The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 12, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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Opera House 4 —NIGHTS —-4 Sltil MUM Mini HD II Ml til. In its Latest OP£RATIOSUCCESSES 25 - ARTISTS -25 REPERTOIR. Wednesday LA. MASCOTTE Thursday THE CIRCUS GIRL Friday THE VILLAGE BRIDE Saturday THE PIRATES Or MORROCCO Saturday Matinee.... THE BOHEMIAN GIRL Secure a Season Ticket; on sale today. POSITIVELY THE GREATEST PLAY EVER PRESENTED IN BRUNSWICK. MiTINEJi AND NIGHT. Wednesday, Dec. 25 (X'inas. SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT! E. J. CARPENTER’S Splendid Scenic Production of Slenklewic* great story of Christianity, QUO VADIS URSITS BATTLE WITH THE AUROCHS. (An actual scene in this great production.) This Superb Scenic Production is a dramatization of Henry Sienkicvvicz’s won derlul story the sens;, tion of the Chris'.ian world. For stage representation it is divided into SIX ACTS AND NINE SCENES. Illustrating in a manner graphic and convinc ing the Dawn ol Christianity and Downfall of Paganism, Cast with the full strength of &. J, CAKPiSKTCCH’S Large and Powerful Dramatic Company, JAMES A, YOUNG, AS VINICIJS. cnturpy (none required belonging to the JULitLII I opera house) liyThos. Neville. Each scene a tribute to this great artist’s skill. PHQTIIMEQ by Descnlehi. Rich,beautiful UuO I U'll CO and historically correct. Quo Vadis is a termon with no one asleep in the pews.”—Natchez, Mi s , Daily Democrat. NOTE—Universal praise from managers and newspapers where this line company has lately appeared, justifies Managi rs Fleming & Wall in offering them special inducements to come, and it is conlldently expected to tie the leading amusement of the season. Sale of seals will begin at Fleming & Waff's Friday, Dec. 20. SPECIAL MATINEE, 25 and 50c. Mantles for Incandescent or Welsh back temp \ 10c, #1 per doz. Guar teed O. K. A. U. Baker. FOR SALB —Retß-BDu tjp“writer in fine condition, terms reasonable Ap ply at this < fiice. a A GAS STOVE A Modern Convenience , Something Every Home Should Have. Put in at Cost by GAS COMPANY. " --- .. - ~ ' ; DOWNING, Fa*BIDENT. JD. Jti. MAWAM, VlUJfr-rRICBIDSIf*. m. U. WALTER, UABrUZR THE NATIONAL BANK OF BRUNSWICK. CAPITAL $150,000 LO A NS—DISCOUNT S—EXCHANGE-COLLECTIONS, SAFEIBEFOSnBOSS FOE IGT. — Interest A Jlowerl On Deposits in Savings Department I>iRKCTOH JOSEPH W. BENNET, C. DOWNING, ALBERT FKNDIG, Judge Brunswick Circuit, Pres. Downing Cos, of Brobston, Fendig &Cos V. G. BRANTLEY, E. H. MASON; K. D. WALTER, M. C. 11th Ga. Diet. of E. H. Muon A Go. Cuhlei HENRY P. TALMADGE, Pres. Southern Tin. 00., New York Digests iioaoi- Dyspepsia Cure When the stomach is diseased all the other organs suffer, hence fatal Waeases of the heart, liver, lungs and kidneys are often the result of improper digestion. Kodol Dyspepsia Citkk contains all the natural Digestive fluids and by digesting what you eat, it cures the indiges- Woo without aid from the stomach, allc wing it to rest and regain its (healthy condition and permitting you to entail the good food you want. 4 My ffjfit is disturbed at eight by irregular heart action which Ibelieve Is on account of my stomach being overloaded with undi tested food I keep a bottle of Kodol DTspepsia Cuke nearby and a (mall dose always gives mo instant relief. Ed. Thomas, Leitcldicfd, Ky.” It oan’t help but do you good •Itoureri by E.JD. PeWttt A 00., pfleago. The U. bottle contain* 2i* tb< Me. si to. E favorite Louaebold remedy for eoUiha, colds,"“croijnrbronchitisrgrinoS ONE MINUTE (Tough Cure. Jtcuie ><auiJiJLK. W. J. BUTTS, DEATH QUICKLY FOLLOWS DISEASED KIDNEYS. Death soon follows from diseased kidneys unless a cure is made by taking the old reliable Stuarc s Gin and Buobu The followtng eymptous indicate the approaob of Bright’s Disease or Dla betes and Kidney trouble: Puffy or darkoiroles under the eyes, ealiuw, yellow complexion, dull, heavy head aches, dizzy tired feeling, faint spells, pain or dull aobe lu the back, unr