The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, January 07, 1902, Image 3

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borne Little Things qatte eseentii! to the srocees of a job. are cvsrlookad by some workmen. Strict attention to deteiir, anl the use of the best material makes all oar PLUMBING WOKK satisfactory, Our charges are uniform.] low, but no part of a job is tli tted. A. H, BAKER, 805 Gloucester St. AN EVANGELISTS STOBf. “I euftered for years with a bro-.oUfal or long trouble and tried various remedies but did not obtain permanent relief until I commenc'd using One Minute Cough Cure,” write* lames Kirkmao, evangelist of Belle River, 1 11 . “I have no hesitation In recommending it to all sufferers for coughs, colds and all kinds of throat and lung trouble# P>r cro ip it is unequaled. J bsoluteiy safe Very pleasant to take, | never fails and is really a favorite with j the children. They like it W. J R'tts FOUSiLE—On socootu o' ieeving II n city wr oifer fm rale ala gain our entire a *ck groceries end fruit at lowest pric . A.pv Orami B os . 401 Bay Bt. SHE 1)1 DN*l' WEAR A M4°K ! But her beaoiy wbs completely hidden by rotes, oloicbe# sod pimples till she used Bnok'en's Arn'caStlve, Than ih'y vanished s will a'l eruptions, fever j ■ores, bcil, o'cers, and j felons from Us use. Infallible f it cuts,: oorns, boms, scstds and piles. Cure guaranteed. 35 ■at all druggiate, DEATH QUIChLY FOLLOWS DISEASED KIDNEYB. Dtatb soon follows from diseased kidneys unless a cure is made by taking the old reliable Stuart s Gin and Buobu The followtng sytnptons Indicate the approach of Brigui’s Disease or Dla bates and Kidney troobl*: Puffy or dttrkoiroles under the eyes, sallow, fallow complexion, dull, heavy head aches, < : sty tired feeling, faint spells, pain or doll ache in the back, unn cloudy, milk like or stringy, dark in oolor or offensive, painful scalding sensation in passing urioa, obliged to go often dating the day or nigh'. There la a core in Smart* Gin and Buobu . I Is the one re-nedy you can rely on. It Will sorted *ll f ibe‘e symptoms and psrmaner-Hy co-e even Br gtu’e die esse aft- all otusr treatments fail Stuart'. Gni and Buobu wi 1 i cn'rai* its the urti e and cause it to flow in a perfectly mtural mtuner. A high grade ktdcey 00*0, The most perfect made Stuart’* Gin and Bcobn Iborougiily tsitedfor'be past twenty years, It gives,.' l put vigor to the kid noys thus making the bluod red and nourishing. Try ’bis grand oid rem o,ly. Druggists or by express prepaid %1. Describe tro ble and free advice ahnot kidneys given, Stuart Drug Cos. 84 Wail St. Atlanta, Gn CASTOR IA Par Infants and U&ndrtm. % Kind You Have Always bough! mSZTot m HOPE! ksmk T 7 Victims of malignant Blood Poison and Scro . jjKjl ti fula were formerly looked upon as lost. Fearful of contagion, their friends denied I iiVV^ k=r Ns9 l /T'V\\ them companionship and medicalignorance J \ denied them hope. Their life was worse J I / —Njil \ than death and their only relief the VI grave. Many auch cases were specially // 1’ \ sad from the fact that the sufferers con il I zCSJI I\v>>k J tracted disease by accident or heredity U A and through no fault of their own. 1 /! -*// II \\V Modern civifixation looks with sytnpa- I (I •sf'll llwo vfw thetic consideration upon all cases of blood i 'UpwA poiaoninKi and medical science, after grop \ yf // | XV] Ing for nas finally V\ /// /II | l evolved a cure. like an evil V> '/ Il \ 1 spirit. Hope sbaHni We a glorious HR 1/ I A \ sunrise. ■lay p.’Wp. \ 11 / (Y.lppman’a Or. at Remedy.) '• l I /P/jLrn 1' I This sovereign Specific cures all forms oi ; \j / 41^11 / Blood Folsonlng in both men and women. / if/ 1 P. P. P. is a permanent cure for Rheumatism. I / r l j 1 p. P. P. la the only logical treatment for . Alii 1 Catarrh and the only remedy for Catarrh in Il I. advanced stages. /I / j! 111 P. P. P. cures Dyspepsia in all its manifold I \ / I Ml forms and is a general tonic superior to all j * / I U\ sarsaparilla, s. 11/ ILw I\\ Sold by all druggists. One dollar a bottln. p Jjj V V gix bottles lor five dollars. LIPPMAN