The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 27, 1901, Image 1

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ME BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL VOLUME XII Uml^369 DENTOMYRH^ Tooxh Powder, a Tooth Paste, Tooth Wash, Tooth Soap. Ail 25c Each, 1 W. J, DOTTS, The Druggist liuyler's Candy Fresh Every Week. Just-Received a large shipment of Lowney’s Fine Candies in /’fancy * packages for ' >R-S ALE v Company. DonWifpd of this cold wave —just come down to Mrs. M. Isaac’s handsome store and find everything you need, • iHeadcxuarters for " HPClaj^^Jfc-—see our line of toys, lamps, wm \’ine sets at cut prices. horns, japanese ii!.anxi)Jli|ULthingß that will pay HchpurchSse giles you a MWnWpmdsome doll that is to be ; y on .ran. Ist. Isaac, pi Newcastle Street. Bhe diplomatist the An jx was man’* beet allay his thoughts” in which jsefo ness of speech chiefiy f today cares not to ern is thoughts, and his best Seal Hiand Coffee. It his perception; and makes ny a man dates his popu tlie day he began using only at* |EANY’S, looirs• Ga, o u Out in.Selectbg Presents |yr GentlezncHn Kol* Ladies Suits, f. Silk Suites, Serge and Causers, Underwear*,** Cheviot Ssirts.Silir, Velvet resb and Negligee siiAs, and Flannel waists, JacKets, onoep, Hats, w uapes, Collarettes, Stoc* #ost beautiful Net kwear, Collars,PocKetbooxs, Chatelaio Pilk mufflers, cuffs, bags, Perfumery, Toilet soaps, o as> ius P,f !!< iers, Fancy combs, Solid G rings, Cdff Buttons, Watcn -chains, Fancy chains, Linen curtains hancy Sox, ete. Chenmlle curtains, Onn ftiir I Fancy Linen sets,. *9 /_ i Towels, Napiins, etc. <& BRO, Street.*** BRUNSWICK. GA., FRIDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 27, 1901 IIU ID Mli Made to Quit By Presi dent’s Orders New Tork, Dec. 26 -Edward S. Mae lay, wbo refnsed to reaigo aa a apeoial laborer in the office of the general storekeeper in the navy yard,was eum marlly diaobarged today Maelty went to the navy yard, ae usual, today, and prepared to resume hiadntiea. Fay Di* reotor Fatnam went to Maclay’a deaV, read him a telegram of dismissal re celved from Washington yeaterday, and told him he waa diamiaaed. Mao lay laft the yrd immediately. Qeeaid be would return et the mmol time to morrow and prepare te go to work. ARTIE BROCKINGTON IN TROUBLE He it Accuied of Larceny From the House and Beund Over. Mr. Artie Brookington, * yonng man well known in Brunswick, waa nag before Juetioe of the Peace Conley yeeterday oo e charge of laroeny from the bouse and bound over to tba Superior oourt. It taema that ha and a young man from Camden oountjr named Henry Kendrick ware knocking around tnw.i together an Cbrlatmae eve night and Kendrick olaims to have baaa robbed of I'M) In gresabaoki, Tbay ware la a bouae on tba eouth and of Bay atrear, and Kendriek in hia arldanca at tba prelimaaary trial yeaterday itated that be bad partly aadraaaad in one room and gone Into another, that ha heard •ome one in the room where ha bad left bla olotbea and looking tkroagh an open door eaw Brookington pick np ale panta, take hie pookat book oat aod leave the kooee. He called to him and followed kirn a* toon aa he oonld dreai bat aoald not Aod him. Evidence *ee iutrodnoed to ehow that Kandriek had three S2O bill* in hie paoket book. Brookington deniaa the charge am phaticilly and gave bond. A KILLING AT EVELYN. ■■ One Negre Shoots Another in a Dispute About a Pistol. Ohriitmae morning a negro man, name# Kid Sm'th, waa abot aod killed by laaao Aahfeot. Tba two bad a dia ente about the own*rahip of a pistol and Smith drew his pistol, when Asb* foot who had a riAe in hia hand raised 'be weapon and shot him dead. It it said Smith bore the reputation of be* ng a desperate man and eyewitnesses pronoonee the killing a clear ease ot self defence. After the abocting Asbfoot walked away and although Deputy Sheriff Pylaa searched all through that section be oonld not be