The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 06, 1901, Image 4

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HOLIDAY GOODS., Call and See our Fine Line. *■> S V . * V V , Now is the time to place, your special orders. We will order for you from any catalogue at same price and save you .trouble and expense. Call Now. . KENNON MOTT, O. D Jeweler and Graduate Outician -111 HlWtuUl BttMt, 1 upsotn r WtoHo. for HonUisr* KUw*y. Tim* by WM k*U |Mfk WMkhMtoi K KKPKtt Or THE CITY CCOCKS. Know Ye AIL . 1 • ! ,I.P A•• J J i"> ,' 1 IV.< ‘ We are prepared to handle your business quick as money can buy goods and railroads can haul ’env HOW’S THAT FOR PROMPTNESS* Everybody Knows our Work and Prices are Satisfactory. Fine Memorial Work, Hard-wood Mantels* Grates, *< * * Tilina* Iron Fencing, etc Come to see us. REED E. LaMANUE Mgr. £l2 Monk street. ■-S’- ■ ■ !■■■ I Ihi h ,M ■ TW j . WT 1 '■ !■. .iS‘. r i. Eastman s Kodaks. * * - > ' r -'w * i Rig Supply Just Received. Anew stock of Pocket. Cutlery, Scissors and Razors. Call and A* j examine before buying. FLEMING & WAFFS, Ad EN ITS —Remington Typewriters, rr- —t "g—tr——HiAJ- I '.imr Ooney & Parker ww l'r it. ...I -f ! i-W DBA L*BBUJ . p „ Coal and Wood, Brick, • - 1 “ ' Lime, Cement, Plaster, Hair, Shingles and Laths. Agents forMorris’ Brick. ’ Phone 18 , 525 Bay St. jgj fggf CHRIS ARNHEITER, fljHgl if slam M, Pork nd uiion, P FRESH VEGETABLEBFRESH groceries, fresh eggs from the country. r All goods sent out nice and clean., The best of ererything for the model housekeeper. 207 Monk street. Phone 80 FRESH GOODS FOR HOLIDAYS. Citron 15c per lb. Seeded Raisins 10c per lb. Large Prunes 2 pounds 2?c. Best Dates 1 lbß. 25c Best Mocha Java Coffee 35c. Hood Lotties from 15c to 25c per lb* All kind of nuts 20c per lb, 0 . For CASH Only.v With every cash purchase you get a coupon which gives you a chance on our fine dinner sets ->8 PROMPT DELIVERY. B*- " lOHANNESEN <£ CO, BRDNBWICK TIMES-CALL, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1901 PERSONAL MENTION ITEMS OF INTEREST CONCERNING BRUNSWICKIANS AND THEIR FRIENDS FROM LOCAL AND OTHER SOURCES. Tue raoe at I tie fair ground, traok yesterday afternoon wn, won by Mr. Padrosa’t horse. i ■ * f i t Mr. and Mir W. S. Taylor are pre paring to more into their handsome new home opposite Hanover park. i* ; • i Mr,. F. D. M. Straohan and Mia, 1> ' ! Josephine do Bignon went to Savan nah last night to make a short visit. 1 • j Hogu-, “only the hired man” with ■1: v 1 the '‘Married for Money” company, waa registered at the Oglethorpe last night. . i rf- * 'll \ The Spanish steamer AUamera whieh arrived yesterday from Fornaudinn will load wi h luwner from Mr. B Patroia'a lumber dock. Mr. J. A MoDnffl*, Col. W. E. Kay, Mr. T. J. Wrfgbt and Mr. F. M, Jolly left for Atlanta yesterday to be preaen'. ■ it i i • T today at the hearing of the Brunswick and Birmingham railroad caaa before the Go >rgia reilro and oommissim. BUILDING AN ADDITION. B. Bochardt & Cos., Wholesale Grocers Spreading Out. The enterprising and pcpnltr whole* sale grocery house ol B B lobardt A Cos., have inoreased their bneine.a to such an extent that they mutt have more room and to get it are building an additfou to ibeir atore on Oran' •traet. When completed the oapaoitjr of their •‘ore will be almost double wbat it is now. Speaks Well of Our Cropt, O j . H. K. VVney, obief obemiat of the national department of agriculture who made