The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 29, 1901, Image 3

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some Little Things qjlte essential to the sr ocess of a job, are overlooked by some workmen. Strict attention to details, and the use of the best material makes all our PLUMBING WORK satisfactory. Out ohargea are uniformlj low,,but no part of a job is slighted. A. H, BAKER, 805 Gloucester St. ANTED! All the second hand type writers in Brunswick. Also W2.nt all second hand furniture, organs, stoves and old brass. J W. Watkins, 5? 08 Bay £t. FOU SALE—On socount o leaving tbeoit; we offer for sale a targaii our entire s'ook of groceries nd fruit at lowest pric . Apply o<oim B os.. 401 Bay St. SHE DIDN’T WEAR A MASK But her beauty was completely bidder bv sore-, blotcbe* and pi® plea till gbn Used Bucklen’s ArnioaSalve.Tnen thy vanished es will all eruptions, fevei sores, boile, ulcers, carbuncles and felons from its use. Infallible f r cuts, corns, buwa, scalds and piles. Cure guaranteed. 250 at all druggists. DEATH QUICKLY FOLLOWS DISEASED KIDNEYS. * D Btb soon f- Howe from di-eaaed unless a wit® -.ijraviv' by taking old reliable Stuart b Gid and Buchu %be folio wtng symptons indicate the approaob o' Bright’s Disease or Dla betes and Kidney trouble: Puffy or darkoirolea under the eyes, sallow, yellow c, mplexion, dull, heavy head aches, dizzy tired feeling, faint spells, pain or dull aobe in the back, urin cloudy, milk like or stringy, dark in color or offensive, painful scalding sensation in passing urine, obliged to go often dusiog the day or nigh'. There ia a oure in Stuarts Gin and Buobu. It is the one remedy yoa can rely on. Ii will oorrect of these symptoms and permanently cure even Bright’s dis after all other treatments fail. Pstuurt’s Gin and Buohu will neutrals lze the iii ice and oauae it to flow in a perfectly natural manner. A high grade kidcev cure, The most perfect made. Stuart’s Gin and Bnobn thoroughly years. It to Hx! red at and ■*-„-¥ V < ii oI and rein - jg - . Blreae prepaid SIfSEIP s '""'JC free advice Drug Cos. for Intents and Children. % Kind You Have Always Bought BLOOD. This woman is a picture of per ( feet health. .Her existence is not made miserable by Shattered at J Nerves, Wasting Irregularities, "% Dyspepsia, the Blues, or any of f yvjpL the manifold derangements caused by weak or impure blood. \A/ She is full of life and ambition. She is handsome. Bhe is happy. Rich blood coursing through her reins maintains her magnificent ™ womanhood, warding off the in- W j\ .JB numerable diseases to which * f I weaker woman would be suscep- _ |JPIk tlbl# * ■HHHMHHnmy'J MU jjLjy Miss Alice Hastings, Savannah, Ga, says she was suffering all tIl( torture of a ter rible ras* of scrofula, p.MmA*£jSSju& and no relief could be obtained until lb I'. P., Llppmun’s Great Heir, **'' yk ' edy. was tried ; there r**jp I suit was a complete • T <% P(LIPPMAN'S GREAT REMEDY) is the ideal medi cine for women. Its nae insures health and the sub . etantial attractiveness which health alone can b stow. P. P. P. lathe greatest Blood Purifier known ' iv-Buscience, curing all Scrofulous Affections, Dyspepsia, Rheun HS® Catarrh, Neuralgia, Malaria and Nervous Derangements. Bl p, p, i 8 sold by all drnggists. $1 a bottle; six bottles, $ AN BROTHERS, "uKlaif'ihia, Savannah •j. ♦ To Carry Youough the holidays something from our place is absolutely necessary. One can’t get along without sone DRUGS AND MEDICINES, and the pure, good kind, juoh as is sold here, is the only kind worth yon money. Then there may be some presents to buy I A selection from this fist will please all parties ■ Perfumes, Soap, Combs, Brushes, Fine Candies aDd a big line of low prioet. SMITH’S PHARMACY I feST FOR SALE—A handsome silver servlee. Prioe reasonable, Apply 210 Reynold* street. GEORGIA, ( Whereas Fannie A. Smith Glynn County, j Admmistra trix ol H. C ; Smith’s estate, represents to the court in the I petition duly filed and entered on record, that she has tally administered H. C. Smith's estate. This is therefore, to