BROTHERS, ’*■ * PROPRIETORS fc Uppman Block, Savannah, Oa. To Garry You Through tbs holidays semstbing from our place is absolutely necessary. One can't get along without so ■ e DRUGS ANO MEDICINES, and the pure, good kind, suoh as is sold lists, is ths only ki-dwoith your mousy. Then there may besoms proeente to buy 1 A selection from this lift will please all parties Perfumes, Soap, Combs, Brushes, Fine Candies and a big line of Buudries at low price'. SMITH’S PHARMACY i II YOUR LIFE WORTH 35 CENTS? Consumptives, we know ttiat you have teen diet appointed many times, but make no* more effort 'to be cured. Gooob'a idexieau Syrup has cured thousands and -.1 will cult you Consumption is the result .4 ths food material that should go to sup Hort the fiody and sustain life being ab torOed and thrown off in tubercu ousmat ir. To overcome this waste of vital foroe t.rul to tore the nourishment to the system in ,t natural course, is to cure. This is iccomplirhed by Gooch's Mexioan Syrup, .1 control# coughs, night sweats, spittiug il blood, soreness in chest, inti imed throat sr.d lung*, diffisulty of breathing, heavy roughs accompanied with expectoration and parched lips. We know you have br ;n fifsappoiiited many times, but msite one • lore effoi tto save yourßSll. You can buy • bottle el cooch’s Mexican Syrup i0r250, It cures i simplecough as if by magic, and • i She best emedy for whooping cough OLD SOLDIER S EXPERIENCE. M M Aostin, a eivil war v. teran, of Winoaert.r, Ioi). writes: “My wife was sick a long time ij spite of good doctor * treatment, bat was wholly oared by Dr. King’s New Life Pill*, v'bioh worked wonders for her health’.’ They always do. Try them. Only 260 at ail drug stores. PILE-INK CURES PILES! Money refunded if it ever tails. FOR RALE—A handsome silver •srvlee. Price reasonable. Apply 210 Reynolds street. KIDNEY DISEASES f.MMawHn wmmmmmmmummmmmmm m th§ mon fatal of *ll to Hun. fOLEY’SJKW it money t&unkia. CoatalM ittntdiea recognlxad tnr as# fast ahyaidana aa (ha M tm !aidnay and Bladdav ttouklaft IIUC3aMI|iA W. J BUTTS. WANTED! All the second hand typewriters in Brunswick. Also Wvnt all second hand furnitui t, organs, stoves and old brass. J W. Watkins, fOB Bay BMJNSWICK TIMES-OALL. TUESDAY, JANUARY 7 1902 mA With a ° Mpr GaS R®P WOOD ° nly a to Cut Mate^ fas Raw. l\d If The Old Way- 6 O’Clock A, M, ■■ — 1 1 CHINESE RESTAURANT ESTBLISHED 18S9. CHUE HALL. Proprietor You can get the best the market affords by eating hertf 215 QRANT ®T, P S.—Orders taken for O. Laundry. I am LIVE HEADQUARTERS turkeys, For CRAHBGRRIES FIREWORKS and celery Having Bought For Direct From v the Factory, A mas. I Have RIIStOHS HGQlltl Floor, W rnnpjnp,] n . Win’s Mil is, “ f isi’s mm foil, 5n rfS 0 Ralston’s florniay llfils, ™ CANDY Direct From the [For Xmas Tr lie PURINA MILLS. That I am Selling at Ioc. per lb. A. C. JEFFERS 219 NEWCASTLE ST. MALLORY LINE mjtjM proposed sailings from NEW YORK.Every Friday a t 3 p m Friday to Suit the Tide Lowest Rate, Direct .Service, Commodious Passenger Accommodations.' 0, If, Malloby & Cos., Gkn’l Agts- J. 8 Kaymond, 10 Barling Slip, New York, Agent, Brunswick, O*. Truly “A Grand Old Whiskey” IS THE FAMOUS ♦ CREAM OF KENTUCKY. It’s pure and wholesome and sold cheaper than any other whiskey of its fame, rank or quality- Sold in Brunswick only by Douglas & Morgan, 212-214 Bay Street. I. TRACEK & CO., Distilled Oftca* C'ipciuru;" %HpS. A- ASTHMA CURE FREE Asthmalene Brings Instant Relief and Permanent Cure in All Cases. SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE ON RECEIPT OF POSTAL Write Your Name and Address Plainly. There is nothing like Asthmalene. It bring instent relief,even in the worst cases. It cures when all else fails. The Rev O P. Wells, of Villa Ridge, 111., sajs; u Your trial bottle of Asthmalene received in good condition. I cannot tell you how thank - ful I feel for the good derived from it. I wa* a slave, chained with putrid sore throat and asthma for ten years. I despaired of ever being cured, l saw rour ad v*n-u moment for the oure of this dreadful and tormenting disease* Asth ma, and thought yon had overspokeu yourselves, but resolved to givo it a trlaL To my astonish - raent, the trial acted like a charm. Send me a full sise bottle.'