The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 11, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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Opera House ■- Wednesday, Deo 11 Married For Money; A Refined Prßduction for A *1 Classes * full 111 lUUiiiM Special RrUgfj Will PrevaiLJwflSSßM POSItAISTTHE GREATEST PLAY F.VKK jglftiVrKU IN BRUNSWICK. tines and night. PPfdneßday, Deo. 25 (X'mas. ta. SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT! Oi CARPENTER’S Splendid Scenic Production of Sleaklewice great etory of ChHsU&nlty, QUQJgADIS UKBUS BATWTW’Jp THE AUROCHS. (An actual djVgrett production.) This Superb" Seliio Production U a dramatitfttion of Henry aienkiowlc*’* wot det fii aiorj, the sens* lion of the l Chrisujbworld. LFor ftafi* is divided into w six Bilns p,'£ jfog ■’ f. no y.n> if* tii and Doirti(alT^j^w| Cast -ind Powerful Dramatic Company, JES A. YOUNG, AS VINICUS. CtICRV (none required holougmg to tne ' "will opera house) by Thoe. Neville. Jaeh wane a tribute to this treat irtint's skill. Pf!\TIIMeQ by Deaealehi. Rich, beautiful mU i UHI CO aud hie toideally con-act. ‘■Quo Vadlo is a sermon with no one asleep In the pews *—Nntehei, Mi*s , Dally Democrat. N OTIC—Uni versa; praise from managers aud newspapers when thla flue company liaa lately appeared, justifies Managers Fleming <fc w aff In offering them apeclal inducements to come, and 1* is eonfldently expected to be the leading amusement of the season. Salt of seats will begin at Fleming ft Waff’a Fridnv lw> un SPECIAL MATINEE, 25 and 5Qc. L■; ,'tl f|£ now render* mnccsssary. Women need! m Unger (offer for modesty's sake. Wine of Cardui brines relief to modest women U the pr ivacy of their home|,Many of the beet home* In this city era never without this great medicmS* It cures whites and falling at the womb sad eradi cates these dragging periodical pains. Met. Mavis' core (haw.', you conclu sively what you may expect If you follow her example and t.Ke Wine of Cardui. Thcdford’s Black-Draught aids Wine of Cardui by regulating the atomach and bowels. When van ask your Avgglst far these medicines, be sure you get them. It was Wins ol Cardui and Tha Ward's Black Draught that savtd Mrs. Davis' lift. Nasser take n restitute. For art Tie- and Ittemtnre. addreaealTliu tf" I'torn*. -VS* ladtra' Adrienry Deportment” The Ctinnnnrnai>lfwli-aa •' "I —f AtaStanuogik. term. J. J. LlSSjpftl, WHOLESALE Groceries, Tobacco, jFlour, Bacon and Provisions, GRAIN. HAY AND BRAN A SPECIALTY. I • 1 216 Bay Street, Brunswick, Georgia. J. DOWNING), FfcISIIIMT. E. H., VICE-JTMSIDBM. B. D, W A I.TER, CARR HR THE NATIONAL BAKU OF BRUNSWICK, CAPITAL $150,000 LOA NS—DISCOUNTS —EXCHANGE—COLLECTIONS, SATSISSnSniNSE FOB UR — I Merest Allowed On Deposits in Savings Department director* JOSEPH W. BENNET, 0. DOWNING, ALBERT FXNDIG, Judge Brunswick Circuit, Prea. Downa, of Brobstoa, Fandig A Cos. V. Q. BRANTLEY, B. H. MABOB; ‘ X. D. WALTER, M. 0. 11th On. Dist. of E. H. Maaon * Cos. Cashier HENRY P, TALMADOB, Pm. Southern PU. 00., New York THIB WILL INTEREST MANY. To quickly introduce B, B. B. (Bota oio Blood Balm), the famous Southern blood core, into new homes, we will seed absolutely free, 10,000 trial treat, tnenta, Botanic Blood B&im [B. B. B.) qaickty cure* old ulcers, scrofula, eczema, itching sain and blood humo'rs, cancer, eating fettering sores, boils, oarbunoles, pimples or offensive erup tions, paios in bones or joints, rheuma tism, catarrh, or any blood or skin trouble. Botanio Blood Balm (B. B, B.) heals erery sore or pimple, makes the blood pare and riob and stops all aches acd-Axlna. B&tsuio Blood Balm (B. B. < [ ioroughly tested for 30 years in i'Sltal and private practice, aud lias HjjVffd thousands of oars given upas pnpeless. Sold at drug stores, $ 1 per Urge bottle. For free treatment write ,to Bio id Balm Cos,, Atlanta, Qa. Medi loene sent at ones, prepaid, Desoribe trouble and free medical advioe given. Botanic Blood Balm [B, B. B.) gives life, vigor and strenth to the blood. Ths finest Blood Purifier made. Bo tanio Blood Balm (B, B. B.) gives a healthy Blood supply to tbe skin and entire system E. R* BAKER, Dentist. Special Attention to Crown and bridge work Office. 