The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 12, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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2 The Kiuoswiclr Times. Kitsbllfhed 1889. The Brunswick Call. Bitablisbod 18M. The Brunswick Tiraes-Gall, CONSOLIDATED IVOQ, Fubliebed KVEHY MORNING EXCEPT MONOAT. BYR. A. MULLINS, LESSEE. f. - ■■■■ ' ■'* The Tlinei-Call will be delivered by oerrler or mell per year, 00; per week 16 cent*. .Cor reepondeut.4 on live aubjecte solicited. Real uauie of w. Iter bhoald aoooiupany same. Hab ecrlptione payable in advance. Address all communication!! to THE TIMES-CALI* TO SUBSCRIBERS: knbtcrlbers are reqnested to notify the office when they fall to fct any Uene of the Tlmes- C'all. attention to thle matter will be appie elalud by the publishers Thu Ueorgia lawmaker* w 11 adjourn tine die Friday night "Only four moru (lays of the Georgia legislature. There is always something to be thankful for," says an exchange. It is to behopul that the courts will allow Mr. Nation to resume his maiden name.-- Washing on Tlme-c We hope Senator Morgan will live long enough to use the Isthmian canal completed. He has worked hard for the canal r ■■■■■._■ i .... i ... "The legislature is making a great inistske when it persistently refuses to ptßsau Australian ballot law," remarks iLe D.ineo Gazette. Governor Gan )let’s ac lon in vetoing the dispensary lull lish hieu endorsed ass general rule in all par a of thn state. The press, with rare excep ions, deemed the measure a t ad one. DuPont Htierry acumdltg to the GiilUu News, says that the Wright hill has accomplished all he wanted by choking oil all the local diapensary bille and that he is satisfied will ihu governor’s veto. Nearly every nociipa'ion it* repreannt ed io the Georgia penitentiary, there being 955 laborers, 681 farmer*, 128 railroad hands, #8 cooks, 6 merchant!*, 22 blacksmiths, 6 school teachers 3 phyeioiang and 9 preachers. The aeorus report on sawmills, plan iDg mills and timber camps in the United States shows that there are 118,00*1 enoh establishments—an average of about 8(>o tier state—representing a capital of soi I 000,000 and au anuual produc of th < value of $507,000,000 Thomas Nelson Page says that iu nine cases out of ten the work that hss resulted it the a'cnuiu auon of prop erty by tt*e negro and his material ad vaocetneoi Itas been done by those who nail the moral and industrial training hat w s part * f the institution of slavery. H.e * ost of living, according to Pun’s otlloial report on tnis subjeot, is stt 1 rising. It has not been higher lu many years than it is today, in fact It has never been so high since tbe pictent Improved and ch-apened inetli id* of production and distribution came into vogue, says an exoha: g. Prices are •till increasing, and if wheat should continue to make gains, a* it 1m in the past few days, bread also will go up. Meats, vegetables and fruits are already selling at rates which s-rlously restrict consumption, and many foods earlier enjoy, dby Ibe poor man will soon be out of his reach. FOR KKNT— Furnished rooms, to gentlemen 821, Ur ion St. Double brick house . For .LaGrippe and Influ enza use CHENEY’d EX FECTORAN L. ltear Admiral dcblty ia trying to eet Into oonditlon to loaf the remainder of his life, af er forty years of hard work. "I am too o'd to go into business," be ■ays; "besides I have nothing to sell, not even experience " He says that he may do some writing but if he does it will not be printed nntil after hie death. “All the world is charitable to dead men, you know," he adds. Tnere should be created a cabinet olli.-er, .o he known aa secretary of oommerce and industries, as provided in the bill introduced at the last session of congress. It should be bis province to deal with commerce in He broadest aens; including among many other things whatever concerns labor and all matters affecting the great business corporations and our merchant * marine. An incident at Lewistown, Pa., the other day, illustrates bow far the north permits the n°gro to advance as a skilled laborer. A negro was promoted to the positiun of foreman of the sorap yard of the Logan Iron aad Bteel Works, Immediately every white man employed in the yard walked out on a strike. An effort was made to replace the white men with neg-oes, but all the workers in the other departments sup ported tho strikers, refusing to handle the material which oame through the hands of the negroes. Tuih, of course, is not'ce to the black man that he cannot bops to rise above the position of