The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 10, 1901, Image 1

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THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-C/ VObUMB XI. NUMBER 3G9 Your Head —^ COKE $ DANDRUFF % CURE. We have a big shipment direct from the makers, W J BUTTS, DRUGGIST -§ Agent H . yier Candies §*- DENTOMYRH Fo* the Teeth, Mouth, Gums and Breath. HUNTER-SALE DRUG CO Agents Lowney Candies. ’Phone ?7. Capes, Collarettes, Jackets. All Kinds of Furs- Mens and boys Clothing- Complete stock of Ladies Skirts at different prices. Don’t Buy Elsewhere until you have examined my stocks, and I will convince you that I can save you money. Mrs M, Isaac. 208—208a Newcastle Street. FRUIT CAKES! FRUIT CAKES! Kennedy’s 20c pound, they are at their best when age has brought out their rich flavor. We hare them just a year old. The icing has turned a little yellow. On that account we will sell them at 20c pound. THOMAS KEANY, FANCY GROCER 112 Newcastle St., Brunswick, Ga, POSTIVELY The Last Bargain Sale THIS YEAR, On Monday Dec, 9, and Tuesday Dec. 10 at J. H. HELLER & BRO, 220 Newcastle Street.******* Call for circular if you did not tfot one. BRUNSWICK. GA., TUESDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 10, 1901 THE BUSINESS MEN’S TICKET ENDORSED By a Bousing Big Meeting at lie City Hall Last Nigli.--Proniinent Sitters Gall on ill Citizens to Goto lie Polls and Vole It Mai. BUSINESS MEN’S TICKET. FOR ALDERMEN: W. B. COOK, M. KAISER, Tbe last gun in the municipal cam* paign prior to tbe battle of ballots today was flred at the oity hall last night. A goodly number of Brunswick’s bminesa men were present and some rattling good speeobes were made; all of which were liberally applauded, Tbe meeting was called to order by Capt. Frank D. Aiken and organized by electing Mr, J, T. Colson, ohairman an* Mr . C. W. Denting, seoretary. The chair oalled upon Mr. E. H. Mason for a speeob but that gentleman deferred his remarks until the wind np and suggested Mr. Aiken. Calls for Mr. Aiken brought him to hie feet and he clearly outlined the movement which brought the “Basi nese Men’s Ticket” to the front and events wbiob transpired eubacquent to that time in maniolpal political mat ters, Following Mr. Aikea’s remark* Col. W. E. Kay wae called for and he warmed the meeting up with an earnest and forceful advocaoy of the ticket composed of Meters. A. L. Franklin, M. Kaiser, W. B. Cook and W. S. Taylor, known aa the ‘'Business Men’s TioketHe called for a united support Of this ticket aa representing the best interests of Brunswick and the com* meroial pi ogress of this city, Col. Kay was in good form and bad the orowd with him from the jump. Mr. A. L. Franklin then responded to urgent calls and “whooped her up” in a splendid impassioned plea for unity of vote and purpose amongst the people of Bmnswiok along the line of commercial progress. He called for a pull altogether for Brunswick, first, last and all the time on the road to material betterment and a cessation of tne strife and turmoil which has un- BURNED TO DEATH. A Little Girl Meets A Terrible Fate at Waynesboro. Waynesboro, Ga., Deo. B.—Louie, the 7-year-old daughter of Sheriff Mo- Elmurray, died here this morning as a result of burns reoeived yesterday. The child was playing near a grate fire in the parlor at the home of her unele, Jndson MoElmurray, when in some unaccountable way her dress ignited. The fire quickly enveloped the obild, who was fearfully burned about the baok and body. The' shock to the system and borne on the spice caused the death, Mrs. MoElmurray was also dangerously burned trying to save the child. One lot of ladles’ blaok hose, worth at 7c on Monday and Tuesday at Heller's, For Croup use CHENEY’S EXPECTORANT. A. L, FRANKLIN, W. S. TAYLOR. fortunately engrossed a great deal of the voter's time and attention in tbe past. Mr, Walter B. Cook was brought to tbe floor following Mr. Franklin, an* in a neat speech pledged his beet efforts to the work of pulling for Brunswiok from the aldermanlo ebair, shonld the people today eleot him to that oflJoe. Mr. If, Kaiser was oalled for, and surprised the aadienoa by responding in one of tbe strongest speeobes of tbe evening. Mr. Kaiser has never posed as a publio speaker but he made a deoided and a deserved bit last night. He said, among other things, that if elected he would do his best to belp pull Brunswick out of debt, and he would go Into office untrammelled by pledges and with no axes to grind. Mr. Kaiser Is one of Brunswick’s largest tax payers and a man of reeog* nited business standing both at home and abroad. He declined