The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 17, 1901, Image 4

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gjg The Best and largest lir.e of X-mas Presents you witl find in our -torp. A-1 articles bought of us engraved free. KENNON MOTT, O. D Jeweler and Grade ate Ontician ut Hnrefttu stun la.yaato r Watafc.e ti lirliil It vi) 1n i I? Vi :i inij lion ut!iti KUKCKK or THE CIIV CLOCKS. Know Ye All. Weare prepared to handle your business as quick as money can buy goods and railroads can haul ’em. HOW’S THAT FOR PROMPTNESS! Eviutndy Knows our Work anti Pricas are fatisfastory. Fine Memorial Work, ;./■ Mard-wood Mantels. Grates, V Tiling. Iron. Fencirg, eto ' ' Come to see us. REEI) E LaMANuE Mgr. ">l2 Monk street Christmas for Gentlemen, Waterman Ideal Fountain Pens, Gold pens, razors and razor sets, fine pocket knives, ink stands, card cases, pocket books, Traveling cases and pictures. " f LEMLNG & WAFF’S. ■■■BaMMwarsggßSßi —.*—i— •sar.Tgg'gr' — -■ , , —■—jjuj 1 Coney & Parker DKaLKKS iN Goal and Wood, Brick. * Lime, Cement, Plaster, Hair, Shingles and Laths. Agents forMonis’ Brick. Phone 18 525 Bav St, CHRIS ARNHEITER, llhjj jt IIOI.ESAI.I AND RETAIL DKM.K.K IN jgfc Schwarschild & Beef Co’s. mBSm wisteni Bed, phi m iti, presh poultry fhesh vegetables, fresh crogeries TRESH EGGS FROM THE COUNTRY. All goods sent out nice aud clean. The best of •rerything for the model housekeeper. 5107 Monk street. Phone 89 FRESH ARRIVAL of Heinzes Sweet Pickles X , in Bulk and in Bottles. -Largest Assortment ct Olives aud Jams in the City , Large Fat Mackerel For 10c. Largest stock of Coffees in the City —25 different grades to select from $ Ring 245 118 A Street JOHANNESEN & CO. BRUNSWICK TIMKS-OALL, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1901 SUPERIOR COURT. In Session Again After an Adjournnment of Few Davs. Glynn Superior o .art wei in >e-alon yes erday -ad diepo. and of die fol'i.w irg care,: H'a'e va Wl 1 B-nnet lid Oh.ri • Audtaw m ad.uiaa or Pie. of gui t,; S2O and oat eton. Braniw ck Bank & Trust O'. v*. Georgs Werner, managing owner et el Settled. Hadley A H jua'.on va. F. C. & P Kj. a Complaint settled at defendant'* c at. Richard lE. Croeaby va B 4W Rjr. Aotiou for damages. This was a auit r (3,000 damagea, and occupied near ly tbe whole afternoon. When ooort adjourned the ja'y waa out with In *''uctiona from the judge to re<nrn a ea>ed virdict. The verdiot will be read io court th'a morning. FRANK JAY GOULD AND BRIDE Expected to Arrive at Jekyl Island Tomorrow laformation haa been received at Jehyl Island that Frank Ja, Gjuid and bit biide who reoently a aried oo their weddirg tour from New Y >rk, destine too unknown, left Charleston on a aobt Friday and exp o to reaeb Jky Island tuauurr >v. It is under stood they will spedd some time at Jekyl. Grocery Store Burned A. C. Boggs graoery store corner ol Gordon and Albany strert was d*a troyed by Are at 1,30 yssterds) morn : leg. A talepbnne alarm ft it tnrned in and tbe de, artment made a quick reaponsa, put enjld do to’biog to save the store and oon'eatt Off In of tbe fire ukoown. Shot At a Boy Ben Mellette, a negro harbor who runs a Ibop on Oglethorpe street hack of Lowenateins bar bad some trouble with a negro boy yeaterday and tbolat him. Tba shot missed tin mark and Mai’ette esoaped but the boy waa ar rested aud the trouble will be inveeti gated. Food A For the * Gods. Our exquisite unwrapped Nut Caramels. Also ocr uev line of daily-mad . Popcorn poods, mad in .!! iins r taking styles LLOYD’i ’Phew 265 2 214 Hwc stle