cite all persons concern ed kindr < and creditors to snow cause if any they can why said administrator should not be discharged from her administration and re ceive letters of dismission on the first Monday in February, 11)02. HORACE DART, Ordinary. CITATION. GEORGIA—GIynn Connty. Charles O. Jones, administrator upon the estate ot D. F. Jones, late of said county de ceased, has applied to the Court of Ordinary of said county for leave to sell a certain tract of land containing thirty-five and a half acres, and which ie fully described in said application now of file in said court, belonging to said estate for the payment of debts, expenses and distribution, and said application will be heard at the January term 11)62 of said court. Let all concerned take notice hereof. This December 6th, 1601. Horace Dart, Ordinary Glynn County. C. O. Jokbs, Admir istrator of D. P. Jones. CITATION FOR PUBLICATION. William Mahoney, administrator upon the estate in Georgia of Joan M ahony, late of Tam - Ea, Hillsborough county, Florida, having filed is petition Jlor discharge, this is to cite all persons eoncerned to show cause against the granting oi this discharge, at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for said county to be hei.-h onthe first Monday in February, 1902. Tni. November^ oF GEORGIA—GIynn County. Whereas, EollaT. Danforth Administratrix of the estate of John M. Tison, represents io the court in her petition, duly Died and entered on record, that she has fully administered John M. Tison’s estate: This is therefore to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can why saidjAdminiet. ratnx should not be discharged from her ad ministration and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in January, 1903. HORACE ©ART. Ordinary. tIDHEY DISEHStS an th* moat fatal of aC FOLEY’S a or money refunded. Contact ftmedlea recognized fey amt pent physician* aa (ha mf w Kidney and Bladder trouble* nxcMm*m MlA w. J. BUTTS. SHIP NOTICE. Nei her the master, owner nor consign ees of the Italian bark Oreola will be for any debts contracted by the crew of said bark. Marcsea, Master. For Whooping Cough use CHENEY’S EXPECTO RANT, IreWICK TIMES-UALL, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 29 1901 THEATRICAL TREATS Herrmann ( the Great. Tn? great H r.maun is coning, is the we 100 oe anuounoeme .t of the managi of the opera bouse. Herrmsn with his mat ve lous slight of band, bis se sational aod awe inspiring illusions and his fun loving proclivities has de lighted and enUrt-iied the inhabitants of all the civilized communities of the globe The world still bas a chile’s heart in it* love of mystery. It never wearies of what piques its curiosity or sense of wonder and the magnificent entertainment which Herimann press ents not only fills his andienoe with amassment bat leaves them in a state bordering collapse. Leon Herrmann is the illusionist and master magician of the present decade For more ttiao sixty years lh=> name of Herrmann bas stood for wbat is best in the domain ot magic, an 1 the entertainment to be seen in this city is in every way superior to the best ever STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. Tbs annual m-e ing of the stookhold era ot Tne Brunswick Bank & P. ust Cos for the pupate of stealing a B ard of D-icoiurs and tra stc’ing such other business that may oorne before them, will be held at tbo b< nking rooms of said company on Tuesday, January 14th, 1902, between the lours of 10 s,m. and 2 p. in. Hoyt W. Gale, Cashier. Brunswick, Ga., Deo. 16tb, 1901, (■HARTS FOR SALE. Charts Aide tables and other publications, U, S, coast and Geodetic survey for sale by C. W. Deming, Phones’ 1?2 or 31, OASTORZA. Bean the j* Kind You Have Always Bought Mantles for loosndesoent or Wehh baok lamps. lUo, f 1 per doz. Guar teed O. K A. H. Baker. SHIPPING REPORT, Oorreotei Daily by Oapt. Otto Johanntnn Port of Branswiok, Deo. 28, 1901. ARRIVED. Italian bark Virginia, Valle, Malaga. Schooner Wattbam, Barter, New York. Sobooner Maud Saare, Lowell, Hu mancoa. SAILED. SieamsbipC.lorado, Risk,New