found. It is though he walked to another station and got away on a train, Brown Patterson. Mr, Benjamin F. Brown of Camden sooaty aod Mise* Lllliona Patterson were married yesterday evening at 7 o’eloek at the home of Capt. and Mra. Joseph Lassesre, Rev. J. B (lame of tha First Methodist oburch r (Hoisting, The bride ia wall known in Brunt* wiek and the groom ta a brother of Mra, Laiaaare. Tba newly made hoi* band and wife have many frieada bare a wlah them muoh happiness. { THE MITCHELL-GOODYEART NUPTIALS A Beautiful Heme Wedding at Oak Lawn en Christmai Day. Tbe marriage of MlaajMary E'lie Good year to Mr. William Eugene Mitohell at Oak Lawn, tbe elegant borne of tbe bride’s parents, on Christmas Day waa one of tbe most important and impos ing aooial events of tbe holiday season. Tha oeremooy was performed at noon in the preaenoe of a number of apeoial friends by R-v. W. M. Gilmore, pastor of the First Baptist cbnrcb. The beautiful marriage serrioe of the Epis oopel ohuroh wae need aa tbe groom is •n Episcopalian. The bride entered tbe parlor on tbe arm of her father, fallowed by ber maid of honor, Misa Esther M, Goodyear of Nanagtuok Conn , and the groom oame in with hia brother, Mr. Nelson Mitohell of Albany. After the ceremony an elegant lunoheon waa ssrved aol in the eveniag the bridel party and guesta were enter tained with a danoe, Tbe bride 11 the beautiful and ae ooinpliehed daughter of Colonel and Mrs. Charles Porter Goodyear, wbo an* j >y the love of a large oirole of glands won bf her many obarming and graoe fol oharaoteriatloa, Her drees wae white brocade silk orepe, trimmed with roie point He-; and bar maid of honor wae attired in while Swiss hand em broidered over white satis. Tbe groom It a prominent young baaieeee man o* Albany, Ga., whose popularity attests hia sterling worth. Tbe Times*Uall joins with their mtny friends In the heartiest of good wishes end congratu lations. Tbe bride and groom are entertain ing a house party of a number of frlends lom a distance and defer their weddln g tour until the fl st of the year. CAPT. SYMONS WATCHED. The Piled Present Him a Handsome Gold Timepiscs. Capt. W. T. Symons was invltad down to tbe pilots’ office on Christmas morning and prsssntsd with a hand soma gold watsh by tbe pilots of Brunswick and Bt. Andrew’s bers as an evidenoe of hair baarty appreoiation of bis efforts In getting through tbe legislature the two bills be Introduoed relating to the pilotage laws of Georgia. Judge J. D. Sperke of the City coart, at tbe request of tbe)pilofs,ln e lew well ehosen words meds tbs presentation ' and Captain Symons responded with a few happy remarks. The gift of tha watch is a well deserved sompliment to Olynn’s repreientativa by tbs pilots, and be prizes it very highly. AT THE GRAND TONIGHT. "Uncle Josh Spruceby" Will Hold the Boards. Tbsre ia the fragrant perfume of the apple blossoms tad the olover all through the story of "Uncle Josh Spruceby," and one seems to brestbe the balmy air of tbe oonntry as the many interesting soenes ere being en joyed, Yju mast see this plsy and tea bow mnch better yon feel after wit neteing tbe scenes on tbe old farm, and the natural acting of a company of capable actors. Yen will find tb oomedy the genuine artlole, and no * matter how old a theatre goer yon may be, yon will smile, and smile loudly* at tbe many olever lines and funny situa" lions with wbiob the play abounds. Tboia who have enj lyed "Uncle Josh Sprnoeby" in times past will aot need any urging, and te those who have never enjoywd that pleaenrr, we can say look in oo "Uoc’e Josh Sprnoeby” at the Grand opera honte tonight and y on will know that yon have pa la a pleasant sventng and only regret bat tht (las* passed so 1 Mil Kffi OFFI Belisvii it to Be Bis BonMsil Duty. New Tork, Dec. 26.