The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 29, 1901, Image 4

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• A New Line of Goods Just Received to fill in the Gaps caused Kv th* Christinas Rush we are able to supply, you witb. the '■ : . *4%^.•• ■'"a,- 'Ph,Wi *- ■ •• •♦'■ ■ Jft M • -jjf ijp ijjgj/S* - % •” - <** ■£ .a£. -treSy^BagSl New \3o6ds are cornut??- tn daily and £ will always^tnd'^ go6d- as.sortmetit to'seUfct'trdra, KENNON MOTT, O. D Jeweler and Graduate Ontician ", 11l Mcwsmll* 9tract, i. ■•••• toil r I* ticket It > IttUii* Ballmj, li* Ijw nt fiD> from Wastlaftto 4 . >' • KKKi'KK OF THE CITY CLOCKS. CTT ONHOF THOSE LBas k et s. -• • .' Open Fire place - H4v> cb r those nice Hardwood Mantels with Tile ulwmlhx+4n Ve *tfM£Si *> £U^Hnipsss)oe. C' : * V- &{!(. LaMANUEMgr. r ,-- .' ■■'■■<„. ... ?12 Monk street. UMm^RNHEITER, y£^V ! £\.’ ‘/ . ' “W4*)LESAI..K ANIi KKTAII, I>KU Mi IN ,j iAW|tScliild & Su'zherger Beef Co’s, ■■Hiigiitei, Pori trio ill, ■.. ~* *ab VOUETin' ;• ~ / .FfiftWABLES, FRESH GROCERIES, HHHHSSHr' ' - ’ ■ FROM THE COUNTRY, clean. The best of t&^ittcJmnM^eKeeper. • Phone 89 KpnRIVAL c kies Bott ES THE BRUNSWICK TIMER-CALL* DAY. DECEMI PERSONAL -MENTION ITEMS 0f : INTEREST CONCERNING BRUNSWICKIANS AND THEIR FRIENDS FROM LOCAL AND OTHER SOURCES. Mrs. Mary Cook acd daughter, Miss Ada Cook, arejbere visiting the for iner’s aoni Mr, Walter Cook, A % Miss Alice Hughfaof Moßae, one o Lhe if aobf rlo G^oa^la-OeW &P£t£‘T***S\ * ’ r SBfc' *, . ij *-*^'%' ' 'ey- ><•.'' .-.-wf--, (PfP^WWL ” WWW Mr. K F. Coney, mention of whom serious illness was made in the Times-Call yesterday, is oonshier 'biy better. Tiiis wil* be (food news f o the many friends of Mr. Coney. Rev. W, II Rainey and family exa peot to leave B'noewtok for tbeir new home in Pennsylvania early next week They will leave here many friend* whose bsgt, wishes go with them Mr. E, W. Fleming and wife return, ed to their home in Jacksonville yes terday, They have been visiting Dr and Mrs. J. A. Butts and were ac companied home by Misr Lillie Butts. Mrs. Alice E. Clay, New Bedford. Mass., is at the Oglethorpe hotel. She arrived yesterday and will spend a few Java here and then go to Suwanee Springs, Fa Mil Clay ownes a large amount of proerty in Brunswick and baa of en visited here during the life time of her husband, the late Captain 3enry Clay. She has many warm friends here who will be delighted tn know that she is in the oity An experienced lumber inspactor desires position; wili work reasonable; oan furnish references if desired . J, W , Duncan, M . Smon Mills. Ga. SHIP NOTICE Neither master,'owner nor consignee of the British steamship BteUa will be re sponsible for any debts contracted by the .crew of said steamer. F. D. m. S TRACHEN <fetro., C°f?g ees. Talk t of the Town jl We have the largest and nicest stock of Fine Candies ever shown hi Brunswick, all pure and fresh- . Fine Mixed 10c. per lb, ported Cfiocolates 20c. bons 20c. Oranges 2oc doz, or sl-50 per 100 * new nuts of all kinds, extra fancy Ap -.M pies, Celery, Raisins, HE ('anuy/l’oys, and other good things, F LLOYD’S. ''m 255-2 214 Newcastle SI TRUST ;_CONPANY IN SAVANNAH^ W. W. To Be Organizin| ** Savannah, G>., D-oember 