The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 04, 1901, Image 4

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HOLIDAY GOODS. Call and See oar Fine Line. Now is the time to place your special orders. We will order for you fiom any catalogue at same price and save you trouble and expense. Call Now. KENNON MOTT, O. D Jeweler and Graduate Ontician -111 PttMt, 1 ispaotn r Watohna lor Southern Hallway. Tlmo by Wire daily trow W<mhlHKto.. KKKI'KK OP THIC CITY Ot.OCKS. Know Ye AH. We are prepared to liandie your business as quick as money can buy goods and railroads can haul ’em. HOW’S THAT FOR PROMPTNESS? Evarybody Knows our Work and Prices are Satisfactory. Fine Memorial Work, Hard-wood Mantels, Grates, Tiling,tlron Fencing, etc Come to see us. RKED E. LaMANCE Mgr. 512 Monk street ML' 1 11 . 11 1 ———- J. 1 ..".' 11 '.J,. ■■■ ■'!!! 1 ?L 1 \ 1L 1 J?!■ i'JIiJJ Eastman's Kodaks, * Big Supply just Received. Anew stock of Pocket Cutlery, Scissors and Razors. Cal! and examine before buying. FLEMING & WAFFS. AGEN Frf —Remington Typewriters. Coney & Parker DKAI.KKH IN Coal and Wood, Brick. Lime, Cement, Plaster, Hair, Shingles and Laths. Agents forMorris’ Brick. Phone 18 525 Bav St, J. J. LISSNER, WHOI.KSAI.K Groceries, Tobacco, .Flour, Bacon and Provisions, GRAIN, HAY AND BRAN A SPECIALTY. 216 Bay Street IT uns wick, Georgia. FRESH QOODS FOR HOLIDAYS. Citron 15c per lbs. Seeded Raisins K)e per lbs. Large Prunes 2 pounds 25c. Best Dates 1-lbs. 25c. Best Mocha dava Coffee .'*sc. Good t’offies from 15c to 25c per lbs. All kind of nuts 20c per lbs. For CASH Only. With every cash purchase you get a coupon which gives you a chance on our fine dinner sets •>§ PROMPT DELIVERY. g<- ""jOHANNESEN & CO. , BRUNSWICK TIMES-OALL, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4. 1901 PERSONAL MENTION ITEMS 0' INTEREST CONCERNING BRUNSWICKIANS AND THEIR FRIENDS FROM LOCAL AND OTHER SOURCES. Mias Mabel Cook left yesterday afternoon for Waycross where fete will visit friends for several day*. Mrs. Allen McDonald leaves tomor row for Darien to be the gjuest of her lister. Mrs. Way, until after the ho!i days. Mias Madjyt Young arrived last nigbt from Wajcross, where she baa beei spending the past week. Sue was rh reaipient of many social attentions from her friends in the Magic City. Mias Ruth Martin will return tomor row from Darien, where she has been visitlDg for the pasit month. She will be aocumpauied home by Mrs R. W Urubb. List Saturday a bran new Fate b cycle pa nted black with red rims to the wheels was lost at the circus grounds in Magnolia park, The finder Is requested to notify Mr, C. A nhaiter. MORE ISLANDS BOUGHT. The United States Acquire? the Danish West Indies. Gopenhagan. Dec. 2—A full agree ment has been reached between Den mark and the United States fur tne sale of the DwiisbJWev, Indies Tae treaty willproba .ly be signed this wee* at Washington. The price fixed is be wsen four aud five millioa dolia-s. The question of fre trede and citiz*n ship will he decided by congress,which it is betiev-d her-, will grant these c ine ssion*. The negotiations ha e arousrd the keenest interest through lut Denmark. Public meeting* have been held and re monstrances have bem sent to tbegov ernment sml rig.dag, The newspapers have all been against the sale. Pei tions have also been received by'he king and ministry from tne inhabitants of the island. Washington Knows Nothing. Washingtoo, Deo. 3. —Up to the close of business here yesterday no word had reach and tbe -tate department cm liruiatory ol' the reported agreement between Denmark aud the United States for the sale of th u Danish W -st Indies, Tue negotiations looking to the acquisition of the islands by this gov ernment are believed, however, to be in such a slate that an agreement between the interested pirtles, if not rl-eady re- cn and, is