The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 26, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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2 The Brnaswick Times Established ltlt. The Brunswick Cali.' Kit&bliibed m The Itranswick Tiraes-Gall, CUSSOL.IDATKI) IWOO, Published EVERY MOUNINU EXCEPT MONDAY. BYR. A. MULLINS, LESSEE. fc. . . —: , . - The Tlmes-Uall wUi be delivered bf carrier or mail per year, *6 00; per week IS cent*. Cor retpoadentx oa live subjects aollolted. Real uamo of writer üboold aocoiupanj came. Bb -ccrlptton, payable la advance. Addreae all communications to THE TIMEH-CALU ftroaawiok, Ua. TO BUB3GRIB1R8: Subscribers are requested to notify the offlse wbrii they fall to get aay latue of the Ttmee- L'all AlUntioL to this matter will he afpi*- elated by the publisher*. The LaGraugs Grabble note* that “the 1100. Jos M Terrell (till remain* .1. >ll “ ' steady in the boat, and leu the other . • . i . • ,))' ! fellow* rook their* a* much •* they please.” Twelve telegraph operators may be able to send twelve different uiesasgsa over one lltMe wire at the same time, but think of twelve peiple trying to talk over the stout telephone wire at the same lime. We hope the observance of Thee hr. giving day lu Brunswick thl* jeer wilt be inure general than uaaal. At many ■ teres as possible should clone for tb<i dty or |ri of the day. Let • observe the I y more gen* rally. The average daily thlyio-ut of nil out of Beaumont it appro* mating lou oare a day—lai gild* evldenoe that Teiae fuel oil is iluilmg a iunrke , and a large one It ia sahi that it there were more care avaliabU the ahipuibtus nould hr larger. I London le to Lave e ten-ui 11100 dol lar elryeoraper, eric.od by Amerlien capital. It wilt uit have to b high to scrape London's sky, if we Judge by the fast that half the tiiua [beak* ie down in the streets, Interfering with the trtflic. ! 5. 1 A New York antomoblllel has made a mile lu 51 4 5 seconds wbtob break* all automobile records. The beet bloy ole record I* a mile lu 1 minute and 2} second*, The trotting reoord i* 8 uiiunias and 3J seoorde. The fatteit mile ever made hy a locomotive was In 32 seconds, or at the rate of 112 5 miter an hour. • r I ( lu the North Ueurgia conference at Home, the following resolution wa* voted down, the plea being that the confen ins had no busioers meddling with the legislators: “Rieolved, that we are uuilterahly oi posed to the sale ■ •:>'<; ‘ t 4t * of liquor except fjr tnedloinal or mechanical use*, whe her to b* sold by the individual for gain or by either state or county for the sake of lower mg 'axes.” TAN NOTICE City Tax Payers have ouly one week left in whlob to uitikt, payment, a* Us Tax I’tgen will pusliiveiy hs turned over to the Clerk oo lleoetnbtr first, and executions will be isaued liunis diately thereafter, Those iu arrears should make all payments at ouoe, and save the cost of execution* and advsr **•>. Geo, H. Smith, • City Treasurer, Thanksgiving turkeys, geese at U. W. Harper's. Phone Its . Bavannati Special via the it. A H. it. H io Havaunah in lhii minutes >iu change of care and no delay*. A pleasure Io nnswer question* and ticket lent to your liouee upon application Call on or phone iten J. Kurd, city passenger and tluAtt aaet b A H. It. K .corner Newcastle and £ itreeti phone iam For Asthma use CHE NEi’3 EXPECTORANT. COARSENESS IN THE PULPIT. Blsb ip Galloway, who ll presiding over the North Georgia Methodist now in session at Rome, made an impressive address yesterday to a number of young men who were enteriog upon the seeond year of their ministry. Oae of the most striking and timely ; oertions of his remarks was that em ; . ft r t * bodying hi* strong protest against a species of sensationalism wkleb some preaohers affect In these days and some • • ' persons admire and applaud, Bishop Galloway held that the uie of e .terse and abusive language by a minister of the gospel lessen his useful ness and brings him into disrepute, ■ r . 