The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, January 07, 1902, Image 4

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A New Line of Goods Just Received to fill in the Gaps caused by Christmas Rush and we are able to supply you with the best New Year Presents New Goods are coming 1 in daily and you will always fiind a good assortment to select from, KENNON MOTT, O. D Jeweler and Graduate Ontician m MtWOMlll JDNt uetoui' Hi f<*itt> I’wf I W ir rH term Wiwfclagto KKKEEK OP THE CITY CIXHJKS. GET ONE OF THOSE ! Portable Baskets. Burns Coal in the Open Fireplace ' How can you (at along without one of those nice Ha,d wood vtnli a will) Tile trimming, we are (tiling to aheap Coma Hee. Fin* Memorial work, iron Fanoe, <to RKEI) E. LaMANuE Mgr. ?12 Monk street. • CHRIS ARNHEITER, WHOLRHALI AND KKTAII, DKAI.KK IN Schwarschild * Suliherger Beef Co’s. Wtsiem Bed Pont ond Million, Fit EBii POULTRY FRESH VEGETABLES, FRESH CROCERIES, FRESH EGGS FROM THE COUNTRY. All goods sent out nice and clean. The best of erorything for thej'model housekeeper. 207 Monk street. Pliono 89 FRESH ARRIVAL of Heinzes Sweet Pickles in Bulk and in Bottles. Largest Assortment of Olives and Jams in the City Large Fat Mackerel For 10c. Largest stock of Coffees in the City —25 different grades to select from Bin e 245 118 A Street. JOHANNESEN & CO. THE BRUNSWICK TIMEH-CALL. TUESDAY JANUARY 7. 1902 CONTINUED EKOM FIRST PAGE, Salary of jailor $ too 00—not quite twelve months. Utentils and implements 45 95 Clothing and bedding.. 27 25 Fuel, lights and water.. 24 75 Feeding prisoners 401 14 $1,084.09 It will be seen at a glance that as the cost of feeding was slightly over $400.00 that the salary paid the Jailor formerly was mote than $1,800.00 per annum. In addition to this a certain percentage of the marks and brands formerly went to the Jailor. It now goes into the citv treasury. From the miscel laneous account we find that*in 1900,marks brands and impound ing fees turned into the city treasury were $518.85, in 1901 they were $050.20. As thsse Items run about the same each year the excess for 1901 over 1900 of 1130.35 about represents the tees that would have gone to the Jailor under the old system. The wisdom of the present system is at once apparent and under careful management will aiways prove a saver to the city. We would recommend that Jailor Brown’s salary be raised as lie bas given entire satisfaction and fairly earned the increase. Respectfully submitted, J, C. CALHOUN, Chairman Police and Fire Department. A. M. SMITH. PURCHASING COMMITTEE. Brunswick, Ga., December 31st, 1901. J o the Mayor and Council, City of Brunswick. Gentlemen:—ln making contracts and purchasing supplies for the year 1901, your committee ha? adopted a uniform custom of obtaining quotations and bids from all sources and of placing our orders with the lowest responsible parties. All expenditures involving more than $25.00 have been first referred to council, So that, as a body, we have at ail times known approximately what our expenditures would be. Preference has been given to the city merchants, but of necessity we have been obliged to purchase outside of the city sometimes and your committee has, at ail times, exercised the strictest economy consistent with quality. Respectfully, T. NEWMAN, Chairman Purchasing Committee. J. E. duBIGNON. W. R. COX. DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION, f outlie Honorable Mayor and Alderman, City of Brunswick: Gentlemtu—We herewith submit report ol the Sanitary De partment for the year 1901, covering from Jjnuarvl2to Dec. 31,1901,11 month and 18 days. PAY ROLL. Engineer pumping station, per month $75 Sanitary Inspector, per month r>o Eight regular hands, each per day 1 