an ordinsry laborer in Pennsylvania; the white workingmen will not have him a boss. AN EVANGELISTS STORY. “I suffered for years with a bronohiai or lung trouble and tried various remedies but did not obtain permanent relief until 1 commenced using One Minute Oough Cure, ’’writes James Kirkman, evangelist of Holle River, ill. "I have no hesitation in recommending it to all sufferers for coughs, colds and all kinds of throat and lung troubles bur croup it is unequaled. Absolutely safe Very pleasant to take, never fails and is really a favorite with the children. They like it. W. J. Butts. TAX PAYERS. By resolution of council passed No* vmiber 30th, an extension until De cember 20tb wae granted for tbe pay ment of oity taxes for 1901. This is for the purpose of allowing those in ar rears an opportunity to settle with tbe treasurer without additional ooets. All taxes unpaid after December 20th will he placed in execution, and niu.t be settled with the marshal. Those in created and who desire to save cost will please take due and dual notice Geo. H. Smith, City Treasurer, PILE-INK CURES PILES! Money refunded if it ever tails FOR SALE—A handsome silver service. Price reasonable. Apply 210 Reynolds street. FOR RENT—A desirsbl-* ntwly furnisbod room with hoard. “X” tbis offlc r , lillll N. £Qv*<MT , LUMBER IS LIKELY TO “GO DP” in price, so it is good policy for you to place your order now, and get the advan tage of present prices. We have a com ptete line of moulding, mill work, etc., all seasoned woods. Kiln dried flooring and ceiling always iu stock. Phone 197. Lang 1 & Wood Planing Mill. CASTOR IA F*r Infants and Children. li Kind You Have Always Bought THE BRUflbWlUfc IIMKH-CaLU THURSDAY. EEOEMBER 12 1901 Cancerous Cadac "LZTJZ VV I V face, "neck *Ol breast, though they are liable to appear upon other parts of the boilv. When they begin to spread and eat into the flesh, sharp, piercing pains are felt as the underlying tissue is destroyed and the tender nerves exposed. Cancerous sores develop from very trifling causes; a carbuncle or boil, swollen g land, a little watery blister on the tongue or lip, a wart, mole or bruise of some kind becomes an indolent, festering sore, which in time <l< generates into cancer. “Ten years ago X had a sore on my left temple, which the fr-: va doctors pronounced S' VS a cancerous ulcer; Bp-** - . tfl it would itch, burn Mu and bleed, then scab ■FSB 1 IT’ .Vx over, but would ii V A / never heal. After aßfffiTCl sjjlßff taking S. S. S. awhile SFRK#- the sore began to u discharge, and when tßSKfi?s£’•s a. all the poisonous VoP' matter had passed out it got well. I took in all about thirty bottles, continuing- it for some ti e after tho sore had healed, to be sur i all tho poison was out of my sys . Have seen no sign of the cancer in ten years. JOSEPHUS REID, Gant, Audrian Cos., Mo. jAa ’ s strictly a vegetable ™ remedy, and, while possessing purifying kJ® and healing properties "zsk- that no other medicine does, contains nothing that could derange the system. While cleansing the blood it also builds up the general health. If you have a suspicious sore, or other blood trouble, send for our free book on Blood and Skin Diseases, and write to us for any information or advice wanted; we mak 2no charge for this service. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA. GA. Fall and iVin ter hats have never been ex celled in any previous display. These hats are all of very artistic concepts n and are developed in goods of excep tionally good quality and beauty, Perhaps no such value has never been offered. HISS KATE SLATER 104 Mt,HUCKSTER ST.. KIDWEY DISEASES •re tht moat fatal of all FOLEY’S ar money refunded. Contain* remedies recognized hr eotf nent physicians a tha oat fa* Kidney and Bladder trouUaa FSUC* Ms •* W. J. BUTTS.— For a bad Twist in any part of the body a remedy ia in our large stock of PATEN T MEDICINEB. Some ot these are far reaching and all powerful. Tone up the whole system and enable it to throw off disease ia any pari of the body. Below is a partial list of remedies for ills most prevalent this season. l.axative Bromo Quinine. Bromo Laxine. Throat Ease. Frog in Your Throat, Smith's Ough Byrup SMITH'S PHARMACY i ga SAYS US W AS TOKrnKEI). “I soil red such pun* from coroe I could hardly walk," writes U Itobtuioo, Hillsborough. 