York. Sohooner Joaepb B. Thomas, Ler mon* Perth Arabay. Sohooner Georgia Gilksy, Gilkey, New York. Schooner Josephine Eliiott, Ray, Boston. Norwegian bark Guldregn, Sinertaen, Newcastle. To oure SICK HEADACHE, HABITUAL CONSTIPATION,; and all diseases arising from In- • dlgestloi They will purify yourj g, > •• ake yourcomplexiori ■ Is J A LILY. They are ' ■(, ed. - PRICE 26 CENTS, j J, J. LISSNER, WHO LBS ALE groceries. Tobacco, jFlour, BaconJ Provisions, 1 GRAIN, HAY AND BRAN A SPECIAL given by the Herrmann company. I weald teem to be almost a work of supererogation to comment upon the entertainment to be given by Hirr tuann. the great. The great dailies of tbe oonntry are nnited in praise of bis performance. He will appear here January 18, 1902. Tbe largest musloaloomedy organizi. tion that bat ever been sent on a tour from New York this season is tbe huge international snooess, •* The Casino Girl,” whioh for the first time is to be presented in the prinoipal cities of this country, other than New York, Philadelpba and Chioago, where, here* tofore. the pieoe tra been played; A highly prosperous season was enjoyed in London, and at the present time yirse road oompanias are touring tbe provinces of Great Britian. The orig inal prodoc ion will be brought to tbia city. Semi j Annual Dividend No. 13. The Directors of The Brnnewiok Bank and Trust Company have this day deolared a dividend of three dol lars, (83 00) per share, oat of the earn ings of the bank for the past six months, fo stcok-buldere of reoord Deo 20 b, 1901, payable on and after Jan. 2nd, 1902. Hoyt W. Gile, Cashier, B-nnawick, Ga.. Dec. 19,1901, OF BENEFIT TO YOU. D 8. Mitchell, Fulford, Md. “Daring a iong illness I was troubled with bad sores, was advised to try TeWitt’s Witoh Hazel Sa'veand did so with wonderful results. 1 was perfeotly cured, It is the bes" salve on the market.’’ Sure oure for piles, sores, burns. Beware of counterfeits. W. J. Butts. EXPOSITION BPORT3. SPLENDID PROGRAMME FOR THE PAN AMERICAN. Schedule of Some of the More Im portant Events at Buffalo This Sumer—There Will Bea Contlnn one Carnival. Buffalo will be the great center for ■ports the coming summer. There will be a continuous carnival throughout the summer In the magnificent Stadium of the Pan-American Exposition, which has a quarter mile track and a large field and will seat 12,000 spectators. Following Is the schedule of events aa far as arranged by the Committee on Sports: Fvtdsy, May 17—Coraell-Uai versify of Michigan baseball game. Saturday, May 18—Ene county track and Said gamaa. Friday, May 24—New York State interachoiaatlo track games. Saturday, May 26—New York State lnteraeholes tlc track games. BVblay. May 81—Pan-American intercollegiate Hack games. Saturday, June I—Pan-American Intercollegiate track games. Monday, June 8-7—Schoolboy military tourna ment. / Saturday, June B—Cornell Carlisle baaebfc game. Thursday, June 13-16—A. A. U. championships. Monday, June 17-18—A. AU. basket ball cham pionships. Saturday, June 22—Western New York track meet. Monday. June 24-28—Canoe meet. Thursday, June 87—Volkafeat (German aiming societies). Friday, June 28-29—Scottish games. Monday, July 1-B—Canadian-Amsricin larnif .-cLmplonßhips. 'Thursday, July 4—All round A. AU. champion* ship and handicap events; Marathon race. Saturday, July 6—Exhibition by German I. M. C. A Monday, July 8-12—A. A. U. water sports, ewfra mlng and water polo championships. Wednesday, July 19— Intcrscholastlc basket ball. Thursday, July 11—InterscholaStio basket ball. Friday, July 12-18—National lnterscbolaatle track and field. Monday, July 15-20-Shooting meet. Tuesday, July 23-25—National Y. M. C. A. track and field games. Friday, July 26-27—Metropolitan meet A. A U. Monday, Aug. 6-6—Bicycle meet and national amateur championship. Wednesday, Aug. 7-17—Bicycle meet. Thursday, Aug. 22 23—Firemen's tournament. Saturday, Aug. 24-31—A A. U. gymnastics. Wednesday, Aug. 28-31—Irish iporta. Monday, Sept. 2-6—Association football. Friday, Sept. 6—Pan-American world's cham pionships; cross country run. Saturday, Sept. 