One man and team, lor hauling trash, etc., per day 1.75 t otal expenses 11 months and 18 days $8,834 80 Average per month 589 10 Average for year 1899, per month 894 23 Average for year 19(X>, per month 978 38 Avery gratifying reduction ot $305.07 average per month over 1 ■*'99, and $389.22 average per month over ltoxt. l his depart ment shows the largest decrease in running expenses, and the sanitary conditions are as good as at any time in the past ten years- 1 his department uses a large quantity of supplies for feedstuff, fuel at the pumping station and crematory, and a ma terial factor in the decrease in expense was the valuable services of Alderman Newman of the purchasing committee. Die property belonging to this branch of the city government is inventoried in the report of Chief Green, who is also superin tendent of sanitation. All officials and employes in this department deserve com men datiou for the faithful service rendered the city. Respectfully, W. R. COX, Committee on Sanitation. J. E. duBIGNON. TAXES AND REVENUES. Brunswick, Ga., December 31st, 19**1. I o the Mayor and Council, City of Brunswick, Ga. Gentlemen:—During 1901 your committee on Taxes and Revenues Fiat investigated about twenty-five cases where parties had overpaid taxes by reason ot erroneous returns and assess ments and failure to notify theclerk of change In ownership of realty. I liese claims were In nearly every instance well found ed. We have refunded between *400.00 and *500.00 on this account. I here are no claims now before us for adjustment. Respectfully, R. E- BRIfcSENICK, Chairman Committee on Taxes and Revenues. T. NEWMAN. A. M. SMITH. PUBLIC WORKS. Brunswick, Ga.. December 31st, 1901. to the Hon. Mayor and Aldermen, City of Brunswick, Ga. Gentlemen: Your committee on Public Works begs to submit annual report for 1901. Since June 1901 the City Marshal, S. A. Burney, has been acting as super intendent without any compensation, except the feed bill for his horse. The duties have been faithfully discharged and the thanks of the council are due him. The present working force consists of one guard tor the convicts at a salary of *50.00 per month and nine regular hands at 11.00 per day each. The city chaingang is worked under direction of this department. The total cost of this department in 1901 has been *0934 54 for eleven months and eighteen days; an average of per month of *591.00 against *599.73 for 1H99 and *050.09 for 1900. We have expend ed something over *900.00 for shelling the streets and repairing them and while the streets are in better condition than lor some two or three years back we need permanent paving tor them. We have been obliged to go slow as the finances would not per mit any extensive improvements. We have the city’s finances in good shape now and I would lecommend that at least *U>,- 000.00 be spent In 1902 for permanent, substantial streets, the tax lots, owned by the city, would, In my judgment, it put up at public sale bring us in that much revenue It it cannot be provided for otherwise. An Inventory ot the cltv’s property in the hands of this department will be found In the City Marshal’s report. Respectfully, r. NEWMAN, Acting Chairman Public Works Committee. A. M. SMITH. HOl*ITAli ANI riIAK'TV I'OMkIUTK*:. To tu* Itunorsbl* Mayor and Aldermen, t it. of Urenawick. Usntlvmsn, 'Tom 1 mtniiMtleee on lonpltsl Slid Charity beg to nub* tilt rpoi l of atuiiit .luring I9i>l Mospitl f i.tpMysc, n ntron, nurse unit rook, |i it roll prr uiontli $33 (14 City Physician, (Ht r monlU DS.yu Fut nlshing Drugs mid tfreurrlplloiis. prr month 4.50 Kl"u Whits Ccraotory, par month 4 1# Hexton Colored Cein-.te'y, por month 4.1# Test par month IW.SI The total expenditure* of this department