The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 01, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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2 The Brunswick Times CiUbllihad ISIS- The Brunswick Call. KitkblUbed )M1 Tiie Brunswick Times-Gall, OONSOI.iDATKI) lIWO, l*llblUh<l KVKKT MOUMINU *XC*rT MONDAT. BY R. A. MULLINS, LESSEE. Tbe Tluie*-UiUl Will be delivered by Mrrlar or nibU per v#r, 16 00; per week II cent*. ,Cor retpuDdeoU oe live aubjevle aoliolted. Keel nameol writer Sliooia eooooapKDr Mine. Sub ucriplloui payable le edveaoe. Addreit all oonuuiuilcbUoob to THE TIMES CALX. ."ruiMWlok, Wb. TO BUB80&IBIII&: kubtcrlbers ere reqaeeted %o notify tbe offlee wlieu tliey fell to got ny (Mae at tbe Timee- Cll attention to tbla newer will be bfvie l hit ad by tbe publieberi. South UdorgU'd growth, *<#ordlng to the SparU lahmaellte, l because the people arn not ootton mad. Tbe eogar trust promises to give * oeut sugar, hut It doa* not pramlaa to keep the price at that dgnre. Knglaud eboutd And do difficulty lu uoderaiandlbg lha Monroe Coo riue at this late day, She bit* b<>#a up agalnet it often enough, Society woiueu in New York are •tarliug a orueude ngainat the docking of horaea. It fa a cruel praotica and la wor by the < fforts of the brat woiuar. lb I* ilal p'lla K c >rd la of the op moo mat mi. tUiug of omryiug oo <liploui*.io negoiiatiei a with a gang of oul-tbroata baa gour far enough, and aaya tbe United State* government should tell Bulgaria to reieaae Hit* S one within a given lime or taka a me oilets Whipping, ' aptain Ueorge A Adams, of Weet Haven, Conn , atar.ed uu Yuoidiy in ill* little 3(5-foot (•Noline lau ch Spray from til* home to *-"■ u] Iteaok. P.a,, a Ulitanct o( 1,300 mile*, Wubsncb a little craft tbe ir p o .ultl not be made in open uea ail of tbe way, aad ranch of It will be ihrough river and canal aud duootb Inland water. .■■■" C"l A paper in an Illluela town relate* that a woiauu went to tbe telegraph office and Informed lb* operator thet berhu'band bad gone to Cbioego to get a uiotto for a riuodey school but •be bad forgotten to tell Ulm tbe in •crlptlon or hew large tbe motto wa* to be, iSUe then write a telegram to bun contaiui ig tbe me ted information aad banded It to tbe operator. It read: “My Dtar Frank, Saratoga Hoiei.Cbl eago; Uotooaaebild la born 3 feet 1 ong and 2 feat wide." The way to haild up a town It to n -c image new blood, new euergy, uew Idea*. 1 bare is no need for Brunswick to go outside of its own limit* to grtatly Increase it* working force, tCtiouiuage our young men The time 1 fast com ing wbeo the youug men of today most bear alone liict burden* born* by othori wbo are t'eadlly and gradually crashing over the great Divide. Encouragement of (he young mea meant tbat they will be tbe better prepared to taka op the work of tbe city and path it to greater completeness LkDntSCAN WKABBHOES. uds Use sainlhtr after using Allan's Foot Eaee so be shaken Into tbe shoe*. It makes light or new tihoea feel eaey. glee* Instant re lieltocsms or bouton*. Its The greatest corn r,>rt dleo.wieiy of the nge, core* and prevent* "lien feet, blisters and *ore spot*. Allen's IfiH t lUIP|> certain cure for sweating, hoi, ai blag fuel Al all draggtstst and shoe stores, l c roal package free by mall. Adilreai, A i I Dimmed. leKoy, NY. MOTHERS WORM SYRUP. Heat worm medicioe. Children lik* It *o wall tiiey eat it on bread, For LaGrippe and Influ enza use CHKNEY’rt KX IJLCTURAeNl J LCTURAeN V. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. ▲ domestic broil get* a mao la bat water. When yon meat a man with a rchaana proaaed to got in a harry. Tho mao who owna bat one shirt is, necessarily, short of obange, Lite of people give advioe freely ba oaose It doesn’t cost them anything. An Iriihman aaya there ia no bleea iog like health, eapeoially when yoa are stok. Men sometimes beoome wiser a* they grow older, bat they seldom become iee* foolish. When a woman has a hoadaoha it is natural; when a man has a headache It la usually acquired. D >o’t think taht by being miserable her* on earth you will be any happier m heaven If yon happen to get there,“ A Cineinnati pbyaiaian took some of hia own medicine. The verdict of the ooroner'a jury wat “Death duo to un professional oonducf,”—Chicago News, FOR RENT.—A deairabl* newly furnished room with board. “X” this office, lIDHEf DISEASES art th most fatal ti all dta FOLEY'S KSUW ar Borny rduaM Coatafm itmcdlaa rccogaltcd W ■! sent ahraldans aa fka Ml w El^^BiadjMtataiUM W J. BUTTS. NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS. For the purpose of eollectlng atate end county tax for lUOI, I will be at the following county preclude ae follow*: Kt. Simons,Uth dial., Oct. 22, Nor. 12, Deo. S Starling, 1350th “ 2B, “ 18, “ 4 Pyles Crossing, 17th diet. •* W, * 14, “ * Jamaica, t99th dial. * 9S. “ 13, “ 0 HrunanlokOct. 88,28 and 28, Not. 18,18 and 18. Dec. TANARUS, 9 and 10, . J.RF.AD.T.O.G.C, IS YOUR LIKE WORTH 25 UKNTB? Oooanmptivea, we know that you have eeen disappointed many timet, but make ene more effort no be cured. Qooob't Mexican Syrup baa cured thouianda end It will cute you. Conaumptlou lathe remit aI tbe food materiel that ebould go to sup port tbe kody and sustain life being all • tor bad and thrown off in tubercu! out mat ter. To overoom* thia weate of vital force and reatose the nourishment to the aystem la It* natnral course, la to cure. Thia la accomplished by Gooch's Mexioan Syrup, It aontrola oougha, night sweats, spitting and blood, acreness in oheit, intlamed throat end lunga, difficulty of breathing, heavy aeachi aocompanied with expectoration and parched Ups. We know you have been tifeeppoiiated many times, but make one aaoreeffoit to save yourself. You can buy e bottle o eoooh’s Mexican Syrup tor 250. It cores t simple cough as if by magic, and * Mia best emedy for whooping ooug h. Up LUMBER IS LIKELT TO “GO UP” in prioe. so it is good policy for you to place your order now, and gat the advan tage of present price*. We have a com ptete line of moulding, mill work, etc., all seasoned wood a Kiln dried flooring and ceiling always in stock. Phone 197. Lang & Wood Planing Mill. HEALTH AND BEAUTY . a poor oomplexion is usually tharaault of a torpid liver or irregular action of the bowel*. Unless nature's refuse is oarried off it will auraly oaus* impure blood. Pimples, boll* and othar eruptions follow This is nature’s method of throwing off the polsone which tbe bowels failed to remove. Da Witt's I.ittl* Early Risers are world famous for remedying this condition They stimulate ihs liver and promote regular and healthy action of th* bowels but nsrsr cause griping, cramps or dis tress bets pills. W.J. Butts, THE BRUNSWICK TIMEi-OALL., SUNDAY. DECEMBER 1, 1901 SORES AND ULCERS . Sores and Ulcers never become chronic unless tbe blood is in jxjor condition —is sluggish, weak and unable to throw off the poisons that accumulate in it. The system must he relieved of the unhealthy matter through the sore, and great dange: to life would follow should it heal befor • the blood has been made pure and healthy and all impurities eliminated from the sys tem. S.S.S. begins thecurchy firstcleans ing and invigorating the blood, building up the general health ami removing from the system A CONSTANT