The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 11, 1901, Image 4

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Don’t Send Away i For your Christmas presents; because you can purehase the same article at my store for the same money. We guarantee to duplicate any article that is published in any catalogue for the same value; thereby saving you time, trouble and expense. Call and inspect our stock, larger and more varied than ever. Give us your order and you will be convinced. An elegant home calender presented to each customer. KENNON MOTT, O. D Jeweler and Graduate Ontician m H.woutl. sweat, I jsp.oio. r Watahea (or scatter* Hallway. Tim* bp Wira Bally tram WaaWastoa KKKrEK or THE CITY CLOCKS. Know Ye All. We are prepared to handle your business as quick as meney tan buy goods and railroads can haul ’em. HOW’S THAT FOR PROMPTNESS! Evirybody Knows our Work and Pricos aro Satisfactory. Fine Memorial Work, Hard-wood Mantels, Grates, Tilins, Iron Fenoing, etc Come to seo us, REED E. LaMANCE Mgr. 512 Monk street. Christmas for Gentlemen, V/aterman Ideal Fountain Pens, Gold pens, razors and razor sets, fine pocket knives, ink stands, card cases, pocket books, Traveling cases and pictures. FLEMING & WAFF’S, Coney & Parker DBALKKBIN Goal and Wood, Brick, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Hair, Shingles and Laths. Agents forMorris’ Brick. Phone 18 525 Bay St. AjUgf’ CHRIS ARNHEITER, OKAI.KB IN mßm ft'esiem Beel, Pork mo lion, ■. FRCSH poultry vtfUHQa PRESH VEGETABLES, FRESH GROCERIES, FRESH EGGS FROM THE COUNTRY. All goods sent out nice and clean. The best of ererything for the model housekeeper. 207 Honk street. Phone 80 FRESH GOODS FOR HOLIDAYS. Citron 15c per lb. Seeded Raisins 10c per lb Large Prunes 2 pounds 2<>c. Best Dates $ lbs. 25c. Best Mocha Java Coffee 35c. Rood Collies from 15c to 25c per lb* All kind of nuts 20c per lb, For CASH Only. With every cash purchase you get a coupon which give* you a chance on our fine dinner sets -* PROMPT DELIVERY, *- " loHANNESEH & CO. BBUNBWICK TIMES-CALL, WEDNESDAY* DECEMBER If, lfOl IK ~ ' Seven Cases Disposed of and Court Re cessed 'Till Next Monday. J ‘ > The Drat com tried la SupOfiot .iarl yaaterdty morning, waa that ef th* State ti. Harry Watars, ebr(4 with aaaanlt with intent to mordtr. It ra tultcd in a mlaatrlsl- Son MoCoy, aJlaa “W.iirtliag Jim.” the negro arretted oh Monday ftf rob bing Doug as tc Morgen’* atart, waa oonvioted of laroeay (roaa ikoboeaa and given a •eotaoce of U. month* at 576 ard ooata. Thia was %aik work. The oaaa of the State ti. Mr. David Dart a waa nol prosed upon iavnatige tioD in open ooort. Jnnia Campbell, trial ter adfeait with Intent to mar del, plead cdflfy at aeasulk and battery akd waa seatmaed t. 12 month* or 140 totoeindo coat*. Three ease* agaiaat Stalara feraait <ag cigarette* to minors were disposed of, one wae aol proofed, one teed tit and one 110. Coart reoeased natil Monday, Dae. 16, at • o’cloek. wfata tke eiril eases aaaigned will be tekea op. AT THE GRAND TONIGHT, "Married for Money” A Good flay at Popular Fflces. 