for I*ol, 1* months. Is SJ.V.’u.IT, an avoratto of st*fi.ol per montti Till* In slightly over the aver age for tuuu, which urua IlftUd* pur 111, but ia due to the fad that tn !f*)l Hearty Idee was distributed to i his department for “pest house" items uurlitg the slight touch of siita'l p-a last eprieif, these ‘pest house" Items navim previous * lieeu disirihu oil to the saultatloh ac.euut. In spite of the fuel Hint all “|ie*i, house” exp use*, mat. la former ream were rliurged to the Sani alum .recount irrre. this year distributed to Hospital auU Cbarlty arroudi, the averepo <or I*ol Is considerably leas than for is**, tlis averat<e per brim S*H3S In the rear 18** In this depaitoiem tbs beyond thr fixed ckarttas, are governed entirely by clienmstauraa, being sometltuee more, sotnellmea less The chairman has given each application for relief bla person si attenMoo and we hare endeavored to aid tbe deslltute end suffer lup as tar aa tbe Pity finances would permit. The oncers and employees in tins department hare given the beat of satlatertlon by their careful nod eUduut pert iriunnee of their duties tteapecfully, A M. SMITH. Chairman Hospital and Charity Comnusiee Itrunawtck, ta , January $. i*ov. SECRETAKR BOARD OE EDI’CATIoV Brunswick Ga., January I, less, the Honorable Mayor aad Connell of Brunswick (in. ueutleaien;—l have the honor to submit So yon the receipte and axpendlturea of the Board of Education of tHynu eouotr In accordance with nu act cf the general assembly of Uaorgla, approved Decembers i*ne. T*rr truly rours, N.D haCLARd. sec re tar* Board of (duration. Keceiptt From i (etuber 1, ittei, to t 'ctober 1, I*ol. Balance on hand tctoliar I. I*ci ... I l.jde k> Tald by City. October*#. I*oo I M Nevetaber *i," ... ** ** December IS, *' .. USDS ■August s*. .... I,Hit Id— s.o*7 TS Paid by County. SoTeiubur 8, imo - • Ducenihar S. “ W*• January 7. toi w fsbmervs, • I*4 00 March I, “ mi Juiie •• •• July*. • August i, s ** •splriuhar 14 *— i.m *u _ . • _ Paid by State December is. lino .. 1 ess 41 January sl, IVOI 3>iß m March 18, u 2.042 48 . “ .. 1,531 *.4iJ 7# Downing Company. rent 100 oo Non-retident tuition 3 00 Total 4i4,66G il _ Expenditures. From October 1,19)0 to October 1,190 J. Tetcnerc’ salaries, city $ oo “ ** 25th District 675 00 w 2titu and 1.150 th District* 1,6X5 00 • # 27th and 1499th Districts 1.012 00 Legal Service. 130 oo Printing and advertising gg 35 mstupe. Ntationerv **.1.1 181 62 insurance 111111... ... Isi 56 Interest and discount . ,1 nu 70 Gold prizes .' . -jx* <lO J. W. (irilTeth . 50 00 J' U *J ", M 4 no J suitors .... 331 25 Plumbing 1............. 1.11111 94 Qq ement eutr&nee te> Brick school 105 on stove*, pipe*, buckets, etc. 10; 58 (tornmis*tens, treasurer 55 New school house*. 4*2:. 35 Salarv, board members . ... 237 00 Repairs .... 1 38* to Miscellaneous ;ti 25 Ua. Lee, treasurer 1.1 n*> 50 Note, B. B. & T Cos. Tor Dodge Debt ... 250 10 T *t*l 114 376 99 Balance on hand October I, loot 283 52 IHslmr-ement# for county Outside of Brunswick. Teachers'salaries, 2?th District 675 00 w li itilU and Kifß'.th Districts 1,635 00 ** 27th and I49th District . 1,012 00 Printing and advertising an 40 fttamps and stationery. 1. jr> 00 Insurance : ..HI." •>; Interest and discount. 3132 Commission to H. 8. treasurer 67 24 *ew school house 4 ...... 455 ;jft airs. .... 126 ft Expenses of C. 8. C ... 4*5 iftipplta* .. 9; 60 Pees for recording deeds 4 <W istert-El on Dodge debt. 140 00 Tetal- 14.5486 64 Mi trie* of board member*. ..... .. 23700 Grand tot*l %UV$ 64 MARSHAL. Brunswick, Ga., December 31, lUOI. To the Hon. Mayor and Aldermen, City of Brunswick, Ga. Gentlemen:~l herewith submit report for the period coin meriting Jan. 10th to Dec. 31st, 1901, as City Marshal. Total number of arrests 1.417. Of this number 3*28 were discharged, I leaving 1,119. Out of this number there were 950 who paid fines, leaving 109. Out of this number sf vrere discharged by the Mayor for sickness and inability to work, leaving 114 who served their sentences. Police fines turned over to Treasurer.... . $1,313.00 Other monies turned into Treasury, viz: From City Jailor - marks, brands and Impounding fees 033.55 Executions collected 4,430.34 Costs on executions 192.05 Miscellaneous items 37.00 Total $9,4x35.34. I have executions on hand, uncollected, amounting to $3,798,25. City property on hand of this department.—Tewlve guns. 1,000 rounds of buckshot ammunition, one iron bedstead, bed and clothing, one howl and pitcher, one cook stove and utensils, two bicycles, three chairs, one desk, one table, one iron couch and bed clothing, eight clubs. The men are equipped with their own revolvers. The men composing the fcce have all been faithful and dilligent, using their best efforts to see that the ordinances are enforced. I have no complaints against them and they will compare favorably witli any the city has ever had. I wish specially to mention the willing, prompt and able manner in which the present City Jailor, Clinton Brown, has discharged his duties. He deserves your consideration. Resp’t S. A- BURNEY, City Marshal, bince June 14th, 1901, 1 have been acting in the capacity of superintendent of Public Works. During that period 30530 % bushels of shells have been placed on the streets. City property on hand of this department: —Four mules, three dump carts, two double wagons and two sets of harness, one iron roller, one old mowing machine, one dozen good shovels, one- half dozen hoes, six axes, three shell forks, three pitch forks, three rakes, one street sprinkler, one lawn sprinkler, three picks, three grubbing hoes, one block and tail, two bush hooks, two cross cut saws, two sledge hammers, two wedges, two hatchets, two grade lines, two files, one barrel lime, one dozen suits over alls for prisoners, one vise, one emory wheel, one square, one punch, one box rivets and one dozen shackles. Resp’t S. A. BURNEY, Actg. Supt Public Works. HARBOR MASTER. Brunswick, Ga., January 3, 11*02. To the Honorable Mayor and Council, Brunswick, Ga. Gentlemen:—l have collected no lees since June Ist,! by instructions of city attorney, on account of avoiding law suits. I have furnished berths and settled numbers of dis putes, (have been called times to haul vessels and regulate the same. I have ( >f Ballast and seen that same was to Harbor Regula tions. I find the docks in fair condition, mR a great many have neither ring bolts, piling or cleats to moor vessels to, which necessarily ought to be furnished, as it makes the mooring ot vessels very difficult for Masters and Pilots. I find that ihe water at fronts of docks and in the dredged channels holds good. I have had no violation on river front to report but one, and that case was reported to the marshal. Hoping this will prove sat isfactory, I remain, Respectfully, B. A; FAH.M, Harbor Master. CITY PHYSICIAN To tUe Honorable Maror and Member# of Council ■ Gentlemen:-l submit my annual vhjkmi for the year hm. there haalas* sickuee-t iu Hi un*w nk, G this year than uit -n m ten or twelve yea re- There has been no <• pul emir. KxVom elf oil? r.u mi'ted. I. H DAVtS. . I> HU PEKIN TE NDEXT 3AN ITATIO N. H onewink tit., December diet. 1901. To the Honoreble Mayor end Couaoil. of theUity of Brune vuou. Gentleman; -I herewith submit to your honorable body, report of me HiotUry depir.msnt for the year end<ng December Hlit, 1901: During the year we htve oremteed, 3579 outre yards of exoremint, IG7OI oubio yarde of garbige', 28 horse*. 2 mule*, 31 cows, 95 dogs, 300 cate, 9 hog*, 7 goals, 1470 obiokciie We have on hand: 40 cords of wood, 6 bead of mnlet, 1 horse. 4 single waioni, 3 scavenger carte, 1 damp car', 1 street grade-, 4 sete of (ingle harness, 3 sets dump-cart herns**, 4 smat* pltoh fork* o shell forks 2scavenger fork*, I above! 1 hand saw, 1 brace and sec of bi't, 1 garbage rake, 1 garbage boc, 1 wbee.'-barrow. The or matory, adjoining buildings and all alock are in good condition, with the exception of one male. We have uaed on an average of 17}£ oorde of wood par month during the year 1901; this te 3'j' cords per month leas than wee used during the proceeding year, which amonnte to s<i4 00. 1 am glad to eay that this department has been operat ed at lees expense, and more satisfactory daring the pre sent year that any preceding year; We have hsd very tew oomplaln't, all of which were of a minor nature, Respect folly submitted, JOHN C GRKF.N Superintendent, San tary D-part* m o'.. j F IRK CHIKF’3 REPORT. To tbe Honorable M ay or and Brunswick, Gentlemen 1 berewl h suhiffit body the report of the Brunswick Fi e II year end ■of Deeember 31et, liol. MwWSiiw m We bare one Oameweb fire alarm stsmQi odmpiete; 15C0 feet of linen hose, a>l to good order; 1500 fsetol lined lioee. lo bail ordr; one LeFrsnce steamer la good oonditlor; one book tod ladder truok In good condition: two bose wagons in good condition; ooe jumper lo good condition: five horses In due condition: two sets of double hi’n -e two sets single harn*s<; two riding saddles, one ridieg >.r and e; one dureo csrf, and harness for same; eight bed- a dhed* ding in good ooudition; twenty-one street alarm box-a in goo ■ eondi'ion. We bad foity niie (49 fires daring the year, of whieh twelve were false alarms Tbe total losurance on these fires amounted to $135 800 Aad tbe losses 16 435 Making a saving of sll9 165 Tbe wiree of our alarm system is In bad condition ; oo ao- ; oonnt of tbe several storms we have bad, tbe inaulatloo on CONTTXCED OJ4 SKIDS!) HA it K, * Wednesday. J* EIEBLER <fc 5B CD F=“ F=“ eZ F=? ’ v : SAG HARBOR THE BEST PLAY EVER WRITTEN RY JAMES A. HERNE. “A SYMPHONY OF THE SEA SHORE.” 4 Months in Bjsion! 4 Months in New York. 3 Months in Chicago! 1 Month in S m Francisco! CA.STOHIA. Bn the /} The fsd V:! te ‘.'ways Bstfit THERE aUE TWO SIDES to be considered, the inrd' sud out of buying lumber— pies end quality You will Hud betb ri ,l.t it you b y fu* w have ever, kind of lu nber you can nted— evety kind reliable In quaiity and right in price You save money when you buy here, when you ebn id' r you get, Kiln dried flooring and ceiling always instock Pfco-e197. Lang&Wood Planing Mill. Cheap Rates to JACKSONVILLE —Vi a The— nurmuD he. f si ro .lacksouville, $2 to P'ernandina. SHED Mi MU i "•'“st p n lb irth, ’ And p'jmit'jp j with all the ’atesk improvement.* SOLD ON F /VS Y TERMS G. F, GAY, 5<)4 Hloucester Street. TOT CAUSES NIGHT ALARM. “One night my brother’s baby was taken with c-oop,” writes Mrs J C. Said r, of Cri'tcnde". R , “it seem and it would strangl- before weoonld get a dietor, so we gave t Dr King’s New Dt-oove-y, which gave quick relief -nd permanency cured t. We always kerp if in 'be house to pro'eot oar children from croup and whooping cough. It cored me ol a chronic broiohial trouble that no ether remedy would relieve. ’* Infallible for coughs, o dd*, throat ana. long trouble*. fiOo, and SI.OO. bottles free at all druggists. LOST-A LADY’S BROACH. Los'— lady’s broach ee’ with pearls A suitable reward will be paid for its re urn o W M . Tupper , METROPOLITAN SALOON. roi 111 HUUEBSL^- ONLY THE FINEST f ines, Liquors sail Ci^irs, ELEGANT LUNCH SERVED DAY a.nd;night. fj SO. 216 BAY STREET. BRUNSWICK, GA. auern. Kiurn