The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 25, 1901, Image 4

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FOR MONDAY AND . TUESDAY, ONLY We will sell a Buffalo Pan- American souvenir Placque for only ioc, * Also plain Placques at ioc. Everything in JEWELRY * for Xmas Presents. Lamps, Fans, Umbrellas, Pocketbooks and Canes, Engraving Free- KENNONMOTT, O. D Jeweler and Graduate Ontician- Ml KiwihUi SttMt, I ,*ye Ic* r ID h i'hn (,l l:( l > w ! i'l l, Jrtui Wazhltut* KKKI’KK or THK CITY CLOCKS. GET ONE OF THOSE Portable Baskets. Bums Goal in the Open Fire- place How asn you f.t t’onf without one of thou nice Hsrd wood uvntelß with Tile trimming! we srt telling to cheep 0 one Hee. fine Memoriei work, Iron Kenoe. Ao RKKI) K LaMANuEMgr. Sl2 Monk street CHRIS ARNHE.ITER, ——WHOLESALE AND RBTAII, DBAI.KB IN Schwarschild & Sulzherger Beef Co’s. Westem fid, M ond lilt FRESH POULTRY FRESH VEGETABLES, FRESH GROCERIES, FRESH EGGS FROM THE COUNTRY. All goods sent out nice and clean. The best of ererything for thejmodel housekeeper. 207 Monk street. Phone 89 M *aL'j.Mßij ■■■■■;■■■■■■■■■ —■■■■■■■ 1 ■'■■■■■ ■■ FRESH ARRIVAL of Heinzes Sweet Pickles in Bulk and in Bottles. Largest Assortment of Olives and Jams in the City Large Fat Mackerel For 10c. Largest stock of Coffees in the City —25 different grades to select from Bine ‘245 118 A Street JOHANNESEN & CO. BRUNSWICK TIMES-OALL, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 25 1901 PERSONAL MENTION ITEMS O'’ INTEREST CONCERNING BRUNSWICKIANS AND THEIR FRIENDS FROM LOCAL AND OTHER SOURCES. Mr. Frejeriek IVnniweo >g home for : hi holidays. Mr. Archie Kty will spiitd the holi days in Brunswick. Mrs. W, J. Hodgson of Wayoross it here visiting her mother Mrs. Jeffers, Mr. W.llism Niisebaam leaves this morn'ng for Albany where he will spend the holidays. Mr, P, M Nightingale of Jsokson v-lie i. visiting he- parents Mr. and Mrs, 0, D jwning. Mr Robert Everett Is here from New York spending the holidays with his parents. Mr. ard Mrs. R H Everett. Mrs. Cornell and sod, William Cor nel). the mother ami brother ol Mrs. FI H ruymond are the guests of the Oglethorpe, A Broken Arm -11 inry Cook, the 12 year old son of Mrs. daru Cook of Ist avenve and Am. heartwtree', fell from quite s n height yusierday wtnl, gathering inistlocoe, |He was oonsldersbly stunned by the | fall and bis left arm was fraotured at the wrist. Or. him and last night the little fellow was resting easy. SHIPPING HE PORT, OorrssUd Daily by Oapt. Otto Johanssssc Pert‘)f BransDeo 21, 1(101. ARRIVED I ahan ba U, Orsols, Marosee. BAILED Swedish bar*, Juoitur. fansson.Hßll. For Pain's cePbratod fireworks go to Fleming * Wff Fountain and gold and pearl pans and opera glasses we have in the best makes Kennon Mott, Jeweler, 215 Newcastle Bt. Tbs very best umbrellas and canes you wilt find in any store. Ivennon Mott, tht Joweler, 215 Newcastle Bt. Perfumery In fanoy jugs and bottles at fRc, 250 and f.Oj at H.ller’s, The hast lamps you wit] see at the jew elry store of Kennon Mott, 215 Newcastle street. Go where they all go, to Kar non Mott's JLewelry Blare, 215 Nrwoastls street. A nice lire of pictures and stationery at ttie very lo- est prices at Kennon M >tt’, tlie Jeweler, 215 Newcastle street There is nothing nicer or more appro priate, or more lasting, or more appreci ated for ao Xmas present tnan something in jewelry that comes from Kennon Mott’s Jewelry Store, 215 Newcastle street. Santa Claus “ fl 1 W e have the largest and nicest stock of Fine Cand ies ever shown in Brunswick, all pure amt fresh* Fine Mixsd 10c. per lb. Asso ted Chocolates 20c. Assorted Bonbons 20c- Orages 2oc