The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 08, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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2 The Brnnswi(t Times. XtUbllthed 1889. The Brunswick Call. Established 18*1. The Brunswick Times-Call, CON SO L.l DATED 1900, Published RTBRT MOBRINO EXCEPT MOHDAY. .■ ' BYR. A. MULLINS, LESSEE. The Tlinet-CaU Will be delivered by terrier or moll pei vesa, 8* 00; per week 11 eenae. *Cor reepoadente on line eubjeole solicited. Reel game of writer ahoold eooonapenj aame. Bub eorlptlona payable la xdvaace. Address all aonununloatlona te TUB TIMH-CALI* BrauWlok.Wa. TO SUB80RIB1S8: latMwrlbece are requested to aoMfy oee when they rail to get any leant <* the Tim se es n Attention to tkla matter will be appte otaid by the publisher*. Xo matter kow nanoh those frisk; little South A merman republics hste us and tan us we cannot perrc It thsm to no eubeols with the dsbiliisted mos e rubles of Europe. Judge Siuory Speer bat di oided that tiie Georgia law wbiob allow* a person to be forcibly confined in a private sanitarium is ia violation of lbs eon* siltutlou of Ibe United Slate*. The holiday trader Is uew looking; fer tboae houses which ( ffer holiday geode at the beet prices They are reading the newspapers in their guest for knowledge. Moral: Advertise your goods if yon up’d buyers. W title a ingress is providing for tbe sietastun of aliea auarohist* It should provide some better mesne for the deteupon an I oxpul ion of the borne bred vailety of beasts of such character Three of onr pre ideals have fallen by the laid of aasnssius every one of wbent was born and bred in tbs United ■ ales. Anarchy is not entirely such a foreign disease as we boast that 11 ia. A nuasbar ef charming bo es bavo has a sreoted in Brunswick during tbs last twelve mostbs, and tbe werk is still progressing in a way that Is Tory gra ifying. A number of rsaidoacas aad sattags are now in'.preeesa of erestlen, aad nearly every neighbor hood in the city is being improved In appsaranss. A steady growth of tis sharsster la the bts indication of a oily’s prosperi'y. The brain of tbe ant bat baen tbe interest ng subject of reoent study by Prof Ford, the Swiaa zoologist. This organ is well develop'd in tbe workers, ina ter ia the females, and merely rudimentary in the stales. The insects have the senses of sight, smell, touob and laeie, bearing being doubtful. Tbe unisaro endowed wltu memory ana rrasosing powers, and in their warefaie it is uary to te* tbi>ir courage, their despair, (heir aidor for tbe fray, aud their personal hatreds. Southward the course of American empire lakes I’t way in s vast, silent movement that will leave its Impress on history. We pret*nd to be fright ened at be specter of a feu onis and Brazil, yat every foot that the Germans gain in the South American republic we advance a hundred in the land acre** the It o Grande. Americans have aroused Mexie from a lethargic Sloop of osnturles. and have now treated in that republic as Industrie! donilaion at onos bearfleisnt and enduing,— Fulladelphla Ttino*. If ydi. bt*, bleaching for f 1 oo Mon* day and Tuesday at Hello,’a. H# I spread* worth 91 76 at 1.29; bed spietd* worth 91 at ejoo Monday and Tuesday at Heller’s. For LaGrippe and Influ enza use CHKNKY’B MX FMLCTORAA r. CHRISTMAS IS NEARLY HERE. Already the people's thoughts are on Christmas, Christmas brings up all sorts of thoughts. However, one of the most important events conneoted wltb Christmas Is the question of Christmas baying, Christmas giving and Christ mas presents. Isn’t It worth while to try this year to apend your Christmas money wisely and oonaolentionsly and to the beat ad vantage. Think a moment what are ths best things to buy for your