The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 20, 1901, Image 4

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fff The Best X-mas Presents you will find in our store. Cali and Look, aSa us engraved free. KENNON MOTT, O. D Jeweler and Graduate Ontician ll* Nswoattls stro.t, 1 n‘vi'to v World. o Mv ini Fsliv j I'trr ij W it <!tl| from Wnsblngto KKKFEU OF THE CITY CLOCKS. GET ONE OF THOSE Portable Baskets. Burns Coal in the Open Fire place Mow can yon gut a'oug without one of those nice Hard wood m jutes with Tile trimmings ws are selling fo cheap Bee. Fine Memorial work, Iron Fence, ike RKKI) E. LaMANUEMgr. ?12 Monk street. 11 - ■■■■ '■'■■■' 11 1 1 ■■■"■ ■ "'i* 1 1 1 1 Christmas for Gentlemen, V/atcrman Ideal Fountain Pens, Gold pens, razors and razor sets, fine pocket knives, ink stands, card cases, pocket books, Traveling cases and pictures. FLEMING & WAFFS, Coney & Parker OF, \T,R.s |N Coal and Wood, Brick, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Hair, Shingles and Laths. Agents forMorris’ Brick. Phone 18 525 Bav St. CHRIS ARNHEITER, jg Scliwarschild & Sidzherger Beef Co's. I tin M{ Pork id Mutton, FRESH POULTRY FRESH VEGETABLES, FRESH GROCERIES, FRESH EGGS FROM THE COUNTRY. All goods sent out nice and clean. The best of everything for the model housekeeper. £O7 Monk street. Phone 89 hq| JHeinzes Sweet Pickles - .in Bulk and in Bottles. Largest Assortment ct Olives and Jams - in the City Largo Fat Mackerel For 10c. Largest stock of Coffees in the City —25 different grades to select from Ring 245 118 A Street JOHANNESES & 08, BRUNSWICK TIMES-OALL, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1901 PERSONAL MENTION ITEMS Of INTEREST CONCERNING BRUNSWICKIANS AND THEIR FRIENDS FROM LOCAL AND OTHER SOURCES. Mr. K Hunk ley spent yeterUs> In Sivannuh. H >n. T>. P. Hate of Camden county ii registered at the Oglethorpe. Judge J. D. Spark* pent yesterday at Baxley on profeiaional business. 8. H. Wenek, H. A. Vaa Taeaell and J. A, Strawson of New York, are regis tered at the Oglethorpe. Miss Maybew, of, Tann , ie vbitiug Rev. and Mrs, J. J.P. Perry, at their home on Union and Monk Btreete. Clerk dußlgnon, of the Superior court requests the Timee-Call to state, that all juror* ran call on him today m tliefr script. Miss Vivian Norris, who has beee visiting In New York and Baltimore for several weeks, is expeoted borne in a few days. Col. and Mrs. W. G. Brantley re* turned to the city Wednesday night. They will spend Christmas I Jay at Blaohshear and return here a day or two after to remain until Col. Brantley goes to Washington for the eonven* lug or congress on Jan. fi N re. Brant* ley will aooomp&ny him to W ashington to remain with him during the session. Mr. C. G. Peroy, the well known rep r isentative of the Hodges Fiber Carpet Cos , N. Y. City, wis in town showing the produot of that Arm, Mr. Peroy in speaking of bis line, ea'd the famish* ing of • home, especially in the sooth, is a question of great Importance. For many years there has been a demand fora thoroughly sauitary floor covering wbi ch oouid be easily swept, and bar* •ng no nap to oolleot germs of diaeaae or dust. This led ns to perfeot and place upon the market, onr famous fiber carpet, a floor covering possessing both durability and rioboeea in design. If is a soft, pliable, odorless matting, whioh will uot break or splinter, and s exempt from Injury by ini'Oti Mes-trs. fl. M Miller & Hon. the enter* prising furniture sod carpst merchant*, will be sole agents for It ee beautiful tarpets, and will have tba pattern* on exhibit early in January. NOTICE. The fireworks ordinmoa prohibiting disetiarKe of firework* within the Are limits will be fttrio'ly enforced. Ail persons are her-ht <•lit! used not to eeod off k >, • aeken.