The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 13, 1901, Image 4

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Don’t Send Away i For your Christmas presents; because you can purchase the same article at my store for the same money. We guarantee to duplicate any article that is published in any catalogue for the same value; thereby saving you time, trouble and expense. Call and inspect our stock, larger and more varied than ever. Give us your order and you will be convinced. An elegant home calender presented to each customer. KENNON MOTT, O. D Jeweler and Graduate Outician- Ilt Hawosstls Btlatt, I aapaoto i Watobev for Pootb*ro Ksllwsy. Time by Wire deny from WasAiagtr*' KKKI’KB OF THE CITY CLOCKS. Know Ye All. We are prepared to handle your business as quick as money can buy goods and railroads can haul ’em, HOW’S THAT FOR PROMPTNESS! Everybody Knows our Work and Prices are Satisfactory. Fine Memorial Work, Hard-wood Mantels. Grates, Tilinx. Iron Fencing, etc Come to see us. REED E. LaMANUE Mgr. 512 Monk street eg”—— - -- —mm. 1 '..■ji"" ii waiLii' i . |i wi i m | g" Christmas for Gentlemen, V7aterman Ideal Fountain Pens, Gold pens, razors and razor sets, fine pocket knives, ink stands, card cases, pocket books, Traveling cases and pictures. FLEMING & WAFF’S, Coney & Parker DEALERSIN Coal and Wood, Brick, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Hair, Shingles and Laths. Agents forMorris’ Brick. Phone 18 525 Bav St it ■Sr All goods sent out nice and clean. The best of ererything for the model housekeeper. >207 Monk street. Phone 89 FRESH GOODS FOR HOLIDAYS. Citron 15c per lb Seeded Raisins 10c per lb Large Crimes 2 pounds 25c*. Host Dates $ lbs. 25c Rest Mocha .lava Coffee 35c. Hood Coflies from 15c to 25e per lb. All kind of nuts 20c per lb. For CASH Only. With tfvery cash purchase you get a coupon which gives you a chance on our fine dinner sets -3 PROMPT DELIVERY, F=Hr\l<3i JOHANNESEN & GO. CHRIS ARNHEITER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Schwarschild & Suliherger Beef Co’s. Wtsieri Beel, Pi ond Mullon, FRESH POULTRY FRESH VEGETABLES, FRESH GROCERIES, FRESH EGGS FROM THE COUNTRY. BRUNSWICK TIMKS-CALL, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13 1901 BODY FOUND. The Remaint of Mr. deLauaey White Are Recovered. Yeaterday afternoon J. C. Kioard, oaptain ot the aloop Dolly M., dla oovered a body floating in the bay near Coney k, Parker’* wood dook fle tow ed the body to tte Mallory dook and notified Coroner Jenninga, who in* atrneted him to take it to the Monk atreet allp, where be yiewad It, The body wes folly identified as that of Mr. deLaoney White, who was drowned on the night of November 2*. Coroner Jenoinge promptly decided that in inqaeat wae not neeeaeary and turned the remaine over to friends of the deoeaeed. It will be remembered that Mr. W.ote, who was mate of tba steamer Fsloon and a brother of Captain Baa White, lost bis life while engaged In unloading the vessel on Thankeglvtrg night, while moored at th fool of Gloucester street. Everything possi ble was dona at the time to recover the body, but no traoe of itooold be found. All that waa mortal of the onror tooete young mao was laid to real in Oak Grove cemetery. Rev W. H, Rainey uf St, Mark’s otiorah rsadii.g the ImpresS* butlal ssrvie*. “Human Hearts.” That ever welcome play, “Human Hearts" will be eeen at the grand Dec, 24th. W This beautiful story of tbe Arkansas Hills beautiful, beoaosa of Its simpli city, beeaosa of lu honest troth and the leason it brings rums to avnry beart, is now enjoying tbe fourth eee eon of lie unwavering success. Like “Shore Acres’’, the ufteoer one sees it the ofteoer one wants to see it again. It la tefreshirg in Utie day nf imported problem and suggestive plays; to be able to iieten to an American play of plain oommou folk with tbe bine baas of the Ozark Mountains enveloping it; a pity of lllaca, yellow roaea end clov er; a play in which the pipe of the quail, tbe mooing of the kina and tbe ■oog of the mocking birds are inter mixed with eoniedy, tragedy and patboa. Teas It will ba greeted with an overflowing houae I* a foregone oonolualon. Tbs B. L. W. Cos. will pat 1* gts stoves *t actual ooat. Mantles for laoaudssoent or Walsb* back lamps. 