The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 06, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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E. R BAKER, Dentist Special Attention to Orovvr and bridge work Office „ 5022 Glou'ster St To cure S'CK HEADACHE,] HABITUAL C O SM ST I PAT! O IV f and a!i diseases arising from In-- digen +: They Will purify you;-! ■ sake your complexion? I ! A LILY. They era 1; 3tS. PRICE £5 CENTS j WANTED! All the second hand typewriters in Bru ssvic’k. Also wait all second furniture, organs, stoves and old brass. J W. Watkins, i 08 Hay Bt. J. J. LJSSNER, WHOLESALE Groceries, Tobacco, Flour, Bacon and Provisions., GRAIN, RAY AND BRAN A SPECIALTY 216 Bay Street Brunswick, Georgia. g-J ,MI ■ . >— ■■■■ 0* DOWNING, President. E- H. wa-wjh. vicn-r keeio***, ,v, WALTER, uabbieu THE KATiONAL EANEOF BRUNSWICK, CAPITAL $150,000. LOANS—DISCOUNTS—-EXCHANGE—COLLECTIONS, ~——SAOTEFGbfI BOSSS FOE EEft — Interest Allowed On Deposits in Savings Department OIKKCTOHH JOSEPH w. bennet, c, downing, albkht fendig, Juu d eL .-unßwick Circuit, Pres, Downing Cos, ot ttrobdton, Fendig &Cc W. G. BRANTLEY, E. H. MASON; g. D. WALTER, M. C. 11th Ga. Diet. of i3. H. Muon A Go Cnahiw HENRY P, TALMADG ' V m. Pin* 00., Hew York “ MALLORY LINE I MM. ' || PROPOSED SAILINGS FROM EA' \ ()yiv Uvery FrMir at Ip. m Jb’riday to Suit the Tide. Lowest Rate, Direct Service, Commodious Passenger Accommodations. C, H, Mallory & Cos., Gkn’l Act* J. S Raymond, 16 Burling Slip, Nw Yk. Agent, Brunswick, Ga. CHINESE REB'I'A'JRAN'T tfiD L3fct<. CHUE HAL 1 froorietor You can get the best the market *&ords by eatiog P S. —Orders taken tor i * IC* Laundry. TVTnmiwmasrev’Yan* e -dse®xirv su*i */./“Man SOUTHERN RAILWAY SCHEDULE. FOR SAVANNAH, WASHINGTON AMI) ME R fOP.K J.v Brnuswick 5 15 it El 7 SWa m JS i* p m 9 06 p nj At’Savannah OO a m 12 15pm B U p la 12f20 a m Ar Washington f t* it *& B 90 a in Ar New York 3 Mu ife USSuir FOR MACON, ATLANTA. J OUIS VI U.K. 1,. * JIN RATI ANI) CHICADO. Lv Brunswick T tj t n 9 05 p ai A r Macon i ktpia HOC a in Ar Atlanta * it, j 10* m A r Louisville Sfcnia 1 sr> y : A r Cincinnati * l a w 7 *0 p m ArChicatro £ Ufa I 10. m FROM NEW YORK, WASHINGTON AND SAVANNAH. l.v New York la Id a uv a 26 p oc Lv Washington II il • 0 Upw Lv Savannah .. nOUaat la U j> in Ar Brunswick T**m |# 10 pro SUNDAY SCHEDULES BETW K*K ! RUMsWICR AND SAVANNAH. l.v Brunswick tOO at I’M Am (00p ir Ar Savannah i -Mil ra II to pm b 11 p in Lv Savannah *oOc t lwpu& Ar Ilrunawick 8 10 * m t* p na DAILY EXCEPT HL'NDAV. C. ]j CANDLKK, General Agent. j M,BURNETT, WHOLESALE Grain and Provision Hore, Cow and Chicken Feed AN EVANGELIST'S STORY. “I suffered for years with a bronchial or lung trouble and tried various remedies but did not obtain permanent relief until l commenced using One Minute Cough Cure,” writes James Kirkman, evangelist of Belle River, 111. “1 have no hesitation in recommending it to all sufferers for coughs, colds arid ali kinds of throat and lung troubles Forcroip if is unequaled. Absolutely safe Very pleasant to take, never tails and is really a favorite with the children They like it. W. J. B stte. I y '&M tr# w ~ } p-“ &ENTB€KSf‘ iW 4 ! Uwmsnr,M, ! •# ASSFor Gentlemen .-fe’vlsy’ 'W&js* who cherish ?