The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, January 08, 1902, Image 2

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The Brunswick Times. IlUblishsd 1889. The Brunswick Call. Rstabliaftad 18M. The Brunswick Times-GaiK COM SOLI DAT J£ D IMS, Tmbliakad EVERT MORNING *IC*PT MONDAY. BYR. A. MULLINS, LESSEE. Tti Tlmes-CaU frill be delivered by carrier or mail per year, 86 00; per week 16 eeats. Cor respondents oa lire subjects solicited. Reel name of writor should aoeonipaay same. Bab coripttons payable la advance. Address all communications to THE TIMAS-CALL, TO SUB60KIB1R8: Subeenlicr* are requested lo notify tbe offloe wkeu they fall to got any lame of the Tlmes- Sall. attention to tail matter trill be appi e <dated by the publishers. Tbe liquor business run bp the state of Month Oar tins (or one pear jmt doled shows a total sale of 92,228,081 21 or this the itite boa-d ebowi a net profit of $545 284 12, whicb It divided between tbe (tale and tbe c untie* and tbe cities Mayor Lt> , of New York City, ha diapoeed of all stock lu cotnpanlet whtob deilrs (o do business with tbe city government while he ii mayor, fie it setting a high atandard for all the other departments of the city to follow, Iriavannah will have to fight Macon If •be wan'a to get the n<xt rttte fur There la a well defined nioyement to bold the eta e fair in MUcou next fail Tbe people of Macou seem to have thla dnalre and they are already talking about giving “the beat and most a' tractive agricultural and industrial n blbtlcn evar bald In tbe elute.” Tbe Birmingham Age-Herald wants to know; “what will become of the walking delegate if lion Mark Hantut’e arbitration oommttlea taken charge of all disputes between Übirand capital!”' Well, we hope he will find it neosaearp to go to work. Atp-ei*nt bla princi pal business ream * to ba to stir np strife and to live on tbe labor of others —Montgomery Advertiser. Tba enormous amount ol buaioeai btlng done In the Industrial and oon.> wtrclel world la illustrated by tba (act tbic notwithstanding their large e quip, meat many of tbe railroads of the country are without suacient number of oare to handle the traffic. At tba Piitebug mills alone 100,000 tone of finished material U awaiting shipment, while tba railroads aro umble to move it. iSomething it really happening In Mouth Africa. Pretoria is having ft real estate boom; land around Johan nei-burg is arlling at 9300 an acre, seven wilts from town. The work In the mines lias been started and continues regularly. Th-reis confidence every where. These things tell ue that tbe war la at last over. Business never begins until security of investment Is established. It lisa been hinted tbat ex.Presidin'. Grover Cleveland would be asked to bead the spuolal embassy, although g are doubts have ben expressed as to bis aooeptanoe of the honor. Cer tainly no mere admirable selection could possible ba made, although tbe cx-prrsideni’e health end h a fr. quest Ip-ennoonCed preference for retirement mey a and in the way of hi* accepting e commission which would make each heavy drafts on his strength. Were Cleveland, Cswey and Miles sent to England, no country wobld be mote eonipleu >nelj end fittingly repreeeot. •fi>~New Orleans Picayune, For Asthma use CUE KEY’S JIXPECfORAKT, THE COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Perhaps never before in the history of Bmnawiok hie there been as muon reform in tbe government of tbe oi'y in one year a was accompli-bed by th mayor and oou mil lan year. aU (I ih complete report of the year’s work at contained in the pr- ceadi g. of Mon day's meeting or that body and pub lished in yesterday’s issue of hcTi.iits- Cll. mikai very Interesting na.'iug The thoroughness with which every detail of t le city s affairs is explain; , in the virions reports of ihei fHaeis and oonnoii committees, sn iws thnt it 1< tbe deeire of those won nave done trot work that the oitusins shsil have a fnii understanding of what h a been ao oompllshed in each department of the oity government aod oxao ly how the Its affairs are and tiava b -en c inducted. The record is one that every rutivt u osn justly feel prutid of, end r flee s great credit upon tbo,e gsml men wt o by their earnest efforts and consoicnti-, ons work as officers of ihe city hive put its affairs In such exocile.