The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 11, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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2 The Rranswick Times. Established ISS. The Brnnswick Call. Established I*. The Brunswick Times-Gall, COHSOLIDATED 1900, Published EVERT MOUSING EXCEPT MONOAT. BYR. A. MULLINS, LESSEE. The Tlmei-Call will be delivered by eerrler or melt per veer, ■','(/t; per week IS cenM. Cor reepoßilenUt on live subjects solicited. Keel neme of writer Mboold eoeonipany seme. Sab corlptlons payable in advance. Address ell communications to THE TIMEB-CAUU Brunswick, Ga. TO BUBB0UIBER8: bubssrltiers ere requested to notify the ollloe when they fell to get eny Issue of the Ttmee- Cell. ittentioo to this matter will be eptnn ciated by the publishers. Tile U rum packer scheme to cut down the south's representation in oongreis is prowling around again In partisan nlotbes. The New York World suggests that one beauty of the submarine boat is that It can make a loop withonl fear of discovery. An unnamed American adventuier has made an offer to the state depart ment to find Miss Stone and return her safe and in good health to the United mates Legation in Constantinople for the sum of SIO,OOO thereby alfedtlng a saving of s§o,ooo in the ransom, Bral ford I’aclt Nuw York million aire, is planning to tun the town of Lewiston, M„ into a “People’s Trmt,” something Lkr the scheme suggested in Bellamy's 'Lao king Backward,” try buying up all the lotlu, V:os or the plane •nd taming thnm into a co-operative aaaoclation. The Ljwistcuin* are reported as inimical lo the Idea. Secretary Wilson, of tbo national de par. meat of agriculture, is a Arm frL nd and exuberant admirer of Ibo horse At a recent horse show he quoth to all the people: * Toe horse is with us today, and bo will be with us through the ages when the automobi e and the bleycle are in the Junk pile, No man ever rode a btCjOie who had owned a horse; no man would own an automobile who understood the beauties of the horse ” The Nashville American has the following reference to Hon. Henry G. T imer's decision not toiun for govern or: ‘-Hon H. G. Turner announces that he will not he a candidate for governor of Georgia, Mr. Turneris one of the south’s strong men. When Crisp ahil Turner wore in congress the Geor gia delegation took infinitely higher rank than it nas ever dona since, During the last few years the tendency lu the sou l ti has been to e'lrapen the quality of ifs public mea.” i 1 ■ 111 ‘•Of course,’ says the Puiladeiphia Times, "the i muediate prtoiioal eft ct is to make trade between Min United States anu the Philippines entirely free, is net to he • xpiCted that the various ioteres sin h ntp, sugar and tonacoo Will quietly acquiesce in this.” Just so, under ih'd c siou of the Su preme court the 1* iillippine Islands are ttrritury of the United S’atos, but l>ting territory In a different sense from the organised territories of Atixona and Oklahoma a tariff an be imposed against these islands The I‘uiltppiues stand lu 'be relation of step children to Uuole Ssm. FOR CHRISTMAS I’RRSKN TS. Orders taken for "Pressed Flowers from the Holy Land.” Prioea of oard* ane gooks range from 5 cents to sl. M>ss L, 11. Drilling, 318 Union St. For LaGrippe and influ enza use CHENEY’S EX PECTORAN l. This is the timely end a practical view that Editor Shaver, of the Jack eon Argus, has of ona of the political •chsmei just come to light in the gubernatorial oampaign: "Col. Xallll seems determined that Col. Goerry shall not have all the hoodoo* in his ranks He has Trox Bankston on his side, and Troxie ia writing a letter to the boys asking them to publish a big biographical sketch and ten-inch cut of Col, Estill free gratie for nothing, Troxie seems to hsve fallen heir to Henry Cabauiss’ little boom, but why Col. Estill couldn’t ask ths boys, himself, and why the boys shouldn’t get some sugar out of it, as well as ths Amencsn Press and Troxie ie more thin w§ oae understand—Jonesboro Enterprise. - — TAX PAYERS. By resolution of coonoil passed No vember 30th, sn extension until De cember 20th was granted for the pay ment of oity taxes for 1901. This ia for the purpose of allowing those in ar rears an opportunity to settle with the treasurer without additional costs. All taxes unpaid after Deoember 90th will be placed in execution, and mu.t be settled with the marshal. Those in crested and who desire to ear* cost will please take doe aod Anal notice. Geo. H. Smith, City Treasurer, FOR RENT—Furnished rooms, to geutlemen. 