The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 18, 1901, Image 4

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The Best and largest line of X-mas Presents you will find in our f-tore. Cali and Look. AH articles bought of us engraved free. KENNON MOTT. O D Jeweler and Graduate Outician su liwuiui stmt, liqMto r WaUkrs lt 1 < ifi t sis Bail* s). lit lj It its daily from WaaSlmgto KJCItPKK OF THE CITY CLOCKS, GET ONE OF THOSE Portable Baskets. Burns Coal in the Open Fire place How oan you gat along without one of thos# nio* Hard wood Mantels with Tile trlßmtnga we ere selling ru cheep Come Haa. fine Memoriel work, Iron Fence, <to REED E. LaMANCE Mgr. sl2 Monk street. * ~ 1 • t * J . ’ ' Christmas for Gentlemen. Waterman Ideal Fountain Pens, Gold pens, razors and razor sets, fine pocket knives, ink stands, card eases, pocket books, Traveling cases and pictures. FLEMING & WAFF’S, Coney & Parker OEALKRB > N Coal and Wood, Brick. Lime, Cement, Plaster, Hair, Shingles and Laths. Agents forMorris’ Brick. Phone 18 525 Bav St CHRIS ARNHEITER, WIKPI.KSMI- AMI UK.TAII. met! KK IS Scliwarschild & Sulzherger Beef Co's. PliSjf Vi an Beei, Port oh ill, FRESH VEGETABLES, FRESH GROCERIES, FRESH EGGS FROM THE COUNTRY. All goods sent out nice and clean. The best of •rerything for the model housekeeper. 80T Monk street. Phone 80 FRESH ARRIVAL of Heinzes Sweet Pickles in Bulk and in Bottles. Largest Assortment ot Olives and Jams in the City Large Fat Mackerel For 10c. Largest stock of Coffees in the City—2s different grades to select from Hinge 245 118 A Street JOHANNESES CO. BRUNSWICK TIMES-OALL, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18 1901 PERSONAL MENTION ITEMS OF INTEREST CONCERNING BRUNSWICKIANS AND THEIR FRIENDS FROM LOCAL AND OTHER SOURCES. Bolloitor General Bennett returned from Wayoroas yesterday. Dr. B. F. Julian of Whit* Oak, U registered at the Oglethorpe. Mr. Edwin Brobaton la expected baok from New York today. The Brunswick A Birmingham rail road will pay off ip a day or two. The Plant System pay train ta expect ed hare tonight. It has bean •lightly delayed by the bad weather, Mr. Mell A. Collins, representing a large maobinery oonoaro of St. Louia, Mo., was In the city yeatarday. The friends of Mr. Georg* Newman will regret to learn that ha suffered anattraokof heart diiaaee yesterday afternoon. M. R, T. Clark is (pending a few days over in Camden county looking aftrw the .property of the .Shakers rtr oenVy looated there. Mr. Ed Tupper and Mis. John Moore leave today from Jacksonville to spend the Christmas holidays with Mr*. J.W. White, formerly 0 this oily. M The Pirates of Morrooeo” was ohoaen aa the Ural opera to ha presented by tbs Herald Square opera oompany dur ing their engagement, which opens at 'he Grand tonight, beoansa it is anew and very pretty opera. The Herald Square opera company arrived ij the city over the yesterday and are registered at the Oglethorpe. They open their engage meat at the Grand touight with “Taa Pirates of Morrooeo.” Mr. George W. Harper, the battling grocer, has j ist had a bandanna new delivery wagon made to aoeommodate hla growing butlaras . The wagon it a beauty and quite an ad iltion to Mr. Harper'* equipment, Kennon Mott haa a beautiful display ( handsome ailverware and Christmas ucvettiee in bis show windows now that will dazzle the eyas of patseraby and oaute them to wish for well Ailed pocket books, Chiietmas ahopptra nan tind pretents for anybody at bla beauti ful store. Perfumery in fanoy Jugs and bottle* at 16c, Sso and 500 at Heller’s. ] Gas heaters for -i t cost by it L.