The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 14, 1901, Image 4

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Don’t Send Away: For your Christmas presents; because you can purchase the same article at my store for the same money. We guarantee to duplicate any article that is published in any catalogue for the game value; thereby saving you time, trouble and expense. Call and inspect our stock, larger and more varied than ever. Hive ns your order and you will be convinced. An elegant home calender presented to each customer. KENNON MOTT, O. D Jeweler and Grade ate Ontician -111 MiweuUi Btrttt, Uiyaolnn i Watohes for (Southern Hallway. Time by Wire flailr Iron' Wmthlairtoi KKKI’EK OF THE CITY CLOCKS. Know Ye All. We are prepared to handle your business as quick as money can buy goods and railroads can haul ’em. HOW’S THAT FOR PROMPTNESS? Everybody Knows our Work anti Prices are Satisfactory. Fine Memorial Work, Hard-wood Mantels, Grates, Tiling, Iron Fencing, etc Come to see us. REED E. LaMANUE Mgr. Sl2 Monk street. Lonely Homes * ~ y|y Ahm Umw ioomUU without i hildren. t| many hoMMO aw Mm Many wive* are Mgßj® aßflHKragSHHKsaw. VI gttoUle tor the look of a child to love. Their B Uv<> ore olmltM -*•# of the high motives ol B motherhood. While Wrnorun is (dullin' inul B_ “cpM oulehle mAui u>4 sorrow, It exists in most rr — * *‘ some tittle female trouble, mo jrr wRBINEi •Wth wine oi C'srdul wooM speedily et right. pur* Wine rtfuDUt the disordered female /jQA wyg* by building up the worn out nerves and B*~**t il * YLI (Ukilating the meaetrsial flow. It restores the ii y 'jJ&ISA Wen womb to Me groper place. By strength. I'*) 2)Bj£ _ >fy.P otong the generaUvo organs It makes pretj. b gy w * mn b ** T * nnti * * x|itj You UfINE-CARDUI Mtolng women alt over the land have been 4npodii gon M for seventy- five years. No tort lonviHiing proof can he given than the fOOttnooy of Mrs. Benson, who It only one of kMMMands of woaten to whom Wine of Cardul SH has brought a permanent oara Many cases of miscarriage that trouble which robs mothers of thahbooaa have been avoided by timely use of the Wine. You are asked to try Wins of Coriol end Thtdford's Black-Draught, K| Its companion medicm*. Nina nnt af ton casts of female trouble, barren |K ness included, yield to them. AD 4ntggi*ts eel* SI.OO bottles of Wine of Cardui. HH Tesasreesit, Ark., April t, 1(00. I.ftHt M ny 1 lmd a ralecarriana, whtoh seat followed by flooding. Irl H your Almanac ami my hunl*Mifl jet % iMilt# #tf Win# f Cardui and If ■toppl'd my flooding and restored my fall#® wonk to it# place. Now I ajb cured after taking throe bottle# and B#T# nnothav |B take which I got this morning. I am expecting to beoeae * swotW* #b4WLh of Cardul will b# my doctor. ImA MAIiY L. sKWsOIi. IB For adTiro Mill lltemtiire, viarso, tfstss noistosi * IW laities' Advtaory Iccpicrtim til," The ClurttOM—l TtUSßUi Cafoao. Cbmauoooa Tean. CHRIS ARNHLITER, Mil Beni! PoiK ini iili, FRESH VEGETABLE'S' FRESh'gROCERIES, FRESH EGGS FROM THE COUNTRY. All goods sent out nice and clean. The best of ererything for the model housekeeper. 207 Monk street. Phone 89 FRESH GOODS FOR HOLIDAYS. Citron 15c per lb. Seeded Raisins 10c per lb. Large Prunes 2 pounds 2‘>e. Rest Dates $ lbs. 25c Best Mocha Java Coffee 35c. Hood CoHies from Ise to 25e per lb. All kind of nuts 2<>c per lb, For CASH Only. With every cash purchase you get a coupon which gives you a chance on our Hne dinner sets ->* PROMPT DELIVERY. &<- " lOHANNESEN & CO. BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1901 “FORGET Mt NOT," Will Be the Popular Attraction at the Grand This Evening. There in little time for obit oha , email talk, soandal, jokes and aoolal ambiguities in Rose Cogblan’s new play “Forgot rae Not.” It is too strongly dramatic to permit a seotlon of the whole of the characters employed to indulge in tiresome talk, and Min Gogblan Is kept constantly active in a series of sensational eoonea which employ all the artifices and emotional powers of America's greatest aetren in roles of this oharaoter. The oomedy aoenes of the play scin tillate with satirical speeches and terae epigrams of a daring end unconven. Uonal nature, while the part played by Ml-.H Coghlan requires absolute genius to enlist the sympathy and approval of he audienoe. The ooetumss of the ladies of the company are so rioh in texture and so elaborately made as to oall forth en vious oomment from the feminine portion of the andlenoe. “Forget me Not” should be one of the most fashionable aoolal funotions