family and friends as suitable Christmas preseuts. Eaoh case ought to b* studied on its individual merits. A little thought will give mors genuine pleasure to tba buyer and to the recipient than many dollars. Thera’s a wide range of suitable presents to asleet from. If In donbt oonsott the advertising ooluma of Tbe Tlmss.Csli. This year let your Christmas giving ba on sober, stnbatandai lines. Think of tbe bead aa well as tbs fset. And the best piece of advice is what ever yon buy—boy oarly, Nothing is gained in waiting until tbe last mo ment. Then the stores are crowded— the olerks overworked and tbe atooks picked ever. Now is the time to consid er tbe serious question of spending your Christmas money to tbe beet ad vantage of wide-spread happiness. Mass Meeting*. A mass meeting of the citizens of Brunswick is called to meet at the city hall tomorrow, Monday night at7:so o’clock AH who are interested in the welfare of the city are requested to be present. FOU BALI—On aoconnt of leaving ths city wo offer for sole at a bargain our entire stock of grecerfet and fruit at lowest priee. Apply Oraisi tiros., 491 Bay It, M TOOK LIFE WORTH IM OB NTS? BhnenwptaTSs, w# know that you havs asm dissappolated many times, bat maks ana aaars effort te he eured. Mooch’s Menieae lyrup has oured thonsands and II will ease you. Consumption it the result at the food esoteric! that should go to sup port tha body and suatain life being ab sorbed sad throwa off in tubsreu ousmat ter. Te overcome this waste of vita! force and restore the nourlehmeat to the eyetem la its natural course, ia to cure. This is aeeemplished by Goooh’e Mexioau Syrup. Maontret* coughs, night sweats, spitting at blood, eorenaes in ohsst, indamed throat and Inagt, difficulty Of breathing, heavy sought ascompanied wltn expectoration aad part had lips. We know you have been IffaappolMted many timet, bin make one more effort to ear* yourself. You can buy e bottle wt eooeh’e Mexioan dyrup tor’Jbo. Itenreei simpleeongh as If by magie.and •a the best emedy for whooping ooug li LUMBER IB LIKELT TO "OO UP’’ in priee, so it ie good policy for you to place your order now, and get the advan tage of present prices. We here a com - ptete line of moulding, mill work, *t*.. all seasoned woods. Kiln dried flooring and celling atwaye instock. Phone I*7. Lang & Wood Planing Mill CASTOR IA Pm Infants and Children. li Kind You Have Always Hougiit THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL,, SUNDAY. DECIIMBER 8 1901 No External Symptoms, The Mood may be in bad condition, yet with no external signs, no skin eruption or sores to indicate it. Tk symptoms in such cases being a variable appetite, poor digestion, an indescribablt weakness and nervousness, loss of flesll and a general run-down condition of the system clearly showing the blood has lost its nutritive qualities, has become thin aud watery. It is in just such cases that S. S. S. has done some of its quickest and most effective work by building up the blood and supplying the elements lacking to make it strong and vigorous. as a blood purifier and J w| to tone up a weak and emaciated system, with \y^Kg| very marked effect by fc way of improvement. rjreat tonic and h!°°d Syfgk /BBta is the greatest of all tonics, and you will . find the appetite im proves at once, strength returns, and nervousness vanishes as new rich pure blood once more circulate! through all parts of the system. , S. S. S. is the only purely vegetable blood purifier k nown. It contains no min erals whatever. Send for our free book on blood and skin diseases and write out physicians for'any information or advice wanted. No charge for medical advice. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA, GA. Fall aiii Winter hats have never been ex celled in any previous display, These hats are all of very artistic conception and are developed in goods of excep tionally good quality and beauty, Perhaps no such value has never been offered. MISS KATE SLATER to* UI.OJCKffMK ST.. IIPHET BIiEASa immmmmtßoexssm m ia,w£*mecmrwmmmmm on the meet fatal ef all fOLEY’S ar money #efundid. Contalnt remedies recognized W amt gent phyaidana aa tha bed it Rjdnay and Bladder tatuUat. nueikbyjun W. J IBUTTS.'*” p..7T-T^>rr-, Don’t Forget to glanc-j at some of the small specialties which will be found on our counters. A few pennies here and there will secure some valuable remedy or useful article. There are dozens of such in our stock of DRUGGIBTB SUNDRIES and ve oan recommed each one as being the best of Its kind. They have been se lected from a (treat variety offered because of superior qualities. These are all sold at very low prices. SMITH’S PHARMACY : 3?S? w ■■■ OF riKN jf FIT TO YOU. I>. 8. Mitchell, Fulford, Md . “During a iong Illness 1 was troubled with bad sores, was advised to tr" DeWitt's Witoh Hasel tie 1 vs and did so with wonderful results, 1 was perfectly oured It iethc bee salve on the market ’’ Sure cure for pile*, sores, burns Hew tie of sounterfelts. W. J. Betts. TOTHS FUBLIC. In purinane* to request of the McKinley National Memorial Aasosiatlon whoso statement to the publf* it published In another column in infs paper, we take thie method of calling the attention of ths people of Brnnewiok to ths eubjset and to aik their co-operation in this very lauda ble undertaking. It ia the purpoee of the Aeeooiation as defined in the certificate of incorporation to erect and maintain at Canton, Ohio, a suitable memorial to the late preaident, and to raise the ceceeeary fundi for that purpoee by popular tubieription. Ae stated by ths Board of Trustees of the Association "ths memorial is to bs in the highest senes ths sinesrs expression of all the people of the souatry of their lovs for President lfoKinley and of their admira* tlon fer ths qualities expressed so emi nently is his life aad dssds.” As they also express it "It is the purpose to have the offerings of ths people voluntary with a full opportunity to all to eoatributs." Feeling oonftdent that ths psspl* of Brnntwiok, who have shows that their lovs for ths lat* president and thair grief over the tragic ending of his nobis sarssr was as sincere and hsartfslt as that which found expression elsewhere throughout onr stricken land, will deeire to partioipate in thie great national undertaking, we do net hesitate to ask in behalf of the associa tion, their hearty 00-eperation. The following well known citizens of Brunswiok have been selected as a com mittee to receive contribution* in behalf of the association; N ■manual. C Down ing, W.G. Brantley, C. P. Goodyear, F. D. Aiken, M. Kaiser, W. ■ Kay, A. J, Crovatt, B H. Mason, H. T. Dunu. The name and poetoffiee address of each contributor will be forwarded to the treasurer of the association, with the fund remitted for preservation in the archives of the aasoaintien, and each contributor to the fund will receive from the assoeintion a souvenir eertifieate which will be worthy of preservation as evidence Of the holder* participation in She work. The National Bank of Brunswick and •he Brunswiok Bank and Trust Cos., will receive on behalf ef the committee such contributions as the people of Brunswick may desire te make and forward the same promptly to the Treasurer of the Associa tion. Mcusv T. Bonn, B. howsira, N. Busk can, C. P. OOODTXAK, F. D. Aixxx. BAYBDHIBLIFB. "I wish to tap that I feel I ew* my life to Kodet Dyspepsia Curs,” writes H. C. whrsslsnson of Mayfield, Minn, "For I years I was troablsd with dysptptia so that I seuld hold