The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 03, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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2 The Brunswick Times litbllihd 1119. The Brnnswick Call. Bstablisked nan. Tlie Brunswick: Times-tall, CONSOIJDATBD 11*00, t*sblishs6 AVERT MUUHINU BXUBPT MONDAY. BYR. A. MULLINS, LESSEE. C i ~ ... ■ ■ ...JS The Tluaes-Call Will be delivered by oerrler or mail per year, 16 00; per week 16 oente. Cor reepoodenta oa live subjects soliolled. Real name of writer should eoeonipaay taint. Sob cciiptione payable la adraaoe. Address all eoinuiunlcstlona to TUB TIMBO-UALU lira atwlsk.Ua. TO BUB80RIBKR8: Subscribers are requostsd So notify the OSes when tbey fall to pet aay laaae of tbs Times tJuli attention to this matter will be appie iUU>d by the publishers. “I'dtiooai wrist'’ is the latest ad. dltion to the list of women’s woes. It is a oremp or atlffuess oausad by the c instant strain of holding the skirt off of the ground. The growing ot rice le regarded as the safest sad surest cereal production, as it la also tba most prodlabla, rlca having the largeet use and market of all the grains. In the latest figures ot the oensoa It appears that there are In tbla country 1,800,000 more men than women. Ia Europe the ditloreuce is the other way. It wnnld seem, therefore, that the dis position lu international marriage* should bo luolitlcd, Instead of Eu ropean* seeking American brldss das regaid for census autistic* should change the search to one for Ameri can husbands. Since tbs first of March 100 men have been engaged killing mosquitoes about Havana In every known way, aud the result ia stated to be that, Instead of having 32 deaths from yellow fever and 32 from malarial fever, the average In Heptomber. there were only two deaths from yellow fever aud 11 from malarial fever during the past September. There was no small pox during ths year and ssarcsly any sasea of o.hsr infectious diseases. WHY WQMEM GET TIRED. ” 'A Those wkoconfldantly affirm that tbs faot that uian's work it from sod Is •uu and wornau'ii wark ia oarer done i proven by the tired worn lock of ( o many woman who appear murk older than ineu of the aaoiu age, aridently do not take Into couelderaiion that women do not know bow ta raet ae men do. There la a atory told of a certain uiiatreaa in slavery tliuee who could not tolerate lndoleooe In beraelf or auy uue elae, and with whom aacb epeecbea ae the following were proverbla': "Here, Mary Jane, while you are rest ing, draw a bucket of water.’’ Title U Juat the point where a wo* ntan'a lack of reatfulneee comes in. Sue will always want to draw a pall of water whan abe ought to be taking; her eaae. She wli> keep on her feet until abe baa oot the strength to keep going any longer, then, with a pretence at reeling, abe will eit down with a pile of itookinga to darn. If her eyea and hands are not busy theu bar btala it, tor she spends her so-called leisure hours lu tusking plane for the morrow or possibly for the day after tomorrow, or for a day (hat will never coma, for woman loves to look forward to imag inary troubles aud complication!,— Augusta Herald. BLOWN TO ATOMS. The old Idea that the body sometimes needs a powerful, drastic, purgative pi'l baa been exploded; for Dr It tag's New Life rills, whioli are perfectly harmless, gently stimulate liver and bowele to expel poisonous matter, cleanse the system and absolutely ours oouettpation snd sick beedaobe. (Jo y 263 at all drug stores, THE NEWSPAPER. While every newspaper ahould culti vate the beautiful spirit of modeaty, it must ba permitted to sp**h candidly about Itself, as well as on othtr sub jects. For instance, we think the Houston Post should ho pardoned for the re marks it haa recently pot forward on the virtues and influence of the news paper when it is tree to Itself. The Post mtkee bold to say: > “The aawspspar today is the great ' * ' . r r : ii * ; eat factor iu civilisation. Take away the newspaper and you would ,’take stray the greatest preacher, teacher, aa sietsnt to jostles, deterror of criminals, reformer of publio and private life, pa triot, statesman, that It has been possi ble for the wit of man to devise. No other institution is, in anything like * 1 I sis . if i • •he same measure, sueb a dispenser of •weetneae and light and upholder of the hands of Justloe, No other in stitution is, in anything like the tame degree, enoh a help to good men, snoh a hindrance to bad man. Fer the form ar the newspaper smooths tnelr way and mekea tbeir road level before them; to the latter the newspaper la a lion in tba path. The people of Americt ap preciate tbie to the fntl; there is no nesd of telling them any farther whet they know already,” It is so seldom that the prsss compli ments itself that we think this instance ehouid be allowed to paes without can ears —Atlanta Journal. For .LaGrippe and Influ enza use CHENEY’S EX PECTORANT. FOK RENT. —A desirable aewly furnished room with board. “X” this office. NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS. For ths parpou of sollsctlng state and comity tax tor lIMI,I will be at tbs following couaty prselnets as follows: St. Hlmoasttthdlst., Oct. a. Nor. 12, Dec. 3 Sterling, 16611th " * 23, “ IS, - 4 t'yles Crossing, 27th diet. 14, • 14, “ * Jamaica, limn h diet. • lit. “ IS, • lirunowlek Oct. UU. 23 and 29, Now. 18,18 and 18, Dec. 7,9 and 10, . J. READ. T. 0. G. C. If YOUR LIKE WORTH 25 OKNTB7 Oonaumptires, ws know that you have hasn dio*appointed many timss, but make ana aeora effort to be cured. Gooch’s Mexican Syrup has cured thousands and M Will our* you. Consumption is the result a* the food material that should go to sup port tbs body and sustain life being ab sorbed and thrown off in tabercu) oustnat ter. To own rooms this waste of vital foroe and restore the nourishment to the system lb lie natural course, is to cure. This is accomplished by Gooch’s Mexioan Syrup, It aontrola ooughs, night sweats, spittiug af Mood, aorsneat in ohest, in (lamed throat and lunge, difficulty of breathing, heavy •ought accompanied with expectoration ead parched lips. We know you have been •ifaappobtted many times, but make one ■ora effort to save yourself, you can buy b bottle o! aoooh's Mexican Syrup lor 25c, M on rot i, simple cough as if by magic, and Is the best smady for whooping ooug h LUMBER IS LIKELY to "so ur in price, so it is food polioy for you to place your order now, and fat the advan tage of praeent price*. W* have a oom pteta line of nouldinf, mill work, etc., all seasoned wood*. Kiln dried flooring and calling always in itock. Phone 197. Lang 1 & Wood Planing Mill CASTOR IA Pit lihnti and Children. li Usd You Hivi Always BoiigM or THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CAL.L, TUESDAY. DECEMBER 8. 1901 RfcesMfisa Rheumatic pains are the cries of protesl and distress fro*i) tortured muscles, acting joints and rveiled nerves. The blood hai been poisoned by the accumulation oi waste matter in the system, and can nc longer supply the pure and health sustain* in# food they require. The whole system feels the effect of this acid poison ; and not until the b! xxl lias been purified and brought back to a healthy condition will the aches and pains cease. Mrs. pirn*-* K !1, of 707 Ninth street, N. E„ Wasliinytoa 0. C., writes as follows: “A fe* month ; ago * hu<i an attack of Sciatic Rheuma tisru in its worst form The |>ahi was so intense that I trated. The attack was an unusual!v severe one, and mfr VSfljak my condition was regard ca as Leing very danger- 8?v ous. I was &ttended by \ v one of the most able doc tors in Washington, who is also a me:nl >< < f the ulty ft a t:.-- il , college here. He told me, to Continue his prescrip- 4 lions and I would get well. After having it filled twelve times without receiving the slight**! benefit, I declined to continue his treatment anj longer. Having heard of S.