1 , •'* i He plead for a dignified, clean and hlghtoned minfatry. A. preacher should be a gentleman always, and yet there are preaohers who speak in the pulpit in a manner which no gentleman would tolerate In his own home and ‘i (/ ( • ' _ • * Would avoid on the public afreet. As we understand Bishop Galloway ha would have ministers of the Obrip- tlan church be (Jbrlstllka la speech te well as in deid. They oan sorely find no better model than the mao of Galll lee, of whom It has been said that he was “the first Iran gentleman that ever lived.’ 1 Bithop Galloway himself is a fine exemplar of dignity and pnrlty in the palpir. Bis earnestness, hie zeal, hie •earning and hiaaloguance give him a power for good wbloh Is made more beautiful and effeotlva by the chaste neie of hit speech . The young preacher* at the con fe enoe in Rums yesterday received oounoil that they will do well to lay to heart.- Atlanta Journal. SHIPPING REPORT, Oerrxted Dally by Oapt- Otto Johansaeen Part of Bronswisi, Nov. 23, 1901. A KKIVKD British 84, Muuuiflslds, Boyd, New Yorh. SB. (Jsrlb, Ingram*. Boston. BAILED. British 88. Msrie.Sua inns, Hodgson, Havre. Boh. Wlllteuis, C Wiokhriu Ewans, Philedeluhta. PUBLIC BALK. asoaaix, | Ut-VMN UOUHTV. I Under and by virtue or a power of wile in that certain deed to secure di-bl from Mary K. Mhaunou end A. V. Mhanoon to K. J Buck, as trustee for the American Building, Loan A Toutiue Saving* Association, of Memphis, Tens., said deed boinr recorded "th Vol 7 of Mortgages, page MM Of the record* of sail county, and rcfereuco to same lining had for ulj purposes, the said grantors having for more than st v moutlm failed to pay the intercut and dues unto eaiil Association, as they in their sald deed to secure debt obligated themselves to do, there will be sold before the door of the coifrt bouse in Uranswlck, Ua., between the local hour* of sale, to the highest and brat bid. •ler for cash on the 14th day of December, 1301, nil that certain lot of land In the oily of llranswhik, said cdunty with the improve ment* theroou; said lot known soil described on and in Baldwin'* map of said cltv made in the year HBt a* New Town lot nuinhor 410, con iaiulng sex HO ftet aftd fronting 30 feet on A street, for the■ puroos'e Of satisfying the in debtedness due upon tlie said deed toieeurc debt, the asm* being *423.84; b wide* the far ther sum of *3li.ti4 for taxes paid by said Asso ciation for said arsutore, besides the cost of foreclosure Including advertisement and coun sel tees es provided for In *aid died to secure debt. This lltb day of November, tool. MXky K. Shannon and A. Ci Bbahnum, By their attorney In tact, C. H Gallo way, ss treasurer aud succeeding trustee to said Mine IT. of said American Butldtug, U ftoviogh Association, of Mem -I*. W Kaarss, Altoruei for said Trustee and Association CITATION. UKOKU lA-Ulynn Comity. Jme H. Wriuef, s.lmiuisli,-Uirr upou ih- Mtaio uf G. H\ Wlight, stvilur. Isle of aul county, ilcceMsd, having flieC bis petition for dlschnrge. this Is to cite all per*ou conx-ercid to ehow oan** againat tbe granting of hit di ehai ge, at the regular terui of tbe court of Ordlnary<or nald oouniy, to be neld on tbe first Mon.lsv in l*eet'iiib*r. A D. 1801 Thi* tief>tein)>er Cod, llffl. ! * * HORACE I)AUT, Ordinary. PILKIN E CU RKB PILES I Mousy refunded if it ever fails. caroi ina Interstate a , WENT INDIAN EX POSITION, C'harlestou.H. Cy Heglnning l)ea 1, 1901. For this occasion the Southern Railway offers very reduced rate* and improved schedules bale of ticket* beginning Nov. noth and continuing throughout the Exposition. Ticket agents of the Southern Kti.way and counseling linee will Mil through ticket* and furnish complete information. Within half square at the Southern Hallway at ( harlMtou electric care will take you to the Exposition ground* for 6c, W. H. Tstlob, a, u