-t strep . The reports and statement] should Its read by all oitixsns. Tnera are too many matters of interest In them fur ad to be mentioned so we oommend the whole the to careful consideration of s ! l Bruoawiokisns. The publication ol so voluminous record in one issue of the Time--U*ll, and that, too, the day after r.h-, rp iru were read io council, was a big nudir taking, bat knowing ihe inter tMt in tiie matter anil tbal it would ini e in'erest reading we undertook (he task and suoaet-ded, although it m-de th • paper late in coming oui, Wo trust that the magnitude of the task we had will he suffident, sxcuee to ou' goner oils patrons for the la r o sppna'anoi of the Timap-Csl! yesterday, POH SALE or rent vs'u b‘e proper ty at the nirth and of (iiiiotv Hand la land.Os. Property contains Isrge, Hoe dwelling house ruiteble for boarders with on* hundred to two hundred scree of land. Apply to O, L Hutu ill, F„x nandina, Kls. NOIICK I’dii le to uodfy my friends, pitron and the public generally that Mr. Pail Keller now io charge of the Arosdc saloon. R, flir cit A DEEP MYSTERY It is a mystery why woman endure backaobe, hesdeohe, nerouenssa, sleep lessens, melanoho'y, falutingscd dlxsy spells when thonsauds have proved that Eleotlrto B tiers will qoioklv cure suoh troubles. “I suffered for years with kidney trouble," writes Mrs. Pftebe Cherley, of Peterson, 1 1., “end it lime baok pained ms so I could not drr ss my self, but Kteotric Bitten win lly cured me, end although 73 years old, I uow am able to do all my housework " I overcomes constipation, improves ap petite, gives perfect health. Only 500 at all drugstores, INTH* DISTRICT COURT dFTHR UNITED STATKB FOR TDK SOUTHERN DISTRICT or GKO KOI A, EASTERN DIVISION. IN BANKRUPTCY. In the nuttier of 1 J, A Smith, ' In Bsnkrupt.-v, bankrupt. ) To Ibecreditnvsof J. A Smith, of tlmciiy of Brunswick In tbe county of Oivun ami do>. ttlct aforesaid, a bankrupt. Notice is hereby given that on the 3rd <la\ of J senary A. D. 11, the said .1 A, smilli tvaa duly adjneatad a bankrupt; an.l that the llr-t ueatlux of hlaereilitora will be held at llnm.s wick, in Glynn county, on the 16th dm- ef Janaarr, lam, at 10 it. in., at which time the aaid credilora may attend, prove then claims, api oint a trustee, exam, no the haul, runs and transact such other uuainese aa may prop erly coma bafore the aaid tueatlag Datad at Brunswick, Ua., this the 4th day of Jauoary, tos. A, J. CBOVATT, „ Referee In Rank rapier ■ Mas Isaac, Bankrupt's Attorney GEORGIA—OIyuu County, The undaraipneil by virtue, and acting under authority of aa order of tbe court of Ordinary ofaald counts granted at tbe January term rnn, will aell at public oalrry, before tbe conn houea door lu aaid comity, between the hours of ten and four o'clock of that day, on the Aral Tuesday, It luting the 4th day of Eebruarr iPor, to tha highest and beat bidder for cash, that tract or body of land e attaining thlrtj-tlve acres, more or lees, lying In aaid county, bring of irregular agape, and bounded northward, eastward and westward hv land* of Malachl Green, and southward by lamle of the estate of the late George W. Wright, and which lauds are accurately and fully described, and a plot thereof given, m the politioii to aaid court for leave to aell the same,and to which full de scriptive reference is had. Said lands a,dd as tha property of the estate of 1). t* Jones Isle of eald county, decaased, to pay debts aud make distribution amongst Ike heir*. The termsof •ate cash This .tauuarT ;th. iw* C. O. JONES, Admlniatrator of D. p Jones NOTICB OP CHANGE OF PLACE OK HOLD ING JU6TICI COI’RT. Cpoupatltlnn of J, W. Couoley. M. P. ami Kx. O.X P., -With district G M. or said count v. the plaae for koldtngtne said N P. and ki O. Justtea of the Pease eonrt Is hereby .-banged from No, sn Newcastle street. Brunswick, Ga . I No. KIM Grant street, Brunswick. Oa Tbls change to take atlect linniediat -ly after Ihe publication of this notice, forties ai interest will piaaaa take notice This Jan 4. lv hokack dart, O.iluary Glynu county BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL: WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, UO2. A V Tz Says: "Vf bavi four cL ; ldrn. Willi t’e first Lrec I stiff*! aln..-t n .b—.rable pains from •2 to 'A foe rs, at.i hoc! to bepLcctf ur.Jci J;e biiiuexn t of cLioraf-jrm. I rs*t i f hr.