^tky rocket*', etc , in .tin .eotion efth*iui y bo"nil and In t>'“ north s'de c[ FI vte atrent, wer it** f ha* >-‘re<>t t north el‘l f* of Cl ?' •' ’•nd in- side nf Kayo olds stree’ n* r-' *1 nd b'l a.autant* •• e >ua< ruction* to.tiiciy enforon th* *1 • %.a■ o*. N Eumiu*), Ms 'if (J( y t f KrtlQSVTiok Food For the * Gods. Oar exquisite unwrapped Nut Caramels. Also our new line of daily-made Popcorn Goods, made in all latest taking styles. LLOYD’S TAW 265 2 214 Newcastle St. BRUNSWICK'S WATER SUPPLY A Reserve Supply Kept on Hand in Case of Fire. I.) Jtlug the last f.w nigh’s the lack >f*pr***Dre from the oily water pipes ha* Inoonveonotd the mectnioel dee osr-rnaut of the Time* Gait and made It sii lie l&'e in gettiig out. Ytster* day a represenUtive of the paper call ed on M j u Gtean at the Brunswick Light and Water Company’* office and enquired the oanse of thie lack of pre:sure. Major Greta explains that the water aupply i* all right and that the lack of pressure I* wholly due to the large number of spigots that are left rnnning during tbia freetlng weather. He say if people would only drain the pipes and cm the water off from the street maim, as they all nan do, there would be no trouble and a great deal of water woald he saved. Beaidas, there is a rale made to this elf et by the Lights Water company but It is not rigediy enforoed. Patrons of the company however would Hod It muoh the best plan to empty the pipes and tarn thoir water nff, for then tke pipes cannot freeze op. When aked regarding the supply of water in caae of Are Major Green as sured the Timee-Call man that it is all right, fie ha* a reserve supply to draw on In case of Are, but oannot in* orease the pressure at nigbt, when the water is left running all over towD, without jeopsrdiring that supply, and that he very properly -ays he will not do to accommodate the few who need pressure at night. He is positive In his statement that the water is all right In case of fire. SHIPPING REPORT, OormWd Daily by G*pt. Otto Johannuiu Port of Braniwiok, Dao 19,1901. ARRIVED. Schooner Tucoltne, Franoiu, Boiton, SAILED. Spanish aieomer Altnmura, Zirgo*a. Billlva. Brig John McDermontb, Tooker, Fernandioa. ■ I !■■■!■■ ■ I. ■■!■■■—— Are You Puzzled us to what to boy friend or relatives for Christ mas? Here is on? list of suggestions. For Men, Hath Robes, Binoking .Jackets, Walking Canes, Umbrellas Plain and Initial Handkerchiefs, Neckwear, Gloves, Mufflers Suspenders, Card Cases, Pocketbooks, Cuff Buttons, Cigar Cases and many other novelties. For Ladies, Fur Pieces. Lounging Robes, Umbrellas, Handkerchiefs Leather and Metal Purses Card Cases, Pocketbooks, Dressing Saques, Dress and Underskirts Silk and Flannel waists. Give us a call, and our salespeople will cheer fully aid you in making selections LEVY’S. I am HEADQUARTERS For FIREWORKS Having Bought Direct From the Factory. R(ll Ml FUV. iii’s Mis; HSU’S BfilkllSl M, Ralston’s Hominy (mis, Direct Fron, the PURINA MILLS. A. O. JEFFERS 219 NEWCASTLE ST. jfyggk, MALLORY LINE NEW O<K Every Friday at Ip m, Fridav to Suit the Tide Lowest Rate, Direct Service, Commodious Passenger Accommodations. C, H, Mallory & Cos., Gen’l Agt3 J S Raymond, 16 Burling Slip, New York. Agent, Brunswick Ga. CHINESE RESTAUR AN 7 ESTBLIHHEO 1889, CH U E HAL L . P r ax*r I etor You can get the best the market afrords by sating i if P i.—Orders taken for < * H> Laundry Fresh Arrival of white fish in kits, extra Zarge mackerel, pitted cherries, dried figs. A complete line of assorted pres c rves and jams pickled peaches gingr pre serves. A large assortment of olives in bottles and bulk Also a most comple'e line of the best 5 and 10c, cigars- All goods sold on very clcse margin. HARRELL BROTHERS. 0 S?, Corner Newcastle and Monk. Truly “A Grand Old Whiskey” M Id THE FAMOUS ♦ CREAM OF KENTUCKY. It’s pure and whoJ'-som ' and sold cheaper than any other whiskey of its fame, r>nk ov qualify. Sold ir Hrunswick only by Douglas & Morgan, 212-214 Bay Street. I, TRAGEK at CO . Uustlllers, 01c Cimionttf. Ohio, IT. S- A- LIVE TURKEYS, CRANBERRIES AND CELERY For Xmas. I Have Just I eceivefl a Large Sunt et HIED CAM For 1-mas We That I am Selling at 10c. per ih.