The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 25, 1901, Image 3

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1% g— ■" l " 11 n ' ” r Iff ’| j 1 |-| Ii iXjfeaQ v ri * —._ b&jne Little Things q.iltqjjffiy'tiii to the i< oecee of a job, art ovsiiwSied by tome workmen StHot attention to detaiie. and the use of the makes ail our WORK ’ itU's ory, Ouroharfs* are’ uniformly jjJow, but no part a job is el it b ted. % % 'A H, BAKER, jJOS- iiloucester St. WANTED! %I1 th^.^sAj^d—hand typewriters in Brunswick. Also wsnt all second haid furniture, organs, stores and old brass. * J. W. Watkins, 208 Bay Bt. j ■■*— Mantle* for Incandfeoeot or Weleh heck lamp* 10s. St per and * Qor a.eedOK \ H. H-k r POR SALK—O >e ” L'v> Oo*e” feaiber bed; aleo t*o down qnii r, at, a bargain. ApplT *. l For Re i'.. New . * # < roems to flight bcuse "*4, U. Ab'drfrchief. ™P 't . ' '•‘teller's. fciH < ' , 1 1 ,' p* "■ ■: | .... W OOr Tnl i'e sj ... ,s’, ~' ! % A at lowest prs. ■■( iSiUji ft v. S' 1 Lj. Si \J r SB b •oiDN’-psw Bat her brant; wee completely bidden b; Borer, blotches and piinpiee till ebe need Buoklen’s Arhioa Salve.Then the; vanished as will all eruptions, fever wee, boil*, n leers, and jfeelons from us u j r. Infallible fir cute, Morns, burns, scalds- and piles. Care gimareoteed. 36' et eA druggists. i SPAIN’S ** CELEBRATED^- * I 1 £7 O "* 'A'FillßlElW O[R!K|S |r iM>' .<- at jf =Fleming & Waff’s^^ THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 25 1901 To Cirri f i eugh the botidaje something from our plaee is abeolutel; neceeeary. One oaa’t get along without eome DRUGd ANU MEBIOINKB, and the pure, good kind, euoh ae is sold here, ie the only kind worth your money. Then there may be some pr .tents to buy I A selection from thie list will please all partial Perfume*, Boap, Combe, Brush**, Fine Candle* and a big line of Sundries at low prioaa. SMITH'S MUM i nS* The finest assortment of neckwear and suspenders for holiday presents,as good ae others, only oheaper in prloee, at H-tler *. NOTICK. The*.#reworks ordinance prohibiting discharge of fireworks within the fire timlta will be etriotl; enforced. All prsons ere hereby cautioned not to send of firework!, fire ertokert, sky rockets, etc., in that seotlpn of the oity bounded by the north side of Howe street, wst side of Bey afreet, north ids of O stieet and west side of Reyn olds street, Tne marshal and hie assistants hare instructions to strictly 1 enforee the ordinance. N. Emanuel, Mayor City of Brunawiok. FOR BALK—A handsome silver service. Price reasonable, Apply 310 mieynolds street, iiITfiOPOLM S4LOON. j I ONLY THE FINEST • %s, l\\m aid Cigars, LUNCH SERVED DAY ANDJNIGHT. WNO. 316 BAY STREET. BRUNSWICK, ti*—, 6E3, A. timi Has’W, THEATRICAL TREATS U icie .Toeh Sprue by” ihe best of the mau> rural plsys cow being presented n *■* and ffurent cities will be seen a' ihe Grand on Friday Deo 27<b, Thi production is said to he different from all others sa it eontains much ootned) as well as pathos, end the reilistio saw mill eoeoe ia said to be the most ex* oiling and intense effect eyer produc ed, Toe scenes of the play ere laid in Vermont and New York wbioh gives ample opportunity lor portraying the simple rustle ohiraotera in country ae well ae the many incidents that be. fell simple country folk who visit tbo metropolis CHARTS FOR SALE- Charts tide tables and other publications, U, S, coast and Geodetic survey for sale by C. W. Deming. Phones’ 1?2 or #l, NOTICE. Will the gentlemen who took my everooat from U Oglethorpe last night pleas* return isms end Motive re* ward. JT.fiL B irnett. For Waturman’s famous fountain pans go to Fleming & Waff. Here is a chance to get baunanas oheap for your Christmas holiday*. B Bochardt & Cos. E. R BAKER, Dentist. Special Attention to Crown and bridge work. Office. 502 J GHou’ster St. “Quo Vadis.” Theatre goers will be transported back to the dtjs of togas and tyrants Christmas nay, when E. J. Carpenter’s great production of “Q n VedU 1 ’ will be presented at matinee end nigbt. Thie drama has met with unqualified approval from clargy, presß and pub -110, and telle the story of the Dswn of I 'Christianity in u beautiful and rever ent manner. The many wilely differ ent cberaotera in the play makes the dramatiolatereat exceptionally strong, while the teenlo surroundings are of unparalleled megnifloenoe. “Lygia.” the beautiful hostage to Rome is one of the most interesting characters in that most interesting of all dramaa, ' Quo Vadis.” The role as played by Mis* Evelyn Aroher, has attraoted much favorable mention. This yomg actress, the daughter of a prominent attorney of Chicago, in vests the part with a patbetio grace and tenderness which can emanate only from t sinosto artist and wuiob be -peak- much for Mias Arohsi’e future. FEMALE HELP WANTED. Ladies f o do sewing at .home. $9 week, Steady wore. Ail matg’ial sen' free prepaid any where. Send stamped addressed envelope for full par.iouiars. Universal Cos., D*i'c A., Walour, Philadelphia, P*. Fancy umbrella, for ladies and gen tlemen, at Haller's. Just received a car of fine ripe bannanas. Will sell at your own price. B. Bochardt & Cos. Two yearling heifers for sale, C. S Tait. FOR SALK—A nioe six-foot counter. C. S. Tait. For Asthma use CHE NEY’S EXPECTORANT, Christmas for Gentlemen. $ , j. •, V/aterman Ideal Fountain Pens, Gold pens, razors and razor sets, fine pocket knives, ink stands, card cases, pocket books, Traveling cases and pictures. FLEMING & WAFFS, Coney <& barker DEALERSiN Coal and Wood, Brick, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Hair, Shingles and Laths. Agents for Morris’ Brick. Phone 18- 525 Bav St, Digest* KOMI Dyspepsia Cure When the. stomach is diseased all the other organs suffer, hence fatal ttaeases of the heart, liver, lunge and kidneys are often the result of Improper digestion. Kodol Dy.ipefsia Curb contains all the natural ’digestive fluids and by digesting what you eat, it cures the indiges filoo without aid from the stomach, allowing it to rest and regain its healthy condition and permlttiniyou to eat all the good food you want “My reel is often disturbed at light by irregular heart action which ■ believe to on account of my stomach being overloaded with undi- Cited food I keep a bottle of Kodoi, Dyspepsia Cure nearby and a all dose always gives me instant relief. Bd. Thomas, Leitchfield, Ky.” It oun’t help liut do you good Jllbepered by EL O. DeWitt A 00., Chicago The 61. beetle contain* IK times the 50c. ala* Ohe favorite lloueehold remedy for roughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, gripp* Snaot luaf* troubles is ONE MINUTE tough Cur*. It cures quiekla. J, J.LISSNER, W It O, KSiJL.It Groceries, Tobacco, SFlour, Bacon r and Provisions, GRAIN, HAY AND BRAN A SPECIALTY -216 Bay IStreet, Brunswick, Georgia.