-Former Presi dent Grover Cleveland has acoepted an appointment to the industrial depart ment of (he National Civio Federation oreated at the reoent peace eonfaranoa of labor and oapitaliatio leader*. HU letter of aeoeptanue to Oaoar Strata*, chairman of tbe conference, read* : ‘‘Prinoeon, Deo. 24 —My Dear Mr. Strauss. Yoor letter of tbe Bih is el hand, illn-ss haa confined me to my room for nearly fiva weeka and 1 am now hardly able to alt up and write this. "My deiire for quiet and comfort and eboalute rotlrament from public or > asmi-pablio aarvioa ia vary atrong and growa atrangsr as tbe day* pace, 1 abould, without besttatlon, yield to this and decline your reqiest tha'. I aeoept a place among those who arc to seek the promotion of industrial pesos by a friendly intervention in tronb as between employers and employed, i:’ I ware net afraid 1 shonld thereby and a* regard an important doty, My reflec tions have maos it olear to ms that I should aoeept the plaoa assigned ma, and Ido so with the earnest wish that thois selected to actively represent the parposas sad motives of you? ooafer enos me* not labor In veia.” EDUCATORS MEET Columbia is the Place For the Meeting This Year. Columbia, S. C., Dee. 28.—The Southern Bdaoational Association bolds ite lltb ennasl eoaTeatlen here today, the opening session being soheduled for 8 o'clook tonight. The convention will continue In eesaten Friday and Satarday. Oeorga K. Olenn of Atlanta, president of the association, arrived this morning and many otbar delegates ars sxpaeted daring tha day. EFEORT TO MAKE MONEY. McKinley Memoral Association Cautions the Pesple. Cleveland. Dec. 36.—The McKinley National Memoral Aeoeiatlon, with headquarters In this olty, has bad Us sttcntlan colled to so many enterprisss of a commercial Batura landtag to make capital ont of the sentiments of pabliosKeotloo for William MoKiclay that the following statement has been issued by Judge William R Day president of the association. “The poblio is espeeially cautioned against any enterprise attempting to make oapital out of • sentiment of affeotlon wbloh Inspired a desire to rear at the grave of oar late president a memorial which shall fltclngty honor his memory. It ie the desire of the trustees that all contributions be free* will offerings of the people, and they respeotfolly reqaest tba publie to die* coarage all propositions which may seem to have as tbair objsot the ob taining of money by giving all or a part of the prooeeda to the memorial fond, The poblio is hereby notified that the MoKlnley National Memorial Association has no connection with or relation to any other association or to any antarprlee of a commercial na tore, PRICE FIVE CENTS. Fireworks Fireworks. We defy competition on the prices below: 4 Balt Roman Candles per doz. 07c. 8 “ “ “ “ “ IBe. “ “ “ “ •* isc 10 “ “ “ “ “ 250 18 “ * “ “ “ 35c 30“ “ “ “ “ 800 No. S Cannon Cracker, 20 In box 26c “ # “ “ 5 “ - Jso 1 “ -3 * “ 150 *l2 * 8 “ “ 20c * 16 “ 2 “ 2Bo “31-8“ “ 16 “ “ 10c “8 1-3“ 7 " “ .06, Small Fire Crackers 3 packages sc. The above are all new Fireworks. ’PHONE 158. Notice. In addition to affording every taolllty to our oustomen oonalatent with safe banking, we are prepared to eat as Administrator or Executor of Estates, Guardians of property of minors, and to make Bonds in judloiai and other mstters—Generally to .exer oise ali oar power* as a Trait Company Brunswick Bank & Trust Cos. B. W, Sals. Cashier. OCEAN LODGE No. 214 F. and A. M. Will Celebrate St. John's Day Tonight, All Maiona,their ftmiliet and friend*, •re invited to attend the celebration of S*. John’* day tonight at Mason hall Thre will be addreasei by Prof. Ballard Yen Harry Caialll and others. Inter speresd with music by some of tbs best local talent A special program baa been arranged and a pleasant evening is promised to all who attend.; New Goods for New Year. Anew line of goods are being re solved folly at Kennon Motts to fill op the gaps caused br the Christmas rush. Patrons will And the store Well supplied with tbs best of Mew Year resents,