The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, January 05, 1902, Image 1

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The Brunswick Times- BaUbllikaA IMB. The Brunswick Call. zmblifkod MML The Brunswick fimes-Gall, COHSOUDATJCD 11*00, . rmblisMd KVERT HOOme EXCEPT MONDJ.T. BYR. A. MULLINS, LESSEE. The Tlmei-Cbll Will be d.Uw#d b r orrler or moll pr ye*r, t OO; par w#k li oeou. Cor re.poad.iitß o Un luAJecWi aollolted. Ron nine of writot b-uould aoeowpaay s*m.. Sub cotipuon* payable la ad ranee. Addreae all eonamunleatlona to THE TIMEb-CALU Braaiwlok.o*. TO 8UBB0BIBIBS: Sobicriben are redact ted to notify the ofßee it ken they fall to get any taana of the Tlaee- Call. Attention to thla matter trill be appi e clated by the publisher*. The year 1901 broke tbe ricirfl In volume of traffic bandied by eonthere railroads; Tbe Wayorcss Heraldaayt lhal there 1* no chance to eleot a South Georgia man at governor, and that it ie for Joe Terrell. Tbe Fireworkt bed am tor Obrittm*# may have to go, bat Santa Clam and the turkey, never. Irish potato** are a ataple arliale of American diet. Yet foarflftbs of tboa retching the Maw York market are ■ aid to be imported from Europe. ■J-'-JiLii . ■ . , SSS Jamoa Davidson, tbe olden! Odd Fal low Id the United, ia rletd at danta Barbara, Cal. He waa ,B‘J Ue became a member of Eranitlin bodge at Wheeling, W. Va., June 17, 1888. Meat Thuradaj, January 8. will be '“Liberty Bell Day" at the Charlt-eion exposition. The bell will reach Woar la'toa at 10 o’clock Tburaday mnroltg and will be glyen a glorious recsptlor, Hon. W. F. Symona, the member of tie legislature from Glynn, la a candi date for (ha state senate, and if ha I* elected he will make a worthy reprar tentative. ThoG zette coneidi ra W. F B' mona one of tbe heat men in Georgia. —Darien Gaeette. Edward Evarett Hale advises the young man to make It a rula to talk every day to lomeone who la hi# aupe rior In Intellect, but tbie does not mean, of oour a, that the euperlor—lf any auch can be fonnd— la not to do a littla of the talking. THE ATLANTA BIRD LOVERS. The Atlanta Bird Loren iea apaoiee of club, jnat two yaara old laat Novem ber. It baa but two ottloeia—President Mr*. Julio* Brown, 187 Washington street, Atlanta, Ga , Vioe President Miea Mary L. Jaekaon, who la society editor of that splandid paper, the Journal. In little more than two yeare tbli elub has enroll id about 3,AM names which the Journal baa published a* they some In, They liana the follow* ing appeal' Any one may become a B'.rd Lover who ia willing to make one simple promise—" Never to wear any more wild bird plumage." It coeti not a ceut—jet one cent to buy a postal on wblob to writs name and address and tend either to president or visa presi dent. That i* all there la to it, Tbe name will h* published with tba next Hot. Tbe Bird Lover’s corner ba* baoome quite* feature in the Jonrna), People frequently tend Interesting contribu tion* to it. Yon who read this encourage ua by ■ending your name 1 But If yon want to make na perfectly happy, atatl a local list of Bird Lover* and he its president I Your own paper will gladly namas for y'u, noddour,h r , aa oora haa done for na. Tbe ptomialng field for thia work ie among children. Maj. Slaton, superintend-nt of At lanta's greal public eobooia, encouraged as to atart liata in them for children tan a-d over. The teacher# have tenf in ao many oamei that they number oon-nineteen hundred and mote. I' ie aatonlablng how many hoy jjld, p-cin iaing “not to kill bird- Just for fuu ’’ Everybody loves bird#. All eyre follow with pleaaure a 11 kill of ih# pret y creatures aoroaa the blue. Then, la it not atrang*, that women of feeli- g are willing to