oloudy, milk like or stringy, dark ir. ooior or offensive, painful soalding sensation in passing urine, obliged to go often duaing the day or night. There is a oure in Stuarts Gin and Buehu. It is the one remedy you can rely on. It will correct all of thee symptoms and permanently oure even Bright’s dis ease after all other treatments fail. Stuart’s Gin and Buohu will neutrals tze the urine and cause it to flow in a perfectly natural manner. A high grade kidney care, The most perfeot made. Stuart’s Gin and Buohu thoroughly tested for ihe past twenty years. It giver life, power and vigor to the kid neys thus making the blood red and nourishing. Try this grand old rem edy. Druggists or by express prepaid sl. Describe trouble and free advioe about kidneys given. Stuart Drug Cos. 34 Wall St. Atlanta, Ga., FOR SALE—Either the timber or the land—6l2 acres at Waynesville, 37 or 21 aorta at Atkinson, and 200 acres in Camden ciuuty, Georgia; also 40 acres \'/ 2 milss ot Sumterville, Fla. Submit offer, either cash or improved property in some oity. No incum brance. J. B. Haynie & Cos., 365 N. Cherry St., Nashville, Tenn, NIGHT WAS HER TERROR. ‘*l would cough nearly all night long,” writes Mrs. Chas. Applegate, of Alex andria, Ind., “and oouid hardly get any eleep. 1 had consumption sc bad that if 1 walked a block I would cough frightfully and spit blood, but when all other medicines failed, three $ bottle j of Dr . King’s New Discovery wholly cured me aod 1 gained 58 pounds,” Ids absolutely guaranteed to cure coughs, oolds, !a grippe, bronohltis and all throat aud lung troubles P.-ioe 50j and |l. Trial bottles free at all drug stores FOR SaLS—On aocount of leaving the oity we offer for sale at a bargain our entire stook of groceries and fruit at lowest price. Apply Orsini 13-os., 401 Bay St. LADIES CAN WEAR SHOES, one size smaller after using Allen's Foot Ease a powder to be shaken into the shoes. It makes tight or new shoes feel easy, gives instant re lief to earns or bunions. Its the greatest com fort discjuery of the age, cutes and prevents swollen feet, blisters and pore spots. Allen’s Foot Esse is a certain cure for sweating, hot, achiag feet. At all druggistst and shoe stores, 250 real package free by mall. Address, A l ten i Olmsted. LeKoy, N. Y. THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12 1901 Rose Ooghlßii’- efforts *o depict “A Woman of No Importance,” who proves to be a personage of tremen dous importance to the man who so de scribed her, are being orowned with success. Iu all the cities in whiob she has appeared this season her play, production, thocxodlance of her cant of plavers and (he superb acting of this distinguished artiste have evoked uni versal praise from the fashionable audiences who have watched this satire on modern social conditions. One of the New York criticisms when Miss Coghlan presented this play at the Fifth Avenue Theatre said “watching ‘A Woman of No importance’ is pleas ant because of the home thrusts the author delivered to fashionable shams, acd most of us love to see our acquaint ances have an opportunity of seeing themielvas pictnr-d and oastigated.” “A Woman of No Importance” will be presented the Grand on Deo, 14tb by Miss Rose Coghlan end a support ing company tqoal to any on tbe read A New Plan Adopted. With tbe season of light opera tha . is to be introduces by tbe Herald Square Opera Cos., here next Wed nesdsy night the management of the opera house have adopted anew and what appears to be a very popular Hi YOUR LIFE WORTH 25 CENTS? Consumptives, wi know that you have been dissappointed many times, but make ime more effort vto be cured. Gooch's Mexican Syrup has cured thousands and It will cine you. Consumption is the result of the food material that should go to sup gort the body and sustain life being ab sorbed and thrown oil in tubereu. ous mat ter, 'To overcome this waste of vital force and restore tiie nourishment to the system in its natural course, is to cure. This is accomplished by Gooch’s Mexican Syrup, It controls coughs, night