The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 30, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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2 The Hifliiswirt Times Kstabliihsd 1889. The Brunswick Gall SMablißhed lHas Tfie lirnnswick Times-Gall, CONSOUDATKD 100, Published EVERY MORNING KXCKIT MONDAY. BYR. A. MULLINS, LESSEE. The Tlinet-CaU will be delivered by rr 1 r ‘ or mell per year 10-O'*: per week 16 cents. Cos: reepondeuts on live ynbjeete solicited. R-:ti I ueiueol writer eb iold noeorupany seme. Hub , coiiptione payable In adv.uue. Address all comtuunlcatlons to THE TIMEH-OAJ.I. Jirucuwluk, Gv TO 8UB80KIBBRS; Subscribers are regaosted to notify the office when they inti to get any tMie of the Tlrues- Call. r ktentioi- to this matter will he up cl a led by the publishers. Mto o is still silling in Hi brigand.’ L>n r^ai ti c uniter waiting for the coining of the missionary map nates who sent her to Bulgaria. Tr e Governor of Indiana and the Governor of K mtucky and i t:o' speak 86 they pass by, and they liave ntogelli r Korgottan what the Governor of North Carolina said to the G ivernor of B<>u It Ciroiina. The Santiago prl*e money Las been awarded anil Sam peon gots s?!> 000 while Schley receivta only %210. Sampson may gat the ciah hut no don! t he would glid y exchange for he glory wine • rig O fully hulongs to Sc .|ey, a- (J winch be pe .pl have a ard and Imn Ddiuocia u ea,i alw.ys .urn theiroyes southward the day at cr Hi. elec ion with uudi* urbed swreidtv. I'ne sou’ii is still solid and it will farninh a linn and reliable basis on wnich to r build ■ the L* uiocfatio supieuc e f in t < U .it u Slates whenever the >;ty shall pi t tired i wandering in the fog ad the wilder ne-e in pursuit of ths g-.cdk of dead issues.— Philadelphia II cur l. The potato crop of Yi- country i* al most a complete fal'ur- libs y ar, and our produce dialers will have to look abroad for their stocks The iin pot ta t ion of potatoes bee already bogin, larg cargoes having reached hire from Hol land and Germany Experts believe that Urge importations will have io cruie from Europe before winter doses I’reoUely how bad the American crop will be, cannot be absolutely knowi for several weeks, tint the last govern meut c op report estimated it at 5 per cent of the ordinary crop. It is nd only poor in ipeufity, tint it is poor in quality, Politics was once dittoed as the ssleuco of government. This meaning is obsolete, says the Amsrieus I'iuus Kecordor, Now It means the science 1 of putting money in tlii pocket 1/ so indirect tsx upon, the r>m pie of tl. country But, as there srj t tvo fid-n 1 to most questions, and som-uimes mot ( tlian two so there are to ibis. ’1 ic ; Louisian, sugar men war., abov,* aP ! things, a li gti protec ive lantT se-.iii foreign sugar. Therefore. >hy ere oi posed to rcoiproolly wiih Cuba, l" s Louisiana rice growers want reciproc ity with Cuba, because that willc . t them market for 1 000.000 barrels n cieau ree fTtry yiar, which Cuhar can’t buj now ou account of the high tariff on Anmriran rice. Both of the . Interests will send strong dele at'Arn to Washington to lobby for 1 1-• t r. spc ive interests. Meanwhile the American consumers who “pay th freight,” going or r ntiug, are not con sidered in the n a ter ai all, That i poli ics For LaGrippe and Iniln enza use CHENHY’S 1\ BLCTOKAN r. Discussing the reapDOrtionment question, the Augusta Chronicle sav: There is no public utility or necessity to be ub e’vtd Georgia is entitled to eleven congressmen, and the new census and apportionment give tern more. It we we"e entitled to an ad ditionai congressman end ti.e state bad to be so rs districted as to make dis 'r.cts for twelve iustssd of elrven, iho re-app irtiomuenf. would be neoeg ‘ary