-S. S.(Swift’s Specific) recommended for Rheumatism, I decided, almost in despair however, to give the medicine a trial, and alter I had taken a few bottles I was able to hobble around on crutches, and very soon there* after had no use for them at all, ft. S. S. having cured me sound aud well. All the distressing pains have left me ny appetite has returned and I am happy to etc agaiu restored to perfect health. Wfr Mt* the great vegetable ILy XV purifier and tonic, is the ideal remedy in all LH rheumatic troubles. Tlicre are no opiates 01 minerals in it to disturb the digestion and lead to ruinous habits. • * We have prepared a special book on Rheumatism which every sufferer from this painful disease should read. It is the most complete and interesting book, of the kind in existence. It will be seirt free to any one desiring it. Write our physi cians fully and freely about your case. We make no charge for medical udvice. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. Fall and Winter hats have never been ex celled in any previous display, These hats are ail of very artistic concepts n and are developed in goods of excep tionally good quality and beauty, Perhaps no such value has never been offered. HISS KATE SLATER 404 MLOOCSSTBK ST.. IIDHET DISEfISES ora tht most fatal of all FOLEY'S SU or money refunded. Cooditaf remedies recognized fnr mat Bent physicians as the ia Kidney and Bladder troufefaft MUCS ffewwiaMfc 1 W. J. BUTTS. Don’t Forget to glance at some of the small specialties which will be found on our counters. A few pennies here and there will secure some valuable remedy or useful article. There are dozens of such in our stock of DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES and we can recommed each one as being the beet of Its kind They have been se lected from a great variety offered because of superior qualities. These are all sold at very low prices. SMITH’S HiARMACV i 2 ■ OF BENICFIT TO YOU. D. S. Mitchell, Fulford, Md . “Daring a iong illness 1 was troubled with bad sores, was advised to try DeWitt s Witch Hasel Naive and did so with wonderful results. 1 was perfectly cured ltisthebes salve on the market ’’ Nure cure for piles, sores, burns. Hewars ol counterfeits. W. J. Butts “THE WRONG MR. WRIGHT," Will Be the Attraction at the Grand On Thursday Evening. N*xt Thursday evening at tb* Grand Opera Houee lovers of G orge H. > Broadhnrst’a peon liar method of pro ducing merry comedy will nave ao op portunity of passing judgement upon what has been heralded as being this I * ’ .* clever playwrigui’s best and funoiest work. The piece ie entitled “The Wrong Mf. Wright’’ and it oomet with the endorsements of the leading cities of New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, Boston and San Franciseo, where tbe pieoe enjoyed long and proaperons rune, "The Wrong Mr. Wright” u said to be one of the most dexterous bleedings of melody, character, music and special ties ever produoed and presented to th a public. lie situations are aide-splitting, and the dialogue is extremely keen approaching now and then real Glloer* tian drollery, A rippling stream of melody rnna through tha piece, broken only by the iharp tarn of witty lines snd ludicrous situations and from be ginning to end it forms a most oapiivat ing sympboay|of merriment and mus’e. Tbe principal characters are the Frisco millionaire "Seymour Sites,” portrayed by Mr, Johß Allison who will be remembered for hie artistic per. romance ot “Jones” in What Happened to Jones” and “Miss Henrietta Oliver” the lady detective, who sings several original songs, written eepeolelly tor ber. Among tbe other members are the following. Mand Allison, Florence, Marion, Adt Mor on, H. G. Hockey Geo. L. Kennedy, Jas. Newton Drwe, Chas. Flynn, SAVED HIS LIFE. "I wish to tav that 1 feel I owe my liia to Kodol Dyspepsia Cure,’’ writes H, C. -hrestenson