sweats, spitting •f blood, soreness in chest, inflamed throat and lungt, difficulty of breathing, heavy sought accompanied with expectoration and parched lips. We know you have bt in disappointed many times, but make one wore effo't to save yourself. You can buy a bottle o eooch’s Mexican Syrup for 25c, It anree i simple cough as if by magic, and the best etnedy for whooping ooug h. Cheap Rates to JACKSONVILLE —Via The— warn roue. sl3 to Jacksonville, $2 to Fernandina. m SEiiliii ’“Best on Earth,” and equipped with all the latest improvements SOLD ON EASY TERMS G. P, GAY, 51)4 Gloucester Street- HEALTH AND BEAUTY. .a poor complexion is usually the result of a torpid liver or irregular action of the bowels, Unless nature’s refuse is carried off it will surely cause impure blood. Pimples, boils and other eruptions follow. This is nature’s method of throwing off the poisons which the bowels failed to rsmovo. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers are world famous for remedying this condition They stimulate the liver and promote regular and healthy action of the bowels but never cause griping, cramps or dis tress Sale pills W. J. Butts, We hart an expert man here for 30 lays, and you have your old carpets and rugs icruboed and oleaned at Brunswick Mattress Stop, Phone 2W-2. Shop 606 Munk Two yearling heifers for sale, C. S. Tait. FOB BALE-One “ Life Goose ” feather bed; also two down quilts, at a bargain. App'v 210 Reynold*. Fur Asthma use CHE NEY’* BKHIdOfORANT, THEATRICAL TREATS inovation. This is the sale ef season tickets for the whole engagement of tbis popular cimpany. These season tickets will eutitie those who purchase Chem to tbe seme seat for the whole five performances of the company at the same price as four single ssats" would ooet. This is tbe same plan that has met with euob enocess in several of tbe larger cities and the inovatioi is sure to be popular here. Seats for this engagement wiil be plsoed on sale this morning. “'Human Hearts.” “Human Hearts” is a stirring soften, ing, humanizing play. Like “Shore Acres” of wbioh it was the successor at the Fifth Avenue Theatre, New York, for a year’s run, it appeals to all olasees, and pleases every spectator. It teaches a wholesome lesson ,too, and Is enlivened with genuine, natural comedy. A play that onoe seen, so im presses one as never to be forgotten. Its record has in oonsequenoe proven that those who have seen it onoe go again and again, its return dates each season attracting larger bouses than the season prior. “Hunan Hearts” with its grand company and using only the scenery painted exclusively for each of its four acte, comes to Bruns wick Dio. 24. J M. BURNETT, WHOLESALE Grain and Provision Horse, Cow and Chicken Feed V^KENTBCKr^ For Gentlemen Fn- Bale by T. NEWMAN MOTHER S WORM BYRITP. Best worm medicine. Children like It so well they eat it on .bread. WANTED! All the second hand typewriters in Brunswick. Also want all second hand furniture, organs, stoves and old brass- J. W. Watkins, 208 Bay £t. E. R BAKER, Dentist. Special Attention to Crown and bridge work. Office. 502 J Glou’ster St To curs LICK HEADACHE, HABIT JAL CONS riPATION, and all rilinasAl arlclnw from ln dlweetlor They will purity your •' ■ r*k youreoirtplaxlon la* A LILY. They are b **d. •'met. 26 cmr. ASTHMA COKE FREE Asthmalene Brings Instant Relief and Permanent Cure in All Cases. SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE ON RECEIPT OF POSTAL Write Your Name anil Address Plainly. There Is nothing like ABthmalena. It brings instant reliei, neu in tho worst cate*. It caret when all else tali- The Rev U s' Wells, of Villa Rid**, 111., says; “Your trial bottle of Asthmalene received in good condiliou. I eannot toll you how thank* ful I feel for the good derived from it. I was a slave, chained with putrid soro throat and as'hma for ten years. I despaired of ever being cured. I saw your advertisement for the oure of this dreadful and tormenting disease, Asth ma, and thought you hadoverspoken yourselves, but resolved to give it a trial. To my astonish ment, tho trial acted like a charm. Send me a full size bottle.” REV. DR. MORRIS WBCHSLER, Rabbi of the Cong. Bnal Israot New York, Jan. s, 1101. Drs. Taft Bros.’ Medicine Co.t Gentleman: Your Asthmalene Is an ezcol ent remedy for Asthma and Hay Fevnr, and its composition alleviates aU troubles which com bine with Asthma. Its suoeess is astonishing and wonderfnl. After having it careruliy analysed, we oan state that Asthmalene contains no opium, morphine, chloroform or other. Very truly yours, RET. DR. MORRIS WECHSLKR. Avon Springs, N. Y., Feb., t, 1901. Dr. Taft Bkos. Medicine Cos. Gentlemen: 1 write this testimonial from a sense of duty, having tested the wonderful effect of your Asthmalene, for the oure of Asthma. My wife has been afflicted with spasmodic asthma for the past 12 years. Having exhausted my own skill as well as many others, f chanced to see your sign upon your windows on ISOtta street, New Yosdt, 1 at one obtained a botlie of Asthmalene. My wife oommenced taking it about the UratTif November. I very soon noticed a radical iruprovennmt. After using on* bottle her Asthma has disappeared aid he is entirely free from all symptoms. I fool that I consistently recommend the medicine to all who are afflicted with this distressing disease. Yours respectfully, O. D. PHELPS, M. D. DR. Taft Bkos. Medicine Cos. Feb. S, IDOL Gentlemen: I wss trenbled with Asthma for 22 years I have tried numerous remedies but they have all failed. I ran across your advertisement and started with a trial bottle. I found relief at once. 1 have since purchased your full-nil* bottle, and l am ever grateful. 1 have family of four children, and for six yoara was unable to work. I am now In the best of health and am doing business every day. This testimony you oan make such uni of aa you so fit. Home address, 235 Riytngton street. S. RAPHAEL, 87 East 129th et., City TEIAL BOTTLE OR ABSOLUTELY TUBE OK BECEIPI OF POSTAL, Do not delay. Write at once, addressing DR, TAFT BKOS.’ MEDICINK CO„ 79 Bast 130th St„ N, Y, City. —aortic h*blood; '' | Nrr, Waiting Irregularities, Vj M aamarable disease* to which r, VOa>l>l be eascep- Prk rh (LIPPMAN'S GREAT REMEDY) is the ideal medl- U |Jf cine for women. Ita ns* inaurea health and the sub ■ I ■la atantial attractiveneaa which health alone can be stow. P. P. P. lathe greatest Blood Purifier known to medical science, curing all Scrofulous Affections, Dyspepsia, Rheuma tism, Catarrh, Neuralgia, Malaria and Nervous Derangements. P. P. P. is sold by all druggists. #i s bottle; six bottles, $5. LI PPM AN BROTHERS, **UrrM*i?*f.oCK. Savannah , Ga. W. J. BUTTS. ATTENTION! Have just -received L the finest line of New Wheels ever seen in Brunswick. 50 new Ones t# Pick From. We can save you |£*oo on every wheel you buy. Repairing, renting and emaneling. Message service, PIANOS AND ORGAN If yon want a good Piano or^ Organ buy! a •Ludden & Bates B. J. OLEWINE A.ent* Mr. F. U. Arnold, Arnold, la, write,: Uo wte tronlilud with kldnsy Oikuh tkxi UrM rears. Had to gel up **irrnl tlteuu Ornrl,, ten ulbt but tbru, buttle, of Fulsy*, Kutauy Cur, off,(.tnd n complete our,, b fuui, butter U„ M ,r did n<l rMoiuiaaud, it to bin trlua dn. W t tIMIM. CHAIKES rj.: : :zn fja YE AES S j III’ i E- ?: L ~ . RELIEF. fffi.UMliffi. —Teacher on— Violin, Piano and Guitar REFFBENCES Fleming & Waff. ADDRESS: Oglethorpe Hotel. A FIREMAN'S CLOSE CALL. “I (tack to my engine, although every joint aobed nd every nerve was racked with pain,” writes C W Bellamy, a looomotlve fireman, of Burlington, lowa, I wn weak and pale, without any appetite and all run down. Ah 1 was about to give up, I got a bottle of Kleetrlo Bitters aud, after taking it, I felt at well as I ever did In ray life.” Weak, sickly, run down people always gain new life, strength and vigor front their use. Try them. Satisfaction guar anteed by all drugglats. Price 60 oents, NOTICE, This la to notify my frloudv, patron and Uia publto generally that Mr. Tint Keller now id charge of (lie Arcade eaioon, 11# llirauh. 3