a'nni* spprnaohing completion. NEW TO v N ASSOCIATION, AT TK.V i ION! There will be a o*il rn°e ing of the assoc.a ion tonight a 7:30 a m -or*. o ive tbe r-p rt rf tbe ex ten iv- c-m --mi- e and for ihe pavmen r i f the fi ret qaar-er dii-s h> tho e st pr-sen- un paid. W.P. B.U, H C Psoreoa, S-C'e<*ry, President. Old Fashioned A Molasses *! Candy! We make it with the real sugar-house molasses, cream and butter Delight ful Chowing, very nutricious, aud good for coughs and colds, LLOYD’S ’Phw 255j_ 2U Newcastle st. Foi Group use CHEN EY’S EXPECTORANT. PASSENGER DIES ON FALCON. Was Coming to Brunswick to Consult a Phisician. When the Sa't li* r.ver steam-r, Fa'- oon, reached Bru i*wiok v u sterda - on a trip f/om up the nver, it trough , tbs body of a pass tiger wuo bii le 1 the boat at Hailey’s Mills. The dead man -va- Mr. Jouo Faulk ner, a well known oi izea of Camden oounty. Be had been sick for several weeks and when he got on the Falcon yesterday morning It waß to oome to Brunswick to see a physioian Ele was able, however, to walk and though If could be aeeo he was ill no one tboug t he wouid leaching the oi;y. After the boat bad passed Lowtr Barilla, the last landing op tbe river, be was a*ked if be did no. wan r somethi lg to eat and sat down to til lable and ate a hearty snpper. After eating he appeared to warn, to lie down and cb? engineer, Mr Morgan Wade, prepared abed for him and he.ped hun into it. Mr. Wade noticed that ne l*y very still but thought coming of it ss he seemed to be easier. About an hour after when tbe boat was nearing Bruoewick. Mr. Wade went to arouse tbe old man and found he was dead Ha hal no. cnanged h e posi ion since he lay down ond tne coniiUon of the body indicated th i' 1 e had been deed some time. Coroner Jennings was n..itl and and tiad a physiciin examine tbe bod*, whose rep irt was thst dea'.h was from natural osures. Toe coroner decided no li qmst was neo-.sary and the body wag turnd over to Undertaker Moore, and Mr. Faulkner’s reia Ives notified? I. will probably be tak-n back 10 B iiey’s Mill* when the Falcon goes up iho river ton-orrew, Mr. Fau;k oer was a g >0(1, nard work ing citizen of Camden where he has lived for m.ny years. H ■ was employ • and by the firm of I. Sllverntrg & C '., and w rkd oo their rio p sntauon a 1 Hazel mr it. Thompson Lachlison. A d-.patch from Darien announces the marriaee on Monday of thelirv Tfirg, H. Thom-00. pastor of the Methodist church of Diriea, and Miss Nellie Uaohlison, the srtrso-ive daughter of Onpt. and Mr-. Jamrs Lachlison. The oooason wan one if great inferesr, and be details of the weddii'g were car r ed ou’ with oiabora p care. The ceremony whioh was attended by a lmg rnmtier of friend* aud relatives, rook place at The R dgr, near Durien. Rev, Mr. Thomson, was formerly pistor of McKenerte obuioh in this city and bas many friends hereto congratu late him. Social Season on Jekyl. The social season on Jekyl Island will open on December 24, and a num ber of guests are booked. Tms season promises to be tbs largest the oiub has ever known, and the new annex which will accommodate abiut one hundred guests, will be full, as well as the club house proper, aud tbe numer ous private oottages. Old and reliable firm wants business manager at Brunswick; salary $1,500, yearly; S7OO cash and satisfactory re ferences rtquired; commercial refer ences furnisnrd; position permanent. Address Postofiice Box 281, Pniladel pnia, Pa. STRIKES A RICH FIND, “I was troubled for several years with obrooic wriitfesti'-n and nervous debility/' writes F. J Greer, of Lan os ter, N. H., “no remedy helped me until I began using Electric Bi ters, which hid me more good than all ih mrdiomes I ever used. They have also kept my wife in rxoe leut health for years. She rays E ectrio Bmers are just splendid for female tumbles; luac hey are a grand tonic and