The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 21, 1901, Image 1

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THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL VOLUME XI. NUMBER 369 OENTOMtBH^ Tooih Powder, Tooth Paste, Tooth Wash, ' Tooth Soap. W All 25c Each. I. J, BUTTS, ft Driest r*”**Bh Every Week. i XT Q JtL D. '> Syrup W bite Pine, of Safe and Sure Cure for All > Throat and Lung jk Afflictions. ] *3fes! TER-SALE i r: rDRUC. COMPANY. W% Rush .and Worry because you only hive one week to bay your just c ilLat our store and inspect our holiday good s. ’this line is up to date in qua ity and prices ¥ou should see odT l Hlas ware in sets and odd pieces, Ladies ana Gents silk Umbrellas. Neckwear and Kerchiefs. A Complete Line pries. Pants and Overcoats at special prices during the holidays, A Iso f nice line toys that we will sell very cheep .|4 we can say ( jhi moneyo / • \ JLrs Ma isaac. a .208 fetle Street. -CSrtßKJW*#*- W MB. mil I— JIT 0 ?IBLE3! i . FRUIT CAKES! ■ they are at their best their rich ilavor. ear old. The icing has |it thai account we will 'KEJdipv if j „< WICK, ■a, -I‘ts, ft K ‘Unwu t off Hpp°uckrp. rjJK Watch ;.ua^is RTTeto. i lot Coot ter S. HELyjjR & BRO, \2O Street.®*®*®** |rg X-mas Presents | For Ladies f“'Kirtp, Serge and Cheviot Ssirts, Silg, Velvet and Flannel waists, Jackets, capep, Collarettes, StocK Collars, PocKetbooKs, Chatelain bags, Perfumery, Toilet soaps, Fancy combs, Solid G rings, F#n y chains, Linen curtains Chennille curtains, Fancy Linen ge*s, Towels Napains, etc. BRUNSWICK. GA„ SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 21, 1901 in io si i urn Says (term Boyer of hraiik Savannah Dee. 20.-The weather bureau pto anises for tonight, tomorrow, and Sunday the oddest weather of tLa winter. A oo!d ware i now bearing down on tbii rioinlty that will put the low temperature of th# put two daye to shame. Observer Eoyet says that be. fore tomorrow morning a temperature of 20 deg. or lower will be registered. This will be t degree end s half colder than anything experienced here this week. Thors Is a crumb of oomfort In the fsot that the weather aaan pre miaee blue skies with the oold weather. A oold day with leaden skies is a bad thing to have banging amend. Weather observer Boyer in an inter view with the Savannah Press says; "It is i mistake to say that Savan nah is to have snotbsr oold wave,” he said, “becose an offioial cold.wavs re quires a drop in temperature of at Isa-1 16 deg. This Savannah‘will not get. It will bs muoh ooldsr tomorrow than today, though. The new oold weather ie coaling from the northwest, where tbey have a way of developing low tempera'urse and starting them in this direction. It has already atrnok all portion JAf the cotton belt etates except alirqthe ooast of Georgia and Carolina. Atlanta reported a tempera tore of 12 deg. this morning. Augusta 24, Maoon 16, Montgomery 14. Chatta nooga 10, and Memphis 4. Tou oan see how it is bearing down on us, “1 have advised all the transporta- tion line* of tbe coming oold weather, ■0 they hen make preparation* to matt it. “The oold in Floride will be very marked and Jaokionyiile will experi ence a oold wave. The temperature will drop more than IS deg. there to night. I do not think, tbongb. that tbe Florida orange belt will be frozen op Orange*, I think, will escape this time.’