1 * * for money Till be Mia • traction at the Oread tonight. Tha Roneerverta, W. Va. t Harald aayai Tba Cora.CarlisU eom petty, praaaas ing tba original oongfdy “Married far Money,” was witnessed |y a smell bat appraciatira aaditaoe, wha aaeorded tba play and company a hearty swaps* ion. It proved to be tba brightest and Meanest comedy aaaa la oar tonal theatre this season and those that bear edtbe inclement weather wbre well repaid for tboir trouble. Tba apaalai* lias ware well rendered and ware bright and pleasing. TO INTRODUCE SAS iTOVES. Brunswick light and •Watw*Camyiny Will Opan a Stor*. Tba Brunawlak Ll(bt aid Vtfw aompauy will ahorlly opts • hliwwb tor tbs In trod Motion ot , pi hailing and Booking atovaa. Tha aalaaraam will b oa Nawoaitla iitmLiiiLdaar ta tna Raokat atora, U( a tall liaawf !• atovea will ba kept 1a atoak tad tha aaa and managemant aftkamaatWlnad. Gaa atorea ara vary popular la all oitiaa whera thay ara la geaaral aaa and will likaly prora popatar bara. U la under at ood that tba Light and Vatar company will offar vary tlbaral tar aaa to purohaatra and aaka aoaaaatlaas traa ot abarga. Coronation Day Fixed Far Juno 26 Naxt % < -• t• London, Dao. 10.—At tba aaaaiaa ot tba privy council today King Id ward and floitaly flxad Jooa M aaxl aa tba data for tba ooroaaitoa. Here’s Seme- a thing Rare! T Fine Grape Fruit, 5 and lQe oeeh. Fresh Ripe Tomatoes, • 3 quarts for 8?e. Tangerine Oranges, Only 30c per do*. Ripe Pineapples, Your choice for ljc California Pears,, . . Sweet, only 30 doz. LLOYDS* ’Phw 2j5-2* 214 levwtle st. For Whooping Congh Qie CHENEY'S ■®*ECTO JUNT, . J PERSONAL MENTION ’■ • * /r* • ITEMS M INTEREST CONCERNING IRUNSWiCXIANS AND THEIR fRIENDS FROM LOCAL AMO OTHER SOURCES. Mr. J. A. MiDiMi left iaateight (or Atlanta. - • ' a •, r t.. . , Mr, Albari Faadlg Is off on aa ax* tended trip t* Florida,- , Mr. J. i, MaDoaongk af Saveaaak la registered at Mb OgUtfaorpe, Mr. J. O. Dyal, af Owaaa Ferry, •aaae la oa the Faleea last eight.' ’ Miss Joaia Fraabiia tea aaae pled a eoeltlon with i, H. Mailer A Uto. • • * t ■* Mr. Oaa. Lava, editor aad proprie* ter of Me OaxTby Mender, wee la tba stty yotterdap and paM tke TimecCali a pleasant wn. i 1 .• • T - . 4e.• • ■ The leeead game* of the seaaea wae girea at the.OgieMerpe teat eight by the CotlUftaa clab. it wet a very pieeaeateSafe. BUheoß. K Meedrix at Kaaaaa City, Is expanse*toreeaa t Mia Kv, J. B. Came. Be will preach next toadey morning end ttealag at tba fust Methedlet ebareh. Thomas JoSoMea, *a’ aagra train band, bad a featkadir maebad yaatar* day alteraeaa white aeepliag ova tear Irtesalak'a foaadry. , Dr, Barford ampatatad hit let*. Mae, as ha ha sty tea hlmaaif.tba hlr* ad maa of the Herald tfurt Opera eempaay. I* la lawn arranging for the appeeraaee ef hie earn easy here. In •peaking ef the eompaay he itatee thab it 'la tke atreageat eompaay that this pope Ur ergaaisattea kes ever had. The prtaeipaia era mack batter aad the oheras etreager aad better balaaoed. He else aaya Mai Ike new a paras are iaev each being a ohtateg gam of tba tame east’a art aad fmaay aaoagh to ■Mbs a tombstone leaf b. Advartiiad Lattar Liat. Tha following to * Hat ot lattara ra mala lag is tba PHtodlaaal Iraaawtek, Oa., aaalaimad, far tba waak ,aadlag Dee ■ bar 7, 1M1: B—Willitaa da*V.9a* Araald hrowa, Fraddla Idroara, Mtaaa Carry Badlay. Mitt Kalita Brawg, Wiaa Lata Browa, Bilan Ktewa, Sd Boayar. 