The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 28, 1901, Image 4

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A New Line of Goods Just Received to fill in the Gaps mr caused by the Christmas Rush and we are able to supply you with the best New Year Presents New Goods are coming’ in daily and you will always fiind a good assortment to select from, KENNON MOTT, O. D Jeweler and Graduate Outician- JiS Mtwoaitit 3UMI. I epsoto<. r W ann to Hi dm im t, y it < r,)j fron, Wmblvmo KKKI'KH OF 1 THE CITY CLOCKS. GET ONE OF THOSE Portable Baskets. Burns Coal in ihe Open Fire place- How can you get along without one of those nice Hard-wood Mantels with Tile trlmmtugi ws are selling so cheap Come Hee. Fine Memorial work, iron Fence, Ao KEKI) E. LaMANUE Mgr. SI 2 Monk street. CHRIS ARNHEITER, Schwarschild & Sulzherger Beef Co’s. Mm Bed, Pi and lilon, FRESH POULTRY FRESH VEGETABLES, FRESH GROCERIES fRESH EGGS TROM THE COUNTRY. • AH goods sent out nice and clean. The best of ererything for thejmodel housekeeper. 207 Monk street. Phone 89 FRESH ARRIVAL of Heinzes Sweet Pickles in Bulk and in Bottles. Largest Assortment of Olives and Jams in the City Large Fat Mackerel For 10c. Largest stock of Coffees in the City —25 different grades to select from Rine 245 118 A Street . JQMMNESEN & CO. J THE BRUNSWICK TIMEh-OALL, SATURDAY. DECEMBER 28 1901 PERSONAL NIENTIOS ITEMS OP INTEREST CONCERNING BRUNSWICKIANS AND THEIR FRIENDS FROM LOCAL. AND OTHER SOURCES. Mr. .1. 11. D.ifour of Savannah Is in (be city, Tbe frsends nf N!r C. I). Ogg will be glad to learn he is recovering from bis recent iiloesa. Colonel W. G Brantley baa returned from Blacksliear and'will remain In tbe oity a few days before going to Wash ington for ihe winter. Alderman Newman presided at tbe poll oo court again yesterday and wonnd up the Christmas business. Ho had about fifteen unfortunates before hint and ibeir ootubiried fines auioanted to SSO An experienced lumber inspector desires position; will work reasonable; oan furnish references if desired. J, W, Duncan, 85. Simon Mills, G. Nearly a Beer Famine. 1 was rumored on the street yester day that a beer famine was imminent in Brunswick, A Time**Call man In vestigated the rumor and learned tbai although the supply of beer on band was running short, there was though to be enough to last till 10 o’olook, and he was assured by i joal represen stiver oil wo breweries that they wou and eaoo have u car load here tbit morning. It seems tha' on d-a rra'> short or Thursday and the other two divided With bur, thinking he would nave r. otrload here yes'erday morning For some reason it did not come and yes terday thrr was not quite enough t supply the demi'd. SOME'CABLET RUMORS The President is Anxious for Sec-etary Wilton to Stay. Washing on, D c. 27.—The cabinet met as usual today, hut no business was transacted, the session being ecou ipied in the exchange of holiday retain Iscenoes. The most positive denials were givai of the s ory published today ihat F. D Coburn, secretary of the aiate beard of agriouluire of Ktr-sas, would succaer Secretary Wileoc. Wh-n the fact that O veroor Sliav h and acoept and lhe lender of the treas ury portfolio wm made publ c the an nouncement was made that tiec-etar. Wilson would remain id tue o, hi net. and today ihe suad s'atement is reii* erated. The p*esident Is anxious tha Secretary Wilson ohouid remain anr the snoreiary has infoiui-d the presi dent that be will gladly do so Talk of the Town df We have the largest and nicest stock of Fine Candies ever shown in Brunswick, all pure and fresh* Fine Mixed 10c- per lb. Assoded Chocolates 20c. Assorted lon bons 20c* Orates 2oc doz, or $l5O per 100 Aho new nuts of all kinds, extra fancy Ap ples, Celery, Raisins, Candy Toys, and other pood things. LLOYD’S