The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 05, 1901, Image 1

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THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL VOLUME XI. NUMBER 369 Your Head Needs^-^—^ COKE i DANDRUFF Jta v CURE. lilpptTave a big shipment dirtyfPfrom the makers, ‘w J BUTTS, DRUGGIST H yler Candies §<- we core the ills !\FL/V || that flesh is heir to. :C/ OoW 0 oW We make a specialty ' Yv■---■■°f killing colds at this j season. Our prescrip- 1 tion department is pin V w thoroughly equipped and the drugs are high M | fk \ \ grade in every respect. IMk We sell toilet requisites I " and everything that you would expect to hud m a first-class drug store- HUNTER-SALE DRUG CO Agents Lowney Candies, Capes, Collarettes. Jackets. All Kinds of furs- Mens and boys Clothing- Complete stock of Ladies Skirts at different prices. Den t Buy Elsewhere until yon have examined my stocks, and I will convince you that I can save you money. * Mrs M. Isaac. 208 2OBl Newcastle Street. FRUIT CARES! FRUIT CAKES! , Kennedy's 20c pound, th. y are at their beet when age has brought out their rich flavor. We hare them a year ol a. The icing has sent a&piund. 0n tha, aCCOUnt We Will THOMAS KEANY, FANCY GROCER. Jl2 Newcastle St., Brunswick, Ga, Deo’t Kick Yourself which you will surely do if you will buy your fall goods before looking over our lines, We claim that we can save you from 25 to 50 per cent on everything that you rnay buy from us, and we mean to prove it. J. H. HELLfeR & BRO, ~5.rn.220 Newcastle 5treet......... P. S.—We sacrifice the l and 10c goods of the former 10c ator . BRUNSWICK. GA„ THURSDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 5, 1901 TERRELL AND CANDLER COMBINE. This is Important Political News If It is Correct. Tbe Savannah Press yesterday pub lished the following in a dispa oh from its Atlanta correspondent: Joe Terrell is quietly laying his plans for the gubernatorial race. He is right in tbe mlxup and never fails to win a vote when be can. While be has not yetannounoed his oandidaoy, it has been known for several months that be would be in the race, and bis friends and supporters have been workin? for him like bearsrs. It is announced that Governor Oand ler and bis allies will support Terrell for governor. It is said that an agree ment between the parties has been reached, and now everything is as smooth es could be desired. If this is the oase the old-time antagonists ere united, and It means that the other can didates will have to bustle to get enongh votes to mike e good abowing with. Mr, Terrell’s announcement will come some time In January It will be git en out just before the meeting of tbe state Demooratioexeontive commit tee. Aooompanylng the announcement will be the full platform of Mr. Terrell. Tbe importance of the report that tbe Candler forces would rally to the sup pin of Terrell is far reaohing. Ter rell has hundreds of friends and Gov ernor Candler had hundreds of friends. Tbese friends are scattered in every seotion of the state and they have been at work a long time. For a while it was .bought that the Candler forces would support some other man, but Mr. Ter rell’s friends now olaim that he has things in fsir shape to win tbe eleo tion. Then is oonsideiable speculation as to who will suooeed Mr. Terrell as at torney general Some of the people say that Kd T. Brown, who managed tbe campaign of Governor Candler, will be rewarded with the poeition, while uthe-s are of the opinion that Judge N, L. Hutchins of Liwrenoeville or George M Napier of Monroe will be appo, nted. All three of the men are great frlenda of the governor, and in the event If either of tbe three are ap pointed one of tbe three will also be appointed to the epeoial altorneysbip of tbe Western & Atlantio railroad in the event Mr. Brown gets Mr. Terrell’s place. HOUSE KILLS BLALOCK BILL. This Will Leave State's Finances in Very Bad Shape. Atlanta, Dee, 4. —The houee today killed the Kl&look resolution to appro priate part of the public property fond to pay the interest on the pnblio debt by a rote of 76 to 74, The etate’a finan cial affaire next year will, ae a result, be in bad ebape. Mr. Blalook says the governor bat Informed him that no money on be paid the teaohera for a whole year. The senate killed the bill providing for a oourt of appeale. TAX PAYERS. By resolution of coonoil passed No vember 30th, an extension until De-, oember 20ib was granted for the pay- ' ment of oity taxes for 1801. This is for the purpose of allowing those in sr~ rears an opportunity to settle with the treasurer without additional oosts. All taxes unpaid after December 80th will be placed in execution, and mu.t be settled with the marshal. Those in terested and who desire to lave cost wlli please take doe and Qoal notice. Geo. H. Smith, City Treasorer, For Croup use CHENEY’S EXPECTORANT. HR AMU lick Larger Tin for Sam Inti Last Year till INCREASE Of $364,363 A Report of the Foreign Jand Do mestic Shipments For the Past Month. The total value uf the export and import shipment at the port of ii<uns wlok for the month of November, 1901, was $2,879,238; for the same month last year It was $2,514,870, showing an inoraase of $364,363 for November this year. This is a splendid showing tor Brunt wiok and indioats the great strideaAhat are being made in business tty .