321, U i ion St. Double brick house. FOR RENT.—A desirable newly furnished room with board. “X" this office. Every woman in the country ought to know Mother's friend Those who do 'know about It wonder how they ever got along without it. It has robbed child birth of its terrors for many a young wife. It has preserved her girlish figure and saved her much suffering. It is an external lini ment and carries with it therefore, absolutely no danger of upsetting the system as drugs taken intern ally are upt to do. It is to be rubbed into the abdomen to soften and strengthen' the muscles which are to bear thestrain. This means much less pain. It also prevents morning sickness and all of the other discomforts of pregnancy. A druggist of Macon, Ga., says: “I have sold a large quantity of Mother’s Friend and have never known an instance where it has failed to produce the good results claimed for it." A prominent lady of Lam berton, Ark., writes: " With my Li.-ic six children 1 was in labor from 24 to 30 liours. After using Mother’s Friend, iny seventh was boiu in 4 hours.'’ Get Mo'hmr'. Friend at the drug • : .00 1 •!' Itoti ln, IHr BHAOntID RMHUIOR CO. AT!ANTA t GA. Writ* for o.r fr*g IlltMtiaUAtoolt, "BIFOBJI BABY 18 BORX." LUMBER IS LIKXIiY TO "GO OF” in prio*. so it is good polioy for you to plaoe your order now, and got the advan tage ot present prinaa. We have a com plete line of moulding, mill work, ato.. ail seasoned woods. Kiln dried flooring and oatling always in stock. Phone 197. Lang & Wood Planing Mill CASTOR IA fur lafuits and Children. % Kind You Hava Always Bouglit THE BRUNSWIUK TIMES-GALL, WEDNESDAY PEOIMBER II 1901 MRS. J. E. O'DONNELL Was Sick Eight Years with Female Trouble and Finally Cored by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. “Drab Mbs. Pinkham : I have never in my life given a testimonial before, but you have done so mush tor me that I feel called upon to give you this unsolicited acknowledgement of MRS. JENNIE V. O'DONNELL.. President of Oakland Woman's Riding Clubs the wonderful curative value of Lydia E. PinkltamN Vegetnble Com pound. For eight years 1 had female trouble, falling of the womb and other complications. During that time I was more or less of an invalid and not mueb good for anything, until one day I found a book in my hall telling of the cures you could perform. I became interested; X bought a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com pound and was helped; I continued its use anJ in seven months was cured, and since that time I have had perfect health. Thanks, dear Mrs. Pinkham again, for the health I now enjoy.”— Mrs. Jennie O'Donnei.i.. 27 East 31st Bt., Chicago, 111, - S6OOO forfeit If show testimonial Is not genuine. Women suffering from any form of female ills can be cured by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegeta ble CouAound. That’s sure. < • Mrs.mukliani advises sick wo men frffc. Address, Lynn, Maas. Fall and Winter hats have never been ex celled in any previous display. These hats are all of very artistic concept* n and are developed in goods of excep tionally good quality and beauty. Perhaps no such value has never been offered. IISS KATE SLATER mm uiorcmm bt„ WHET QUEUES •re the most fatal el all 4W FOLEY’S OKfil er money refunded. Coital* remedies recognised tnr cod nent phyiiclwu es the omi la Kidney end Bladder trouble* nuca am M*|uak W .1 lit! -rrST* For a bad Twist! m any part of the body a remedy te in oar large etock of PATEN T MEDICINES. Some of there are far reaching and all powerful. Tone un the whole eyetem and enable it to throw off dlaeaee la any part of the body. Below lea partial liet of remediee for {lie moat prevalent thieaeaeon. Laxative Bromo Quinine, Bromo Laxine, Throat Eaae, Frog in Tour Throat, Smitb’e Ccugh Byrup SMITH’S PhARMAGY 5 S?S B PI I,K-INK