wear their dead bodus on bate ana really think them orna menu? Aa a matter of fact, tbe moat artfatic milllnera, now ua them very little; not on humane ground* hut because educated taatee revolts at sad og y objeota. The farmer tf a reader, knnwj'he birds are bis litt'e co-worker* on the farm; yet bow strangely indifferent he ie to tbe fact that they are fast diaap pearlng. This well informed farmer It eent to tte 1-gialatnrp, A bill for bird pro tection oomes up before him. What doe# he dot Nothing. Why? Who kniwi! This farmer knows that hi* grand, too will have to straggle with hosts ot 'insects in raising his crop*. Hut bis mind fails to establish the oonaeotioo between that fact and a hill for bird protection. Clear minds and far aeaing, work with us before It la too late! This ia not a phantom danger, avoked by nervous wi min, but a grisly fact. Tbe s'lientiati agree In telling aa that at the present rate 6f slaughter in a f -w years all the birds will he exterm inated; and aa tb-sir heiiefloient oeea are interwaven with >ll Ufa, their loss would entail tenihie c n seqiiennri, Tne agrloulcural department at Weahlogton ia appealing to the people for a modern Bird Law. Many atatea have one —why not Ueorgia? 81 and 76c watat good* at 68e. 50n, waist goods at 80. on Monday and Tuesday at Heller’s. All tbe 10c artiolea or the former 10a store at 6o on Monday and Tuesday at Heller’*. Consult our clroular* and notice our bed rpread tale. Heller *. Mantle* for Inoaudeaonnt or Welsh* back lamps. 10c, #1 per de. Guar teed O K. A- H. Baker, At 310 Newcastle street can ba seen the uses of gaa in operation . THIS WILL INTEREST MANY. To quickly introduce B, B. B, (Bota nic Blood Balm), tbe famous Southern blood cure, into new homes, we will •end abeolntely free, 10,000 trial treat meats, Botsoio Blood Balm [B. R. B.) quickly cure* old nloora, acrofula, eczema, Itohlng akin and blood humors, canoar, sating festering sores, boil*, oarbanolee, pimple* or offensive erup tions, paint in bones or {ointe, rheuma tism, oatarrb, or any blood or akin trouble. Botanto Blood Balm (B. B, B.) heals every tore or pimple, make* tba blood pore and rioh and atop* all aehea and pains, "Aatanio Blood Balm (B. H. B.) thoroughly tested for 30 years in hospital and private practioe, end bat oured thousand* of ease* given up at hopeless. Sold at drug stores, 11 par large bottle.' For free treetmsnt write to Blood Balm Cos,, Atlanta, Qa. Medl oena sent at onoe, prepaid, Detorlbe trouble and free mediosl advice given. Botenlo Blood Bstm (B, B. B.) gives life, vigor and streoth n> tbe blood. Tbe finest Blood I’urider made. Bo* tanlo Blood Balm (B. B. B ) gives a healthy Blood supply to tbe skin and entire system. A gas Btotf, you don't barn to light a half hour before the cooking oom meooei. The lady who use# a ga store is el* way* antiliog For Whooping Cough use CiIENBY’S iiXFECTO JJANT. BRUNBWCIK TIMES-UALL: SUNDAY, JANUARY 5, UO2. AV'ifeSays: “We have four children, With fire first tree I suffered almost unbearable pains from •2 to 14 hot vs, and had to be placed under the influence of chloroform. I used three Codies of Other's Friend before mar lasi child came, which J&Tlfou is a strong, j at and Jflv* healthy boy doing > Hem my housew irk up \ J* to within tw hours . . of birth, afd sut- am ’ ' ieredbutafe whard (vj wBHp V s r-j pains. This lini- / VaT IT m ment'is the yrand-/ // rst remedy ever o Jyf Mother’s | i| Friend ' 1* will do for every woman it did for the Minnesota mother who writes the above let 'er. Mol 1 > use it during pregnancy is a ■nM ilr to I<e paid ior in pain and suffering. Mother's J -rend equips the patient with a •trong body and clear intellect, which in turn are