0-J M Cawt.alL R T Ola,h a, Frad C*t a, Cbvrlaa J Carroil D-A 1 rrfDt.<l, Jrtl Duyia. Mra Lacy Daoaaa, JNMUa i>tg, frU Aaa Urary, lira LUjia Dia-r F—ll 1) PaiTar Ca'U Far.ab, B M Flowara, H‘>bm F-ae ar. 'U—Bdgar F B.bbo.a, Oaraiary, iol<a Orad- if W Qooda.xi, H B Uiffop.,, H—Mr* FaUa Halil Misak H .jrata. I -Wrae ICgraiß. J— G*orga JobaMon, K—Bu* r Zt(, Fraak KrU.a. L—C H Lawtaa, Hagh Llrlagataa. QMAWiaaar llslom. Jabala If.Kia tay, J. tf Marstoy, Kra. toaa iiargaa ($). - .... i. • • •- • • F—Kra Ifadaaar Parry. 4—Kit Ml Qtanj, Mr aad Kra F * Quite,. B—Obarlatta BaatS, AW Maw. Kiaa Jslaty BmKb, BarjL.tu. William •toaa, Kra Mary SMaagk. Calat ghat tan. T— T C Tbomaa. W-T W William, Cbarteh Walkar, Ktaa Kollla WUlluaa, Kra Latra Wai. kar. Partial aalllag far. aay af tba abort lattara trill aay Wag. wara adrbrtlaad and wilt gay 1 aaat for aaab lattar alatmad. If yaa bara aay aMaglaigla •galas* tba aarriaa or facltyllaa brlag thorn to ma. t. KoO. Baowa, * - • " +• •. ■ Paatmaatar. ■■■— i H ■ ma i ii BHIfPIEM RI*MI OtmaM Daily ty Manama Fart at BomaUh Dae. 10, ltei. <- - < * RaMM(ids V I Sab. Loiter T. Itltouw, boadari, Beotaa. r Special Jljjgl Prices in Groceries r TtT verybody K|J'WPIS^?!fF ,, rhey can save eno>jj |l to pay rheir wood and water buying from me. Your credit is goo |I sell Granulated Sugar 4 lbs for -2? c, others givjffijf l I sell White Extra <J Sugar per lb—. se, others charS§l I sell 24 lbs Patent Flour f0r....- others char 1 sell good Roasted Coffee per lb lie, otr.ers 1 sell Best Bacon per lb - —llc, otnerscha-fe 121 I sell Best Comp. Lard per lb 10c, others cha-ge It I sell Best New Georgia Syrup gal 50c, othf rs charge GO 1 sell Best Irish Potatoes per peek 35#, mamr* charge 40 I sell fine Mocha and Java coffee lb 25c,charge $5 I sell Best Oat Meal 6 lbs for „2?c. I sell Seeded Raisins per lb— lie, orkers charge 1? I sell Cleaned Currants per lb 11c, others charge 1? 1 sell Best Citron per lb —15 c, other 3 charge 20 1 sell a Hood Broom for SjiyJHbs charge $0 A full line of the Cereals just received r —- - I deliver promptly —i A. O. JEFFERS 219 NEWCASTLE ST. MALLORY LINE .5 PROPOSED SAILINGS FROM NEW YOKK Every Friday at 3 p m. BRUNSWICK Every Friday to Suit the Tide. lowest Rate, Direct Service, Commodious Passenger Accommodations, C, H, Mallory & Cos., Gkn’l Agts J. S Raymond, 18 Burling Slip, New York. * Agent, Bsumwiok, Ga. CHINESE "rESTAURAN'I 0 EST BLUSHED 1889 CHUE HALL, Protmetor You cau get the best the market affords by eating here P S. —Orders taken for D- K* Lai^dry Fresh Arrival of white fish in kits, extra /arge mackerel, pitted cherries, dried figs, A complete line of assorted presKes and jams pickied peaches, ginger pr<*- serveliL A large assortment of io Also a most complete line of the best cigars- All goods sold on very close margin. HARRELL BROTHERS. Corner Newcastle and tAonk. Truly “A Grand Old Whiskey" •' & IS THK FAMOUS # CREAM OF KENTUCKY. It’s pure and wholesome and sold cheaper than any other whiskey of its fame, rancor quality* SoM in nrunswick only by * Douglas & Morgan, 212-214 Bay Street, I. T RAGE K 4 CO~, Distillers, Offices Cincinnati. Onto. C. S. A