a trip tbrnagb the auger* growing seotloDS of Gorgia, Florid*, and Alabama with Captain D, G. Pnrat has given an interview to the Waah logton B“ar, in wbioh be tpaka In glowing ternaa of the value of the food crop* grown in the muitt. . , Work Resumed. Repairs on the engine hava been ' !I. : completed and the work of driving the piling at the government bonding hae been resumed. The monotonone thump, thump, thump of tbe pondrons hammer will be beard for tbe next two months. FOR B*. LE—Greene country Her* mode bay for sl6 50 p r ton f. o, b. care m Btun*wiok Jae L Brown, Greenabo'O, Ga. FOU 8 ILK— On aocount of leaving tbe oity wi offer for sale at a bargain our entire afook of grooeriea end fruit at lowest pric. Apply Oraini H oe.. 401 Bay Bt, Old Fashioned A. Molasses f Candy! We make it with the real sugar-house molasses, cream and butter Delight ful Chowing, very nutricious, and good for coughs and colds. LLOYD’S Ttow 2551 214 Newcastle St. For Whooping Cough use CHENEY’S EXPECTO RANT, A GOOD SHOW LAST NIGHT. “The Wreng Mr. Wright” Held the \ . t. Boards at the Grand. To* >trc ar the Grand laat night - h> irnuimi cu inert r of i —e* ■■■' - • .ll liv **T ie Wo g Mr. Wrigh'.” anil >urn tahed plenty oi fun fnr the and ienoe. l L. k-: all of Kroadhnr i’a oroituctions taia pieo* aboonda m bright and witty dialogue and lodioi u situations. It wae well staged and the parte all ad mirably acted. Mr. John Alilaon, aa “Singleton Sites,” waa nnnaaally good. The speeialtiea were pleasing and there A waa no let up In the fan from the rue of the curtain until its fall on the final * 1 • set. The next attreetion at tha Grand ie “Married For Money" at popular prleea next Wednesday night. Crovatt For the Senate. 5 • ** , 0.. '* T * r a*■ The Atlanta Constitution under the • > 1 ti * ■ head of "Politloai Goaaip,” eaya: “Judge A J. Crova t, of B ooswiok, waa in tha eitj yesterday on buatueaa and spent some time at the capital. Judre Crovatt will be a candidate for r**■.K *> t ■ i senator in the next election, and it is r* i_i r ' ft* '?*- ** ,I F • ■ said his election is already aeenred. It will he Ely no county ’ time next year to fumtali the senator from • . U ft. IMI ■ I .... ” , the fourth dietriet, the present aenator, • * * • V * • Q; Hon. J J. Upchoroh, being from Charlton county. Judge Crovatt is one of Glynn ooanty’e mui ! prominent and progreskive oitixsne and will make an able m mbsr of the upper house, “There are many membere of the present bonss who will probably be in the next senate, bnt that body will also contain muob new material. There is i • ■ . 'V4 . * JM •!- ‘5 • always considerable imarest in the composition of the senate and it wll probably ba pratty welt known tone months hefora the eleotion ia held. ’ FredE. Wayia Getting Well. The young men, Fred B Way, who waa so badly hurt at tbe works of tbe Edison El.clrie Illum'nClon Company on laat Saturday evening, is improving ■lowly nt tbe Perk View Sanatoria * * , j■> The nature of bis injuria* are • h * i >f . that they do not respond to trea‘ *ie6D I * * quickly, but tbe physicians la charge today announce that hey are much pleated at hie favorable symptom* and the prograaa thus far male, and bops to bava him oat is tbe course of tbe nex' two or three weeks —Savannah Preaa. INVITED TO ATLANTA. Candidates For Governor Will Be Asked • .i, to Speak There. • De*. ?.