11l , '‘but Bucklen’s Arnica Bslre completely cured tnem " Act* like magic on sprains, bruises, cuts, sores scalds, hums, boils, nleers. Perfect healer of skin diseasesaod piles Cur# guaranteed ty all druggists, .So. A Treat in Store. A n.ndcui treat tba' has long been awai'ed by the people of this seation has been the engagement of the Herald Square <i>era Comp-ny, that ia to ap pear here for a four days engagement on Wednesday next. This aompany is the same that appeared here with so rnuoh success last season daring the holiday season and it oomes this year stronger tbau ever before, the total oompany numbering over twenty-five people. Managers Fleming & Waff have only secured this attraction by the dint of moch work and under the promise of a big renumeration. A plan that has keen lnaagerated which will no doobt prose attractive to many is the season tickets for this short season of light opera. Beats for the entire engrgement are to be sold at a slight reduction over the regular prices and will entitle the holder to the same seats fer tbe whole four days inoluding 4i the matinee on Saturday afternoon. Beats for the engagement will be plao ed on sale in a few days FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Orders taken for "Pressed Flowers from the Holy Land." Prioes of oards ano books range from 5 cents to sl, Miss L. H. Deming, 218 Union Sc. OF BENEFIT TO YOU. I>. 8. Mitchell Falford. Md. “Daring a iong illness I was troubled witb bad sores, was advised to try DeWitt’s Witoh Hazel Ba've and did so with wonderful results. I was perfectly cured. It is the best salve on t.he market ’’ Sure cure for piles, sores, burns. Beware of counterfeits. W. J. Butts. METROPOLITAN SALOON. foci m billiard:. ONLY THE FINEST %53, Liquors and Cigars, ELEGANT LUNCH SERVED DAY AND.NIGHT. BRUNSWICK, GA. SEO, A, NSWMAN, Ifanwr, SAVED HIB LIFE "I wish to tay that I feel I owe my life te Kodot Dyspepsia Cure,” writes H, C. hrestenaon of Mayiield, Minn, “For S years 1 was troubled with dyspepsia so that 1 oould hold nothin* on my stomach. Many times I would be unable to retain a morsel of food. Finally I was confined to my bed. Doctors said I oould not live. I read one of your advertisements on Kodcl Dyspepsia Care and thought it ht my case and eommenoed its use 1 bsgan to im prove from the first bottle. Now I am cured and recommend it to all.” Digests vour food Cures all etomaoh trot hies. VV. J. Butts. borne Little Things quite essentia! to tne s’ ocese of a job, are overlooked by some workmen Striot attention to details, and the use of the beet material makes all our PLUMBING WORK satis'actory. Our charges are uniform!) low, but no part of a job is li* hted. A. H. BAKER, 805 Gloucester St. WORKING 24 HOURB A DAY. There's no rest for those tireless little workers—Dr Kingr’s New L fe Pills Million* are always busy, ouringt rpid liver, jaundice, biliousness, fever and ague. Tbey banish siok headache, drive out malaria. Never gripe or wetken. Small, taste nice, welt wondeis Try them, 26s at all druggists CHARTS FOR SALE. Charts tide tables and other publications, U, S, coast and Geodetic survey for sale by C. W. Demingi Phones’ 1?2 or 31, CABTOHIA. Stars tbs y? TO IW YOU Hjtl AlWSfl BOlijM i T I 900 Drops AVegetable Preparationfor As similating the Food andßegula ting the Stomachs awl Bowels of INT TNJs/( HII.DKEN" Promotes Digestion,Cheerful ness and Rest .Contains neither S hum,Morphine nor Mineral. oiHarcotic. Aye of Old O'SAMUEL PITCHER PbmfJu* Seed’ \ J lx. Saw* * ffaditlle stt(*T “ I JhuscSeed + \ §££&*** j MwM- 1 Aperfect Remedy for Constipa tion. Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. Alb rrio'nihs old J 5 INTS EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. THE Hi fill! I lain Hi, Camphor and Celluloid Crystal Refin ers and Manufacturing Chemist. Incorporated Under the Laws of the State of Delaware. Capita: $500,000 Divid*d Into 60 000 6 per oent. Preference Shares of $5.03 each and 50,000 Ordinary Bharea of $5 00 Each. Payable $2 00 on Application, $1 *)0 on Allot™ nt and $2 00 three Months After Allottmenc Issue of 27,000 6 percent Preference and 27,000 Ordinary Shares of $5 eath, at Par. DIRECTORS: ARCHIBALD MELDRU Vf, F. I. S.. BDckshear, President, M. FRANK, 904 Canid well Avenue, Bronx, New York. GARDNER W. KIMBALL, of D'laware T. ust Cos., Wilming on, Del. C. G. MURRAY, Blaokshesr, Resid-nt Director for the GI .be Nlfg; Cos., Lid. SOLICITORS'. ESTES & WALKER, Biack-hear, Ga. ASSISTANT CHEMIST: T. S GRAY, Blaukshear, Ga. BANKERS: BLACKBHEAR BA NK, Blaokst esr, Ga. GERMANIA BANK, Savannan, Ga. Office and Works'. BLA.OKSHE \R, GLA. M. TEM PLE TAY'LOR, Secretary and Treasurer Pro ™, SAVANNAH, U 4, Registered Offi ;e : 902 Marker Si “**■, WILMING i ON, uEL, ABRIDGED PROSPECTUS. rt pany has been formed to adopt aud carry out an agreement between Archil. Meldrum. Manu aeturing Chemist, Blaokshe r, Ga., U. 8. A. (latelv with the lllaeksbcir Manufacturing Company, Bla kehear, Ga.). and the Globe Mannfnrt-riiig *imip iiiv. r.iiui*. <!. Camphor RcUncr auil Manuiacturiug Chemists. 