502 J GHou’ster St AN EVANGELIST’S STORY. “1 Buffered for years with a bronohial or lung* trouble and tried various remedies but did not obtain permanent relief until I commenced using One Minute Cough Cure,” writes James Kirkman, evangelist of Belle River, 111. “1 have no hesitation in recommending it to all sufferers for ooughs, colds and all kinds of throat and lung troubles. For croup it is unequaled. Absolutely safo Very pleasant to take, never fails and Is really a favorite with tha children. They like it. W. J. Butts. FOR 8 VLB-A handsome silver Idrvlee. Prioe reasonable. Apply DIO Reynolds street. ' SAVES LIFE Willard. HI., An rust t, 1900. I waa la bad health this spring turd could not alp in bed tor tear Weeks. When 1 sms con id my child died. When I began to sit up X felt so weakasad had each terrible pains in mi back and Mps. I had kldnev trouble and fall luf of iba womb. I also had hysUjricalspella. I was la n had ooadition when 1 received year “Ladies' Birthday and road the ad vertisoinsae of Wins of Cardui and Thodford’e Black-Draught. Since April JOtli. J'hure taken knur bouiea of Wine of Cardui and three pack agmofThedJard’eßlack-Draught. Ifeellikea new poraoa eap. I oaa do all my work und nan walk out toeei itty of wy nolfhiiors. 1 believe I would bars bees la tke rrai. ba<l it not been tar Wins sfOardul. IfdAVED MY u-FK. Iss ALICE MAVIS. K la wcl Cud women arc more patient than men. few aea could bear the bitter pangs. Hie agoaw and As tress dial women endure. Thousands of women have come to look upon suffering as a duty of Ihclr sex. But there are massy instsaoaa at Ms heroic fortitude which WINECARDUI THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11 1901 THEATRICAL TREATS Maaried For Money. The Burlew opened last night for the season with the laugb provoking com edy "Merried for Money;” and nothing more inviting could have been ohoien for the epening, WhBD tbe curtain fell on the first act it was evident the ■I play had etrnok the popular fanoy, and from that on till tbe end of the play, tbe applause Was generous. The specialties were well reoeived and woo their full share of applause,—Gizette, Charleston, W. Va. This play will be presented at the Grand on Wednesday night Deo. 11th at popular prices Rose Coghlan, who worthily main tains bet right toiba title of America’s greatest aotrees In ”A ( Woman of No Importance," will be presented here soon by Mlbs Ross Coghlan and a clever company of metropolitan act ors, several of whom appeared in the original prod notion at the Fifth Ave nue Theatre, New York. The play is the wittiest satire on the shams and foibles of fasbfenable society people produoed during the- last .decade.— Saturday Dec. 14th, NIGHT WAS HER TERROR. "1 would cough nearly all night long," writes Mrs. Chas. Applegate, of Alex andria, [nd., “and oould hardly get any sleep. I had consumption *o<bad that it 1 walked a blook 1 would onngh frightfully and spit blood, but when all other medicines failed, three $1 bottles of Dr. King’s New Discovery wholly ourrd the add! gathe<l 5* pounds.” It’n abeolntely guaa-snteedto care eougbs, oolds, la grippe, bronchitis and all throat and long troubles. Prioe 00c and sl. Trial bottles free at all dtag stores FORBALH—On aoconnt of leaving the oity we’offer for salfe at' a bargain our entire stock of groceries and fruit at lowest price. Apply ’’ Orslm Brbk.. 401 Ray St, We bgv* sb .expert, nian here for 30 lays, and yoq have your old carpets and mgs tirubhed 4ml cleaned at •- Reunswiok M-itrress.Sbop, Phone 2LT-2. , Shop 506 LA DIES CAN WEAK SHOES, one sUe Mmaller aftftuglng Allen’s Foot Rase a powder so be shaken Into the shoes. It makes tight or new shoes fee} easy, gives instant re lief to orj>amon*, Jts.ftQ corn fortdisodaerr of the age. cares and prevents swollen fet*l Uteri tana :*oif .spots. Allen’s F(ot Uimusx certain cure for sweating, hot, aehtag foeU fAt'atydtugglstst’iiuwli shoe stores, ar>o rfal package free by malf; Address. Ali?al Olmsted, LeKor, Ji. Yi . , , SA.XB H'ft WAS .'CPRTDHED. from ourqs ( could hardly B l^eblqeoD, ,Hillsborough, O J -. Bncklen’s Arnu-a cured them " liky ipagic /sprains, bruises, cute, ei>res r scald;}, Ijuile, ulcers. Perfect has lor of/; kit) dwcuseyand piles cure ty mil drngglsts, 250. FOR BALE-Either the timber pir the laid—6l2 acres at Waynekville, fl 7 or 21 acres at Atkinson, jpnd 200 aor.e* in Camden ouuuty,. Georgia; also 40 acrcs nofles of / Bnmte'rvllle, Fla. Submit offer, eit her cash og .improved property In, some oi(y,, , No incum brance. .’ .J. B. liayuie A Qo., , 365 N- Cherry St., Nashville, Tenn. FOR SALE—ReaiHbo typewriter in fine condition, terms reasonable.. Ap ply at thia/ifflce. , " BHIPNOtIOE. ' Neither the master, owner nor consign ees of the Swedish bark J upiter will be responsible for any debts contracted by the crew of said 1 birk. Janson, Master. It YOOB LIFE WORTH 26 CENTS? geosnmptivcs, we know that you have ecn dlsiappointed many times, but make cos more effort “to be cured. Gooch's Mexican Syrup has cured thoasends and H will lathe result Of tbe food material that should go to tup port the tody' - and sustain life being ab torbdd and thkown off In tubereu! ous mat ter, To overcome this waste of vital foroe end restore the nourishment to the system In its natural course/is to cure. This Is accomplished by Gooch’s Mexican Syrup, It oontrols oougbs, night sweats, spitting si blood, foreneepin ohest t| jnflstned throat Bnd lungg,4iMoulty ojhrsathing, heavy soughs eocompatfied with expectoration sad parched Ups. We know you have been Aifeappointed many times, but make one aaoraeffor* yourself. Ton can buy S bottle oiooooh’t Mexiosa Syrup lor 260. Hoorn 1 simple cough at if by magic, and talks best nsedy for whooping ooug h. A,Treat in Store. A muiical treat that has long been awaited by the people of this seotion has been tha engagement of tbe Herald Square Qpera Company, that is to ap. pear here for a four days engagement on Wedneeday next. This company ia the same that appeared here with so mnoh sucoess last season during the holiday season and it comes this year stronger thap ever before, the total oompany numbering over twenty-five people. Managers Fleming A Waff have only secured this attraction by the uint of much work and under the promise of a big renumeration. A plan that has keen inangerated. whloh will no doubt prove attractive to many is the season tiokets for this short season of light opera. Beat* tor the entire engagement are to be sold at a alight reduction over tbe regular prioes and will entitle the holder to tbe same seats for tbe whole four days including tbe matineo on Saturday afternoon. Seats for the engagement will be plao ed on sale in a few days. MOTHERS WORM BYRUP. Beet worm medicine. Children like It so well they eat it on bread. Herald Square Opera Comp^, Managers Fleming A Waff have been very fortunate in booking the Herald Square Opera Company for four nights and mattlnee begining the 18tb of ttfls month. This oompany carries 20 of the best people on the road and Will give Brunswiok theatre goers excellent productions of oomio opera. This will be the Brat appear ance this season of an opera company here, and will be hailed wi'h delight by the many friends of this popular oompany, Seate will go on sale in a few days for this engagement, To oure SICK HEADACHE, HABITUAL CONSTIPATION, and all diseases arising from In- CtJgasrhV. They will purify your •aks vourcompleilon l-ss , i A LILY. They are 3d. PRICE 26 CENTS. Mantles for Icosnleaoent or Welsh bspk lamps, Ulu, $1 per doz. Guar teed O. K. A. IT. Baker, Two yearling heifers for sate. C. S. Tail. HEALTH AND BEAUTY. a poor oomplexion it usually the result of a torpid liver or Irregular action of the bowels, Unless nature') refuse is oarried oft it will surely cause impure blood. Pimples, bolls and other eruptions follow. This is nature’s method of throwing off the poisons whiqh the bowels failed to remove. DeWiH’s Little Early Risers are world famous for remedying this condition They stimulate the liver and promote regular and healthy action of the bowels but never cause griping, oramps or dis tress. Bale pills. W. J. Butts, CITATION. GEORGIA—GIynu County. To whom it may concern: J. C. Franklin,bavin* made application to m., in due form, to tie appointed permanent administrator upon the estate of John J*. Har vey, Into of said county, deceased, notice is hen by given that said application wlil be heard at the regular term of the Court of Ordi nary for said eouDty, to be held on the flrst Monday In January, 19u2. Witness iiiy hand and official sfgnatuae, this loth day of December, 1801. HORACE DART, O.dinary Glynn County. Old and reliable firm wants business manager at Brnnawick; salary |1,500, yearly; A7OO cash and satisfactory re ferences required; commercial refer ences furnished; position permanent. Address Pustoffloe Box 291, Philadel phia, Pa. FOR HALE—One “Live Goose” feather bed.; also two down quilts, at a bargain. Apply 210 Reynolds, For Asthma use CHE KEY’S ■LPECfORANT, ASTHMA CURE TREE iothmalene Brings Instant Relief and Permanent Cure in All Cases. SENT ABSOLUTELYFKEBS ON RECEIPT OF POSTAL Write Your Name and Address'Plainly. There le nothing like Asthmalene. It brings : vn ;,/A Ult -i- rr Instant relieve, eu In the worst cases. It cares & _iJr,3 D V La' S when all else falls The Rev 1 F Wells, of Villa Ridge. 111.. KV JE ) * ! |? ’T4 saya; “Yoor trial bottle of Asthmalen*received ■ 'J'la dßn “.'l in good condition. I cannot tell roe how thank- . -w, p. i l , ful I feel for the good derived from It. Iwaea Wjajkr, B it. fi efe? ,I*3 slave, chained with putrid sore throat and *Sf asthma lor ten years. I despaired of ever being A®''’**® ,T—- eured. 1 taw your advertisement for the cure qL. J of this dreadful and tormenting disease. Asth- •VJtf a ~X\ , ma, and thought you had overspoken yonraelves, j/jJ ,K “u <. hut reaolvel to giro it a trial. To my astonish- life/ ‘ . ment, the trial acted like a charm. Bond ma a J lL'iM] is , 'V ’ i full slae bottle.’* IFU j REV.DR. MORRIS WKCHSLKK, 'TwilVa J \ *) \ Rabbi oi tbe Ooag. Bnai laraol \ V ? ' i \ , New York, Jan. S, 1901. '\ ' / jj \ Drs. Taft Bros.* Medioina Cos.: I V'J a Gentlemen: Your Asthmalen* Is an exoel- l >tfv Jr r he l ont remedy for Asthma and Hay Fever, and its \J ( £ d V, f composition alleviates all troubles wkleh com - 'S-J aCjC** T\i ill \4 ’’ $ bine with Asthma. Its sueoess la asmnlshlng XXW 1 1 1 I and wonderful. 