imparled to the child. It relaxes he musclo and allows them to expand. It relieves mi wing sickness and nervousness, ft puts all the organs concerned in perfect condition f<i the final hour, so that the actual labor is short and practically painless. Dan ger of risi ig or hard breasts is altogether avoided, a> 4 recovery is merely a matter of s few dayi Druggists . *ll Mother's friend lor $1 a bottle. The BradfleU Regulator Cos., Atlanta, tie lor rmr Hook Fall and Winter hats have never beeu ex celled in any previous display, These hats are all of very artistic concepts n and are developed in (foods of excep tionally good quality and beauty, Perhaps no such value has never been offered HISS KATE SLATER I0 GTOWdeBTER ST.. SAVED H 18 LIFE. “1 wish to tav that I feel I owe my Ida to Kodol Dyspepsia Cure," writes H. ('. -liraatenson of Maytlald, Minn. "For 3 years 1 was troubled with dyspepsia so that 1 oould bold nothing on my stomaoh. Many time# 1 would h* unanle to retain a morsel olfood, Finally I waa confined to my bed. Doatore said 1 oouhl not live. J read one of your advertisements on Kodo! Dyspepsia Cure and thought it lit my oase and commenced Its use l bjgau to im prove (ram the drat bottle. Now I am ourad and recommend It to all.” Digest# your food. Cures all stomaoh troubles. W. J. Butt*. ANNOUNCEMENT. At the requst of mv many friends I haye deoided lo become a candidate for tbs seoatorship from -his district, and at their lucgfetioi) now make mv in tention kuown Ah itine r r ;ue elec tion it far off. I nrly mvke (his an nouncement the my friends may know that 1 will he in tbe race. Should Ihe favored with the nomination, 1 have no promises to make exnept >hat I will at tempt to faithful y guard the interests of all Of my constituents. Very respeo’dlllv. W. F. Symons. ~A DEEP MYSTERY It is a mystery why womn endure baokache, headache, neroiisnes-', sleep lessreas, melanono y, tainting and dl*sy spells when thousands have proved that Eleotrle Bitters will quickly cure suoh tronblea. "I snffored for years with kidney trouble," write* Mrs. l’nebe Cberley, of Petereoo, Is., "and a lime back pained me to l could not dr>as my self, but Ei eotric Bitter* whrlly oured me, and although 73 years old, l now am able lo do all my housework." Ic overcomes c-ostipation, improves ap petite, gives perfect health. Only 500 at all drug stores. CITATION. UKOKUIA—GIyuu County. To wbom it may concern: J. C. Franklin having made application to uie. iq due fond, to he app,amort permanent* or upou the oatatc of John t\ Har vey, late of said county, deceased, notice It her by given that said application will he heard at the regular term oi tho Court of Ordi nrv to be held on the drat M. MH^^^sarv. i • u j ‘lßHHßP'.'r. hokack livin’ ' i.lwin i ounty Bast won*. well n •' al-aIWW’ 1 " Monday January 6 Big Laughing Night at the GRIND OPERA BOOSE. THE NEW Rail Road Jack, The Funniest Play Ever Written. 12 —Big Specialties —12 SEE THE Fimny-j.ratup. Grot Rag Time Trio. Manhattan Comedy Four. Flight ol the Midnight Express. Explosion at Dawson Switch. Special Scenery and Mechanical Effects. Mwra laughs la Railroad Jack than grains iu a uttuil of wheat. ATTRACTION EX VU AOK BINARY. AN ENORMOUS SOUTH AMERICAN LION. The Most Thrill lag and Malrbrfadth Climax Ever Produced on Any Stage. Girl Actually' Thrown Into Cage With a Large and ForotiotH Lion and Returned Fro® Under His Very Pawa by the Tramp ....Done in Full View of the Audience.... Sensation and Realism Unsurpassed. PRICESj 25, 35, 50 and 75c. Wednesday. Jan. 8 LIEBLER & CO saT^" HARBOR THE 3EST PLAY EVER WRITTEN BY JAMES A. HERNE. “A SYMPHONY OF THE SEA SHORE.” 4 Months in Boston! 4 Months in New York, 3 Months in Chicago! 