young men oan be beat •pared from the work of the farm. Commencing on the 6;h of January, the term will end on the 39 h of Maroti, and throe mouths of thorough In atriicllon along praotloal and helpful Imee will be glvtn to all who avail themselves of this splendid opportu nity. What (Georgia nnada in bar agrloul t ural diatricts to make her prosperous and happy t* an educated yeomanry. Mo fault can be found with the toil of the atate nor with the Induatry of the people, Perhaps no aeotlon of tbe couutry la more richly favored in either respect and the only thing need ed to put Georgia [fully abreast with tbe most pr gieaalve agricuP ural atates of tbe union ia Increased aduoatlonal faoilltles. This provision which the state uui- teraily now makes for education the young farmeia of tbe state ‘whose slender moans will not permit them to enjoy the full aoadtutlc course is an eminently wise one and no doubt scores of young men will avail them selves this winter ef the privilege whtoh it oiTets to them. Without the least detriment to the work of the farm Uey jsu lay it aside for threa months in tbe wiuter; and during this Tins they can acguiie uaeful informa tion which will lie of lasting help to them 1 nd-ed, they will Mod that the lime and the money which they pat For LaGrippe and Influ enza use CHENEY'S EX FECTORIIN l\ Into it will be paltry in comparison with the good which they will get out of it No fee of admission will be charged and the ouly exoense to which those who attend will be pet will be the ex pense of board and this will not be in ecoess of |18,50 par month. The 4 bran ihea of study which will be taken up during the oonrse include mathe matics, Eogii-h, chemistry, agricul ture, hortionltere, dairying, farm en gineering and et' er important branch es. in addition to what the state nniveraity is already doiog for the farmers of Georgia this special oonrse of Instruction will carry Its prsotical operations still further and make Its beneficent influence still more etrogly felt upon the life of the state.—Atlanta Const! i niton. CIRCUS COMING. In rafersnoe to The Walter L. Main Shows, which ia scheduled for Bruns wick M nday Due 2 id, we take plea sure In publishing the following letter from the editor of The Democratic Advooate, of Westminster, Md.; "Westminster, Mp., October 7, 1801. Mr. John D Carey—Dear Sir: We enclose several slips of an article which will appear In ous paper on the 12th. They may bo of nee to you In Virginia, where we are well known. Every one speaks in the moat favorable terms of your exhibition, particularly -of tbs oonduo: of the employees while leaving at night—no cussing, no loud orders, but everything was in perfect order, You will always have a crowd here. No pickpocket*—no fake*. Yours respectfully, ‘Vanderfor 1 Bros, * P.r W. H. V." THIS WILL INTEREST MANY. To qumkiy introduce B. B. B. (Bota nic Blood Balm), the famous Southern blood cure, Into new hmaea, we will -end absolutely free, 10,000 trial treat ments, Botauio Blood Ba>m 18. B. B.) quickly mirea old aloera, scrofula, eczema, ttobtngskln and blood humors, canoer, eating festering sores, boils, carbuncles, pimple* or offensive erup tions, palna la booee or Joints, rheuma tism, catarrh, or any blood or akin 'rouble. Botauio Blood Balm (B. B, B.) deals every sore or pimple, makea tbe blood pure and rtoh and stops all aohei and palna. Batanio Blood Balm (B. B. B a ) thoroughly tested for 30 yeara in hospital and private praotioe, and has oared thousands of oasea given up aa hopeleaa. Sold at drug stores, $ 1 per large bottle. For free treetment write to Blond Balm Cos., Atlanta, Qa. Medl oane sent at onoe, prepaid. Describe trouble and free medioal advice given. Botanic Blood Balm |B, B. B,) gives life, vigor and stream to the blood. The lineal Blood Purifier mads. Bo tanlo Blood Balm (B, B. K.) gives a healthy Blood supply to the skin and entire system. SOUTH CAROLINA INTER-STATE & WEST INDIAN EXPOSITION, Charleston,S. C., Beginning Deo. 1, 1901. For this occasion the Southern Railway offers very reduced rates and improved schedules Sale of tickets beginning Nov. 30th and continuing throughout the Exposition. Ticket agent* of the Southern Railway and connecting lines will sell through tickets and furnish complete information. Within half square of tbe Southern Railway at Charleeton electric cars will taks you to the Exposition grounds for sc. W. H. Taylor, A ® P. A., Atlanta, ua. J. B. Beam ,1b , D. P. A . Atlanta, oa. J as. Fkexmak, T. P. A., Moaon. oa. PILE-INK OURKB PILKBI Money refunded if it ever fails. For Hale by T KKWMAN MB BRtJNBWiI.h fIMEI-OALL. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 24 1901 BAD MOOD, BAD COMPLEXION. The skin is the seat of ail almost end less variety of diseases. They are known by various names, but are all due to the same cause, acid and other poisons in the blood ti: it irritate and interfere with the prop'-r aetion of the skin. To have a smooth, soft skin, freo from all eruptions, the blood must be kept pure and healthy. The many preparations of arsenic and potash and the large number of face powders and lotions generally used in this, class of diseases cover up for a short time, but cannot remove per manently the ugly blotches and the red, disfiguring pimples. Eternal vigilance Is the price of a beautiful complexion when such remedies are relied on. Mr. H. T. Sfeobe. 2704 Lucas Avenue, St. Louis, Mo., says : “ My daughter was afflicted for years with a disfiguring ei option on her face, which resisted all treatment. She was taken to two celebrated health springs, hut received no bene fit. Many medicines were prescribed, but with out result, until we decided to try S. S. S., and by the time the first bottle was finished the eruption began to disappear A dozen bottles cured her completely ana left her skin perfectly smooth. She is now seventeen years old, and not a rignof the embarrassing disease has ever returned." S. S. S. is a positive, unfailing cure for the worst forms of skin troubles. It is the greatest of all blood purifiers, and ths only one guaranteed purely vegetable. Bad blood makes bad complexions. purifies and iuvigo ~v & - rates Auc old and makeshiew, rich blood k, mk. Mk. M that nourishes the body and keeps the skin active and healthy and in proper condition to perform its part towards carrying off the impurities from the body. If you have Eczema, Tetter, Acne, Salt Rheum, Psoriasis, or your skin is rough anti pimply, send for our book on Blood and ISkin "Diseases and write our physi , cians about your case. No charge what ever for this service. SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY. ATLANTA, GA. For Sale Cheap. To wind up Budding & Loan Asso ciation, Tbe Soiaoton place, contains 283 sores, four and a half miles from oity. One house and lot No 904 Bay street One house and lot Na-906 Bay street One bouse and lot No. 9'>6 Oglethorpe street. One bou >e and let N 2. 907 Oglethorpe street. Library building and lot on Rich mond street. Tbe Cnaa. Morris rea dense, 916 South Antturet stre f . House and lot Ul7 South Wo'f St. Small ti c nf lnd n-ar the Cuapel, known as the Forriu Appij to N. Emanuel, President of the A lantio Investment Company. IB YOUR LIFE WORTH 25 CENTS? Consumptives, w 1 know that you have Men dissappointed many times, but make one more el tort 'to be cured. Gooch’s Mexican Syrup has cured thousands and It will cure you. Consumption is tbe result sf the food material that should go to sup port the body and sustain life being ab sorbed and thrown off in tubercu. ous mat ter, To overcome this waste of vital force and restore the nourishment to the system In its natural course, is to cure. This is accomplished by Gooch’s Mexican Syrup, It oontrols nought, night sweats, spitting tt blood, soreness in chest, inflamed throat and lungs, difficulty of breathing, heavy aonghi accompanied with expectoration and parofced lips. We know you have been disappointed many times, but make one more effoi tto save yourself. *ou can buy a bottle ol ooooh’s Mexican Syrup for 25c, It cores a simple cough as if by magic, and t* the best emedy for whooping ooug h The Southern Railway hao inaugurated Pullman sleeping oar line between Wash* ington, D. C. and Atlanta, Ga , on their "Atlanta and Express,’’ trains Nos. 3S and 34; first car south bound leaving Wash ington November 3rd; first car north bound leaving Au-ita November sth. This affords Pullman service on these trains through fr(Wn Atlanta to New York, the Pullman cars having heretofore been attached to the Atlanta & New