10c, ft per do*. Gaar< aatrad O. K . A H Baker. Cooking with a gas stove—ao wood, no coal, no ashes to trouble you. FOR RENT—Two nice large forn sbed rooms; bath included. Posses sion between I>en 15 sad Jan. Ist. Ap* pi} 119 Hajnolds tr*t, B Oss beaters for sale at eosi br h I, A W. Cos. Here’s Some- a thing Rare! I Fine Grape Fruit, 5 aod 10c each. Fresh Ripe Tomatoes, 3 quarts for 25c. Tangerine Oranges, Only 30c per dor.. Ripe Pineapples, Your choice for lsc California Pears, Sweet, only 30c doz. LLOYD’S ’Phew 255-2' 214 Mewcastle St. AKM tOT will prof* hppr COB* TBoieao* In your bom*—try oo' For Whooping Congh use CHENEY’S EXPECTO RANT, MR, JOE AMOS DEAD. A Well Known Young Man Dies of Pneumonia. Mr. Joe Amos, a well knowo young man who lived at Sapp’s Still, died at the home of his sister, Mrs. P.onick, at G and B streets yesterday noon of pneumonia. Mr, Amos was 82 years old and lea es hia mother end two sisters, besides many frlands to mourn his untimely deatb. Hie father died two weeks ago or the terns dreaded disease. The family bavs many friends whose sym pathies go oat to them in their dou ble bereavement. The interment will be at the old home in Barrington today. BRUNSWICK OFFICERS’ GOOD WORK. They Begged Two Birds Yesterday Wanted in Other Cities. Patre'mao Gill end Gregory effected the oeptnre ot two negroes yesterday, who ere wanted for crimes committed in other plaoen. Ooa of them who gave his name a. Joe Johnson is supposed to be tbe man who killtd a white man some time ago between Octls tod Live Oik. Fla. He was arrested in B*ldwit’s bar oo Bsy street yesterday sod tbe Florida offlrers ootlfled. The other asgro it Charlie Downs who le wanted in Jetup on a charge of gambling. Pretty Holiday Goods. H M. Miller A Son have a remarka bly pretty display of lee Christmas goods in their show windows that cannot fnii to nttraot the attention of seekers after desirable present., SHIPPING REPORT. Jerreetsd Daily ky Oapt. Otto Johanasstn Fart nf Braesvisk, Deo 10, 1901. ARRIVED. Steamer Brattlogbirg, Dsn., Clau sen, Lindoo. Sch, Georgia Ullkey, Gilkey, S’. Pierre Are You Puzzled as t<i what tobuv frond or relatives fur Christ mas? Her* is our list of suggestions For Men, ILth Robes. Smoking duckets, Walking Canes, Umbrellas Plain and Initial Handkerchiefs, Neckwear, Gloves, Mufflers Suspenders, Card Cases, Pocketbooks, Cuff Buttons, Cigar Cases and many other novelties For Ladies, Fur Pieces. Lounging Robes, Umbrellas, Handkerchiefs Leather and Metal Purses Card Cases, Pocketbooks, Dressing Saques, Dress and Underskirts Silk and Flannel waists. Give us a call, and our salespeople will cheer fully aid you in making selections LEVY’S. I am HEADQUARTERS For FIREWORKS Having Bought Direct From the Factory. A. O. JEFFERS 219 NEWCASTLE 05. msß i Lowest Rate, Direct Service, Commodious Passenger Accommodations. C, H, Malloby & Cos., Gfs’n Agtß J- S Raymond, - * 16 .Burling Slip, N*w York • ‘ Ageut, Bran-wick Ga. m 1' ' * * CHINESE RESTAURANT KBTBLISHED 1889. CHUE HALL. Prouri&tor \ You can get the best the market affords by eating her# isis cw**wj*rnr Irt. P S. —Orders taken for < * *CV Laun ilfry - ■' 1 ' ' Fresh Arrival of white fish in kits, extra force mackerel, *pitte<f figs. A complete line of assorted preservewnd jams pickled peaches. ging*Hfi>re serves. ’large assortment of olives in bottles and a most complete line of the best 5 and lOc/T^ars- All goods sold on very close margin. HARRELL BROTHERS, Corner Newcastle and Monk. Truly “A Grand Old" Whiskey ’ SE IS THB FAMOUS * CREAM OF KENTUCKY. It’s pure and wholesome ajjd sold cheaper than any other whiskey of its fame, rank of quality* Sold m rrungw|ck only by Douglas & Morgan, 212-214 Bay Street. I. TRAGEK fit CO.. Distillers, Offices Cincinnati. Ohio. U. S L I Have Just Eecejyei a Lane Shipment of MIXED CANDYJ|- For X-ias Trails j •1 Me. per lli . MALLORY line * a* PROPOSED*6AIUNCk FROM NEW YORK Every Friday at dp m. BRUNSWICK Every Friday to Suit the Tide