#* F>-Kh!bsT NEWMAN MOTHERS WORM SYRUP. Best worm medicine. Children like it go well they eat it on bread. TdE BRUNSWICK riMSS-CALL FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6 1901 “MARRIED FOR MON Y,” Will Be Presented at the Opera House On Next Wednesday Evening. The very laughable com*;ly, ''Mar ried for Money, ’ was presented to our drama loving people last n'giitbj some talented artist-*, and fur two inure m-Mb bubbled on*- like the m p ding waters of a gushing fountuiu. and highest evjoyo'ent held a brilliait reign, and placed all thoughts upon ‘•the windy bide a? ctre,” Jack Core, as tbe "hen-pecked”Mr. Moipbus, was exceedingly floe; G. S. Mortimer, as the old mao Mellowboy, wss superb and kept the audience >n a roar cf oflaughtar; iftss L-yfna, us Mai Ida, repeated her lines with fiae eti’uct and l moved around delightfully; MissVtceti Elton was bright, vivacious, sparkling, bswitetungiy and cxqniMttdy graceful, while Miss Pay Cat <*ca 1 raphic and laaltle-s cbs.rac.-r * ,uor of a onr osa.'ed, ill-temp-red and -‘horriu old woman ” All in all, it wa indeed n o i laughable, and everybody o-utn ibi; thoroughly delighted with tue mirth provoking comedy—Wilson Cor. Hal ! eigh Post. DEATH QUICKLY FOLLOWS DISEASED KIDNEYS. Death soon fcl'ows frr-tn di-teaseo kidnevs unies a cure m made bv taking tio old reliable Stuart aGiit miu Utiotu The followtng ajmptona indicate thr approach or Bright's Disease or Dia betes and Kidney troubles: Puffy or dark circles under the eyes, sallow, yellow qomplpxion, dull, heavy liead aches, dizzy tired feeling, faint tpe'is, pu'ii or dull aehu )u :n back, nnt clouds, rollk like or stungy dsrk in color or offensive, painful anal dry eensation in parsing iirius, to go often-duaing the day or night. Ti ore is ourts in Stuart- Gin and Buebu Ii is, rbe one remedy you o roly on. I>, will correct aij of tbs symptoms aud permanently ourfi sveu Br gbt’s dis ease after s?t other t<eatroint9 fail. Stuart’s Gin and Buchu will reutrala ne the urine and oauts it t . tinw ii a perfectly natural manner. A tagb grade kidney cure, The most perfect reu io. Stuart’s Gin ond Buchu thoroughiv tasted for'ho tweuty {rears.' If; gives life, power ard vigee to bekid neys chus mklt g the blood retS and nourishing. Tty tbia grued old rim edy. Druggiata or by express t reoaid sl. Describ'' trouble and frpa nuvioe about kiduera giyen. Stuart Drus;Go. 34 Wail i. Atlanta, 0h.,- CEORGIA, i Whereas Fannie A Smith Glynn County, j AiliuTistrairix o£ li. V Sintth’sestate, represe , in the court ii the petition ilnly flleo and emcred on roc. -i. , imt she has fully nibninistered H. C. Smith’s estate■. Tin .is therefore, ! cite all persons co.n-.ern ed Kindr ana creditors to snow cause ii' any they can wliy said adminigt--aior should n ,i lie discharged from her aiimiui-tra’ion and iv ceiv letters of dismission ou the Uist Monday in February, 1-02. HORACE DART, Ordinary. CITATION FOR PUBLICATION. William Mahoney, administrator upon the estate in Georgia of Jonn Mahonv, late of Tam pa, Hillsborough county,Florida", having Pied his petition !tor discharge, this is to cite all persons concerned to show cause aga ns! Hi gi anting of tins discharge, at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for said county ( olie held on the first Monday in February, 1902. This November 1, 1901. HORACE DART, Ordinary. GEORGIA—GIynn County. Whereas, Kolia T. Dan forth Administrate! oi the estate of John M. Tison, represents to the court in her petition, duly hied and entered on record, that she has fully administered John M. TUon’s estate: Thisis therefore to e.te 11 persons concerned,kindred and creditors, to show ,-ause, if any they can whv saidlAdminist. ratrixshould not