DRAIN effetematteiv UPON THE SYSTEM. When this has been accomplished the dis charge gradually ceases, and the sore oi ulcer heals. It is the tendency of these old indolent sores to grow worse and worse, and eventually to destroy the bones. Local applications, while soothing and to some extent alleviate pain, cannot reach the seat of the trouble. S. S. S. does, and no matter how apparently hopeless your condition, even though your constitution has broken down, it will bring relief when nothing else can. It supplies the rich, pure blood necessary to heal the sore and nourish the debilitated, diseased body. Mr. J I! Talbert, I.ock Box 245, Winona, Miss., says: 1 1 ’ x years rgo my leg from the knee to the foot was one solid sore. Several physicians treated me n: and I made two trips to Hot Springs, but found no relief. I was induced to try S.S. S , and it made a complete cure. I have been a per- fectly well man ever since." ASM AfM ' s t ' lc on, y purely veg ■T’ etable blood puriliet known contains no k B poisonous minerals to tata’ ruin the digestion and add to, rather than relieve your suffer ings. If your flesh does not heal readily when scratched, bruised or cut, your blood is in bad condition, and any ordinary sore is apt to become chronic. A Send for our free book and writtaour physicians about your case. We make nc charge for this service. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA, GA. WANTED! All the second hand tyDe writers in Brunswick. Also w?nt all second hand furniture, organs, stoves and old brass. ,J W. Watkins, £OB Bay Ft. OF BKNKFIT TO TOO. 11. 8 Mitchell. Fulford.Md. “Oaring a long ninei-s 1 was troubled with bad sores, wai advised to try DeWitt’s Witoh Hacel Halve and did so with wonderful reenlte. I was perfectly cured It ie the bee salve on the market ” Bure cure for pilei, sores, burns. Beware of counterfeits. W. J. Butts. mm. FIRST APPEARANCE IN BRUNSWICK glgl Monday, Dec. 2nd. Two IShowß Daily —Doors Open at 1 and T p m. Performance Commences One Hour Later. WALTER L. MAIN’S NEW PLATE SHOWS. The Greatest, the Most Complete, and the Most Modern Tented Organization Ever Launched on the Public. A Strictly Moral Exhibition, Indorsed by Press and Clergy, 1,000 Men, Women and Horses, 300 Arenic Stars, 90 Meritorious Acts, 500 Surprises. Read wlint Washington (I). C.) Evening Star of October Btli say*: “Tbe canvas was packed. Old and young enjoyed the performance from beginning to end. No objectionable features.” ' ' -*e . SERIES OF mCTKAL EXHIBITIONS OF EOUESTRIEHME ABH.ITY 8Y AMtMDfe CHIMHOM 6 HORSE HAHIPUUmjEfej TWO HERDS OF PERFORMING KLEPHANTS. The Largest Traveling Menagerie In the Universe. 4lt ARY i BABY 1 BABY 1 BABY O BABY LIONS. 1 ELEPHANT. I EMU. I KANGAROO. L MONKEYS. OUR ANIMAL INFANT NURSERY. Martel Family. Len’inni, Fancy Bicyclists. 3-Legged Boy, 8 Carsennetis, Big 63-Ho se Act Premier Acrobats AjWonderful Sight. 3 BRAZILIAN NONDESCRIPTS, CANANDAGUIA, Hat Manipulators. Hiding Fony. Three Brothers Petltt, four Silvinls, three Parnells, Dan O’Brien, Judge Brothers. Uon* T*Mieur, Wm Connors, Rush, Mar Davenport. Sic. Mooney. Lnranta and Craig, Snakerina K. H D.H'krill, Nellie Hyland. Cecil LowanUa, Franc Reed, Eiirie Petal, Kales and Hart, La l’etll Trio, John Daily and othera. GRAND STREET PARADE 10 A. M. Free open-air evliihiilou twice dally before abow begins. Water-proof tents. Perforin- Jkia f* mill or slime AklmiiHnii, do iciiu, ciiikireii t. and unde*" It yettrt, cidu Price* uo biglier. No 10 etui* .'iilvtoce i* abWihl iickeU u alw Uy ul t itUbilloU Klcuuu* k " ikff’i book Sim# For Sale Cheap. To winq up Buildmr & n"an Asso ciation, The Soianton