of Mayfield, Minn, “For 3 years X was troubled with dyspepsia so that I could bold nothing on my stomach. Many times 1 would be unable to retain a morsel of food. Finally I was confined to my bed. Dootore laid I oould not live. I read one of your advertisements on Kodol Dyapepaia Cure and thought it fit my case and commenced it* use 1 began to im prove from the first bottle. Now I am cured and recommend It to all. ’’ Digests your food. Cure* all stomaob troubles. W. J. Butte. For Sale Cheap. To wind up Building & Loan Asso ciation, The Stuanton place, contains 233 •ores, four and a half miles from oity. One house and lot No 964 Bay afreet Ooe house and lot No. 906 Bay street One houee and lot No. 906 Oglethorpe street. One borne and lot No. 907 Oglethorpe street. Library building and lot on Rich mond i treat. The Cbaa. Morris residence, 916 South Amhurst street. Houee and lot 1117 Sooth Wolf St. Small tract of land near the Chapel, known si the Perrin pltoe. Afp'v to N. Emanuel, President of the A’lantio Investment Cone paoy. If GIRDLES I’HE GLOBE. Tne fame of Buokten’a Arnloa Salve, ae the best m the world,extend* round the earth. I’* the one perfeot healer of out*, oorne, borne, braise*, soiee, eoa'd*, boils, uloer*, felon*, ache#, pains end all skin eruptions. Only infallible pile cure, 26c a box at all druggists. ’ - -■ i f■■ “ m; CHARTS FOR SALE. Charts tide tables and other publications, U, S, coast and Geodetic survey for sale by C. W. Deming Phones’ 1?2 or 31, WANTED! All the second hand typewriters in Brunswick. Also want all second hand furniture, organs, stoves and old brass. J. W. Watkins, 208 Bay St. UOndKK H WORM BYRUP. Host worm medicine. Children like It so well they sat It tin bread 9ooDrop^ Preparationfor As - ttieFoodandßegula- Ung She Stomachs andßowels of Infants,/( h 1 ldren,, Promotes Digestion,Cheerful- 1 ness and Rest. Contains neither Opium.Morpliine nor Mineral. Not Kar c otic . flKepe of Old Dr SAMUEL PITCHER ftm/diui Seal' \ dlx-Sauta - 1 SedaIUSJM- I dmeeSad / I Minn fad- I ) Aperfecl Remedy forConstipa- Tlon, Sour Sto mac h, D iarrhoca Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. s .Alb ininllis t>Fd' ' y. I ] j l)()SfS y|yC 1 EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. THE Hi fin! l ftiiol hi!. Camphor and Celluloid Crystal Refin ers and Manufacturing Chemist. Incorporated Under the Laws of the State of Delaware. C&pi a' $500,000 Divided Into 60 000 6 per cent Preference Shares cf $5 09 each and s‘'>,ooo Ordinary Shares of $5 00 Each. Payable $2 00 on Application, $1 00 on Allotim nt and $2 00 three Months After Allottmenc Issue of 27,000 6 percent Preference and 27,000 Ordinary Shares ofss each, atPaL DIRECTORS: ARCHIBALD MELDRU vl, F. 1. S.. Blank*bear, Presi'ieor, M. FKANK, 904 C-t'iul wen Avt-ru-, Bronx, New York. GARDNER W. KIMBALL, of D laware Tuo Cos., W inirc oi Del. C. G. MURRAY, Hiaokahear, Resident Direotor for tne Globe Mr* Cos., Ltd, SOLICITORS: ESTES & WALKER, Bl&okahtar, Ga. ASSISTANT CHEMIST: T. H.GRAY, Blackcb ar, Ga. BANKERS: BLACKSHfiAK BANK, Blacks e.rr, Ga. GERMANIA BANK, Bars mat , Ga. Office and Works, BL AOK SHE K, GA. M. TEM PLE TAYLOR, Seoretsry and Treasurer P-n * m. savannah ih, Registered Offi ie: 902 Marker S i<••, WILMING ov, fjl, ABRIDGED PROSPECTUS. wpany has been formed to adopt and carry oat an agreement between \r-(d Meldrum, Manu a. turing Chemist, Blacksbe r, Ga., U. S. A. 'lntel, with tin jcar ' " Manufacturing Company, Bla ksheav, Ua.), and the Globe Manufacturing . oni|v,-v li 1 Camphor Refiner* and Manufacturing Chemists, 11 Mansion House Cbamb. , s , <.'uUoii ii, , , and whose works are situated at West Norwood, England, Hoboken, Ant ,verr France *ih’ ,i agreement being dated 2nd day of September, liiul. The agreement comprises the sole rights of United States and Canada to mannfaet e Camphor. Celluloid Crystals, and by-products under the Globe vanuiaeruii. - coinua- I - processes. The processes being secret, it is not desirable m the interests of the i 'uinpany to g, c - details, but the secret documents have been duly staled and deposited with 'th Con-m • solicitors as per agreement with Mr. Meldrum. A working capital of *5 . 