* Tie finsst fan* are to be fonnd at Mott’* Jewelry Store, 215 Newoeetle St. Express Office Open Sunday. For the accommodation of the patroae ot the Sooliern Expreei company in firunawlok arrangement# hare been made to keep the office open on 3undey, Oeo. 22, the lame at during the week. The foroe te kept busy daring the holi day eeaeon firwardtrg and receiving packages, and everything le raebed. The offloe being open on Sunday will be appreciated by the patrone, Fountain and gold and pearl pent and opera el at hi we hare in the beet makes Kennon Mott,Jeweler,2ls NewoMtle Bt. The lergei t and beet line of diver novel ties and toil it artiolei to be found in the oity i* at Kennon Mott’s Jewelry Store, 215 Newoaat e street. Rushing. Kennon Mott, the Jeweler it certain* ly doing a roehlng butinree and he deserves it for be hat a Urge line etook end has ad- ertleed it well through the oolumna of thle paper. If yon boy It of Mott yon know it le good. Fine Fre.ioh and JapaotM China at Kennon Mott’s Jewelry Store, 216 Newcas tle street. For Whooping Cough use CHENEY’S EXPECTO RANT, A RESOLUTION OF PROTEST By the Board of Trade Against Railroad Ruling. At tbs meeting of the Beard ol Trade yeiterday morning a resolution was passed protesting against s reoent rul ing of the railroad tariff assooiatlon in regard to unloading crosstriei within Sts days. The ruling leas follows: 1 Kffeotive January Ist, 1902, all ship* meets of lumber and oroestles received via rati lines at Branswiok and other Atlantie ports, and intended for ex port wnich are not unloaded from the cars within fire (ft) running dtys after arrival will be subjeot thereafter to a oar servies oharge of one dollar ($1.00) per oar, per day, or a fraction of a day for the nee of ear and traok.” A similar rule to this was put into effeot once before and it required quite a eonlest between the ebippers and thr railroads before it was modified. Now this old fight must be made over again. It appears that this mis is objected to by the so often Impassible to unload oars within the five day limit and IntsQfsrss with their profits. When a steamer ooines in it will not load any tiee exoept thev art on tbn ears at the wharf the day the vessel arrives, so they have to bs held there to Avail the arrival of ths vesssl and this frequently nquires holding the cars much longer than the limit allow* •and by tbs roads THE LIBERTY BELL. Will Be in Savannah in January En Route to Charletton. Savannah, Dec. 10—At the nesting of the council this evening it It qnlta probable that eome aotion will bo taken toward appointing a committee to make full arrangemente for tbH proper reoop ion of the Liberty Btll when it arrives ia Savannah in Jan* nary en route to the Charletton si posi tion. Patriotic StTannahian* will have an opportunity early In the next month to •ea tbe famous Liberty Bell, en ronte to tbe expotltion at Charleetoa. Tbe bell will arrive at the Plant Syetetn depot on Wednetday, January 8, at 3:45 p. m , coming over the Southern railroad, and will remain in the oar abd open totbelnipeotton of the pub -1 e until the next morning, when it leavea for Cbarleaton, The very beet umbrellas and canee you will find in any store. Kennon Mott, the Jeweler,2l6 Newcastle St. Tbe very beet make of sterling and plat ed illverwar* i* carried in etook at Ken non Mott's Jewelry Store, 218 Newcastle St. GEORGIA IN CHARLESTON State Geologist Gone to Put Up the New Exhibit. Atlanta. Deo. 20 —State Geologist W. S. Veatee left this morning for Chnrleeton to complete the pleoing of the Georgia exhibit. He announced when he left tbnt he wonld have it in stupe by next Tueeday and that it would be one nf the best at the big show. Mr. Teatea ie highly delighted with Charleston. He eaya the buildings them are far ahead of those at tba Pen* American, and that tba expoeition la a grant credit to the seagull and dlspen eery town. Go where yon know you oan gat the largest selection to plok fiom, end where you know you will get the best goods, nt Kennon Mott’s Jewelry Btors. 