The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 20, 1901, Image 3

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Some Little Things qalta essential to tne st ocess of a job, are overlooked by some workmen. Strict attention to details, and the use of the best material makes aii our PLUMBING WORK satisfactory, Out charges are uniform ! j low, but no part of a job is eli~ bted. A. H. BAKER, 805 Gloucester St. WANTED! All the second hand typewriters in Brunswick. Also want all second hand furniture, organs, stoves and old brass. J . W, Watkins, 208 Bay !?t. Colgate’* toilet soap, at 25c per box, 3 in a box at Heller’s, A pair of gold eyeglasses or spectacles will make a useful and good present. Ycu will find the best at Kennon Mott’ , Doctor of Optios. 215 Newcastle strest For Rent. Newly furmehed rcous for sleeping purposes or light house keeping—Apply at 405 Get-net, tf. Go where yon know you can get the largest selection to pick from, and whei e yon know you will get the best goods, f t Kennon wott’s Jewelry Store, 215 Newcas tle street. The finest assortment of neckwear and suspenders for holiday presenters good as others, only cheaper in price,i, at Heller s. A nice lire of pictures and stationery *t the very lor eat prices at Kennon Mott’ i, the Jeweler. 215 Newcastle street. FOli SALS—On aocoßPt of leaving the city wr offer for sr'.s at a targets our entire stock of groceries and fiu t at lowest price. Apply Orsim Bros., 401 Bay Rt, For a tad Twist •n any part of the body a remedy is in our large stock of PATENT MEBIOINEB. Home of these are far reaching and all powerful. Tone up the whole system and enable it to throw off disease in any part of the body. Below ia a partial list of remedies for ills most prevalent this season. Laxative Bromo Quinine, Bromo Laxine, Throat Ease, Frog in Your Throat, Smith’* Ccuch Syrup. SMITH’S PHARMACY | iffS." Go where yon know yon can gat the largest selection to piok from, and where you know you will get the beat good*, at Kennon Mott’s Jewelry Store, 215 Kewcaa tle street. TAK PAYERS, By resolution of council passed No vember 30th, an extension until De cember 20th was granted for the pay ment ot city taxes for 1901. This is for the purpose of allowing those in ar rears an opportunity to settle with the treasurer without additional costs. All taxes uopaid after December 90tb will be placed in execution, and mu.t be settled with the marshal. Those in erested and who desire to save cost wili please take dne and final notice. Geo. H. Smith, City Treasurer, FOR RENT—Two nice large furn ished rooms; bath ineluded. Posses sion between Dec. 25 and Jan. let. Ap ply 119 Reynolds street. Mantles for Incandescent or Welsh back lamps 10c, $1 per doz. Guar anteed OK. A. H. Bak'-r. FOR SALE—One “ Live Gooae ” feather bed; also two down quilts, at a bargain. Apply 210 Reynolds. Go where they all go, to Kennon Mott's Jewelry Store, 215 Newcastle street. Fancy embroidered handkerobief, worth So and 35c at 19c at Heller’s. SPAIN’S CELEBRATED^ t u , ; f • ...... ... FlllßlE W O RTKTS * # i * * * i ""i DM* : 'A ’• -' ,- ; < >■' iv. '■ •■ ‘ ■ ■’•' '• '■' / AT THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20 1901 "Humane Heart*” 8 ) strong an impression did ’’Ho man Hearts” make upoo a prominent clergyman of New York that he wrote the gentlemen impereooating Tom Logan, vigorously endoraing the play and informing him of hie intention of trotting all the orphans of a local asy lum out to see it at bis own expense, and be did it. “You can’t conceive," said Manager Nankevllle, “of the ap preciation of those yonngaters at the change of serman thus offorded them if yon had listened to that gallery the day they atteodod. With the gods present,” he continued, “as often ai I have myielf enjoyed sitting through It, It wee as enjoyable ae a box of moni keys sprinkled over with tears. Quite often since have oity schools, whose principals were aware of the great merit of the play, been given half a holiday, that the might en joy a matinee and oritios the tote have been. Tou can’t get a favorable criticism or a padded eulogy for love or money from a juve nile Yon most giye him the goods or he denounoet you broadcast, and I am really grateful to the tots of America for their appreciation of what all now agree to be one of our best Americat plays. “Human Hearts” eomei to Brnnswlok Dec. 24. FOR SALE—A handaome silver service. Prioe reasonable. Apply 910 Reynolds street. E.RBAKER, Dentist. Special Attention to Crown and bridge work- Office. 