Or, if Georgia had one or ’wo r t uol can congressmen and we wanr d the opportunity to gerrymander U > rn < at of office, the present legisUt >ii won Id be politically justified from a parGsen standpoint but whn our ■ieleg'i.'On ,t<y solidly democratic anti ’.here i no n*ed for another district, he 5 rei< n . re--- pportionment legislat ■ n seems to b< at, bast unnecessary. I will nsobe wi nt btv for tbe orobabilities am thai the n-xt d'esde will give ns on- or more new ongrssa ipd, Hud it will toen have to bo done a*l ever again, just a if it had r,ot been dcuo now., is l iitt niaTurcr court ok the united STATES If OR Til K SOUTHERN DISTRICT OK GEORGIA, EASTERN DIVISION. IN BANKRUPTCY. 1 n i In* iii;t tier of j M l> Glower, , In Bankruptcy. Bankrupt. ) To the creditor*of M. IV Glower of tin* city of linn swirk in tin comity of Glynn autl di ti l-t aforesaid. a bankrupt. Notice is hereby i i\i*n that on tbe 25th flay of November A. L> IP il, the sai I M. 1). Glower ; iJ i ~.<• a bankrupt.; and that the first ii ►] i • i Utoi vs li be li M at the office Of Ho under ;1>; ,-d ref< roe* in Beauswlek, <hi ,on •ti j sevunth (7th) day of L)oci inber A. 1). luoi, lit tei. o'clock in the forenoon, at which time the said credit >ra may at I prove then • ami .ap oini ;i ti UMteu.exMn ine tho bankrupt and trausatd ach other luninev H as may prop erly eon e hol'ore the said meeting. A. and. GItOVATT, Ueli’reo in Bankruptcy. Brunsvvi. k, fin., this the 27th day of i*ov. 1901. DtfiT DISEASES , T3*MUM£*z'.az':ja;~zi WHOMaDBrnaMI sur* ih yucunt tiitad of <rfl Danes, tm JVffi RI3BEY mi tk r* S teMiwi Hapi mt mcvtcy refunded. Coffitidn* Twaucdfci ttcjgidzti br *uah isent pbyfidans as btiti fo Kjtdnoy and Bleddu* ?&:cm 8 W J ISUTTS. NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS. For tlu> min,o*r of Collecting state anti eouiity li x for Ill'll. I will lie at the following county precincts iis follows: St. Simons,'.!stli (list., Oct. 22, Nov. 12, Dec. 11 Sterling, i.Vitlth P “ iill, '* 1:1, “ 4 I’yles CrogHiag, 27th dit. s “ 2-1, “ 14, “ u .lain lien. Ip.mtli <list. “ H 5, “ 15. “ Rrnnswiolt Oct. Mil. 23 and 29, Nov. Id, is and 19, Doc. 7, 9 and in, . .1. UE.VD.T.C. O. C. i* voim ufb won rn 25 ckn rs? C9>npuin ptives, w 5 know that you have •men disappointed many tiinus, but make one more eifort Tto be oured, Gooch's alesican Syrup has Cured thousands and 4t will cui e you. Consumption is the result f the fool material that should go to sup ort the liody and sustain liie being ab >oH)sd and thrown oIT in tubereu ousmat nr, To ovrJtcoine ftiis waste of vital force and restcul the nourishment to the system In its natural course, is to cure. This is acoompli'hed by Uoooh’s Mex'dan Syrup, .1 ivintrols coughs, night sweats, spitting if blood, soreness in chest, intlamed throat *mi lUDg.k, dilli .uiity of breathing, heavy soughs accompanied with expectoration and parched lips. We know you have been AifsappoiiUed many times, but make one •.erecffoit to save yoursalt. You can buy t L J't.e o eooch's Mexican Syrup for 26c, ■t uri-s i simple cough as if by magic, and s best emedy for whooping coug 1; mm m ■'ftf ■ ’ -• ,-y\ J- V “ , -V V v V . . - I ,*v \ ’*• , corv.iear, ——' LUMH' K IS LIKELY TO ‘GO DP" in Dries poi! !• cona policy for you to ''not* y >nr order now. atnl the ncfvan idti' >! ptivcnt/oi es We hve a com • ptcie ti' oof Nji.lin*, mli work, etc., all a ca'oi.eii woods. • rit rii ; a* 1 ceiling always in e'nck i’ o ,e lU7 Lang & Wood Piffling Mill. IHE BRUNSWICK TIMES-GABJL SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30 1901 Sufferers fr< -n this horrible irutladv nearly always : -heric it.— not f.ecr.'