nothing on my stem ash. Many time* I would ba uuablo to retain a morsel of food. Fiaeliy I was confined to asy bed. Dost*** said I could aot live. I road eat of your advertisements on Kodel Dyspepsia Cur* aud thought it fftmy oat* aad emu me meed Us uss 1 began to im prove from tbs first bottle - Ne w I am cured aad resemmand It to all. ” Digests your food. Curs* all atomaoh troubles. W. J. Butts. Some Little Things qjlte essentia! to ths t r oesee of a job, are overlooked by tome workmen. fiirlct attention t* details, and the nee of the best material maket all our PLUMBIHG WORK •atisfaotory, Our chargee are uDiformlj low, but no pert of a job i* ell- bted. A. H. BAKER, 205 Gloucester St. IT GIRDLES TME GLOBE. Tbe fame of Baoklen’s Arnica Salve, ae the beet m the world,extends round tbe earth. It'e the one perfeot healer of oots, corns, burns, braises, sores, soalds, boils, uleere, felons, aches, pains aod all skio eruptions. Only infallible pile cure. 25c a box at all druggists. CHARTS FOR SALE. Charts tide tables and other publications, U. S, coast and Geodetic survey for sale by C. W. Deming, Phones’ l? 2 or 31, CASTORIA. Stan tha /} Th Kind You Hare Always BougM FOR BALK—A handsome silver servlee. Price reasonable. Apply 110 Reynolds street. [9OO Drops CASTOR^ AVegefable Preparationfor As similating the Food andßegula ting the Stomachs and Bowels of INIAIM ISV (iiILDRUN Promotes Digestion.Cheerfut ness and Rest. Contains neither Opium. Morphine nor Mineral, Not Narcotic. Jbo'f* of Old Hr SAMUEL PITCHER Hanplwi Seed’ " \ lx. Senna * I Meddle Stdle- I Arise Seed * 1 AfP 'tenant -• / Bi CartomudeSeia + 1 fNnpSesd- \ Clarified Sugar rnatoynen Flavor. ) Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa fion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. •j Ai blb o.bWtjt l.d’ EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. THE Men Cipli l toil fe*, Camphor and Celluloid Crystal Refin ers and Manufacturing Chemist. leeerportted Under the Laws of the Stats of Delaware. Capita $500,000 Divided Into 50 000 6 per oen*. Preference Bhaeaofssoo each and 50,000 Ordinary •hares of SSOO Each. Payable $2 00 on Application, $1 00 on Allot-tv nt and $2 00 three Mehtas After Allottment Issue ef 27,000 6 percent Preference and 27,000 Ordinary Shares of $5 each, atPa r DIRECTORS: aRCHIRALI) MELDRUVf, F. I. S.. Black-bear, President, IC. FRANK, 904 Csuld well AVeouv, Bro x, New Y.ork. GARDNER W. KIMBALL, of Dsla*isre Ti u--c Cos., W -ming on, Del. C. G. M¥RKAT, Bleekebear, Resident Dlreotor for the Globe Mfg. Cos., Ltd. SOLICITORS: ■STAS* WALKER, .Bladtebear, t'a. ASSISTANT CHEMIST: T. . GHAT, Blaeksht ar, Ga, BANKERS: RLAOEPHSaR BANK, Bleoksi e.r, Gs. GERMANIA BANK, B?.va ,t,■. Ga. Office and Works: BLA.OKBHE OA. M . TIM Pi E TAYLOR, ShiJ'etsry and Treasurer Pt: 'em, SAVASNaH Ga. Registered Offi-e: 902 Market 8> •, WILMING o>, L, ABRIDGED PROSPECTUS. wpany has been formed to aOopt and carry out an agreement• between Arci-,1 Meldrum. Manntacturing Chemist, Blackstier, Ga., U. S. A. ilatuir with !!:■ liiact Manufacturing Company, Blaskshear, Ga.), and the Globe Manufacturing t.oinn.civ, ... Camphor Refiner* and Manufacturing Chemists, 11 Mansion House Chambers, o'adon Km i; and whose work* are situated at West Norwood, England, dobuken, Antwerp. i'i am.e, the - j,i agreement being dated 2nd day of September, 1901. The agreement comprises the sole rights of United States and Canada to liiaaufaetiuo Camphor. Celluloid Crystals, and by-products under the Globe ■ ai.uh etuiii g conipativ'* various processes. The prooesse* being secret, it is not desirable in the iuterests of the i.unpauy to gia ■ , details, but the secret documents have been duly sealed and deposited with th Coni pan s aolicitors as