5023 Glou’ster St THEATRICAL TREATS "Qno Vardis,” “The divinity wbioh doth hedge 'round a King” was noticeable only by its absenoe In the oaee of Nero, the Tyrant of Rome, Hie character, ae portrayed in the great drama “Qoo Vadls,” is an interesting study. Sur rounded by oourtlere and sycophant* who fed his over-weening self esteem to the heigbti of obeurdity, account able to no one for bis actions, be ie at onoe ridiculous, by reason nf hie vani ty, and terrible booanse there ie no limit to hi* power. Thee* contradic tory traits of power and weakosei era artistically brought out by the clever aoting of Mr- Harry Morton, who ap pears in the role of Nero. Mr. Morton has won golden opinions for hie por trayal of the part, and has shown him self to be a capable aotor. Mr. E. J. Carpenter’s production comes heralded by the press as the greatest scenic sorcssi on the read, and it hae been pleyed to baoked houses nightly. Comes to Brunswlok for Christmas matinee and night. fISSSN for Gentleman For Sale by T. NEWMAN. Two yearling heifers for sale, C. S. Tait. 4AL E —A nioe alx-foot counter. C. 8. Tait. For Asthma use CHE NEY’B IXPECrORANT, ASTHMA CURE FREE Asthmalene Brings Instant Relief and Permanent Cure in Ail Cases. SENT ABSOLUTELYFRBB ON RECEIPT OF POSTAL Write Your Name and Address Plainly. Thera la nothin* like Aathmalaa*. It brings FT* ,* r , • ■ -■■■. instnlr*ll*i,*veri in the worst cases. Hours* 4*l - when all els* fnils The Rev O F Well*, of TllU Itidr*. 111., 28 says; “Your trial bottle of Asthmaleuersasived c a- s ’1 E-. tw in good condition. I oennot tell yen hew thank - - . . . v-a a* tan ful I feel for the goo I derived from It. I was a- V u*4 slave, ehelncd with putrid sore throat said ebEfil ■ 6Jae as'hma for tan year*. 1 despaired of ever being Mb e -VW. lured. 1 saw your advertisement Tor the cure “II of this dreadful and tormenting disease, Aath- y, * ■ mu, and thought yon had overspoken yoarsolvee, V>. \Yif , * V • { but reeolved to give It a trial. To nay astonish- j meat, the trial seted Uke a chasm. Send me a JA L * 1 toll use bottle.” | Jii; | REV. OR. MOREL* WKCMUNL tjk }X } \ Rabbi of the Ceng. Bnnl Israel ■-Jip3w \ / \ IfewTorb, Jno. vKOm .'’v/, ■■ / \ Dr*. Taft Mroa.' Medicine Co.t V Gentlemeat Tour Asthmalene Is nn excel- I if* Jr \j '?■' ent remedy for Asthma end Hey Paver, end ita \3 ( Ailr I eempoeltlon alleviates ell trowbtea whWh com - iWi jjil; Y[ J S bine with Asthma. He sueeaea Is ashsidsMng II f and wonderful. / After having it eemfuUy analysed, we can ( f state that Asthahlen eeataias ne opium, Ja tr mr. n raorphino, chloroform or ether. KVtWY Jpß!v_^r w a ' Very troly years, w 1 " T * Y 7 EXT. DR. MORRIS WBCMRLUB. BELIEF. ■ 1 1 Avon SPRiMoa, N. Y., Feb, 1, 1001. Dr. Tavt Bnos. Manicim Uo. Gentlemens 1 write this testimonial Tram a sens* ol duty, having tested the woac.oitnt efeet of your Asthmalene, lor the cure of Asthma. My wife has boon afflicted with spasmodic asthma for the past 1* year*. Having exhausted my own skill as well as many others, ft b ‘need to sec your sign nponyoor windows e lMt'i street, New Yank, 1 at one obtained a bottle of Asthmalene. My wife oommeaced tahlo* it about the IrstTif November. I very soon n. ;l<'.ed a radical improvement. After nslng ome bottle her Aathma has dissappearsd and she Is entirely free from nfl ermptorae, I feel thrtt I eoasieteatty reoommend the uedlc.lne to ail who are aflltoted with this distressing diacass. Tonrs respectfully, O. D. PHKL.PS, M. D. DR. Tavt Bros. Mnaioixs Cos. Feb. *, IMI. Gentlemen: 1 was Irenbled with Asthma for It years t have tiled numerous ri'rod.oe bnt they have all failed. 1 ran aeroae yon. sAvertlaemeat and started with a trial bottle. 1 found relief at once. I have etnas varokae 4 yonr full-slse bottle, and I am ever grate -1. 1 have family of four children, and for alx ys sre was unable to work. I am now In the in a- of health and am doing business every day. This testimony yon ean make such use of ss y<t re St. Home address, tti Rirlagtoa street. g. RAPHAEL, *7 East 129th ft., > d>y niu Bums br UMLtiar na ox aain o; mstal, Do not delny. Writ* Rt eaat, a:Tdresting DR, TAFT BltOS.’ MEDICINE CO., 79 Eaat lMth St., M, T. City. >f "■■■■' ■-* ■ ■■■Win J. J. I ISSNER, W aOLRiALX Groceries, Tobacco, 'Flour, Bacon and Previsions, GRAIN, HAY AND BRAN A SPECIALTY. 216 Bay Brunswick, Georjfia