P. A,, Atlanta, na. J. b. Hue, Jx„ 1). I*. A.. Atlanta, a. J*e. VaatMiM, 7. f A.Mcaon **. THE BRUNHWIUK TIMES-OALL TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26 1901 CATARRH Catarrh has become such a common disease that a person entirely free from this disgusting complaint is seldom met with. It is customary to speak of Catarrh as nothing more serious than a bad cold, ] a simple inflammation of the nose and | throat. ■ It is, in fact, a complicated and very dangerous disease; if not at first, ii Verv soon becomes so. The blood i.i quickly contaminated by the foul secretions, and the poison through the general circulation is carried to all parts of the system. Salves, washes and sprays are unsatis factory and disappointing, because they dc not reach the seat of the trouble. S. S. S. does. It cleanses the blood of the poison and eliminates from the system all catar rhal secretions, and thus cures thoroughly and permanently the worst cases. Mr. T. A. Williams, a leading drygoods mer chant of Spartanburg, S. C„ writes: " I'or yean I*hsd a severe ease of auHAw nasal Catarrh, with all the disagreeable effects Jg which belong to that U jR disease, and which W _ M make life painful and wyjfj tKJA afig unendurable. I used 1" 1 r ftV medicines prescribed by \ 1 y igf" leading physicians and— -f suggested by unmlters /[ . of friends, out without AM getting any better. I /gv then begar to take S S. effect, and cured me after taking --iglueen - bottles. Itt my opinion S. S. S. is the Only medi cine now in use that will effect a permanent cure of Catarrh.” 0 • jMjh AJ’Mk is the only purely veg ctable blood purifier known, and the great- E. Yb A "si k jH cst of all blood medi- WUP cines and tonics. If you have Catarrh don’t wait until it becomes deep-seated and chronic, but be gin at oivte the use of S. S. S., and send For our book on Blood and Skin Diseases and writt our physicians about your case. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA, GA.' -We have an expert man here for 30 dsjrs, and yon have yonr old and rag* scrubbed and oleanad at Brunswick Mattrese S'op. Phone 2.'3-‘J. Shop 506 Monk j SHIP NOTICE. Neither master, owners nor cousign eee of the Britieh -'ohooner E bel B, Sumner, will be responsible for any debts contracted by the crew of said schooner. Read, Master.' — 1— For Sale Cheap!. To wind up Bu'ldiDg & Doan Asso ciation, The Hoi hi, ton place, oooiains 283 aoree, four and a half miles from oity. One house and lot No 904 Ray s'r<*et Cue house aud lot No-90b Hay street One houre and lot No. 0 5 Ogletborpe street. One bourn and let Nr. 907 Oglethorpe street. Library building and lot on Rich mond ifreer. The Cltas. Morris residenoe, 916 South Amourst street. House and lot 1117 South Wolf St. Small tract of land near the Cbapel, known as the Perrin place, Ayp } to N. Emanuel, President of the A ianfo Investment Com nany. U YOUR LIFE WORTH 25 UENTS7 Consumptives, w : know that you have nen disstpp noted many times, but make non more effort no be cured. Goooh's Mexican Syrup has cured thousands and tt will cure you. Consumption is the result of the food material that should go to sup port the body and sustain life beiDg ab sorbed aud thrown off in tubercu ousmat jwr, To overcome this weste of vital force •nd restore the nourishment to the system in Ub natural course, is to cure. This is aooompliihed by Gooch's Mexican Syrup, It controls o lughe, night sweats, spitting *1 blood, soreness in chest, inflamed throat and lungj, difficulty of breathing, heavy sough* accompanied witn expectoration and parched lip*. Wilhncw you have been disappointed many trues, but ntatte one asore effoit to save yourself. 