7—Pan-American world's cham pionships. Monday, Sept. 9-14—Cattle show. Monday, Sept. 16-21—Automobile week. Saturday, Oct. 6—University of football game. Wednesday, Oct. 15—University of riuf University of Syracuse football game. Saturday. Oct. 19—CorneU-XJiirlisl# footkS game. ./ dfl ASTHMA CURrM^| Asthmalene Brings Instant Relief and Permanent Cure in Ail Cases. SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE ON RECEIPT OF POSTAL Write Your Name and Address Plainly. There Is nothing like Asthmalene. It bring Instant relieueveu in the worst case*. U cure* when all elae falls. The Rev 0 S'. Wells, ot Villa Ridge, 111., aaye; “Your trial bottle of Aathmalene received in good coudition. I can not tell you uow thank - ful I feel for the good derived from It. I was a slave, chained with putrid gore throat and ae> hma for ten years, t despaired of ever being sured. 1 eaw your advei iheuient for the cure of this dreadful and tormenting disease, Asth ma, and thought you had overspoken yourselves, but resolved to givo It a trial. To my astonish ment, the trial aoted like a charm, fiend me a fnU sire bottle.” REV. DR. MORRIS WKCH6LKR, Rabbi of the Cong, final Israel NewTork, Jan. A.1901. ‘ Drs. Taft Bros.’ Medicine Oo.i Gentlemen: Tour Aathmalene la an excel ent remedy for Aethma and Hay Fever, and its composition alleviates all troubles whioh com - bine with Asthma. Its sueoesa is astonishing and wonderful. After having it earafulty analyaed, we oan state that Asthmalena contains no opium, morphine, ohloroform or ether. Very truly yours, I REV. DR. MORRIS WECHBLER. ATOM SPRINGS, N. Y., Feb, 1,1901. Dr. Taft Bros. Mmhcwe Cos. Gentlemen: I write this testimonial from a souse ot duty, having tested the wonderful effect of your Aathmalene, for the cure of Aethma My wife has been afflicted with spasmodic aatbmafor the past 12 years. Having exhaurted myown skill as well ag many others, I chanced to see your sign upon your windows on 130th ntraet, New Yoak. lat one obtained a bottle of Aathmalene. My wife oominenced taking it about the firatuf November, I very soon noticed a radical Improve mans. After using one bottle her Asthma has dissappoared and she la entirelv free from all symptoms, I feel that Iconsiatently recommend the medicine to all who are afflicted with this distressing disease. Yonrs respectfully, • O. D. PHELPS, M. D. Da. Taft Bros. Mebioimi Cos. Feb. 1,1901. Gentlemen: I was trenbled with Asthma for 22 years (have tried numerous remedies but thoy have all failed. I raa across your edvertleement and started with a trial bottle. 1 found relief at once. I have since purchased your full-size bottle, and I am ever grateful. I have family of four children, and for six years was nnable to work. I am now In the best of health and am doing buslneesevery day. This testimony you oan make suoh use of as you se fit. Horae address, 235 Rlylngton street. mm 8, RAPHAEL, 61 East 120th st., City IEIAL MTU OR AMT&TFEQ ON USEIFT Of POSTAL, Do sot delay. Write at once, addressing DR, TAFT BROS.’ MEDICINE CO„ 79 East 130th St„ N, Y. City. Christmas for Gentlemen, V/aterman Ideal Fountain Pens,- Gold pens, razors and razor sets, fine pocket knives, ink stands, card cases, pocket books, Traveling cases and pictures. FLEMING & WAFFS, Coney & Parker DEALERS IN Coal and Wood, BvWM Lime, Cement, Plaster, Hair, Shingles and La'-Migjji Agents for Morris’ Brick. Phone 18- 525 KodoLfl Dyspepsia^^^H When tut stomach is diseased all the other •leases of the heart, liver, Jungs and kid..eys 3B 1 .. Ibipropel digestion. Koikil Dyspepsia Cure digestive fl lids and by digesting wbat you eat, Mod without aid from the stomach, allowing it, toealthy condition and permit! ingyou to eat all the “My rent ‘s often disturbed at night by irregular hcmSBSSSSmSSBS ■ believe is on account of my stomach Lola^a^sß r'JtCiMm Bested food ] keep a bottle of Koooi. I wuslJ dose, always gives me instant It can't helpJ^'''f.;- : v r 'v;;yg:;V>..w;-g jPwpnrrri by E. O. DeWltt A Cos.. Kfav ,r,i c I mseliolil *.. \ V*. * - <’*• iilll SHi M I Ffc-fJ TER - RELIEF.