pl*<-e, contains 283 aor<-R, four and a ha |f mdse from city. Ooe buna* aod lot No 901 Bsy s reet One hr use end lot N > 906 Bay e rest Oo# home and lot No 906 Ost'eth trpe street. One non ,e aod ht N 907 Ogle' horpe t rest. Library building and in on Rich mond itrrai. The Otaaa. Morris residence, 916 South Amburst straet. £ House aod lot 1117 South Wolf St. Small tiact of land near tbe Cbapel, known at tbe Perrio place. Ajp’l to N. Emanuel, President of the A lantio Investmeni Coir pany. Fall and Winter hats have never oeen ex celled in any previous display, These hats are all of very artistic concepts n and are developed in goods of excep tionally good quality and beauty, Perhaps no such value has never been offered. MISS KATE SLATES 104 ULOCCtSTIK 9T„ CHARTS FOR SALE. Charts tide tables and other publications, U, 8, coast and Geodetic survey for sale by C. W. Deming Phones’ 1?2 or 31, *y r .* • H The Kind You Have Always Bought* and which ftM in use for over 30 years, has borne the gqpMrtßM *rf Si and has heen made osMeesr tsd psw /jP . V/Jl sonal supervision Mince itfl f-c//cc< xfrZ Allow no one U> deceive yawHtttat All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-aa-gao* 4 '**** bofc Experiments that trifle with and endanger the SkSkMth of Infants and Children—Experience HojaiiwL EwsHiaatt4. What is CASTOR!A Castoria is a harmless substitute Ibr Cutttt kr'if** gorie, Drops and Soothing Syrups* Kt !* PfcMHlti contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other MunMMI substance. Its age is its guarantee* It destroys Worm*# and allays Feverishness* It cures Diarrhoea. IMfli Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Co* stifuass#® and Flatulency. It assimilates the Fr.odsi reiP/wM** M Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and aasmsk The Children’s Panacea—The KotSS'JV'* i'if GENUINE CASTORIA The Kind You Have Ikm Bought In Use For Over SO THE CENTAUR COMMNV, TV WMUT #tCT. •*>)* ♦% <#* THE Mil (1111 l SOU fill. Camphor and Celluloid Crystal Refin ers and Manufacturing Chemist. Incorporated Under the Laws of tbe State of Delaware. Cspi a' $500,000 Divided Into 50 000 6per cent. Preference Shares of $5 00 each and 50,000 Ord'rinry Shares of $5 00 Eacn. ’•’ayable $2 00 on Application,sl 00 on Allotment and $2 00 three Months After Ailottment Issue of 27,000 6 percent Preference and 27,000 Ordinary Shares of $5 each, at Par, DIRECTORS: ARCHIBALD VELDKUM, F. I S B'ok-t)e*r, l’ie-<“enr, M. FRANK, 904 Oto.uwfiii Avrr-u>., firm x, N- w York. GARDNER W. KIM HALL, o’D ig-are T u Uu., W uu-s on, Del. C. G. MURRAY, Hlackßuear, Director tor (he (4! o .vl fg Cos., Lid. SOLICITOPS: EsTLS & 9’ALKER, Uis iimi ar, Ga. ASSISTANT CHEMIST: T. GRAY, Biack-b sr, Q, BANKERS: blaukhhear bank, bisc ® pir, oh. Gekmania rank, shvh * *•, Gh Office and Works. BLA/HvSHE K, 3A. M. TK .0 I’LE TAY LOR 8-csh'v ad Trsasarm i’.., havavyah (4*. Regie)ered Offi i e : 902 Market Si, W ILLING O v , KL, ABRIDGED PROSPECTUS. inpany lias been formed to adopt and carry out an agio incur boiwirn \, <• ■,i Meldrum, Manu'a,during Chemist, Blackshe .r, Ga., iT. s. A. lately with ; r Manufacturing Company, Bla ksboar, Ga.). and the Globe Mannfaei • l i e I ii i Camphor Refiners and Manufacturing Chemists. 11 Mansion iiou-e Chauili , <mdo‘n En n ' and whose works are situated at West Norwood, England, iiounki ). Antwerp I rune th",- - ~f agreement being dated 2nd day of September, 1901. The agreement comprises the sole rights of United States mid Canada to manufaet ■• • c Camphor. Oelluiotd Crystals, and by-products under the Globe Jam i',, • t otuo-t >• various processes. The processes being secret, it is not desirable in the Interests of the Company to mve details, but the secret documents have been duly stalod and dept-dted with ill Coinuai s solicitors as per agreement with Mr. Meldrmn. A working capital of $5 i,OOO is ample for the raanu’acturing of .