7ou oan buy a bottle o uoooh’s MJuca i Syrup lor 25c, I* cures t simple cough as if by magic, and is Mis be-t emedy for whooping coug h * n ’■*' - ' ?s**•*• We Uever Hesitate when a plumber ie needed, to dispatch one promptly to the scene of trouble. And the iktl.ful way the work ta done will please the most oritical customer. The material used ia high grade and will lasi for years under all oroinary strain. Our pr *ck are especially interesting. A. H, BAKER, £O6 Gloucester St. *1 bad > running sure oa my breast lor over year,* 1 *aj i He iff It. Richards of WUlteyvllle N, Y . ‘‘an. tried a great many remediee, but got no telle* ietll I used ll.inner Salve. Alter oelng on* kstf box I, war perfectly cured. 1 caa'treeoK ued It too highly ” w J. Hulls. 11 mail* 9 He SKIN may remit from internal or external oauses, but whatever tbe canie or effeet the remedy la here. In our etook of DRUGS AND MEDICINES there ia a complete line of all *kin emoluments and purifying mediolnee. Amongst these our prapartioo for obaDped hands etande at the bead. It is a positive relief for tbie and other Irritations of tbe skin. SMITH’S PHARMACY * IKS" CHARTS FOR SAbE. Charts tide tables and other publications, U. coast and Geodetic survey for sale by C. W. Deming ' Phones’ 1?2 or 31, To oure SICK HEADACHE, HABITUAL CONSTIPATION,) and all and snaees arising from ln-j dl(rr"-'.-> They will purify your, s ,akeyourcomploxlont f-- A LILY. They are \ • and. PRICE 26 CENTS coevsisav —■ a .LUMBER IS LIKELY TO “GO UP’ in price, so it is good policy for you to place your order now, and get the advan tage of present prioes. We have a com - ptete line of moulding, mill work, etc.. aU seasoned woods. Kiln dried flooring and oeiling always in stock. Phone 197. Lang&Wood Planing Mill. First-class tomatoes, pc eao Beat G. W Hrpe>’s. Phone 158 f 1 ’TOIXXA. ff-. Tf tl(# It|p Kind You Have Always Bougfi T Cheap Rates to JACKSONVILLE —Via The— ■Hl Hi. |3 to Jacksonville, $2 to Fernandina. MOTHERS WORM SYRpP. Best worm medicine. Children like it so well they eat it on bread. SHIP NOTICE, Neilb-r lb-master, owner nor con nlgnee* Of tbe Norwegian bark Pau’oi, will be re*t>onsiDle for any dehts con tracted by (be crew of said bark, Eil-isen, Master. LADIES CAN WEAR SHOES. Bit sire smaller after using Allen's Foot Ease a powder to be e£aksp In hi the shoes. It makes light oi new shoos feel easy, gives iustent re lief to corns or bnaione. Its the greatest eom lon diaoouety of the age. euiee and prevents swollen feet, blisters end sore spots. Allen’s foot Ease is a certain cure for sweating, hot, aching feet At all ilruggittet and shoe store* gfic Trial package free by mall Addruai, Allen b. olmel—l. lAKoy, N Y ICASTORIA* The Kind You Have Always Bought* and which Wii IMM in use for over 30 years, lias borne the sSgttiaM!® at -and h"s been made tinder tkfca ©a*- y , soual supervision shite hs Kfttertgr. S'&’/CC&Vti Allow no one Yo deoeUvo yai s® i&is. All Counterfeits, Imitations and ** Jcast-fUv sire J'.lt Experiments that trifle with and endanger Lifts MmAli of Infants and Children —Experience Igriwl BsaH9#d*#L What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute (hr Castor goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups* Et is tWeaßnsifc. contains neither Opium, Morphine nor jiliet isrsOM substance. Its age is its guarantee* It boBM and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea ft * WluMi Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures CoiuOMilll and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food teal Stomach and Bowels, giving health y and aaAMOTSi' The Children’s Panacea—The MotllW*ff GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS The Kind You liwajs Bouj&f In Use For Over 30 ¥**** the centu eonMNv, tv mvmut Mai, *es> VteSi. 1 he Favorite Show COMING TO BRUNS'* ICK On baturday, Ncv 30; BvMm ,KBS Wl| $ J§')i ai ify gHi X 'Ci /SSL®.®W*.Y Hit \ !>■ ■■£ • fl I * yJjH/r? ls SHOW w vT-':3\ t MLij J Oup * y>rrT. Bring the children ro see our little Baoy Lion s See the Famous We-rnt/, Family of Aeriolists—(i in number—B Ladies and 3 dents. Hem*mber the* day and date, Saturday, Nov. *O.