The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 19, 1901, Image 1

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THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL VOLUME XI. NUMBER 369 DENTOMYRK __ Tooth Powder, Tooth Paste, Tooth Wash, Tooth Soap, All 25c Each. ff. J. LOTTS, Till Druggist Huyler's Candy Fresh Every Week. H< S. Syrup White Pine, Composed of Safe and Sure Cure for All Throat and Lung Afflictions. HUNTER-SALE Lr DRUG COMPANY. Why Rush and Worry because you only hive one week to buy your holiday goods; just ci'l at our store*and inspect our holiday goods. This line is up to date in quadty and prices You should see our line of Hiassware in sets and odd pieces, Ladies and breuts silk Umbrellas. Neckwear a id Kerchiefs. A Complete Line of clothing for Men; Toys ar d Chjld'en at cut pi ices. Pants and Overcoats at special prices daring the holidays. /Also a nice Hue toys that we will sell very cheep Few ember we can save you money on every article. Mrs M, Isaac. 208 —2oß', Newcastle Street. FRUIT C IKES! FRUIT C AKES! Kennedy’s 20c pound, they are at their best ■when ago has brought out their rich flavor. We h?ve them just a year eld. The icing has turned a lidle ye’low. On that account we will sell them at 20.- pound. Y’HOMAS KEANY, FAKCT GROCER. sl2 Newcast e St-, Brunswick, Ga, X-MA.3 I l£E>“T" To Help You Out in delecting X-mas Presents For Gentlex&< n Overcoats, Suits, Trousers. Fnderwear, Dress and Negligee shifts, Shoe* 1 , Hats, Mast beaunful Me k\v ar, Silk muffler*, Lmn cuffs, Utnbrellas, Cuff Button 1 -, Wat< h chains, Fancy Sox, ere See Oi lie Ciier J. H. HELLER & BRO, wt9M22O Newcastle Street.w*** I*or Silk - tt Kirtp, Serge aud Cheviot SKirts, SiJk, Velvet and Flannel waists, JaoKets, Aiapep, f ’oilarettes. BltocK Collars,PocKetbooKs. Chatelan bags, Peifumery,Tciletsoaps, Fancy combs, G rings, K n y chains, Linen curtains Chennille curtains, Fancy Linen se’s, Towel*, XapKins, eb- BRUNSWICK. GA., THURSDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 19, 1901 IHIIIY Oil i White Man seriously Hit By a Negro. Yesterday morning about 3:30 a ne gro named Frtzier made a murderous assault on Mr. Daniel Black, a watch man at Coney & Parker’s wharf. Frazier is a tire mao on the Inoa and •I yesterday when Mr. BUok went to wake him in order for him to fire up, they got into a diffionty and the negro attacked dim with a heavy bar, and wounded him severely. His bead was hurt and both stmt broken. The wounded man was taken to his home at 510 Carpenter street, and Dr Eg gleston called in to attend him. gPeszier went out on the Inoa yester day,but when the vug returned Oflijera Gill and MoCaskili in< t it and put him in the county jail on a charge of as saultand attempt to kill. CAN SEE OVER TELEPHONE WIRE Tale of an Invention by Dr. Sylyestre. Former American. Brussels, Deo. 16.—The lodepen danoc Belg., aay: that Dr. Bylvest.e, born an American, but na'uralized is a Frenchman, has invented a rp‘olo graph, which enables a p irson using a telephone to see his interlocutor and the latter’s surroundings. A French mirlster, according to the paper, has witnessed conclusive tests of the invention and King Leopold has anangeda special audience for Dr. Sylvestre for the purpose ©f inspect ing it. It is said that tbo instrument can be adopted for use on an ordinary 'elegrsph wire- DYING WiTH HER SECRET Mrs, Dennis Not Able to Tell Who As saulted Her. Washington, Dec. 18 —Mrs. Ada Gil bert Dennis, the modiste who was as saulted in her appartments on Tuesday morning of last week, is dying and the end is expected within 24 hours, ritie has been aroused oeyira! times in fin tSort to secure a statement as to who her assailant w\s, but she could give no rational rosponse, and it Is unlikely that a statement will be secured, CAN’T STOP THEM. The Western Union Can Still Send Horse Racing News. Frankfort. Dec. 18, —The Kentuokjr court of appeals today ruled that a telegraph company, as a common car rier, cannot beindioted for, or restrain ed from, furnishing information oon osrningrac-a to pool rooms. The de o sion was rendered ia the oas# of the commonwealth against the Wes'ern Union Telegraph Cos. at Louiiville. Will Not Come Till January. Mr. Ogg teoeived a communication from Col. J C. Wade yesterday ex plaining the reason for the postpone ment of the visit of Dr. Harris and Mr. Lnmar and saying they would prob ably arrange to visit Rrumwick about January 4 ' 1 1 1 “ -■ Fine French and Japanese China at Kennon Mott's Jewelry Htore, 216 Newcas tle street. Solid gold ring*,•■'guaranteed with Rhinestone.seie, at (1 at Hiller’s, HI IN KIN ill loir Eailf! Ii a Wile Dress Griffin was visited by the first snow storm of the sea-on. The ground was freaen aud the snow mtTied but very little. At Horae, about two inches of snow fell today For about two hours it was a tecr.flc snow storm and the frozen ground retained it all, S me sleighing has been indulged in and the young people are having great times coasting, In Gainesville for tbe third tine this fall snow began falling in great sheets. Tne ground is frozen hard and indi cations are that tbe snow will not melt for several days, Covington had a light fall of snow wth prospects for a big fall tonight. Temperature is ljwaud is rapidly fai ling At Washington suovr began falling at 7 o’cook. The ground was soon oovered wi b a mantle of fl :ecy white ness. THE PtOPLE WANT LIGHT. Member of Congress Wants to Air Nayal Inquiry, Washington, D o 7 Representa tive, Wheeler of Kentucky Introduced a resolution to investigate the oonduct of Hear Admiral Schley from tbe time he took command of the flying squad ron up to and Including the deetruot iuu of the Spanish (Lett I. raoltea the action of the court of inquiry and de clares lint the American people desire hu investigation by eU'zens rot con uected wnh ih navy department, RspreseniPtive Modd of Maryland aleo inti educed a resole ion relative to Admiral Schley, as follows: “Resolved, Toat the links of con gress and the American p.ople are hereby tendered Rear Admiral Bcbley and the eflicers and men under his command for the victory over tbe Spanish forces and destruction of tbe Spanish fleet In the naval battle of Santiago,” Mr. Mudd says this resolution is not the result of any concerted aotion by the Maryland delegation and repre sents hie individual views. WRAPPED IN SNOW Atlanta Covered With a Broad Soft Ermine. Atlanta, Deo. 18,—Atlanta got her first touoh of snow yesterday after noon T.:e t ira came up suddenly and in a few minutes the ground was oov ered with tbs tl ecy mantle, The ground wa- dry aDd the flakes that fell stuck aid this morning the city la draped in white. The indications arc ihat mole snow will fall during the day. * . Oldest Woman in New York Dead, WaMerown, N. Y., Dec. 18.—Mre. Virginia Young, the oldest person in northern New York, is dead at Red' wind, aged 104. Sne was the great grandmother of ‘ Tommy" Kyan, the pugilist, For Whooping Cough use CJiENEY’S EXPECTO RANT, in ram ■ iin Lesislaiioa iiHMiicei to Piisl Marclisls Washington, D c IS.—Chairman Ray of the house committee on jui>- eiary today introduord his anti-anarchs measure, which will probably be ibe basis of legisla'ion on that subject in the house. The measure brings to gether the prominent features of mrcy of the propositions made for dealing with the subject. It prevides the death penalty for assaults on the presi dent or othor executive c fillers. Ir is isada a felony to ad visa or tecob tbs ovorthrow of government or say inter ference with government o(Hears, To© death penalty is also provided for orn epiraoies in thin oonntry leading to i be killing of a foreign king, emperor, president, or other ruler. WHOLESALE INDICTMENTS Against the Sunday Law Violators and Gamblers. Savannah, Deo. 18.