York Express at Charlotte and no Pullman service between Charlotte and Atlanta. _ We Never Hesitate whan a plumber is needed, to dispatch one promptl} to tbe scene of trouble. And the skillful way the work is done will please ths most oritical customer. The material used is high grade and will leaf for years under all ordinary strain. Out prices are especially interesting. A. H, BAKER, 205 Gloucester St. "I Sad t rauniiu sure on my nreaet (or over year,-**;' Hairy U. Kiebarda of wuueyvills N, Y , “au l tried a (rest many reinedim, bat got norelia* mill I need llaaner Salve. Attar Being one half not I, was perfectly cured. I Caa’ireeoi tinead It too Ugbly " w J Uutts. IN IMPtION OF lit SKIN may resalt from interns! or external abuses but whatever the oaaae or effect the r-msdy !a here. In our stook of DRUGS AND MEDICINES there is a complete line of all skin emoluments and purifying medicines. Amongst these our prepartion for chapped hands stands at the head. It is a posi ire relief for this and other Irritations of the skin. SMITH’S PHARMACY i if„ BO a I K CHARTS FOR SAi.E. Charts tide tables and other publications, U. M. coast and Geodetic survey for sale by C. W Deming Phones’ or 3i, To cure SICK HEADACHE, HABITUAL CONSTIPATION, and all diseases arising from In dlffr- They will purify your ekeyourcomplexlon A ULY. They are p *i. PRICE 26 CENTS. |P OQviS)iv ’ LUMBER IS LIKELY TO ‘‘GO UP” in price, so it is good policy for you to place your order now, and get tbe advan tage of present prices. We have a com ptete line of moulding, mill work, etc., all seasoned woods. Kiln dried flooring and ceiling always instock. Phone 197. Lang & Wood PLaning Mill. A FIREMAN’S CLOSE CALL. “I etuck to my engine, although every joint ached and every nerve was racked with pain," writes C W Bellamy, a locomo tive fireman, of Burlington, lowa., “I was weak and pate, without any appetite and all run down. As I was about to give, I got a bottie of Electric Bitters and, after aking it, I felt as well as I ever did in my life ” Weak, sickly, run down people always gain new life, strength and vigor from their use. Try them. Satisfaction guaranteed by all druggists. Price 60c Cheap Rates to JACKSONVILLE —Via The— (MU ROUTE. $3 to Jacksonville, $2 to Fernandina MOTHERSWOKM SYRUP. Heat worm medicine, Übildren like it so well they eat it on bread. LAIUKS CAN WKAKBHOKB; one alac smaller after using Allen's Fool Ease a IKiwder to be shaken Into the shoes. It hiakee tin lit or dhw shore tael easy, gives Instant re lief to come nr bunions. Its tbe greatest com fort dieeouery of the age, cores and prevents swollen fret, blisters and sore spots. Allen's Foot Ease la a certain core for sweating, hot. Selling fet A l all Iruggisut and shoe stores, tic Trial package free by mall. Add roar, Allen 8. olassted.Leltojr. N. Y .*y - CASTORIA V... „ '*• ... ... The Kind You Have Always Bought* and yjfcicfe feM ttoMR iu use for over 30 years, has borne the stgnft&am mi -j/9 —and h's beeu made under f* I ,*- /\P‘ j s , sonal supervlsfion since aiftut-Jbuuffa Allow uo one 'o deceive msi maul All Counterfeits, Imitations and ** Jtast-lUhgood** BM but Experiments that trifle with and er danger tSie gseartft of Infants and Children—Experience VfTinHt What is CASTORIA AN Castoria is a harmless substitute frjr Castor Oti, goric, Drops and Soothing Syrupsc Et V HeflSßßt It contains neither Opium* Morphine nor i>ther warawiii substance. Its age is its guarantee, It destroy* WtwflM and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wfartl Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures CoiifidpitNt and Flatulency. It assimilates the Fooda regutoa--;# v*3A Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natasna* f&rom. The Ci'Udren’s Panacea—Tho MoU*ar*£ i?rl?<r£* GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS il— The KM You Haw llwsjs Bought In Use For Over SO Vimm THE CENTAUH COMMNV, TT ftCHNIAV <1 .• and. The Favorite Show COMING TO BRUNS w XCK On Saturday, Nov 30; yffiPfisareala inM '/JliHo mwt *a*“22S*3o : * // HsKT. ,TT sB*lYiN TWit’A - . \ , / i/' ~ \ V ,| „ „ Z'N IHf -J *Mt V Bring the chilareoto see our little B*by Lion’s. See the Famous Werntss Family of Aerolists— 6 in number — 3 Ladies aod 3 Gents. Remember the day aud date, Saturday, Nov. >O.