‘. tons of camphor •Uu loid crystal* and by-products per month, and for which a market aim: >, i, ; a'um, 1 The gross profit on this production is estimated to give, after bearing ,1 e1,...-tr ... a sum o • t less than $120,000 for distribution on the Preference and Ordinary bii, u . ,t ai ' a . U ui of $70,000 for the purpose of reserve fund, or for further extension and rli I'.i-iue.-.-. The Company also acquires 250 acres of land, a d welling house a, <! an ai>imlai ce of ii e timber. The purchase price for the land is sii.Soii; for the tights to riiaim r -u-U>r. unde u,e various processes *282,000. leaving a balance of *211,800 The total cost for building works and installing plant and machinery capable of producing 0 ton-per day i-801.800. i, lV i,i • n . Iv.lric ing capital at $50,000, and SIOO,OOO for future issue The only agreement existing are: Ist. Between the Company and 'reed Meld rum wherein he sells to the Company- the Ameiicsn light- for manufac uring at .c s-> oof* and ■<-/• acres of land, including dwelling house and timber at $0,200, total sum , a i,i e ' a „ ~, ‘sitv .L- In cash and $130,000 in Ordinary shares. 2nd. Agreement betweet the Company and Archibald Meldrmn. wheiein the latter agrees to act as Manrging Director for 10 rears at a salary ot 85000 pe, aunu , 3rd. Agreement between Archd Meldrum and the Industrial Trust Comp inv no.iii Liberty street, New York, as to the guaranteeing of this issue. Mr. Meldrmn will be a large stockholder, having agreed to accept in >ae portion of t■ , Burehase price in ordinary stock, thus showing the business will be c / ui on s d'e lim'V [r. Mel truin is a thorough, practical manufacturing chemist, nnd. :-i, id oi - the nruetica manufacture of Camphor, its by-product. Borax, Boracic Acid. Sttlphui ic nic .starch and many other chemical too numerous too mention. Any-iinprov '/iem - >7 tMr \id in,n may bring out as regards reducing cost of manu acture, or new pim- „<• , n • nr dpi i of the Company. This Company win censtder the mamifacu e of vai- • .i,•rubais anil MOKE ESPECIALLY Arsenic, and for which there is a growing ch in, .;, , . j' he.d at Brunswick, Ga., on April 9, 1901, to consider the calu v.-u m of ih< ’iien t’ known “Ca***va.” Starch can be manufactured at a low cost from tbi plant •, sb „ ul( | fi planted to any great extent in this State, s arch mauufacturiag \\ and: . ... ul m ; V estimated the Company will he in a position to fill coders early next vein- ureadv arrange ments have beenand are being made lor the sale of the total output of' t: r- n ■•l'l'.N'ilmint The advantages ot manufacturing e - Rlackshear are tnnnv. ir is i.nie ; aecondly, .he water is good and fr-e; tuirdlv. labor is ch. ;.p, ioiir'it, . ~a , s as the railroads would run into the works; fifthly, it i- h unlv for N .-w• j • also for shipping. The imports of Camphor for yea. 18wi amounted mr-■ -, { ~ ,V *322,100, and in 1900i 1,789,680 lbs, valued at *485,071. It will be s--u t ~ .L’ ,V for this Company. B ouuook No promotion money is being paid and Mr. Meldrum ->av - ibexpen o- r p •., iPoimeni Prospectuses aim application forms may be had of the Bank*.s. ' Companv or Secretary. tUL Cheap Rates to JACKSONVILLE —Via The— CUMBERLAND WE. $3 to $2 to Fernandiua. SIB) ms sms, ‘ H “st (in Earth, ’ and eouipued with all the 1 at eat inio rovem eitts SOLD ON E\SY TERMS U. F, GaY, o'A Gloucester Street.