215 Newen tle street. Solid gold ringed guaranteed, with Kbineetone'sete, at f 1 at Hallar’a. on i ijiii Tbet Is ffliat Sampson Says- Washington, D,o 20 —The objection of W. TANARUS, lamp.on to that put of Ad* mlrsl Dewey’s report of tbs Bobley eoort of itqniry In wbloh he saye that Sohley was in command at the battle of Santiago and entitled to the credit for the viotory, was fi led with Secre tary Long today. It ths deenmeat lie argues that this question waa not be* fore the soar* of inquiry and aajs the president of the Doited States and the navy department had deeidad that Ad* airal Sampson was in command of tha battle and Sehlsy second ia ceasmsn 1. He wants admiral Dewey’s dissentleg opinion thrown oat, and eeaelodes thus. The Itngnaga of the preospt exelni es the qnestion as to who commanded at the battle. It directs tha ooart to laqalre into tho eondaot of Adaalral Sohley, not into hie etatas or as to whether he wae ia command, and ",e report itseoaclaslani apon hisooeduit in connection with events of tha San* i* tisgo oampalga. Hen. W. M, Teomerfor Speaker. Hon, W, M. Toomer. Ware conotj ’* popular representative in tbe legitl.- tare, le being warmly congratulated Ly his constitnenti upon the promlner t stand be took In the legislatnre. Bes being urged by friend* throughout ti e state to enter tbe race for speaker •! the next bouse. While he has nit poaltively declined the honor it le nr t 1 behoved he will seek it. Mr. Toomsrl we* also mentioned In connection wit) * the attorney generalship, bat it is! thought he will not oonelder that aa : t would mean a big aaorifleato him. Ha has one of the prettieat home* In Wa) • croae and a fine praetio*. A New Cafe. Mr. S. Arnbelter will en Honda;' open bia cafe In tbe etore formerly ot • j on pled by Bbsw’t barber shop. Ha baa tbe pleoe all fixed ap inuj to-date style and will serve hit cneton • era with all the and. licaoiee of the aeaeoi.. Thle is a naw departure for Brum* wiek and will fl 1 a long Mt want. M . Arnbelter should reoaive a liberi.l patronage Perfumery In fanoy Jugs and bottl,.* at 16c, 250 end 60 > at Haller’s. Semi-Annual Dividend Ne. 13. The Directors of The Bruaewitk Bank and Trnat Company have tbs day declared a dividend of three do** Ur, (13.00). per share, oat of the enri - Inge of the bank for tha pnet s x months, to etook-holdnre of reeord Do 20th,_1901, payable on and after Jai. 2nd, 1902. Hoyt. W. Gale, Oasbler. Brunswick, Ga.. Deo. 1, 1901, STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. Tha aonual meeting of the stookbol 1. era of The Brnoewtek Bank A Trait C >. for tha pnipiea of eloeting n Board if Directors nod transacting soeh nth r business that may oome before then, will be held nt the banking room* of ■aid oompany on Tuesday, January 14tb, 1902, betwsen the hears of 10 n,n. and 3 p. m, Hoyt W. Gale, CaehUr. Brunewtok, Ga., Dan. 19th, 1901. ■ - - * A beautiful assortment of avorything to select from at Hallnr’e. Go where they all go, to Kennon Mott s Jewelry Btore, 215 NewoneMe stork. ‘' 4 f PRICE FIVE CENTS, Fireworks Fireworks, We defy competition on the prices below: i Ball Roman Candles per dot. 07c. * •* 13c. 8 “ “ “ “ “ 150 10 “ - . ““-JSO ia - * u „ 3,3 “ •< “ “ - aoa No. • Cannon Cracker, 20 In box *hj “ “ “ S “ - 150 11 “ “ 8 “ “ 160 “ u “ •* a * * joo “IS “ * 2 “ • 250 "3 1-*“ “ 15 “ -10 c “8 1-2 “ “ T " - .05* Small Fire Crackers s packages sc. The above are all new Fireworks. Notice; ~4*“ In addition to affording ever,' faoillty to our customers ooneisteui with safe banking, wa are prepared sot ns Administrator or Kxeoutor &’ Estates, Guardians of properlv o. minors, end to make Bond* in indicia, and other matters—Generally to exuv alse nil oar power* ae a Trust Company Sruniwiok lank & Trust Cos. B. W, Dais. Cashier- Who is going to got the beautiful China Closet that is going to be given away on Jan. Ist, 1902? Why the one that gets the lucky number. Get a ticket with every cash purchase, of Ufo. Get all the tickets you can. You can get any thing you want that is kept in a first-class gro cery, at this place and as for as little money as can be bought at any other place, considering quality; and at the same time get chances on the China Cioeet, and possibly get it. To lie Drain Jai. Ist, 1932. W. H. DeVoe. ’Phone 109. oonteet gne N,ww, ‘ ,e **■