f'tlRKB PILES! Money refunded if it ever tatle. WANTED! All the second hand typewriters in Brunswick. Also want all second hand furniture, * organs, stoves and old brass- J W. Watkins, 208 Bay !?t. J M. BURNETT. WHOLESALE Grain and Provision iN-. q r•> Hors**, Cow and Chicken Feed n --TV Vi - • For Sale by T. NEWMAN OF BENEFIT TO YQU. # D. 8. Mitchell. Fqlford, Ud. “Daring a long illness I was troubled with bad sores, was advised to try DeWltt'i Witoh Hazel Salve and did so with wonderful results. I was perfectly cured. It if the bee-, ealve on the market ” Bure cure for pilee, eoree, borne. Beware of counterfeit*. W. J. jhm*. '* 1 v "" • " IITfifIPfILITAN SALOON. !Wl US HILUiIS. ONLY THE FINEST— Wiats, Liquors ud Cigin, ELEGANT LUNCH SERVED DAY ANDJNIGHT. *TNO. 916 BAY STREET. BRUNSWICK, QA. 80. Imm Maw, SAVED HIB LIFE. “I wish to tav that I feel I ewe my life t* Kodol Dyspepsia Cur*,* write* H, C. hreetenson of Mayfield, Minn. “Fort yeare I was troubled with dyspepsia to that I oould bold nothin* on my stomach. Many time* I would be unable t* retain a morsel of food. Finally 1 was confined to ,my hod. Dootaee said I eeuld not live. 1 read oa* of your advancement* on Kodet Dyspepsia Cura and thought it St my case aod aoaamaneed Its ns* 1 began to Im prove from the first bottle. Now I in oared end recommend It to all.” Digests yonr food. Cure* all stomaob troubles. W. J. Butte. Some Little Things quit. sMsnlis) to tht r ocm of . job, are oTtrlooktd by eons workmen. Strict attention to details, and the use of the beat material makes all our PLUMBING WORK satisfactory. Our' chare• art uniformly low, but no part of a job it ali-bted. A. H. BAKER, >406 Gloucester St. WORKING 24 HOURS A DAY. Tbars's no rail for those tirelssa little workers—Dr. King’s New Lie Pills Millions are always busy, euriog torpid lifer, janndioe, biliousness, layer sml ague. They banlib sick headache, drive eat malaria. Never gripe or weaken. Small, taste nice, work wonders Try them, 2ts at all droggiste. CHARTS FOR SAI,E. Charts tide tables and other publications, U, 8, coast and Geodetic survey for sale by C. W. Deming. Phones' 1?2 or 31, OASTOHIA. Imm m Tha Kiml You Hava Always tajtt CASTORII The Kind Ton Have Always Bought, and which kM tME In use for over 30 years, has home the algadWlW —and has been made under at** ipflr fjr s *>nal supervision since ttb iaftatsV. AflMrio one V> deceive yon ta thte. All Counterfeits, Experiments that trifle Infants and Children—Exptj|p§lP* kgaiast luiUfbmii What Is C l jQRIA** Oastoria is a harmless goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups* It kb Plf*lliLy-Jlt •ontains neither Opium, Morphine nor other substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroy* Worm and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea aod Wte* Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Coufitiptkt. and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regiUikCdtt ttw Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural The Children’s Pamucea—Tae’* iWMr-4 GENUINE CASTORIA AIWATS The Kind You Hare UuMggH In Use For Over 30fe TM OCIVTAUM OOUMIW, Vt MWIf ******, T THE Hi mm s Clinical mm . Camphor and Celluloid Crystal Refin ers and Manufacturing Chemist Incorporate* Under the Lew* of the Stete of Delaware. Capi a. |S©(MXiO Divided Into 60 000 S per cent Prefarerv Hhatea of $5 00 each end 5“ 000 Ordinary Sharer of $6 00 Kach. Payable $9OO on Application,sl OOon Allots nt and (2 00 three Month* Alter Allottmeni liiue of 27,000 6 percent Preference and 27,000 ft-dinaryStares of $5 each, atPa^ DIRECTORS: aBCHIRALD MIELDKUM, E. f S.. BUckohear, Pre-lrfant, M. PRANK, 904 Cetnowetl Avenue. dro-.x, New York. GARDNER W. KIMBALL, of D‘U*are T.ttrt Cos , W ,mi g on. Dul. C. . MURRAY, Blaokeheer. Reeidetu Director for the Globe Mfg. Cos., L J. SOLICITORS: KSTfcS & WALt£K, Ga. ASSISTANT CHEMIST: T. S. GRAY. BJicaab ar, Ga. BANKERS: HLACKSHKaR BANK, § Blecfci ear, Ga. GERMANIA BANK, Baa .a , tia. Office and Works. BLA.OKSHE tR,'rA. M. TBWPLETAYLOR. S-c-eterv ard SAVANNAH, GA. Registered Otti <•: 904 Market S see , WILMING o>. if/. ABRIDGED PROSPECTUS. rteenv has lieen formed to adopt ;,n<i carry out an iw.