lie discharged from her ad ministration and receive letters oi dismission on tie first Monday in January, 1902. HORACE DART, Ordinary. IT DAZZLES tbe world. Na dii C'ivery in naed ciro has ivsr creatpc) or.e quartir nf thp xciies)4r, bat l asbei-Q caused by Dr Kiug’i New Disoov-ry for ooneuiAßti -.n, It’s suvar et test* have been on bcpc en vicDms jf eoQsumptlon, poeomoo a, fceui’-rrta- Kge, pleutiHj nnd tronoftitip, ibon ands of whom it lias restorid Cos per fee’ belli h. For cough , ecldf, v’bma, bay fever, croup, hoarseness and whooping tbe world, it i- eoid by ti, druggists Wbc guarantee B9t!8 f aoUon or refund money. Lar*e bottles 60j and 4 TOO, Trial bottles fiea. BHtP NOTICK Neither the ma ter, owner :.or consign ees of the Swedish bark Jupiter wiU be responsible for any debts eoutrac ed by tbe crew ol said bark Janron, M alter. F’l LK-INK CL’HUB FI LESI Money refunded if it ever tails. THEATRICAL TREATS “A Woman of No Importance.” •‘II iw hard would bo the way of evil doers end how easy thr task of im proving a oia! conditions if it were not for the f joi friendo of good causes,” say a one of the characters in Rose Coghlan’s play “A Woman of No Importance,” which will be seen here t at? e&rly date. The production promise* 1 1 ba the most brilliant social * nt cf the somou as the playi* gen erally conceded to be the keenest satire on soch i ambiguities and shams pro duced in the past decade. ‘‘Who it that lad/,” asks a friend of ths men who has just absolutely refused to repair a great wrong done to her son and herself after a powerful dramatic scene. ‘On, she’* a woman of no iaipr.rtar.oe,” repliesithe roan airily. From this incident '.he play received it* file and it is notable that theourta'D iJesoscdf 0.-! evwry aot upon a eoene of intense uriinaf.c force. The comnany chosen to support Rist Oogblan is very 01-ver. FOR RENT—Furnished rooms, to geo lemon 321, U nion St. Double brick boase. SCfe Jcf Ayspepsia Cure Bisects w£at yo eat* METBOPOLITAH SALOON. o*_ rat .ms Biaurn ONLY THE FINEST ■%?2i and dinars, ELEGANT LUNCH SERVED D\Y AND NIGHT, tr r NO. 316 BAY STREET. BRUNSWICK. GA EE3, L mm. It go-, L A DIES CAN WEAR SHOES, one sire smaller after using Allen’s Foot Ease a p6wdi rto be shaken into the shoes. It makes light or new shoes feel easy, gives instant re lie—' 0 i.’is oct.iinrnj: Its the greatest com fort <li*c ,uery ot the age, cures and prevents swollen fe i. blisters and sore spots. Allen’s Foot jine is a certain cure for sweating, hot, acb tg feet. At all druggistst and shoe stores, 25e 1 1 id package free by mail. Addreßt,, Ali.-r * Huistod. I.elioy. N. Y. IIEABTH AND BEAUTY. poor oomplex'on is usaally the result ,of a torpid liver or irregular action of the bowels, Unless nature’s reiuca ie oarried I off it will surely cause impure blood, j ’icflyiQß, boils and other eruptions follow. This is nature’s method of throwing off the poisons which the bowels failed to ! remove. DeWdtt's Little Early Kisers are ' world fiimo-;; for remedying this condition | i’hey stiltin' .ie the liver and promote tegular and healthy action of the bowels but never cause griping, cramps or dis tress Sale pills W. .1. Butts, 1 Wu han -jr expert man here for 30 Ir,r. and you have your old carpets and rugs ternboed tii! oleaoed at B.’iiuswick Mattress Shop, ?no r 2TT 3. Shop 506 Monk THIS WILL INTEREST MANY. To quicklp’ introduop B B B. (Bota- D!o B.iioii Bulin;. the Ismous Southarn blood cure, into new hems), we will send Lhola.e.y free, 10,000 