doz. or $l5O per 100 Also new nuts of all kinds, extra fancy Ap ples, Celery, Raisins, Candy,Toys, and other good ihings, LLOYD’S . ’Phrii 2 214 Newcastle St A CHRISTMAS WEDDING. The Goodyear Mitchell Nuptials Will Be Celebrated at High Noon. Today at high noon another of Rrenawick's fair daughters will be led to the sltar by a groom from ano her oity. This time the bride will be Miss Mary Elite Goodyear, daughter of Col. and Mrs. C. P Goodyear. The pros peetive groom it Mr. William Eagene Mitobell of Albany, and the marriage will be at Otk Lawa, the resldenoe of the bride’s father, Rv.W. M. Gil* more will rfflolate, using the beanflful and solemn servioe of the Episoopal obnroh The happy eouplr la lieu if a wed ding tour will stay at Otk Lawn for a fortnight and entertain abousepar y of some twelve or fifteen guests. St. Jude's Serial. On Thursday eveniog at 7 :*0 will be held the third of the winter soolals of this parish, at the sobool bouse, Tue> will he at this aooial the Christmas tree for the parish. AH friends of St. Jude’s church are cordially invited. I.’gbt refreshments will be served by the ladlee. Owing to the unusual ex pense an apportuoity will be given for those who desire to assist us financial ly by thsir gifts. Just received a car of fine ripe bannanas, Will sell at your own price. B. Bochardt & Cos. FOR SALE—Big bargain, girl’s bicycle, $3 60, at Givio’s shop. OF BENltriT TO YOU. n. 8. Mitchell, Fulford, Md . “Daring a long illness I was troubled with bad sores, was advieed to try L sWitt'e Witob Hazel Ba'raand did to with wonderful reaulta. 1 wae perfectly cured It ie the bee ealvs on the market." Burs cure for pilee, corse, burns. Beware of c >unterfeite W. J Butts. A souvenir book would make so ap propriate Caristmae gift. Fleming & Waff bae them. Are You Puzzled as to what to buy friend or relatives for Christ mas? Here is our list of suggestions. For Men, Bath Robes, Smoking Jackets, Walking Canes, Umbrellas Plain and Initial Handkerchiefs, Neckwear, Gloves, Mufflers Suspenders, Card Cases, Pocketbooks, Cuff Buttons, Cigar Cases and many other novelties. For Ladies, Fur Pieces. Lounging Robes, Umbrellas, Handkerchiefs Leather and Metal Purses Card Cases, Pocketbooks, Dressing Saques, Dress and Underskirts Silk and Flannel waists. Give us a call, and our salespeople will cheer fully aid you in making selections. LEVY’S. For LaGrippe and Influ enza use CHENEY’S EX PECTORAN l. I am HEADQUARTER For FIREWORKS Having Bought Direct From the Factory. Won's tail! flour, won's win is. islon’s Most fool Won’s Hominy finis, • >- Direct From the PURINA MILLS* < A. O. JEEpjM 219 NEW||W jo* . ‘ ' " f:yp °'- n 5... ings .w* NL vV YO<K Every Friday at *p m. **’ Friday to Suit the Tidf • j LowestjUtv. Direct Service, Commodious Accommcdattc,,■ c. It, >lall*by N (Jo., Ukn’l Aoip V HI Burlirg Slip, New V t. Briin^RckJj CHINESE" REk&C FSTBLISHMijr 18n9? CHUF; HA\U J|§ You can get the best the market al UprQ&rm eating hSioj 215 C i P S. —Orders taken for O. %, % Fresh Armp • of white fish in kits, extra pitted cherries, dried figs, line of assorted* preserves and jams, peaches, ginger pre-fl server A large,aa§wtmetf*of olives fm bottle* and bulk Aflta most compl line the Lest 5 and ¥>c, All goods margin. * on j f m. Jr ' I ■ Truly A . 9 # CREAM%f c NTUCKY^ It’s pure and who : m .t■ <1 s >'d cheaptf than any others whiskey of its tV. tn , nnk v iju d-ty4H[K| i n by Douglas & Ma'gan, 212-2PlS|ay &rect I. trace,./*. t:o. O.StlllV , 'B| OCces ''n • ■itiutt, >Lio^ LPfO rnytEYS, CRANBERRIES AND CELERY For > i IHave Jusr 1 GceiYfifl a Large -Silent ol MIXED CAM For lias Trade That 1 jqn Sttling at lilt \A . /