1 Month in San Francisco! CASTOniA. Btrt the All Kind You Haw Always Bought THKBK ARE TWO SIDES to )>• considered, the ineide and out of buying lumber—price and quality. You wiil Bml botSrieht it you buy of ua. We hare every kind of lumber you can need— every kind reliable In quality and right in prioe You save money when you buy here, when you conaidrr what you get. Kiln dried Mooring and ceiling always in stock. Pfco ie 187. Lang&Wood Planing 1 Mill. NOTICE This Is to notify my friend*, pvtroo and the public generally that Mr. Phil Keller now in charge of the Arcsde saloon. __JB._Rir c **' TOT CAUSES NIGHT ALARM. "One night my brother's baby wee taken with coop,’’ write* Mrs. J C. Sold-r, of Crittenden, Ky , "it seemed it would strangle before wa could get a doctor, to we gave it Dr. King’e New Discovery, wbiob gave quick relief and permanently oured it. We always keep it in the bouse to protect our children from croup and whooping oougb. It cured rue of a obronio bro.ohlal trouble that no other remedy would relieve." Infallible for soughs, oold*. throat and lnug troubles. 60c. and fI.OO. Trial bottles free at all druggists. METROPOLITAN SALOON. mtirmmm’ ONLY THE FINEST Vines, Lino's ud Cigtrs, ELEGANT LUNCH SERVED DAY M w;3i^aHE^RjkEKT CASTOR IA The Kind You Have Always Bought, and vUcfe bus kMi iu use for over 30 years, has btrne the sigaalM tf —and h*s been atade under Mi per (S* sonal supervision since Its Mhuy. Allow no one deceive youtai tta Alt Counterfeits, Imitations and M Jst-as.good**M but Experiments that trifle with and avdanger the hwlth ef Infants and Children—Experience Igutant BxperMkMds What is CASTORIA Castorla is a harmless substitute for Outer OS, goric, JDrops and Soothing Syrups. It Y Pleanah II contains neither Opium, Morphine nor ether RanaMi substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Wonaat and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wtat Colic. It relieves Teething Troubled, cures CounttpatlM and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food# regulates tta Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural dttp The Children’s Panacea—The Mother's Fetoatf* GENUINE CASTORIA W.WAVS Bears the Signature m The Kind You Have llways Bought In Use For Over 30 Yttr* the ccarTAun coutuauw. re MuttttMMT fVMtv, *•■ tfMNe ATTENTION! | Have just 1 received w tbe finest line of New Wheels ;ver seen in Brunswick.- 50 new Ones to Pick From. We can save you IV-00 od every wheel you buy Repairing, renting and eroanelmg. Message service, PIANOS AND OBSAN If you want a good Piano or. Organ buy a % s lUidden & Bates B. F Christmas for Gentlemen, Waterman Ideal Fountain Pens, Gold pens, razors and razor sets, fine pocket knives, ink stands, card cases, pocket books, Traveling cases and pictures. FLEMING & WAFF’S, i. DOWNING, Pavement. E. H. MABOJI, Vica-rwcsiltcara. a. o. WAI TER,UAsallit THE NAIIONAL BANK OF BRUNSWICK, CAPITAL $150,000 LOANS—DISCOUNTS —EXCHANGE—COLLtCTIONS^j SATE MTO’&BS I3E SENT. — Interest Allowed On D j oosit id Department fOSEfH W. DOWNING. ALBERT FENDIO, JndgTßru I r-H. Downing Cos or Brahetcn, Fendig <fc Cc V. G. H. MASON- * D. WALTER, . M.;c. DlsrT of K. if. '• t ios J. CaetCer HENRY <*, rALM A l)dl’*** f cthorr i bo., J. M: Bnrnett, $ Gram and Provisions, ifMftrse. Ccfw and Chicken Feed. E. R BAKER, Dentist. Special Attention to Crown and bridge work. Office. 502 J Glou’ster St. CHARTS fTr SAbJfl. Charts tide tables and o her publications, U, S, coast and Geodetic survey toi sale by C. W. Dcining, Phones’ 1?2 nr 81, SHIP NOTICE. >’tiherfhß m- ter, owner nor consign ee* of the Russian bark I.etinst'n will be respontib e for any debts coi tramed by the e re * of said bark Erbolm Master.