Mi 256 2 214 Newcastle St THE PLAY TONIGHT Naughty Anthonv Will be the Attraction at the Grand. David BJa.oi.’s faroe corned'* suc cess, Naughty Anthony, will be the attrautiou at tbe Grand tonight. This famous playwright baa written many notable plays, mo.ading Zt*a aod The Heart nf Maryland, and bas dons bis best ooraeily work in Naughty Antbony. Muob of ibis play’s suocest is due to the fine cast engaged In pre senting it. J.ocal theatre-goers are uromieed a treat in Marie Dorr, claim ed to be the prettiest and daintiest comedienne on tbe s age, and who will be te-n aa Cora, the hosiery mode 1 . Tna title role ie in the bands of clever Will Phillips, a handsome young ligh comedian, whose biggest b;t up to th* time bs played Antbony, was In the London production of The Whirl of the Town. Another great favorite in the cast is Patti Rosa, daughter of tbe late Patti Rost, and a olever singer who baa been aeen hero before. Miss Doro’s and Miss Rosa.s songs are features of tbe performance, and tbe great smoking scene is also a big feature. TWO COUPLES IN ONE DAYi The Ordinary Does a Land Office Busi ness Judge Dart, tbe ordinary whs called upon to join two coubles yesterday, which is a ratber unusual ooourranos. A gentleman called on him in tbe morning and told him he would require his services in the afternoon at 4 o’clock. A' that hour he returned with a lady and told the judge tlisy Wished to be married. Judge Dut asked them tbe usual qu-stiiors, and received satiefac ory replies, so Clerk dußignoD and ILpnty Cie-k Townsend were called in as witnesses and tht Ordinary performed h< oeremoney ir nis vary best manner. Tue young couple ssid t _ty weie from Hoboken and the groom volun 'cared the information that there war some little opposition to the marriage His name is W L Anderson and the bride was Miss E. E. U iderwoed and an attraotive looking yeuug lady. The o’hrr ocuple Judge Dirt mar ried yeet-day wereuegice- Even in Slippers In Patent Leath er and Kid, plain strap sand beaded The most select line in the city. LEVY’S. SHIPPING REPORT, Oorreetod Daily ij Oapt. Otto Johannuei Part <f Bnuuwiak, Deo.i26, 1901. SAILED Schooner AI tut E G Holmes,Smith, gtntittro. Nohooner Wm 11. Huuine, , V-tior, AafcUia. I am HEADQUARTERS For FIREWORKS Hating Bought Direct From the Factory. Mft Mil Flour, Men's Hill oils, Ralston’s MM food, Roiston’s Mi Ml, Direct From the PURINA MILLS. A. O. JEFFERS 219 NEWCASTLE MALLORY LIJ ) fife i| PROPOSED SAILINGS FROM NEW Y() Every Friday at BRUNSWICK Eyeiy Friday to Suit the Tide. Lowest Rate, Direct Service, Commodious Passenger Accommodations. C, H, Mallory & (>., (jen’l A gts J. S Raymond^ 1G Burling Slip, New Yoik. Agect, Brunswick, Oa. CHINESE RESTAURANT EBTBLISHED 1889. CHUB HALL, Proprietor You can get the best the market affords by eating hrf g 2>is or mnr\ P s.—Orders taken for JLaundry. Truly “A Grand Old Whiskey” j * CREAM OF KENTUCKY, It’s pure and wholesome and sold cheaper than any o'ldt whiskey of its fame, rank or quality- Sold m Brunswick only by Douglas & Morgan, 212-214 Bay I. TRAO-EH m CO.. Distillers, Offices Cincinnati, Ohio, IT. S- Mr. Coney Seriously Hi. Mr. E F. Coney is ierou Ij ill He ha* h'en coufl ,eil to bis home several .<ave hy a i sir> ' k of indigestion, bat wa> not o n*tdr. and very >lt *V day ni|(ht he beoam" mnu •••,' J md several puysieiao* - 1 ' ' •' sol ation with his r- u r ( mi ■ * doc tor, H vtf 8 pionoui.c and V if) 4 1l terriay and the report from *b- iside late las’ nig'.t >* that ’ s * • bnu' *be some. Kodol Dyspepsia Cura Diyeata what you oat* LI V E TURKEYS, CRANBERRIES AND CELERY \ For \ Xmas. 1 Have Just FnM a Larp Spent o!. MIXED CANDY For I-ias Me < That I am Selling at 10c. per lb. - \ A* . f'\ c* w f ■ ■ ro"sTi mmmmm bb They wtfl *#• A LILV^XV-^^.ri , j.