.sar ly from the par uts, but rrmy be from son -; remote ante ,< r, for Cancer often runs through sevi ml generation:.. This deadly poi on may 1 y dormant in tbe bloo 1 foi years, or until you reach middle life, then the first littb. core or uh r maltes its ap pearance —or a swollen gland in t. bre .t, or sent o'bcr part of the body, gives the first warning. T i cure Cancer f..orongbly and permn nenlly ail the poisonous virus must 1 eliminated from the blood—every vestage of it driven out. This S. S. S. does, and is the only medicine that can reach deep, seated, obstinate blood troubles like this. When nil the poison has been forced out of the system the Cancer heals, and tht disease never returns. Cancer begins often in a small way, as tire following lc ter from Mi >. Shirer shows; A Rinril pimple ratne on my rev incut an inct below tte curon the left side of my face. It gavi me no , ainor n.-ouven- .. riuce, and I should have forgotten nt-out it ho i it not bc;;un t(. iu.gumeend it, li; : would bleed a 99 ' vcjp little, then scan over, but Mf 9| would not b- 1. This ™ _ivj. Tu’ *jj cotitinued for;.,onetime, Vy j fh when n.y jawl „ .m to - tfy swell, beeoming very / ' lJ" painful The Cancer be- . /* v V ' linto eit atnl siuerel, -. , / until it •’ is as larec aka ’irtJL* fa 'at ■■ hr ' :h tmfczJfoL cd to :,ivo it a i;.ir, 4 ! b , J aid il w.t; iot ir*.rkable fit* n worrier i’ll 1 effect it hml from the vt rv be<*im;!n^; the sore befjantc heal a’ld a r taking a few bottles tli-appeared entirely. This w.-is t oye .rs n^o^fthei c* aie sii.l u : of U G l. cr, try general hcatih continue** good.—Mkf- R. f iriKi.a, I,a Plat.., Mo tJt/iMI is the greatest of all OK. ~ -s.’’l blood purifiers, and the '’*%;■ • only one guaranteed V fca L W, k M purely vegetable. Send llfijfc/ f<jr our free liook on Cancer, containing valuable and interest ing information about this disease, and write our pie. icians about your case. Wt make no charge for medical advice. THE C.WJK I SK£Cififc CO., ATUaXA, GA. MARSHAL SALK Will he Hu and oarore t is ennr; house door no S.turUftv, h- 30 li dRy of November, 1901, one dim n-own ft mrle jHhrllitk-, un-mirked Said year ling now in tns city p iiiod unolaimec, and to ba so and for impou ding feeiauo cost, Thi", the 35 h day of November 1901, 8. A Narnry, Marshal. WANTED! All the second hand typewriters in Brunswick. Also w?,nt all second hand furniture* organs, stoves and old brass. J vV. Watkins, !H>B Hay £t. /rjr, firs r appearance i \ T brunswk k m Monday, Dec 2nd. I’vvo Shows Daily Doors Open at 1 and 7p m. PerfprmancH Commences One Hour Later. WALTER L. MAIN’S NEW FASHION PLATE SHOWS. The Greatest, the Most Complete, and the Most Modern Tented Organization Ever Launched on the Public, A Strictly Moral Exhibition, Indorsed by Press and Clergy, 1,000 Men, Women and Horses, 300 Arenic Stars, 90 Meritorious Acts, 500 Surprises. Read Washington (P. Keening Star of October Bth says. “The canvas was packed < Mil and young enj >yod tht* performance from beginning to end, No objection tble features." Ihm ■ i r-■, , . ... . - r —^ \ . f, •J'. L$ k Ul. U, ! \•; \ 1 •. ■. i:* U ■ / ■ .• . .... *V •, • .* . ,i.i. r Y ‘J; ;• i.-’ , ! f '■“•'- v; ' • , L 4 1C! I Lr\ i,. \J *' " p r/. a I a\tfs K i, vV ; -* ' ; v ’ 1 tL, o imj o ■ ' :.< •, V*. (f - f.- Li—i TWO H 1: It I> OF PERFORMING ELEPHANTS. Th? Largest Traveling; Menagerie in the Universe. 4BA IST 1 ISA 14V I B\RY 1 BABY O BABY LIONS. | ELEPHANT. I KMT. I KANGAROO. L MONKEYS. otn animal infant nirsery iViartel Family, Len’inni, Fancy Bicyclists. J-Lsggcd Boy, 8 Carsennetis, Big 63-Ho sb Act Premier Acrobats AjWonderful Sight. 3 BRAZILIAN NONDESCRIPTS, CANANDAGUIA, Hat Manipulators, Ktding Fony. Hire. Brothers l'otitt four mivinii*. Hirer Parnell*. Dan PWrien. Judge Brothers, Mona Ta-su ut. Win t "i,r rs. H.i'M. Mm D;i\c iport. -M- Mooney. Loranta and Craig, Snakerina Tl H Poekrid. \VHit* Uylum! • e *ii I.c\\aud:i Franc Reed, l.izzie Peiitt, Kales and Hart, La l'etH 1 i io, John D ulf and otluu#. GRAND STREET PARADE 10 A. M. I-roe tpen-an evhi.'