-f-iu. 1 , , --' .\rchd. Meldrum, Manu aturtug ( heim t. Klanluhe r, w I. H. A. Intel'- His.- Msnnfartming Company. Bta kahear, t.a.l. and lb* Ql-tie Manufacturing 1 -y, la- , Camubur Rettaer. aad Maaufaeturiny CMwmWs. n Man.Mo . mrUon K: . and wh-c worn, are situated at West Norwood. l.uKland, HoljoKcu, Ant .nr, r ianec, tb. - I agreement iwng dated end day of September, ld 'l. The agreement eompriew tbe sou- riggl* ol Unttad states an i ca-.t , *.■ manufacture. Camphor. Cellolotcl Crymal*. Ad by product* un ler the OJtiJK cunt, eta in Cmnpa, . various i>roi-ee*. , The prneeaw. beta* so ret, it is not desirable uHhe tulerene of ihe - orup my tog,. ■ detail*, but the .ecret document, have been duly Scaled and deported w.tb .h* Ctuip- , solicitor* per aareemeul with air M. l irum A workln* capital of tSi.OOUI* amide for the marta'ctunn*ofo tons cat.-, -bor. - loid ervstai* and bv-produet* per month, aad for which a marks, has already , .en ar,,. - The irr'otii protlt ou this production lr etinrate<l M itive. aft- r U arm* at, chtirr.-..-. • sum " ft la*, than JUMDOfor dietrihntion ori tbo Ptalerance and urdin.iry -bam-, tearing a sum M tu.tuo for the purpose ol reserve fund, or for further eaten -ion o! the on- lie TheCompanv also*, quire* soaero-of'and, a dwelt na himsi- and an ahnmlauce of line tuni>r. The pnrobae*price for the land i* ki-roo; foi the right, to manufacture, undo he carton* proceaae* tKmp leaving a balance of !IIA The total eoatf-r i-iHI-iing works „tt,l imtalliag plant and capable of producing : ton- per day U set . It ivit igplie worl. - ingt aptt*rai tSOjOOn, for future issue The only are: -Ist. Between the Company and Archil"Melanin-, wherein he *011(1 to the oißßMlnaje Airibrlcsn rights for ntanufacturu g at tW2.(JO and fi acres of land, Including dw-WH*fcee and timber at s.*, total It’sS .-oa payable a# to *tCM In c*h and 1130.100 in Ordinary *m^A Sad. Agreement Let wear: ihsWJinpany and Archibald Meidrora. wherein the lafi r anree- to act as Mnnrging I'trecaor for It) Tears at m salacy of |MV) per annum. 3rd. Agreement Archd Meldrum and the Industrial Truat Conipnpy. WH Libert? street. New York, as to tite guaranteeing of tht*labile. Mr. Meldrum will be a largo *l<s aholder, having agreed to aeeep* * In-ge portion of -he Burebaae price in ordinary stock, thu* showing tbe imslness will be •... iuoted to ou safe li e-> ; r Mel -rum i * thorough, practical manufacturing chemt-t. understanding the pract-ca roatmtactni e of Camphor. It* by-product, llorax, Bor acre Acid. Sulphuric Acid. Arsenic, Starali and many other chemical too numerous too mention. Any improvements that Atr. Meldruir may bring out an regard* reducing cost of manufacture, or new pus esses iiecomu th • property of the Company. Till* Company wilt canaldor the niaeufaciure of various , nenucal* end Mi >re K!*pe lAiat.Y Arsenic, xnd for which there iff a grow ini. demand A es>n\':iil<n heldatß, on April 9. l.<ol. to conaliler tbe culllyaUou of tbe ptent known a* •Cufya " Stnruh f’D be manufaciuved at a low cost from tills plant, and <moulu it b© planted to anv great extent In tht- Mate • arch manufacturing will also h* It la istimeted the Company will be In a position to Uiiorders early- oex: tear tiresly arrange ment* have bean and are being made for the.ale of the total outpat of tic t olio suv s products. The advantage* ot m ,nu!ari tiring it Illackaltear art- many lr*t. 1“ air A pc e; aeeondlv. tbe water t* good and fr e; t-ilrdly. labor ia cheap: lourthlv. ttu ,r-n ,tnbl> easy, a* tbe railroads woald ran into the worn*: fifthly, if 1, handy for New Y . s v. I other amrktds, alwr for shipping. The imports ol Camphor for year I*M amonatod to •'JJ 511 lbs., rained at 1321.KX). and In 1&0. ljHii.W*) lbs., valued at It will b> oeu * ■ good outlook <er th No t p®romo l tion money Is being paid and Mr. Meldrum pay* at. expanses r.p to allotment. Proepss:tu*e* and application forma may lie bad of the Banket*, etdicitor*. offices of the Company or Secretary Cheap Rates to JACKSONVILLE —Vi a The— # * MOTH Hi. #3 to Jacksonville, * i m to Fernandina. oo Eartb,” and equipped witH all the ’atest improvements SOLD ON EASY TERMS G K, GAY, 504 Gloucester Street.