of the season at the Qrand. COLLECTIONS VERY POOR Two Circuses and Approaching Holidays Responsible. Those who ara eugagud in oolleoting small bills report that collections are very hard to make. This state of affairs Is presumably doe to the visit of two clrouses and the near approach of the holidays. It is a well known faoi that oircasas drain the town of surplus eash aad Brunswick has bum visited hy two. In addition to this many persons are saving their money for Christmas. A well known collector in conversa tion with a Ttmes'Call man yesterday told him that sevoral people he bad oalled upon to pay small bills flstlly refused on the grounds that they were saving their money for Christmas. CHARTS FDR SALE. Charts title tables and other publications, U, S, coast and Geodetic survey for sale by c. W. Deming Phones’ K 2 or 31, Cooking with a gas stove—no wood, no coal, no ashes to trouble you. FOR RKNT—Two nice large furn ished rooms; bath inolnded. Posses sion butween Deo. 25 and Jan. Ist. Ap ply 119 Ueynolds street. B Gas heaters for sale tit oost by if W. Cos. Here’s Some- a thing Rare! * Fine Grape Fruit, b and 10t each. Fresh Ripe Tomatoes, 3 quarts for 2?c. Tangerine Oranges, Only 30c per doz. Ripe Pineapples, Your choice for ljc California Pears, Bweet, only 30c doz. LLOYD’S Tlumi 255*2- 214 Newcastle St. A ten* ftoft will prove ■ happy cua> vaiitvoov Id your bunt*—try oor! For Whooping Cough use CHENEY’S EXPECTO RANT, PERSONAL MENTION ITEMS OF INTEREST CONCERNING BRUNSWICKIANS AND THEIR FRIENDS FROM LOCAL AND OTHER SOURCES. Colonel O. P, Q ,odyrar has returned from a short visit to the national cap ital. Don’t forget George's famous oyster etew tonigh*, served from 7 to 11 o’olook. Mr. William Strothers, wife and daughter are among tho latest arrivals at Jekyl Island. Among the arrivals at the Oglethorpe last night ware L. J, Hays of Macon, J. A. Boyden of Savannah, J, R, Book ham of Maoon, T. S. Lester of Atlanta, and J, R. Young of Smnnah. TO RECEIVE TAX MONEY. Tax Collector Read at the Court House Every Day Until Dec, 19. Tax Collector H. J. Read wants the people to know that he will be at the oonrt house every day until Deo. 19 to receive txea. After that date execu tions will poatively be iseued against all delinquents and interest will be charged. SHIPPING REPORT. Go-noUd Daily by Oapt. Otto Johanneses Port .if Brunswick, Deo. 19, 1901. ARRIVED. Spanish ship Villa de Taltmas, Wls, Genoa. SAILED. British steamer Drutnore, Jeffery, Liveipool and Mooches or. Steamer Carib, Ingram, Boston vi Charleston. Steam-r Riogrande, Johnston, N. Y, Tht B L. * \V. Cos. will put in ga Btci’ee at aotual oost. Are You Puzzled as to what to buy friend or relatives for Christ ians? Herr is our list of suggestions For Men, Rath Robes, Smoking Jackets, Walking Canes, Umbrellas Plain and Initial Handkerchiefs, Neckwear, Gloves, Mufflers Suspenders, Card Cases, Pocketbooks, Cuff Buttons, Cigar Cases and many other novelties. For Ladies, Fur Pieces. Lounging Robes, Umbrellas, Handkerchiefs Leather and Metal Purses Card Cases, Pocketbooks, Dressing Saques, Dress and Underskirts Silk and Flannel waists. Give us a call, and our salespeople will cheer fully aid you in making selections. LEVY’S. I am HEADQUARTERS For FIREWORKS Hasing Bought Direct From the Factory. A. C. JEFFERS 219 NEWCASTLE ST. MALLORY LINE 1 G<K Every Friday at 3p- m. Friday to Suit the Tide. Lowest Rate, Direct Service, Commodious Passenger Accommodations. C, H, Mallory & Cos., (Jen’l Agts J. S Raymond^ 1C Burling Slip, New York , Agent, JBrunswiok, Ga. g——l W—— wmmmm ——x—■ ■ mmom r ■ ■ nr*, troi.i i— in i ■ —————————■—— CHINESE RESTAURANT EBT BLUSH ED 1889. CHUe HALL, ProiDrietor You can get the best the market affords by eating here 215 GRANT P S. —Orders taken for < l| - *l' Laundry. Fresh Arrival of white fish in kits, extra £arge mackerel, pitted cherries, dried figs. A complete line of assorted preserves and jams pickled peaches, ginger pre serves. A large assortment of olives in bottles and bulk. Also a most complete line of the best 5 and 10c, cigars. All goods sold on very close margin. HARRELL BROTHERS, Corner Newcastle and Monk. Truly “A Grand Old Whiskey" ffi IS THE FAMOUS * CREAM OF KENTUCKY. It’s pure and wholesome and sold cheaper than any other whiskey of its fame, rank or quality* Sold in Brunswick only by Douglas & Morgan, 212-214 Bay Street, I. TRAOEH & CO.. Distillers, Ofl&cia Cincinnati. Onio. IJ. IS A 1 Have Just EecM a Large Slipieat of MIXED CANDY For lias Me That I am Selling at 10c. per lb.