.iion tw i>'■ t.iilv More alum Begin.* Water-proof touts. I’eifoim anoc ram >r whine \! m is-i-mi. eiiH'ron 1. mil uadi *“ 1* yeara, 25 cent# Prices uo higher. No 10 * i at > \ aiico is linked 1 tt'keU l* 'a> ol . ilul ti- it a K.* tiling \ \N ill"a lionk Store For Sale Cheap. To wu’d up Budding & i.oati A-so elation, Ttie Stisnton pb-e, oontains 2^3 act !■., 'uu and ■* , ' id lah frem vtiy. Onu hon • nod HOI B>j street Ooe h' .oe nai lot Ni mO6 Bay t* rr.t Ouj bn'j it ard lot No 9 ’5 O? oft. irpe street. Or a n<',| ,e arid b t N•. PO7 Ottlt' horpe •Uteri Librnr' l buildiop and lit. m. R’eb mond stniftt. Tie Gnas. Muir s residence, 916 S >urh A art urst street. Hotise and lot 1117 South Wo'f St. Small itacc of land near the Chapel, known ai the Perrin place. A.i p i to N. Emanuel, President of the A lantic Investnien* Con pany. '^iiTter hats nave never oeen ea in any previous display, Thes? hats are all of very arustic toncepc*. n and are developed in ?oods of excep tionally good quality and beauty, i'erbaps t>o such vaiue has never been offer: and. HISS KITE SLiTEH SOX HX.OtiOEsYKR ST.. CHARTS F JR SAIE. Charts nde tables and other publications, U, S, coast and Geodetic survey for sale by C W Dealing Plioues’ or 31, \r\ , a #A L/ftoi uniH The Kind You Have Airways Bought* and wfei-u lim Immm in use for over GO years, lias bvirtie tjfep. pissm<si® -r sonal supervision slntto M JHsflUi.^f. Allow no one io doomtre ydßln CMfli All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Jißst‘ilgßsl M tM tmt Experiments that trilie with and endanger Ua Malth of Infants and Children—Expcrieneo ligainsi ShaM'irtnaiWli What Is CAS T’ORSA Castoria is a liarmiess substitute (?i Caatoif goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. £t 3?safcfWML 3% contains neither Opium* Blorplitne nor iit.-j? substance. Its age is its guarantee* It dustjvjji and allays Feverishness. It cures DiarrbfE ’ W.Ji Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, '-urvs . ■:* and Flatulency. It assimilates the FoodL >C3***9 Stomach and Bowels, giving health )t and ■ S 1 The CMldren’s Panacea—The MotL -s?T’ ii’r'-t GENUINE CASTORIA &4.WAYS Bears the £%nata**f er The KM You Have Bought In Use For Over (?!0 THE CENTAUR COMMWIT. T 9 MUMMY UTiM l \ OHMf Wv'ttfe THfc 111 llli I ISil! !I|1!, Camphor and Celluloid Crystal Refin ers and Manufacturing Chemist. Incorporated Under ihe Laws of tbe State of Delaware. t>pi al $530,000 Divided Into 60 000 0 per cent Preference Shares fss O') each and ii ',000 Ordinary Shares of $5 00 Bach. Payable S2OO on application, *1 00 on Alio on nt and $2 00 three Montns ADee Allottmect Issue of 27,000 6 percent Preference and 27,000 Ordinary Shares of $5 each,'at Par. DIRECTORS: aRCIII AH) HELDlfthv!, F. I S B: ackreher. Pie-Henr, M. ERANK, 904 C awin Av.-> U rP<X,N •* w York. GARDNER W KIMi'.ALC.o I) It are I’u Oo , W mi e or. Del. CG. MURRAY, RlaoKshear, R< id ru Director for b J f g Cos., J/il. SOLICITORS: EoTES & WALKER, 3l>cksti ar, Ga. ASSISTANT CHEMIST: >. GRAY, Blseksh-r, Ga. BANKERS: BLA(IKSHKAR KAT'-Iv, Blue s #r, Ga, GiSkM aNI A HsNR, Bara m, Ga Office and WorKS. • BL V -KSHE K, GrA. M. rjS'll PLE TAY-CiOR *> •- e m a <1 Treasurer F, ,i ...u, SAY A VA H .3 •, Regis'ered 902 Mtrko- si- • , WILLING O', EL. ABRIDGED PROSPECTUS. ixpany has been formed to adopt and carry out an agieeiiien! be ween \rc : i Mcldrum, Manu a.-turing Chemi.-t, JUarkshe r, tin C. >. A. la ten wii, ISjac, -i- v Manufacturing Company, Bla u-bea . tia.;. and the Globe Mauuf ci i _ in , Camphor Refiners and Manufacturing i 11 Mac ion Hi i.