St. SHll’k'lNG RKPOni, Oerreetsd Daily by Oapt OU# Jsksaneeen Port of Bren* iek. Dno 61.1901. ARRIVIO, Bilg John MoDsrmoutb, Tooker Point a Pitre, Martmsgua, Sob, Jusepb B. Thomas, Ltrmond, Triuid.b. Boh John K. Souther, Rlliott, New York. Sob, Joseph Ellloott, Kay. Boetor. SAILED. Nor. berk P.a us, E ilpseo, Ro ter dam. Sob. Ltwreooe M. Snow, Sawyer, New York. Sob Stephen G. Land, Peats is, Bos ton. Ti Koi Croup use CHENEY’S EXPECTORANT OCEAN LODGE ELECTION, Masonic Lodge Names Officers for the Ensuing Year. 00-a L tgr F. <t \ M. held : heir ao.iualrirr > test otgh . Tbe full jw in • . filters . t -laced fi>r tie site. i K i -1 : G W Ban <v , W. M A. Or -tt , 8 W. W B Lee, J W. M Knaer. Tr-aeorer, J. TANARUS, Lambr’gbt, Bea<S.ry, C D Ogg, B D. G. F. Gey, J. D. W. F Djerflngar, Tyler. T. B, Miller end C. U T.y.or, Stew ard.. Tbe iodg’ willg v.- an sn .ertainm rnt on St. Jobe’s Day, Dec. 27. Member. }f the lodge will invite their friend*. Thrre w 11 be epercbes Masons and refreshments, and the oc casion will bn ba an e, j yabie one. GOSCH’S FACTORY LOCATED. A Site Has Been Selected and Work Already Begun. Th) Board of Tra t* oomm'iUe bavi> g in obsrge tbe secaring of e site for 'he s**h, door end bbnd fac'ory bat seleoted a b'eck in Hiberabsm park adjoining Oehrsn avnu*. The Icea lian ha* been acoeptid by Mr. Goacb, who arrvet from South O-rolina last eek, and the land has b-en prepared for tk erection of tbe bat ding. for the factory, work on wb'ch wIM begtn In a few days. Tbi it annt*<er ang bl* evidence of *b|g|oo(l wok the Btard of Trade i* d"t"g for Brunswick Perfumery in fanoy jag. end bo’tie* at lfi', 360 end 50i at H '• 9 Ga* neats.* for "a'e at oost hr H L and W, Cf. A gas Stove Hill pr- ve * hspp* CC venieroe in yonr t-oms—try one! Solid gold ring*, ausraß'eed. wttb R'lineatona’ae’s, et $1 et Gfeilet's. T<* finest fan*are to be foued at Mott's Jswalry Btora, 218 Nawosatia 9*. Are You Puzzled as to what to buy friend <>r relatives for Christ mas? Hen is our list of suggestions For Men, Bath Robes, Smoking (Jackets, Walking Canes, Umbrellas Plain and Initial Handkerchiefs, Neckwear, Gloves, Mufflers Suspenders, Card Cases, Pocketbooks, Cuff Buttons, Cigar Cases and many other novelties. For Ladies, Fur Pieces. Lounging Robes, Umbrellas, Handkerchiefs Leather and Metal Purses Card Cases, Pocketbooks, Dressing Saques, Dress and Underskirts Silk and Flannel waists. Give us a call, and our salespeople will cheer fully aid you in making selections. LEVY’S. I am HEADQUARTERS For FIREWORKS Having Bought Direct From the Factory. A. O. JEFFEBi 219 NEWCASTLE SL MALLORY LINJ& sMlk PROPOSED SAILINGS FROM JSIE va. \f) livery Kridav at 3p m. " Fridav to Suit the Tid; Lowest Rate, Direct Service, Commodious Passenger AccomntoJations. C, H, Mallory & Cos., Oen’l Agts * J. S Kaosnd, 16 Burling Slip, New Yoik Broonwtck, G.. r * % CHINESE RESTAURANT. \ \ FSTBLISHED 1&9 .' fg You can get K Vie market affords A. *-#"! P S. —Orders taken for <*- KL'^aun^ry Fresh Arrival of white fish in kits, extra Zarge cherries, dried tigs. A d preserves and jams pltkled M®hes serves. A large asMent ot olives io bottles and bulk. Also a e line < i the best 5 cigam^||^p All goods sold onfjrary clcc.e margin. HARRELL Corner Newcastle MMLatoua. *. - # Truly “A Grand Old VlffMey.’ IS THK FAMOUS | * CREAM OF KOTCKf. It’s pure and wholesome and sold other whiskey of its fame, iAtkk or quality- mswi- < Douglas & Morgan, 212-214 o§jTo re I. TRAGRrfA CO.. Distillers, 1 'QO®cas Cincinnati. Onto. U. 8 A 1 HafJ^ Just received a Ll® SftMlOi