trial treat. meutß, Bmat ic Blood Balm [B. B. B ) qjiciiy cur-e o and ulcers, scrofula, ecz j>a, !tchl-g skin and blood humors, cme r, eating irstbring sort’s, boils, carbuncles, pirnpies or offensive erup* runs, pains in. bones -r joints, rbeuma tiem, catarrh, or any blood or skin trchbifi. Uotauio Blood Balm (B. B, B.) iteaia avtjiy sore or pimple, makes the blood pure and rich and stops all aches .nd pains. Batamc Blood Balm (B. B. B,) thoroughly tested for 30 yeara in bospit j! ?r,o private practice, Rnd has otirod liioti-ards of oeass given up as iiopeifißS. Sold at drug stores, S 1 per large bottle. K;? fre treetmont write to Bio-d Bairn Cos,, Atlanta, Ga. Medi~ cone sent at o.*ce, prepaid. Desoribe trouble and free medics' advice given. B'-tamc B'oed Brlcq (0, 15. B.) given life, vig jr and streuth to the blood. The finest B ond l’urifiet made Bo tanic Bioi.d Balm (B, B. B ) gives a healthy BU.od supply to the skin and ur.rire I OK SALS ~-ReraSdu typewriter in , :in condition terma reaefuable. Ap | p y at this i Hi :e. for Asthma use CHE | NEW) BKPKOIORANT, ASTHMA CURE FREE Asthmalene Brings Instant Relief and Permanent Cure in All Cases. SENT ABSOLUTELY FKEE ON RECEIPT OF POSTAL Write Your Name and Address Plainly. There is nothing like Asthmalene. It briars instant reliei,n e.i in the worst case*. It cures when all else fain. The Rev ' F Wells, of Villa Rid*o. 111., says; “Your trial bottle of Asthmalene received in good condition I cannot tell you how thank ful I feel for the goo t derived from It. I wag a slave, chained with putrid sore throat and as* lima for ien years, l despaired of ever being cured. 1 saw vour advertisement for the cure of this dreadful and tormenting disease. Asth ma, and thought you had overspoken yourselves, hut resolved to givo it a trial. To my astonish ment, the trial acted like a charm. Send me a full size bottle.” REV. DR. MORRIS WECHSLER, Rabbi of the (long. Bnai Israel New York, Jan. S, 1901. Drs. Taft Bros.’ Medicine Cos.: Gentlemen: Your Asthmalene Is an cxcel ont remedy for Asthma and Hay Fever, and ite composition alleviates all troubles whloh omit - bine with Asthma. Its succoss is astonishing and wonderful. After having it carefully analyzed, we can state that Asthmaleue contains no opium, morphine, chloroform or ether. Very truly yours, REV. DR. MORRIS WEOHSLER. Avon Springs, N. Y., Keb., 1,1901. Dn. Tapi' Bkos. Medicine: Cos. Gentlemen: 1 write this testimonial from a sense of duty, having tested the wonderful effect of your Asthmalone, for the cure of Asthma. My wife has been afflicted with spasmodic asthma for the past 12 years. Having exhausted my own skill as well as many others, f chanced to see your sign upon your windows on 180th street, New Yoedc, I at one obtained a buttle of Asthmalene. My wife commenced taking it about the flrgt of November. I very soon noticed a radical improvement. After using one bottle her Asthma has disappeared and she is entirely free from ail nvmptoms. I feel that. I consistently recommend the medicine to all who are afflicted with this distressing disease. Yours respectfully. O. I). PHELPS, M. D. Db. Tapt Bros. Medicine Cos. Feb. 5, 1901. Gentlemen: 1 was troubled with Asthma for 32 yoars I have tried numerous remedies but tber have all failed. I ran across your advertisement and started w ; 'h a trial bottle. I found relief at once. I have since purchased your full-size bottle, and I am ever grateful. 