-e . undbn Kiiglai ’ and whose works are situated at West Norwood, Euglanu, Hoboken, .■ •. I agreement being dated 2nd day of September, The agreement comprises the me rights of United states and • ■ j n • ,f a , Camphor, Celluloid Crystals, and by-products under the Globe . r . | . , various processes. 1 Tbe processes being secret, it is not desirable m the interests of the < mi-oniy to ve ■ ... details, but the secret documents have in. u duly aled nd depot: led w.:h :> solicitors as per agreement with Mr. Mebirmn.’ ¥ ’’’ A working capital of $5 >.OOO is ample for the manu’scl ng ■ <-'llu— laid crystals and by-products per month and for which a markoi bus i ti oun .and. The gross proOt on this production is c "i.mated to give, after 1> irir. j : s less than $120,000 for distribution on the Preference and Ordinary i . , s „ lu ’ ( $70,000 for the purpose of reserve fend, or for further exten'ion uf 11 ,. . o ,m:.,.. The Company also acquires 250 acr -of land, a dwelling house ~ii rivindaree of ii’o timber. The purchase price for the la disp .) : loi tt” right* to r.n id nr . i.u , various processes s‘2'>3,ooo. leaving a balance of f-.n.500 The total,st ' ,i, : yV.",rk"s installing plant and macbi nery capable oi producing :: tons per lev i- -id soO, ■ .vrc tl ,", OI ing capital at $50,000, and $100,009 for future i sue The only agreement existing it*: Ist. Between the Com ,si v snd Arc: and TVfGdruiii wherein he sells to the Compain the Amei'ic hi rights for n :tn ila u i g at s mioO and acres of b-nd. Including dwelling ho ,se and limber at .idO, iota , in cash and $130,000 in Ordinary shares. 2nd. Agreement hetwei tho Company and \ M-, In," . , in dh, lafir agrees to act as Manrging Director for lu rears at id. i oi .j, 3rd. Agreement between Ardid Mrldnim ami i Ind -trial Trust Conip uiv 00-lD Liberty street. New Yorg. as to the < this ... do. Mr.Meldrum will be a larg stockhoid , • . . on of purchase price in ordinary stock tees bowing •be b.i-.-.. - ml I p , ,-,ed u- |j, , Mr. Mel ruin is a thorough, practical udinufai.ttui g chemist, unde. sUediug the practical manufacture of Camphor, its bv-pi oduct. Borax. Kora- ie Add. Sulphur >~ A rl. •, • nic. st irch and many other chemical too numerous ioo n eiiti di ny inir.i „ .■• .- ~ t y Mel r.iii may bring ut as regards reducing cost of m:'u nouie, e-r new p , ... . pr, nr-tv of the Company. This Company'will consider the mannfac r.-e ~ . , mi- -,'ihl MORE KsbK, lAi.i.v arsenic, and for which ther, is gr wing den iud ' A nle.;,t t\ w s he.d at Brunswick, Ga .on Ami) u. PHU. I c .n-ider 'Uecnl,.. ii,,n f• , n ' k'cwu as ••Cassava ’ Starch can Vie iiianinaclured nt a 1 ixv oo r i .-on >. t:. i .j, lt , „ planted to any great exieni, iti till-sia-e. hjti mannfacturing • h , , |. estimated the Co.i pany will be in a postfon io tin orders ea ii . c\i •, r . reilv ar nu ■ inents have been and are being uia. ii to; a|, ~f tli" i-H.ii onlp i ’ V ,> The advantages oi manutacrurino u* Blnekshear are uniiV : - t . ,j’r is 1)1110- secondly, the water is good and fr •; thirdly, 'aii ris cheap. 10 • . - , on is Vusv’ as the railroads would run into the works:"urthlv, ii is li mdv for New y . , , . , er ui-irkets' also for shipping. The imports 01 mnpho- r year S'.i'.l anion r. ;ct i, , , 1110,1 nr’ $322,100.ana in lIDO. 1,75!),58.i ills . valued at slsA.o7l. It mil bo 1. :., .. -ood onu.Mib for this Company. No promo’ion money Is being paul and Mr. Meldrum Pins 1! oxpoo ... •,,, allotment Prospectuses aim anpl.cation forms may be had ol :h- li..n.x<- -on-u c 1 tii, 0- i,r tho Company or Secretary. Cheap Rates to JACKSONVILLE —Via The— ■mm ini. $3 to Jacksonville, $2 to Fer+uindiuu. SIB Slfc sit®, eu E ir- h. ’ ir and efiaij j with ail the bit'.- t improvements SOLD ON t A Y TFRMS ;o. k, bay, 5’4 Gloucester Street. *