lnvigoralor for weak, ruu down women. No other meuiotne can (ake its place In our family.” Try ihom; only 60s. Satisfac tion guaranteed b -- ail druggists Everybody to know that they can save enough to pay their wood and water bills by buying from me. Your credit is good, . I sell Granulated Sugar 4 lbs for ...25c, others give 3J I sell White Extra (J Sugar per lb sc, others hrrge 7 I sell 24 lbs Latent Flour for 55u, others charge7‘J 1 sell good Roasted Coffee per lb lie, others charge 5 1 setL Best Bacon per lb 11c others cna ye 12a I sell Best Comp Lard per lt> 10c, rhers cha ge H I sell Best New Georgia Sjrup ga! 50c, oth rs charge 60 1 sell Best Irish Potatoes per peck 350, otheis barge 40 1 sell fine Mocha and Java coffee lb 25c, others charge $5 I sell Best Oat Meal 6 ibs lor 25c. I sell Seeded Raisins per lb lie, others charge 15 I sell Cleaned Currants per 1b... 11c, others charge 15 1 sell Best Citron per lb 15c, other* charge 20 I seli a Good Broom for 21c, oUie, s charge 30 A full line of the Purina Mills Cereals just received. I deliver promptly A. G JEFFERS 219 NEWCASTLE ST. f ft) wJa SAVES life M Mfl *s-sqij iBLS I was in bad hsalth this eprlUß and c.iuul uot m alt up in bed foi hmr weeks. When I waseon -0? fJp .v* j-.> jr aw fined my child died. When I began fo s', tup I Ef i / '■'t! felt so weak aad had such terrihle pains in my Ja 1 Nil Jr .A back and hip*. I had kidney trouble and fj.ll ■l V r ptiri, f log of the womb. I also had hysterical epc Is. I 3B JS’r fl w —' N ’’ J was la a bad ooadition when 1 raceiveil your Ik J>'- *} %. “Ladies’ Birthday Almanac” and read 1 h • ad- KAw.'t-# f vertisamentof Wlaeof Cardui ai.d '! i- ai-ird's apßl'. :M ( Ihack-Drangbt. Since April 20th, I have taken SB lour bottles of Win* of Card-.:i and thr y- pack- WKfrVjf if ages of Xhedford’s Kiacb-i>raiigi..t. I foe. like a * sr*r'$ r *r'* m> P£ new person now. I can go all m.v work and can tS walk out to sec any ofisy asighliore. I believe ffJwEaS/- - ft I would have been in Ujic stave had it noi bt ou for Wins of Caidui. IT M Th W ( K is vet?! Out' women are more pstient than 1 ’*• men. Ptw ma could btar the bitter pangs, V“ the agony and distress chat women endure. ■I Xyw ;r Thcusanw W women hav-t ccme to look upon H \w" §5 suffering m a duty of their sex. Rut there are Si fShTt B ov*ny imtancas m this heroic fortitude which WINECARDUI now renders unnecessary. Women need no lottger suffer for moctsiy’s sake. Wine of Cardui brings relief to modest women $n the privacy of their ®MJ homes. Many of the best homes In this city are atver without this great fglAf medicine. It cures whiles anc falling of the womli an 4 completely eradj. cates these dragging periodical pains. Mr*. Davis’ ewe shows yea conclu sively what you may expect if you follow her example and t-ke Wine of HL Cardui. Thedford’s Black-Duugitt aids Wine of Cardul by regulating tne iS&S stomach and bowels. When you esk yoar druggist lor tfctse medicines, fee sure you get them. It was Wine of Cardui ana Thedfetd's Black Draught Mg that saved Mrs. Davis' life. Never ilkt a substitute. For advice and literature, adiram. riving f mptomt, Jjwlics* Adtßpr-jTr Departiuenl’' The A4ioia Coui|)Mf # Tww> Fresh Arrival of white fish in kits, extra l arge mackerel, DitFcd cherries, dried figs. A complete line of assorted preserves ar.d .jams pickled peaches, ginger pre serves. A large assortment of olives in bottles and bulk. Also a most complete line of the best 5 and 10c, cigars. All goods sold on very close margin. HARRELL BROTHERS. ,Zl. Comer Newcastle arM froafe. Truly 'A Grand Old Whiskey" • IS THE FAMOUS # CREAM OF KENTUCKY. It’s pure Bird wholesome and sold cheaper than any other whiskey of its fame, rank or quality- Sold m n-unswiek onlv by Douglas & Morgan, 212-214 Bay Street, I. TRAGEK & CO.. Distillers, dices Cincinnati. Ohio. U. 6. A