per agreement with Mr. Meldrum. A working capital of $51,000 is ample for the manufacturing of 50 tons of camphor, cel, i leid crystals and by-products per month, and lar which a mai ke.' has already n- onj--- . Tha gross profit on this production is estimated to give, after bearing all charges, a sum ~r. let* than $120,000 for distribution on the Preference and Ordinary share*, leaving a sum of JTO, OOO for the purpose of reserve fund, or for further exten*ion of the bu ms- The Company also acquires 2RO acres of land, a dwelling house and an abundance of fine timber. The purchase price for the land is $*.200; foi the rights to n.nrufaat in , r ii<i , t'e varion* processes 1282,000, leaving a balance of *.'11,800 The total co*t :'.,r bui' works i,, l Installing plant and machinery capable of producing 3tons per day is $01,830. leaving the work ing capital at $50,000, and SIOO,OOO for future issue The only agreement existing are: Ist. Between the Company and Arcbd Meldrum, wherein he aells to the Company the American rights for manufacturing at $282.u00 am! y. r ,e aeres of land. Including dwelling ho lse and timber at sti, 2oo, total 288 200. payable a* to $l3B ■':> in cash and $130,000 in Ordinary- shares. 2nd. Agreement between the Company and Archibald Meldrum, wherein ihc latter agrees to act as Manrging Director for 10 years at a sala y ot $6 000 per annum. 3rd. Agreement between Archd. Meldrum and the Industrial Trust Company, fin-M Liberty street, New York, as to the guaranteeing of this issue. Mr. Melurum will be a large stockholder, having agreed to accept a large portion of the Snrehasc price in ordinary stock, thus showing the business will be yu.-iiri j U |- n s ife line* tr. Meldrum is a thorough, practical manufacturing chemist, understanding the prnnticu. mannfaeture of Camphor, ite by-product. Borax, Boracic Acid, Sulphuric Acid. Arsenic, starch and many other chemical too numerous too i lention. Any improvements that Mr. Mol, run' may bring out as regards reducing cost of manufacture, r new processes, become the propei tv of the Company. This Company will consider the manufacture of various chemicals anil more especially Arsenic, and for which there is agrowing demand. A convention w*s held at Brunswick, Ga., on April 9, 1901, to consider the cultivation of the plant known as “Cassava.” Starch can be manufactured at a low cost from this plant, and should it be planted to any great extent in this Stale, s arch manufacturing will al-o he considered. It is estimated the Company will be in a position to fill orders early next year t trendy arrang- - ■tents have been and are being made for the sale of the total output of the Cumoan ’s products The advantages of manufacturing*- Blnckshear are many. firstly, the ir is pmc secondly, the water is good and fr-e; thirdly, labor is cheap; tonrthl v, on is easy’ as the railroads would ran into the works; fifthly, it ish indv for New Yo u c l , H er markeis, also for shipping. The imports of Camphor for year 1899 amounted to l.* ; sii u*. , valued at $322,100. and in 1900,1,789,880 lbs , valued at $485,071. It will be seen th. n- mod outlook for this Company. No promotion money is being paid and Mr. Meldrum Pays all expeu.w * up to allotment. Prospectuses aua application forms may be had of the Banke: Solicitors, offices of the Company or Secretary. Cheap Rates to JACKSONVILLE —Via The— cun ini $3 to Jacksonville, U t Frnandina. S Li '*!> . d<eE For Infants rn-~* Thldren. Tb?i Kind You Have Aiwayc Sought Bears the / t Signature / yfltf °t Ayf III Thirty Years li&STDI A II fW i THE fiCNTAUR COMPANY. fICW VOlfi CtT/. m sms m is, ***sst on Earth,” ard e#jaipr*e J wich uii the ’ntest improvements SOLD ON EASYTERMS a. F, GAY, iO4 Gloucester Street-