& W, Cos. A gas stove will prove a happy con venience In your borne—try one! Food A For the" Gods. Our exquisite unwrapped Nut Caramels. Also our new line of daily-made Popcorn Goods, made in all latest taking styles. LLOYD’S 'Pkwi 255-2- 214 Newcastle St. Foi Croup use CHENEY'S EXPECTORANT COLONEL BRANTLEY RETURNS TODAY. He Say* German Will Head the Ticket In 1904. Colonel W. G Brantley ie expected tome from Wisbing'on today. He P seed through A'lama Monday and a press dispatch from tbeir quotes him of saying there is now more talk of German as the leader of the Democratic ticket in 1904 than any other promi neat Demoorst. Ha eaye he has heard Gorman express the opinion, however, that be was not the the place. PAYING THE TEACHERS. School Commissioner Glenn is Drawing His Warrant For $300,000 * Atlanta, Deo. 17.—-The teaobere ol Georgia will be paid 9300,000 this week. The warrants are now being prepared by State Sobool Commissioner G R. Glenn, and will be presented to the the governor for his signature Wednes day, It has been a long time since the teachers were paid, and they are all anxious for their money. Fine Frenoh and Japanese China at Ken non Mott’s Jewelry Store, 215 Newoar tle street. SHIPPING REPORT. Oerreetsi Daily by Oapt. Otto Johannaest Pert if Brins iek, Deo. 17, 1901. ARRIVED. Steamer San Marcas, Young, N. Y. Norwegian bark Oato, Taliakseo, Cape Town via SUpelo. Solid gold rloga, guaranteed, wltb Rninestone'se's, at $1 at Heller’s. Tie finest fans are to be found at Mott's Jewelry Store, 215 Newcastle St, Are You Puzzled as to what to buy friend or relatives for Christ mas? Here is our list of suggestions. For Men, Bath Robes, Smoking Jackets, Walking Canes, Umbrellas Plain and Initial Handkerchiefs, Neckwear, Cloves, Mufflers Suspenders. Card Cases, Pocketbooks, Cuff Buttons, Cigar Cases and many other novelties For Ladies, Fur Pieces. Lounging Robes, Umbrellas, Handkerchiefs Leather and Metal Purses Card Cases, Pocketbooks, Dressing Saques, Dress and Underskirts Silk and Flannel waists. Give us a call, and our salespeople will cheer fully aid you in making selections. LEVY’S. CITATION I’OR PUBLICATION. William Mahoney, administrator upon the estate In Georgia of Joon Mahony, late of Tam pa, Hillsborough county, Florida, having Hied nil petition ;tor discharge, this la to cite all persons concerned to show cause against the granting of this discharge, at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for said county to be held on the flrst Monday In February, 190*. Tuts NovemberAJBo). fIUhAOF OAj&CßdtoaO. GEORGIA—GIynn County. Whereas. Kells T. Pan forth Ad-nintstratiix of tbe estate of John M. Tlson, represents to tin court In her petition, duly filed and entered on record, that she has fullv administered John M. Tlaon’s estate: This is therefore to cits si! peraona concerned,kindred and creditor,, to shoe cause, ir any ' bev enu why aaldlAdminlat ralri* should not be discharged from hoi ad uilntsw-atlon auil receive letters ot dismission eu ti a first Monday in January. 1909. HORACE DaBT, Ordinary. I am HEADQUARTERS For FIREWORKS Having Bought Direct From the Factory. A. O. JEFFERS 219 NEWCASTLE ST. —l.— —— ■■■■— ■■ . , - ... _ ...... |A MALLORY LINE s® NEs* \ OdK Ktery Friday at Ip m. Frida / F* Suit the TiSp Lowest Rate. Direct Service, Commodious Passenger C, 11, Mallory & Cos., Gen’l Agts J 8 Laymjnd, 10 Burling Blip, Nw Y..rk. Age ,t. B.oa *.ck G .. CHINESE" RESTAURAjN ) i i ;' v > C f/i ) Hl/TLi • You can get tl market arforuirTrfeg ayf.2irti P S.-j^lrdersttSm fdr K' aLaß , lß4a|||rlßat4rHraaaMaara^MH rMM|ntww - Fresh Arriv?^pfe of white fish in Zarge n.acJEel, cherries, dried figs. A preserves and jams pijjjjed pea serves. A large assoM nt o^|ipF I '. bottles and Varik. Also a n*m E mplii.eriue ot the best 5 cigars^^ML A^^gnod^^tsdff^TOm^rv clcoO W HMFHffi, oS^j Truly A Graj^^^^®y'.’^v is m' m w^, ♦ CREAM OF Kfl®tr. .. It’s pure and wholesome and sold pt jjtij whiskey of its fame, rrtnk or quality* only by Douglas & Morgan, 212-214 i, trageAa go.. pistiiif^sJr / Hein es Cincinnati. Ohio. (T ,’8 A I Just i eceiiHP Laris- SMpit ol MIXED CAM