the nomina tion when first tendered him but finally oonsented to serve. Mr. A, D. Gale followed Mr Kaiser, and on the line of Mr. Franklin, plead for harmony in looal politics. Mr. Mason was then called for, aad be urged everyone present to be at the polls today and work for the “Business Men’s Ticket.” Before tbe motion to adjourn was pnt Chairman Colson oalled his bearers attention to the faot that in nominating an aldermanio tioket a harden had been plaoed upon four men and that burden should be sustained by everyone pres ent, not only by a vote at the polls today, but after tbe tioket was eleoted. He made a fine speech and was warmly oongratnlated at its dose. Tbe meeting then adjourned, every one being in a good humor and pre B pared for the battle today. METHODISTS ADJOURN. Some of the Appointments for Waycros® District. Macon, Deo, 9.—The South Gsorgia Conference, after a pleasant session, adjourned this morning. The appoint ments were announoed by the biehop, ■ ume of them for thie district are J. W, Weston, presiding eldsr; First oheroh, Wayoross, A. M. Williams; Trinity, Waycress, J. 11. Mather. Firstchurch, Brunswiok, J, B. Game; McJCendree, supplied by M. C. Austin ; Darien, Francis MoCollough; Johnson and Jesup, J, W.Tinsley. NOTICE OF ELECTION, There will be an election held on fueeday, Deo. 10,1901, at the oity ball for four aldeimen to serve for the ensuing two yeare. Managers appoint ed : J. T. Lambright, C. D. Ogg and W. J. Way, Bolls open 7a. m. and oloae 4 p, ia. standard time. • N. !>. Kuseell. Clerk of Counoil. BOY KILL’S A NEGRO And Hides the Body by Burying |t in a Branch. Bylvania, Qa., Dec 9 —The nara of an ugly murder bus just come to light here. Tom ard Jim S >aiers, two young German boy'-, about 18 find 20 years respectively, were lodged in jail thie morning oharged w.ti the crime. It is claimed that they mu derad a negro man who had been working on then father’s place by shooting him in the back with a shotgun. Their object in killing the negro was to obtain his watoh and <*om3 money. After the negro was killed they buried him In a branoh near the plaoe, Married For Money. The Core*Carlisle Cos. last nigut pro* eented the farce comedy "Married for Money” to a fair sized audienoe. From the beginning to tbe end tbe audieno was kept in an uproar of laughter and to make a long story short, the wj'. nesses were well pleased with the char, acter and presentation of tbe show. Each participant did their part well, which has oaused a great dot! of com - mendable praise,—Wilson,N, C„ News. At the Grand Dec. 11.—Popular prices. Military Gets 120,000. Atlanta, Deo. .9—The house today passed a bill appropriating $20,000 for the military of the stats. The original bill oalled for $30,000. Tbero was very little opposition to the measure, Tbe Blalock resolution is the special order for tomorrow, and will probably pass. Speoial sale of com forte, blankets, Jackets, capes and reefers on Monday and Tuesday at Heller’s. Who is going to get the beautiful China Closet that is going to be given away on Jan, Ist, 1902? Why the one that gets the lucky number. Get a ticket with every cash purchase of 2jc. Get all the tickets you cdn. You can get any thing you want that is kept in a first-class gro cery, at this place and as for as little money as can be bought at any other place, considering quality; and at the same time get chances on the China Closet, and possibly get it, To lie .Draw’ll Jan. lit, 19J2- W. H. GsVoS’ Thone 109- ||Jl^ that wears out Is he worth so come buy a pair of i> boys shoes for $ • .. result, Qnlv at LH \ Y’S. PRICE FIT \ CL:’ f AAW g ililrj i ktr:?V ■ f i4'V --ujN I H a*?1! • 1 i -* A..• v .< if & Wfi7 I? yrsc | I*o u 1 •. j yUAyjj | ■■ UN) 1, 2 a;hi 5 Pounds 1 Fresh VI-kU (JUSTUS) 1 Sweet mixt.d, I German dills, Sour Cacumhus. Fie; lateral I <<>p r,r. kin O') Currants, Kaisins, (Citron. Orange I’eel; candied, | e Lemon Peel; Figs, 1 | Dates, | Spices of all kinds. i A ally j y-i'ksj!) ■ ] . Apricot cream, j Orange b. rs, Five o’clock teas, I Slice frail:, ( Cream dessert, | Fine mixed, Coffees. Try our “own brand,” Mocha and -Java at 2? and tL'c in one pound \ tins, w~,i ril U Don’t buy until you | get our prices ‘ next | week. Largest stock in | . 1 ."is' I 'f I V&*Vu H ~, ■ TiijSi*.’ ii ’CiION Hi IGS. f ia Na ms In addition to Affording svey • .'acuity to our curco.-no n consiatout with safe '•>:>kin „ v j * . pnpa Uto | act aa Aum . ... j • or Ks-jauior cf Eatatea, Guv ... i of property :>f | minors, ami to mu 5 bonds in jndlci&i and other matters--Genaral'y to a.ror | ciw ail our po-,.'. j it Company 'Urwswr; * -:J u, I. w J?, Caahisr-