* port. W Capr. Otto Jobannenson, the official statistician, in bis report to the Board of Trad# for the mMth of November, 1901. givtsihe foilowyig figures: Foreign exports—By 10 vessels of 10,989 registered tonnage, and orawa of 171 persons. 26,408 bales of ootton, 250 tens of ootton aeed meal, 160 tons cot ion seed 4,385 tons of phosphate, 11 498 barrels of roaln, 1,690 bsrrela turpen tine, 1 400,000 saperfioial feet of lumber 162,000 superflsial feet of timber, 32 tons wooden billet*. Domastio shipment*—By 41 vesaela of 32,392 registered tonnage and crews of 663 persons. 2,782 bales of ootton, 1,000 bales of sheeting, 6 bales of wool, 76 tons of pig Iron, C. 670 barrrelsof rosin, 2,882 barrels of turpentine, 600 barrels of cotton seed oil, 14.627.0C0 superficial feet of lumber, 196 000 euperfioial feet of timber, 1,876.650 shingle*, 141,939 oross ties, 3 100 oases oysters, 19 ions of mer ohandiee. Value of foreign export $1,065,076 Value of domestio ihipments . 665,619 Total $1,7*0,686 Valne of importß 1,148 648 Total value export* imports *2.879,233 The arrival of vessels for tbe month was, 18 steamers, 4 barks. 1 brig, 31 schooners. Total 49, representing a tonnage of 42,075. FOR POLITICAL HARMONY. Waycross' Factioni Get Together and Firm a Plan. Waycrosg, Ga., Deo. 4,—The oppot* ing factions In local politioa have at laat gotten a little nearer together, and have argued upon one thing. A oommtttee from eaoh aide met In joint oonferenoe and agreed upon an all-day primary, to be partioipated in only by white registered voters. May Not Adopt Tariff On Flour. New |Tork, Dec. 4,—Aacording to the Rio Janeiro correspondent of The Herald, the United States government has requested Braeil not to adopt the proposed tariff on flour. The tariff bill it now being considered by the eenat'j Baptist Minister Found Dead, Atlanta, Deo, 4.—Rev. Thomas C, Boykin, s well known Baptist, wss found dead in bed today. He itavea a son snd (tighter in Charleston. ASKED TO VETO THE BILL. Methodist Ministers Are Dawn On th* Dispensary, Macon, Dec. 4—Th* South Georgia Conference of the Methodist cknrob convoned in its 35", b session at the Mai berry atreel ohurcb this morning. Bishop Calloway p-stilling. Kev, W. F, Smith was eleoud s-oretary, with Thomas H. Thomsen aud J. A. Smith as assistants. Kev*. W. M. Blltch, J. E. Seals, N. F, Cook, and J. M. Glenn were elected statistical secretaries. Dr. J, B. McGhee annonneed the standing committees for the session. Reports from the connaetlonal officer* of the ohureh ware submitted to tha conference and referred to the proper committees, Sr. Dowman read an in structive report from Emory college. Question 20 -“Ar* the preacher* blame leas in their life and offloial adminis tration?” was called and th* oharacter of a number of ministers were passed. Bishop Galloway make* a splendid presiding offloer and the work of tha conference ie progressing admirably. Most of the preachers h>T* arrived and ▼isltoia to the ooaference are qaite in evidence. Tbe conference paeead a ree elation respectfully requesting the governor to veto tbe Wright dispentary bill. MISS STONE HELD. She is a Pritaner Now to tha Sauth of the Mountains. Waebiagtoo, Dae. 4.—Th# state de department today received a cablegram from Rpanoer Eddy, United States charge at Constantinople, reporting that Mis* Stone and Madam* Tsilke sre held prisoner* at a place called Gultape, on the south aids et tbe moon tain*. Who is going to get the beautiful China Clo\et that is going to be given away on Jan. Ist, 1902? Why the one that gets the lucky number. Get a ticket with every cash purchase of Get all the tickets you can. You can get any thing you want that is kept in a first-class gro cery, at this place and as for as little money as can be bought at any other place, considering quality; and at the same time get chances on the China Closet, and possibly get it. To be Draw Jan. Ist, 19J2 W. H. DeVoe, ’Phone 109. HAVE YOU wSSr that, wears out Is he worth $2? If so come buy a pair of ARMORED CRUISER boys shoes for $2 and see the result. Only at LEVY’S. PRICE FIVE CENTS. f Look at This New Fruit Cakes' - (JUST IN) 1, 2 and 5 Pounds Fresh Pickles (JUSTIN) Sweet mixed, German dills, Sour Cucumbers. Fruit Cake Material (OF ALL KINDS) Currants, Raisins, Citron, Orange Heel; candid, Lemon Peel; “ Figs, Dates, Spices of all kinds. Fancy CakeiL Apricot cream, Orange bars, Five o’clock teas, Slice fruit, OreanoCdesaert, Fine mixed. Coffies. Try our “own brand,” Mocha and Java at 25 and 3yc in one pound tins. FireWorkT Don’t buy until you get our prices next week- Larg est stock in Brunswick, ’PHONE 168. Notice. In sedition to affording evary faoiiity to onr customers consistent with safe banking, we are prepared to aot ae Administrator or Executor mt Estates, Guardians of property of minors, and to make Bonds in jndtotnl end other matters—Generally to exar. olae all our powers as a Trust Company Brunswick Bask & Trust Cos. B. 17, Sili, liiiijr .