38. Savtanah is to have a ful'-fledged trust company for 'he purpose jf Boating le gitimate pnrjjqprises, W. W. MaokaU ie the m iving spirit in the metier. He stated today that hie plans bad assum ed snob shape as o enablh him to at nonnee with reasonable certainty that the proj of would be oarried into ef sot. - . .4. _ ■ * 4il. % w T3 tfos't to be a competitor of the hanks, bat 1 {ll w ' ' - g-frf J&iifc * • “■ w• u •u*ii**ry i uaifoia -.djSSw&f* -j,4f AaHßr ■■ | fefsTlohary’ so. oiety here, and M. (Jarglula Dragoman of the United States legation, who left here !),‘o. 17 to meet the brigands who have Mies Stone oaplive, have started from SaleDioa for the interior. No news of their movements is expeoted for some days. The govern went, on the presentations made by the legation, has sent inßtrvotione to the provincial authorities to render the Uaited State negotiators for the release of Miss Stone all Ibe assistance in their power message; from boat to train Wireless Telegraphy Being Put Into Practical Use. New York, Deo. 28—The wireless telegraphic system of Marconi has pasaed out ef the experimental stage and is already being adopted to oom neroial need*. Arrangements have oeen entered into between the Marooni Company and the Lmdon and Brigton railway and the oorr s <oi and ng Fen"ta railway company, to have an installat '.on of a permanent oba aoter between New Haven and D eppe. Tbe depar ture of boa-s wilt be oshhd, with in struoior s ai to the amount of 1 ggage, number of passengers, and o r her use ful info* mat ion, aud it will no longer be necessary for friends of passengers to wair. iiuurs t< nOr n t when tb tog bas de'ayed the boat* starting, Evening* Slippers In Patent Leath- er and Kid, plain str apsand beaded The most select line in the city. LEVY’S. tPDQUABTERS V Haling Bought . Bireet-Froin i 111 v i H villi Jr • PURI^H ffllSiL- *. :*%" nPSP v ••' H? A. C. JEFFERS A***'' w.T -* \ -tifcU a. ->**' ••, J .' - 4 ’ •’< x - '* - -4L* • r 219 NEWCASTLE ST. .... afe-TOi A f -a* -• v—v H iiu t- *3l 1 ,da> ’ t * P m m .. TOOll IT- TiflA Lowest Rate, C, H, Mallory 10 Burliug Slii N’eW York. - Agent, Brtmtwlek, Ga,. CHINESE BESTAURAK7 f’tefeßEteaiSl):.-3BSP^'!^^NM CHU% HALL, Prowletor 1 You can get th*£sMfihe I’ takery-feyr Truly ‘'A GifltaMKHBH * crA^lpp It’s pure and witoiesoaie and suid otHSpe* than any o*h r whiskey ot only b y Mri ' "X,. Douglas & I, TRACEft CO 4 Distillers, : Oiic*fCioc§on'ti, Ohio, TT. IS- To Preach Todajf;' < . v R°v, J W. Weston, presidio* elder of the Brunswick circuit ai thp Pi ’••it Msrh'dtst ofoutob 'this morning at 11 ..’clock- Tae,.g^9jl|ja-Jr o rain lr invit and. -tfJjfe Fountain and gold and ro* r * P?ft ahP> opera e'assts we have in •fi vm at maet K. rnnon Mott. Jeweler, 215 Nsfcasti,* Bt. * *— FOR BALE or rent valu &; proper ty at toe n irtb end of Cut becUttd Is land. Ga. Property oontaiiri \i< Ti dwelling houee suitable for v\ardt with on* hundred to two hand. ~*l w>- a of land. Apply to Q. L, Uaitztll, K t I naodlna, Fla. LIVE TURKEYS, CRANBERRIES AND CELERY mmM 1 HfIVA £• tJICI V jat 1 ‘ .!>' jx ■ ija ’ ’ m [ '6 11 ?ff led o , 'ends™*. " ‘~*f ™w~— P -i Croup us|i: ' ;.x ; iORANIWt'X v ’ <r 1 .aHrippe ■A I ivXh'B" ! ) ! 'Aa'T.