000 is ample for the manu acturing of .10 tons of camphor c, , loid crystals and by-products per mouth, and for which a market has already beer a-nuir and The gross profit on this production is estimated to give, after bearing al eli tr-e- 1 sun <> , i less than 3120,000 for distribution on the Preference and Ordinary .-bare#, icavin-' a sum 1 870,000 for the purpose of reserve fund, or for further extension of the in ne s The Company also acquires 250 acres of land, a duelling house and an, b mdunceof line timber. The purchase price for the land is Ifi.vOO; fot tb> rights to maniiiin-t are ''unde- tie. various processes *2sa,ooo, leaving a balance of *211,800. The total cst for building works ■■ ri installing plant and machinery capable of producing 3 tons per day is #61,800, le-rvui" tlm wnVi ing capital at *50,000, and *IOO,OOO for future issue The only agreement existing are: Ist. Between the Company and Arcbd Meldrum wherein he sells to the Company the Americ->n rights for nianufamni-ing at s ■>;■) (KM ™ ft acres of l*nd, including dwelling ho isc and timber at *6,200, total *2BB 200. Durable as ’. in cash and *l3t ,000 in Ordinary shares. ' ' 2nd. Agreement between the Company and Archibald Meldrum, wherein the lat-nr agrees to act as Manrging Director for 10 years at a salary of *SOOO tier annuo, 3rd. Agreement between Arehd Meldrum and the Industrial Trust Cornu m v nor,-' Liberty street, New York, as to the guaranteeing of this issue. Mr. Meldrum will be a large stockholder, having agreed to accept a large portion of thr Silt-chase price in ordinary stock, thus showing the business will be c>> dueled 'n on safe line !r. Mel irum is a thorough, practical manufacturing chemist, uiidetstntnlin-- th- ‘uraetie* manufacture of Camphor, its by-product. Borax, Boracic Acid, Sulphuric Acid Arsenic stare and many other chemical too numerous too mention. Any improvements that Mr vie] brim may bring out as regards reducing cost of mauuiacture, or new processes become tin- nrnnertv of the Company. This Company will consider the manufacture of various ciicniicaG mil WORE especially Arsenic, and for which there is a growing demand. A couvciP n • held at Brunswick, Ga.. on April 9, 1801, to consider the cultivation of the‘r.iant known m’ ••Cassava.” Starch can be manufactured at a low cost from this plant, and should it m. planted to any great extent in this Slate, s arch manufacturing will also be considered it n estimated the Company will be in a position to fill orders eailv next veir \ ire tdv wr.,,™ ments have been and are being madefo? the sale of the total output of tile coinu-m 's nrorin.o " The advantages o( manulacturing a- Illackshear are many. Mrtlv th- dr is ~, „■ secondly, the water is good and fr-e; thirdly, labor is cheap: lourthlv, i unV., , r . tlon as the railroads would run into the works; fifthly, it ishsndv for New v.> t a ,,d m-irkSv also for shipping. The imports of Camphor for year 1899 amounted to i 54- ii,< viin,i.t *322,100, and in 1000, 1,789,580 lbs, valued at *485,071. It will be seen U.'-rc %* -ood ter this Company. * UUUU K No promotion money is being paid and Mr. Meldrum Pays al> expenses up to allotment Prospectuses ana application forms may be had of theilanke.s, .Solicitors offices of the Company or Secretary ' 01 Cheap Rates to JACKSONVILLE —Via The— CUMBERLAND UNITE. $3 to Jacksonville, 52 to Fern and ina. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the / % Signature AW yy riftp Use vX For Over Thirty Years THE fKNTAUR COMPANY. NEW YOU* CiTY. in IK bb, ’ rt sst on Earth,” ami efjuippei witn il the ’atest improvements solo on EASY PER MS 0. F, GAY, 504 fiiouccster Street.