1 have family of four children, and for six years was unable to work. I am now in the best of health and am doing business every day. This testimony you can make such use of as you so lit. Home address, 2:15 LUvlngton street. S. RAPHAEL, 67 East 129th at., City FM BOTTLE SENT AB3SLUTELT FEES ON RECEIPT OF FOSTAI, Do not delay. Write at once, addressing DB, TAFT BUOB,’ MEDICINE CO„ 79 East 130th St,, N, Y, City. DOCTORS AGREE. ' Recent In vestisatlons by the authorities of several States have at tracted attention to proprietary medicines, and there is a marked dispo sition to draw a sharp line of distinction between mysterious nostrums and worthy articles of scientific compound and known character. “Many proprietary medicines,” says a leading physician, “ are the best possible prescriptions for the (y diseases which they are made to cure. certainly r\ only reasonable to expect that chemists of / world-wide reputation and unlimited re- i sources ought to make compounds with excep- u j tional skill, nnd it is manifestly to their in- y terest to have their ingredients fresh and _/ *FJ pure. Take, for example, Lippman's great remedy, popularly known as P. P. P. f The formula is on every bottle. Every jtfgaraßEf&aK J physician knows that the ingredients are&?/ I the best possible remedies for purify- l ing the blood, and the compound is ; ■■-.■Jj u scientific one, which Incremsts the JKSSf MaSi . | / efficiency of the whole. I some- iAKTIwi JI times prescribe special mixtures /am | j for Blood Poisoning, Scrofulous f ! ' ft Affections, Catarrh, Ecrema and other complaints arising from impure and weak blood, but I always feel safest In prescribi ig P. P. P., especially where lam not personally acquainted with the druggist. In prescribing P. P. P. (Lippman’s Great Remedy), I know I m taking no chances." v* When doctors feel such confidence in a standardremedy, it Is no wonder that the general public insist iwon havingm. • P. P. P. is sold by all druggists. $i a bottle; six bottles, $5. . LIPPHAN BROTHERS, Savannah, da. :w. J. BUTTS. ATTENTION! Have just ireceived . the finest line of New Wheels ever seen in Brunswick. 50 new Ones to Pick From- We can save you |?-00 on every wheel you buy, Repairing, renting and emaneling. Message service, PIANOS AND ORGAN If yon want a good Piano orj Organ buy! a Uidden & Bates B. J. OLEWINE A.exß.t* — ii . Mr. F. D. Arnold, Arnold, la., writes: Ho wa troubled with kidney (i 1 : ease* eboat threw vearH. Had to get op neverl tlmee daring the night but three bottlee of Foley** Kidney Cure offectHd a complete cure, he feel* belter than he evor did and roooiumund* it to hi* friend*. W. J. lSuit*. jr.i: X 2 s v iati •£L ? i ¥|i - "v Ia WxVjf! tk; ;/> RELIEF. mif. j. J. pimt, —Teacher on— Violin, Piano 3nd Guitar REFFBENCE3 Fleming & Waff. ADDRESS: Oglethorpe Hotel. STRIKES A RICH FIND. “I was troubled for several years with chronic indigestion and nervous debility, 1 ' writes F. J. Green, of Lan caster, N. 11., *‘ao remedy helped me until I began using Eleotrio Bitters, which did me more good than all the medicines I ever used. They have also k jpt my wife in excellent health for years. Hhc eays Electric Bitters are just splendid for female troubles; that they are a grand tomo and invigorator for weak, run down women. No other mediolne can take its place In oar family.” Try them; only BOj. Satiafaoi tion guaranteed by all druggists. NOTICE. This le to notify my friends, patrons, and the publlo generally that Mr. Phil Keller now in charge of the Arcade saloon. B. Ilir* c U, 3