11 .Vtausion House Ohainh -s, i.undon Kiighum, and whose works are situated at West Norwood, Kngland, Hoboken, Antwerp. France, Ihe said agrees ent being dated 2nd day of September, ltlol. Tile agreement enmpri-es the sole rights of United States an ’ Canada to manufactur e Camphor. Celluloid Crystals, and by-pmaucis under Hu Giob.- laeufac.tuiii g Com pain s various jm oce-ses. The processes being s.e ret, it is not desirable m tbe Interests ol tile Company to give cav details, but the secret documents have been duly S;aled and deposited with the Cninpaia and solicitors as per agreement with Mr. Meldrum. A working capital of *5 UiOO Is ample for the main: actaring of 30 tons of camnhor, cellu loid crystals and by-products per month, and for which a mark has abeatlv been a quir.d. The gross profit on this pro luction is estimated to give, after bearing ah charges, a sum o not less than $120,000 for distribut on on the Preference and Ordinary share, leaving a sum of *70,000 for the purpose of reserve fund, or for further exten-ion of ihe business. The Company also acquires 260 acre* of and, a dwelling house and an ah of fine timber. The purchase price for tne land is *6.200; fot the rights to manui tie turn, under the various processes *2*2,000. leaving a balance of *211,800 Tlie total mat for liuildiDg works and installing plant and machinery capable of producing 3 tons per day is SOI,BOO, leaving the work ing capital at $50,000, aud *IOO,OOO for future issue. The only agreement existing are: Ist. Between the Company and A rend Meldrum, wherein he sells to ihe Company the Americ m right” for manufac'iirfng at *882,000 and art acres of land, including dwelling house aud timber at *0,200, total *228,200, payable as to *158,20* in cash and *IBO,OOO in Ordinary shares. 2nd. Agreement between the Company and Archibald Meldrum, wherein the latter agrees to act as Manrgine Director for 10 rears at a sala y ol *5 000 per annum. 3rd. Acrreemeut between Archd Meldrum and the Industrial Trust Company, 80-r.2 Liberty street, New York, as to the guaranteeing of this issue. Mr. Meldrum will be a large stockholder, having agreed to accept a large portion of the purchase price in ordinary stock, thus showing ihe business will lie conducted upon safe linen Sir. Met irum is a thorough, practical manufacturing chemist, understanding the practice manufacture of Camphor, its by-product. Borax, Boracic Acid, Sulphuric Acid. Arsenic, Starch and many other chemical too numerous too mention. Any improvements that Mr. Metarule may bring out as regards reducing cost of manufacture, or new processes, become the property of the Company. This Company will consider the manufacture of various chemicals anil more especiaLi-T Arsenic, and for which there is a growing demand. A convention w->s held at Brunswick, Ga.. on Amil 1). 1901, to consider the cultivation of the plant known as “Cassava.” Starch can be manufactured at a low cost from jtliis plant, and should it ha planted to any great extent in this State, s arch manufacturing will also lie consid red. It Is estimated the Company will be in a position to fill orders earlv next year Already arrange ments have been and are being made for the sale of the total Outp-U of the Comonnv’s products. The advantages of manufacturing a'Blackshear are many Hrstlv. :he dr is pure; aacondly, the water is good and fr e; thirdly, abor is cheap; to. irthlr, t-aniiportat on is easy, as the railroads would run into the works; fifthly, it ishmdv for New Yo h and oiocr markets, also for shipping The imports of Camphor for year 189!) amounted to 17.541 lb , valued at $322,UX), and in ISuO, 1,789,580 lbs , valued at $485,071. It will be seen th. iv is . good outlook for this Company. No promotion money is being paid and Mr. Meldrum pars all expen-es up to allotment. Prospectuses auci application forms may be had of the lianke.-, Solicitors, offices of the Company or Secretary. -J. J. JLISSNER, WHOLESALE Groceries. Tobacco, 'Flour, Bacon and Provision, GRAIN, HAY AND BRAN A SPECIALTY. 216 Buy street, Brunswick, Ueorgu. wfw £ Utiek For Infants and Children. Tfci Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the / \ Signature / 1) rv i|v In HaT For Over Thirty Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY.