The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 19, 1901, Image 4

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The Best X-mas Presents JPPgyou will find in our store. 6jf§Cali and Look, All articles bought of us engraved free. KENNON MOTT, O. D Jeweler and Graduate Onticiau ll* N*wMtl* B tract, 1 itptoto r WiictfE o H i lit Bdiwi). Hue tj wire dally from Wublai’to KKKPEB OF THE CITY CLOCKS. GET ONE OF THOSE Portable Baskets. Burns Coal inthe Open Fire place- Mow can you gat a'ong without one of those nice Hard-wood Mantel* with Tile trimmings w* are nellit g eo cheap Come Hee. Fins Memorial work, Iron Fence, Ac REED E. LaMANUEMgr. ">l2 Monk street, Christmas for Gentlemen, V/aterman Ideal Fountain Pens, Gold pens, razors and razor sets, fine pocket knives, ink stands, card cases, pocket books, Traveling cases and pictures. FLEMING & WAFF’S, —„! ■ 1 ■■■ ■-■ i.i Coney & Parker DKALKKB iN Coal and Wood, Brick, Dime, Cement, Plaster, Hair, Shingles and Laths. Agents forM'orris’ Brick. Phone 11 525 Bav St chris arnhlTter, Scliwarschild & Sulzberger Beef Co’s. Mm Bern. Pork non non, FRESH POULTRY FRESH VEGETABLES, FRESH CROCERIES FRESH EGGS FROM THE COUNTRY. ’ All goods sent out nice and clean. The beat of ererything for the model housekeeper. 207 Monk street. Phone 89 FRESH ARRIVAL of Heinzes Sweet Pickles in Bulk ana in Bottles. Largest Assortment of Olives and Jams in the City Largo Fat Mackerel For 10c, Largest stock of Coffees in the City —25 different grades to select from Rimr 245 118 A Street JOHANNESEN i CO. BRUNSWICK TIMKS-CALL, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1901 PERSONAL MENTION ITEMS 0I : INTEREST CONCERNING BRUNSWICKIANS AND THEIR FRIENDS FROM LOCAL AND OTHER SOURCES. Mr, Geo. W. O wen*, of Savannah U id the oity. Mr. tad Mr*. Aloatt litre returned from t trip to Philadelphia. Mr. Charles T. Ulrtob, of Maw York, it regtetered at the Oglethorpe . Two negro woman were pet under arrest yesterday fpr lighting on A atreet lane. Cos.. D. W. Kraus* has just returned from Atlanta, where he went to argne a ease before the Supreme court. The many friends of Mr. C. D Ogg will regret to learn that be I* ood fined to hie room hr an atlaok of eryatpelas in his foot. His physician expects to bare him out sgain in a (lay or two. Mr. 0. L Candler, general agent of the Southern railway, baa received notification as follows: “Effeotlve January Ist, 1902 all ship* monte of lumber and orossties received via rail line* at Brunswick and other Atlantic ports, and intended for ex port which are not uoluaded from (be oars within live (5) rnnomg days after arrival will he subject thereafter to a car eervioe charge of one dollar ($1 00; per oar, per day, or a fraotion of a day for use ol car and track.” IN SUPERIOR COURT. The Following Cases Were Disposed of Yesterday. *■ —*_■ ‘ The Caere disposed of in the Superior court yesterday were as follows: M. aod A. Marks vs. 11 S. MoCrary, appeal. Settled at defeatism's obit. M. aod A. Marks vs. John Inman, Bi i " ’ warrrnt to evlfot. Dismissed at plain* tiff's oost. M. and A. Marks vs Sallie Lvwrsooe, warrant to eviot. Dismissed at plain* r ff’s oost. L. Markowi'z vs Philip Oisiniky and Sarah O-ilneky, warrant to eviot. Verdiot for dereudant. Sol Gitiwiy vs Hamp Snirlutf, suit for mnn o y had and reoe>yed. Verdiot for plaiatiff. SHIPPING REPORT. OsrrtsUd Daily by Oapt. Otto /ohanfiaaai Port Of Brum * ilk, Deo 18, 1901. ARRIVED. ’ ' Schooner Alma ft A. Holmes, Smith, Perth Ambrey. Perfumery !• <tnm iml bo't’ss at 15 % i< i*. !0i •. tf'le ’ . Food A For the * Gods. • . . .. i Our exquisite unwrapped Nut Caramels. Also our new line of daily-made Popcorn Goods, made in all latest taking styles. LLOYD’S ThWl 2552- 214 Nmstle St. Foi Croup use CHEN FY’S EXPECTORANT. COMIC OPERA AT THE GRAND. “The Pirates of Morrocco" Presented Last Night. To- Herald Square Opera oomp&ny, thedret opprt troupe to visit Bruns wick this nelson, opened their engage mint at the Grand last nigh*, The bill was ‘‘The Lira 09 of M irroeoc,” anew comic opera repleto wiita hy airs and pretty choruses. The oompaoy Is strooger this season than ever before and embraoss some unusually fine singers. Miss Eleanor Burton and Miss Elsda Mansions oharmed the audience, as did Mr, Geo. Mac Farland, who has a strong, rich baritone voloe. Owing to the extreme cold weather the andienoe was not large, bnt made op in applause all it lacked in numa here. Tonight “ The Village Bride," a pleasing opera full of bewitching mosio and sparkliog dialogue, will be pre sented, THE MARKOWITZ CASE. The Jury Render a Verdict in Fayor of the Defendants. In the Superior ooort yesterday the jury rendered a verdiot in favor of the defendant*, in the case of L. Marko witz vs. Philip and Sarah Ossineky, proceeding to eviot tenant. Markowitz brought this action against Philip and Sarah Ossioshy for :he purpose of compelling the defer dents to vaoite a certain hiuse rented by the Orsinskye from him. Under the law touching esses of this character a demand must be made upon the tenant before the prooeed>ng lies. The plain 'iff failed to prove a demand made upon Mrr. Oasinsky prior to the bring ng of the scion and the jo'y returned a verdio* for h’ d< ?ecdan' Col K. D Meador repreeen ed iriar i#wit*andCol Max Isaao represent'd be Oisinekye. Tie finest fans are to be found at Mott’s Jewelry Btore, 215 Kewosstle St. Are You Puzzled as to what to buy friend or lelatives for Christ mas? Mere is our list • of suggestions. For Men, Hath Robes, Smoking .Jackets, Walking Canes, Umbrellas Plain and Initial Handkerchiefs, Neckwear, Gloves, Mufflers Suspenders, Card Cases, Pocketbooks, Cuff Buttons, C igar Cases and many other novelties. For Ladies, Fur Pieces. Lounging Robes, Umbrellas, Handkerchiefs Leather and Acetal Purses Card Cases, Pocketbooks, Dressing Saques, Dress and Underskirts 0 Silk and Flannel waists. Give us a call, and our salespeople will cheer fully aid you in making selections. LEVY’S. I am HEADQUARTERS For FIREWORKS Having Bought Direct From the Factory. Roiston’s Health Flout, Man's Health Outs, Moo's steals! toon, Man's Hoini Its, Direct From the PURINA MILLS. A. O. JEFFERS 219 NEWCASTLE ST. MALLORY LINE \ PROPOSED SAIIINGS FROM ]NE v *- ; \0 <K livery Friday at Ip m. Fridav to Suit the Tide Lowest Rate. Direct Service, Commodious Passenger Accommodations. C, H t Mallory & Cos., Cjkn’l Agts .1 Baymond, 10 Burling Slip, New York. Agent- Bron-wick Ga. CHINESE REST AHRAN 7 E8TBL18HEI) Wm, C HUb HA L i P raw •f?t or You can get the best th* market atfnrde bv citing ovs rn'R *grr P S. —Orders taken for fV .Laundry Fresh Arrival of white fish in kits, extra hrge mackerel, pitted cherries, dried figs. A complete line of assorted preserves and jams pickled peaches, ginger pre serves. A large assortment of olives in bottles and hulk. Also a most complete line of the best 5 and 10c, cigars. All goods sold on very close margin. HARRELL BROTHERS. S*. Corner Newcastle and if,on k. Truly “A Grand Old Whisks/' £< IS THE FAMOUS # cream of mmm. % It’s pure and wholesome and sold cheaper than any other whiskey of its fame, rank or quality* Sold in Brunswick only by Douglas & Morgan, 212-214 Bay Street, I. TRAOEH & CO.. Difitmers, Oftces Cincinnati, Ohio, * * A* LIVE TURKEYS, CRANBERRIES AND CELERY For Xmas. 1 Have Just i eenivsi a Larp SUV! a! MIXED CANDY Far i-rns Ms That I am StliDg at 10c. per ih.