—Tb Law aid Order League le active again. From reports on the streets there L going to be an arraignment of fr m 75 to 100 liquor dealer*, who, it is a> Uged, have recently violated the Sun day liquor law. It is alto said that policy writers and keepers or “i.d poker rooms will come in fora sharp of the indictments. Ale&dinglaw and order man said this morning th\t the league was not dead, nor wes It sleeping, as many b;id suspected, but that it was thorough y alive and would yet stop the seiiirg of hquor in this city on Sunday, More Cold Waves Are in Sight. Atlanta, Deo. 18.-—Toe oold wa’e whioh broke the December record* lad Monday equalled them iu many plttc, s last night and forced the line of free ; ing temperature neatly as far south is Tampa, Fla. Although the weather : expeoted to moderate tonight, wrath, r conditions indicate that the relief wl • s be but temporary. The following tea psratures are rtpjrted at the weatlnr bureau today: Nashville 6, Memphis ii, Atlanta 9, Fort Smith and Knoxville 10 Merldirn, Mss, 13; Montgomery 14, Maoon and Charlotte 16, Augusta 11, Savannah, Charleston, ard Wiimins ■ ton 22 Jaoksonvnle 25. STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. ! The annual m-eling of tke stookbold• ere of The Bruunwick Bank <fc Trust Ut for the pi’ip 'se of electing a Board if Directors and tra c&cting such otmr business that m.y oome before them, will be held at the b>nking rooms < f said oempaoy on Tuesday, January 14. b, 1902, between the Lours of 10 aad 2 p. m. Hoyt W. Gale, Caihier. Brunswick, Ga., Deo. 18:b, 1901. A beautiful assortment of everything to select from at Heller's. Go where they all go, to Kennou Mott's Jewelry Store 215 Newoaatle store. Only one wdek left ii which to pay your (Jit./ ;Taxes for year P'Ol. Digest does December 20th, Sav: cost by prompt payment. Geo. 11. Smith, City Treasurer. PRICE FIVE CENTS. LODI AT THIS. Hew F .iU Cakes • (JU3II.N) 1, 2 and 5 Pounds Fresh Pi kl s (JUF T INI Sweet mixed, German dills, kSour Cucumbers. Fruit Cake Materia! (OP ALL KINDS) Currants, Raisins, Citron, Orange Peel; candied, Lumen Peel; Figs, Dates, Spices of all kinds. Fancy Cakes Apricot cream, Orange bars, Five o’clock teas, Slice fruit, Cream dessert, Fine mixed Coffees, Try our “own brand,” j Mocha and .Java at 2<; and in one pound tins, Fire Works. | Don’t buy until you i get our prices next j week- Largest stock in I Brunswick, j ’PHONE 158. Mice, - V In addition to aflording every facility to our cui.tome.3 conaLtor-t with safe banking, we are preparod to act ua Administrator or Executor of Eatatf.s, Guard.ana of property of minors, and to make Bonds in judicitf and other maUera—Ger.erahy to essf cise all our powers at a Trust Company Brunswick Sank l. Trust ii, H, W, 5d3, Cashior- Who is going to get the] beautiful China Closet the i is going to be given away! on Jan. Ist, 1902? Way! the one that gets the lucky J number. Get a ticket | with every purch iso j of'2jc. Get all the tickets j you can. You can getr M vj , tiling you want that l;. | kept in a first-class gro- j eery, at this place and as for! as iicile m mey as can be ! bought at any other pi- re. j 1 considering quality; and at! the same time get chances | i on the China and| (possibly get it, Ta te D;t Jii. lit, 13)2. - W. \l DeVoe* ’Phone 109. * * ——•* H'giHift ic ihg coatost gut, •tove giten away t SlO Newcn-t e hit,