-4? irritation to all the.dandl4*tt for governor will be extended in n few days by the Toung - •: ! ; n;r “ Man's Democratic League of Atlanta to make apeeebee hern nt some time daring the eampeign. The young men of Atleßte are npxiona to get tbe views rib.*. • r ’ .' * • 1 r* f of the candidates on the various state ? . 6 iaanaa. It is expeoted that all tbe eotriae will aeeapt. KILLING AMENDMENTS. Legislature logins to Knock Out Propos* ed Changes. Atlanta. Deo.*,— I Toe eeaate it busily engage* on tne constitutional amend* manta bill. Yesterday tbe flret amend* meat proposed, which amendment bro- Tlded for an appellate oourt, wat kill ed. Senator Bell ia leading tbe fight for tbe adoption of all the amendments, The senator* bope to eomplete tbe work by Saturday. First Snow Fell in Memphis. Mempkit, Deo. Tbe drat enow of tbe teaton fell tbie morning to a depth of on* incb. Special Prices in Groceries ft r ~ • . Everybody to know that they ean save enough to pay their wood and water bills by buying from me. Your credit is good, I sell Granulated Sugar 4 lbs for ...25c, others give 31 I sell White Extra U Sugar per tb sc, others -tunge 7 I sell 24 lbs Patent Flour for £s*-, other.-, charge 7 I sell good Roasted Coffee per lb He, ot :ei s charge £ 1 sell Best Bacon per lb 11c otnerscha ge V<L\ I sell Best Comp Lard per lb 10c, ethers cha-ge J 1 I sell Best New Georgia Syrup gal 50c, oth< rs charge 60 I sell Best Irish Potatoes per peck 350, oth *rs 'harge 40 lsell fine Mocha and Java coffee lb ‘4sc, others charge 3£ I sell Best Oat Meal 6 lbs for 2£c. I sell Seeded Raisins per lb lie, or hers charge 1£ I sell Cleaned Currants per lb 11c, others charge 1£ L sell Best Citron per lb 15c, other < charge 20 I sell a Hood Broom for... 21c, 0 he s charge 3o A full line of the Purina Mills Cereals just received. •I deliver promptly A. O. JEFFERS 219 NBWCASTL E BT. Dyspepsia Cure When the stomach is diseased all the other organs suffer, hence fatal ■Meases of the heart, liver, lungs and kidneys are often the result of improper digestion. Kodot. Dyspepsia Cure contains all the natural digestive fluids and by digesting what you eat, it cures the ind'ges- MOO without aid from the stomach, alleging it to rest and regain its (healthy condition and permitting you to entail the good food you want My rest is often disturbed at night by irregular heart action which X believe is on account of my stomach being overloaded with undi gested food. I keep a bottle of Kodol Dyspepsia Cuke nearby and a tmall dose always gives me instant relief. Fid. Thomas, Leitchfield.Ky.” It can’t help but IHO you nsce by E. O. DeWitt & Cos., Chicago. The tl. bcttle contains S4 t Uh. s the 50e. siza Re favorite household remedy for coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, grippe Iteoatand lung troubles is ONE MINUTE Pou B h Cure. Itcures’auic&ix, W. J. Butts. Fresh Arrival of white fish in kits, extra li rge mackereJ, oitteu cherries, dried figs. A complete line of assorted preserves'and jams pickled peaches, ginger pre serves. A large assortment of olives in bottles and bulk. Also a most complete line of the best 5 and 10c, cigars. All goods sold on very close; margin. HARRELL BROTHERS. Corner Newcastle and Monk. Truly “A Grand Old Whiskey' IS THE FAMOUS * CREAM OF KENTUCKY. It’s pure and wholesome and sold cheaper Than any other whiskey of its fame, rank or quality- Sold m a rang wick only by Douglas & Morgan, 212-214 Bay Street. I. TRACER &. CO.. Distillers, Officas Ciocinuuti. Onto. IJ. 8 A