1 / Alter having it caremny analysed, we can —1 A i 1 f "tale that Asthmalene oontslna no opium, morphine,ohlaroform or ether. EVERY L** Very truly yours, RET. DR. MORRIS WECUBLER. RELIEF. Avos SPRINGS, N. Y., Feb, 1,1901. I>H. TAFT lIHOS. MBDICUdt CO. Goutlomen: 1 write this testimonial from a sense of duty, having tested the wonderful effect of your Asthmalone, for the cure of Asthma. My wife haa been afflicted with spasmodic asthma for the past 12 years. Having exhausted ray own skill as well as many others, f chanced to see your sign upon your windows on 1110th street, New Yook, I at one obtained a bottle of Asthmalene. My wife commenced taking it aliout the first of November. I very soon noticed a radical Improvement. After using one bottle her Asthma has dissappeared and she. !a entirelv free from all svmptoms, I feel that I consistently recommend the medlcino to all who arc afflloted with this distressing disease. Yonra respectfully, O. D. PHELPS, M. I>. Da. Taft Bros. MroicntE Cos. Feb, t, idol Gentlemen; I wan troubled with Asthma for 32 yens I have tiled numerous remedies bnt they have all failed I ran across your advertisement and started with a trial bottle. 1 found relief at once. I have since purchased your full-slse bottle, and I am ever gratofnl. I have family of lour children, aud for six years was nimble to work. I am now In the best o( health and am doing business every day. This testimony you oan make such use of as you so lit. Home address, 236 Rlrlngton street. S. RAPHAEL, 67 East 12 th it.. City !UU BOTTLE SOT MM? FEES OH &ECEIFT Of POSTIL, Do not delay. Write at ones, addressing DR, TAFT BKOS.’ MEDICINE CO„ 79 East 130th St., N, Y, City. ' 'the manifold‘^ggangements She Is fell of life mad ambition. | /j^we a h e rwoman would he auacep- Pn r\ (LIPPMAN’9 GREAT REMEDY) to the Ideal mJ dj c i u e f or women. Its use insures health and the sub a r ■ ■ a istantial attractfreneas which health alone can be etow. V. V. P- ia the greatest Blood Purifier known to tnedlcad'science,!enrinr all 9crofelona Affections, Dyspepsia, Rheuma tism, Catarrh, Neuralgia, Malaria and Nervous Derangements. P. P. P. ia sold by all druggists. $t a bottle; aix bottles, #5. LI PPM AN BROTHERS, "iS'W'.’Loc*. Savannah, Ga. IW. J. BUTTS. ATTENTIONI Have just * received [ the finest line of New Wheels ever seen in Brunswick. 50 new Ones to Pick From. We can save you s9*oo on every wheel you buy, Repairing, renting and emaneling. Message service, PIANOS AND ORGAN If you want a good Piano <>r Organ buyj a Ludden & Bates B. J. OLEWINE Agent* Mr. F. D. Arnold, Arnold, J„ write,: He wee troubled with kidney dlaesssff übout tkree Tr. Hed to .et np eerernl tine, during Ike night but three hotline of Foley 1 * KM nay Core effected complete earn, be feel, bet let Una he erer did and reeominuude It to hie Mam da. *• i. Bulla. PI. J. J. PIHIE, 1 ■—Teacher on— Violin, Piano and Guitar REFFBENCES. Fleming & Waff. ADDRESSi Oglethorpe Hotel. A FIREMAN’S CLOSE CALL. “I Mack to ni7 engine, although every joint aebed and every nerve was racked with pain,” writesC W Bellamy, a looomotlve fireman, of Burlington, lowa, I waa weak and pale, without any appetite and all run down, At T was abont to give np, I got a bottle of Eleotrio Bitter* and, after taking it, I felt ae well ai I ever did in my life.” Weak, sickly, run down people always gain new life, strength and vigor from their o*e. Try them. Satisfaction guar anteed by all druggist*. Price SO seats, NOTICE. This le to notify my friends, patron and the public generally that Mr. Phil Keller now in charge of the Arcade saloon. B, Hirioh, 3