* REV. DR. MORRIS WECHBLER, Rabbi of the Cong. Bnai Israel New Tork, Jan. 3, |l9Ol. Drs. Taft Bros.* Medicine Co.i Gentlemen: Tour Asthnsaltaa Is an exeel ent remedy for Asthma and Hay Fever, and its composition alleviates all troubles which com - bins with Asthma. Its success Is astonishing and wonderful. After having it carefully analysed, we oan state that Asthmalene contains no opium, morphiue, chloroform or ether. Very truly yonrs, } RET. DR. MORRIS WECH3LEB. ~ Avon Springs, N. Y.,Feb n I,IMI. Dk.Taft Bros. Medicine Cos, Gentlemen: I write this testimonial from t deuse of duty, having tested the wonderfai effect or your Asthmalene, for the cure of Aathna. My wife has been afflicted with spasmodic asthma for the past l* years. Having exhauster’ nay own skill as well as mauy others, I chanced to see your sign upon your windows oa 180th street, New Teak, l at one obtained a bottle of Asthmalene. My wife oommeuced taking it abuit the llrstor November. I very soon noticed a radical improvement. After using one bo.tle her Asthma has disappeared and she la eutirely free from all symptoms, I feel that 1 consistently recommend the modtetne to all who are afflicted with this distressing disease. Yours respectfully, O. D. PHKLPS,M. I>. Db. Tapi* Bros. Mbdioine Cos. Feb. 1, 1001. Gentlemen; I was treubled with Asthma for 3i years I have tiled numerous remodiee but they have all failed. I ran aeroas your advt t tlsement and started with a trial bottle. I round relief at once. I have since purchased yoi v full-slie bottle, and I am ever grateful, i of four children, and for six years wis usable to work. I ara now In the best of health and am doing business every day. This t istimony you can make uoh use of as you aa fit. Horae address, 135 Bfyington street. 8. RAPHAEL, 67 East 189th st., City TIUL BOTTLE SENT UWftr ME OH SESEIFT Of fJSTiI, Do not delay. Write at once, addressing DR, TA.FT BROS.’ MKDICINK CO., 79 Eaet 130th St„ N, T. City. I J, J. LXSSNER, —WHotaun— Groceries, Tobacco, [Flour, Bacon gand Provisions, GRAIN, HAY AND BRAN A SPECIALTY -216 Bay fStreet, Bnmswick, Georgia. Coney & Parker DKALIiRS IN Goal and Wood, Brick, Lime, Cement, Plaster, llair, Shingles and Laths. Agents for Morris’ Brick. Phone 18- 525 Bav St. H Digests , PLOCfIOS"^ Dyspepsia Cure ♦Oien Yi stomach is diseased all the other organs suffer, hence fatal ■Meases ot the heart, liver, lungs and kidneys are often the result of improper digestion. Kodol Dy.u’efsia GtjkH contains all the natural ~ 'd 9 IJ aD .' 5 by digesting what you eat, it curestheindiges d tro J n th 9,, allowing it to rest and regain its tMalthy condition and permittingjou to entail the good food you want. ■ JnL Pe^. te often dls, ; ur, i ed at nl( f ht irregular heart action which ro iv | 0I ? "t jmachi being overloaded with undl- X BB il j* 00 ” i * ce P a bottle of Ku>vl Dvspee’sia Cuke nearby and a •BialDlose always gives me instant relief. Ed. Thomas, Leitchfleld, Ky.’ It afin f t help but do you aobd Jwetwrixl byE. O. De Witt A Oa, Ohlcato. The tl. bottle contain# 214 tlroe# tbo 50c. ate* SOUTHERN RAILWAY SCHEDULE. FOB SAVANNAH, WASHINGTON AMI) NEW TUBE hv Brunswick till# tt mm ' B M ru^.~ra Arßsvannab INil ISIS.## • II S ■ )23.i# a. New York in,. j:::::;::; *SfS FOB MACON, ATLANTA, LOUISVII.I.E.CINCINNATI AND CHICAHO. Lv Brimiwlck r Mew ~ Toe.m Ar Mftcon llOnai loan A r Atlanta * t# ■ w , Ar Lnnlsvil!#. ,Sa rSi a r Cincinnati Sl# aw rw*n Ar Chicago ? I #t fra riAfra FBOM NEW YOBK, WASHINGTON AND IATAM*B LvNowTork uioam anTnw Lr WaahinKton..... 11 Haw in'n tvßtTiDßtli...„, M ,>)■■ II ISf w Ar Broun wick.......... .* * > tiia (ill,n SUNDAY SCHEDULES BETWEBITBBOTHWICa AND SAVANNAH. ~ ~ Lv IlruoHwick els a w r'iiis am t oe , ni A r SUVaß • ~ ~ , ~ f)H § I) It w B S llwm Lv Savannah SOSsb ttelZ ... * Ar Brnn.wick iaSS SBfS DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAVT ————— - ' 0, U* CANDLKB, General Agen 4 fGU Tlltf Yams —'•vwatKlC- _ & CCCLIEF.