-e o.fiics .! / he/ • Frirnd befpre our L, fffl amt, . lr-b is a str;*ngg Ii *iJ ggr* hczlihy boy w my housew nk up V *5- towiiliiatvv s,- birth, aj and sut- \ ieredbutafe w/ hard mentis the I / A \j f t’st reined > ever V /jf A \ 'JJ Mother’s Friend ’ % will do for t very woman wfiat it did for ti.e Minr.eac.ta 'loiiicr who writes the above Ici er. Not I > lire it during pregnancy is a i, u>: pc id for in ::ain aud suffering, Mother’s I -'end equips the patient with a ■lron,,; bod and clear intellect, which in urn are imparted to the child. It relaxes he muacler and allows them to expand. It relieves mi suing sickness and nervousness. If puts ail the organs concerned in perfect condition for the final hour, so that the actual Libor is shep I and practically painless. Dan ger of ri:.,’ ;g or hard breasts is altogether avoided, a- 4 recovery is merely a matter ol k few dayi DruffKlkt* 11l Mother’s Prime! for $1 a bottle. The Brad Held Regulator Cos., Ati.inta, ua korf Vim fr— !1h,,-rfa book lyii Fall and Winter hats nave npver been ex cellent in any previous display, These hats are all of veiy artistic concepts n and are developed in goods of excep tionally good quality and beauty. Perhaps no Huch value has never been offered HISS E&TE SLATER 60S t41.01H: EWTgR Six, To cure SICK HEADACHE,' HABITUAL CONSTIPATION, nnd nil and s'vw’ioa m 4* - from In-; -• They will purify yout j ►> eke yoi , coin;.lo*lo'.! *: A LILY. Th. - ••- . •*. mot ,c. m; , SHIP NOTICE. Neither the rt' % i-r ..•* r r.or ,‘oi’rlgo ees of the Russion bark l.ennat n will he responsible for any deutt o ed by therrew of said hark P holm Master. Al .HtO N. w-HHi.. oo- cao !>.. o.en the use? of it .e in -p i (i<iu UKAI.TH Aft - BEAUTY. a poor complexion in usually the result of a torpid livsror irregular act-ion of the bowels, Unlo nature’s refuse is carried off it will surely cause impure blood. Pimples, bo'ls and other eruptions follow. This is nature's me ho 1 of throwing off tho poisons wblull-the bowels failed to remove, DeWittN Little *. trfy Kisers are world famous for remedying thisoondition They stimulate the liver and promote regular and healthy aotion of the bow els but never cause griping, cramps or dis tress. Hate pills IV. J . Butts CII.\UTS v >K SACK. Charts ids tables and o-her publications, U, tf, coast and Geodetic survey for sale by C. W. Demiiiffr Phonee’ 1 or 31, A n# tovr\yin don't have to light a hetf hour nHvo tl.r .• inking o-'m meuces. Wednesday. Jan. 8 LIEBLER & CO orre:r SAG HARBOR THE BEST PLAY EVER WRITTEN BY JAMES A. HERNE. "A SYMPHONY OF THE SEA SHORE." 4 Months in Boston! 4 Months in New York, 8 Months in Chicago! 1 Mouth in San Francisco! OF BENKI IT TO YOU. I). 8. Mitchell Falford, Md. During a iong illness I was troubled with had sores, was advised to try ' v Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve and did so with wonderful results, I s* perfect • caret. Ilisfhsbss salve on ‘he market.” Sure cure for pile], sores, burns hew re of cwunterlelts. W. J. Butts. Cheap Rates to JACKSONVILLE -Via The— CUMBERLAND 11. $3 to Jacksonville, $2 to Fernandina. MwTiii "B-st on Earth,” and equipped with all the 1 atest improvements SOLD ON E \SY TERMS G. F, GAY, 5114 Gloucester Street. OASTOniA. B< am tho 3W * iwß>S “■r (ZsAtfESui THREE ARE TWO SIDES tn he considered, the inside end out of buying lumber-pries end quality. You will find both ri<ht if you boy of ug. We have every kind of lumber yon oan need— every kind reliable in quality and right in price Yon save money when you buy here, when you consider wLat you get, Kiin dried flooring and ceiling always instock. l*Loiel7. Lang & Wood ~PI aning Mill. TOT CAUSES NIGHT ALARM. ‘ One n'ght my brother’s baby was taken with coup," writes Mrs. J C. Sold r, of Crittenden, Ry , “it seemed it would strangle before weoould get a dootor, so we gave It I>r. King's New Discovery, which gave quick re'iefand nermenen'lj cured It, We always keep it in the house 10 protect our children from croup and whooping cough, it cured me of achromo broaohlal trouble that no t thor remedy would relieve." Infallible for coughs, oolde, throat and lung troubles. 50c, and *I,OO. Trial bottles free at all druegisrs, METROPOLITAN SALOON. nunsuum'-w ONLY THE FINEST Vines, Liquors id Gpn, KT.EOANT I.UNCH SERVED DAY ANDJNIOHT. fct NO. 218 HAY STREET. BRUNSWICK, GA. IBUIiIM Sam,’! 9qo I) hops ttsmm A\egel.iMePrcp:ir.ilionrorAs simil a ting the F-nxl ar and Reg ula - I ling the Stoicachs and Bowels of lNEaalifet ,, CHlL J bKL^'*‘ Promotes Digestion,Cheerful ness and Rest Contains neitlier Opium.Moiphine no r >uueral. Not Nah c otic . o/OM /JrSiMt ELPnTMR farufJcM Seed- * i sltx Sffinti - RorktlU Ute- I Anne faref *■ /ia bf.nw.-f' - / JJ. nunUfu trSofo •* l - Ctevifttd St-aar PtFnidyfr-tm f'Umsr r / A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion . Sour StODiach, Diarrhoea Worn ts .Convulsions .Feverish ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. EacStmita Signature of V. xew'yo n k . 1 N I V EXACT COPY OF WbAPPEH. Christmas for Gentlemen, V/aterman Ideal Fountain Pens, Gold pens, razors and razor sets, fine pocket knives, ink stands, card cases, pocket books, Traveling cases and pictures. FLEMING & WAFF’S. J. DOWN J NG, Pais dent. E. H. MAtN>n, V lent' r hen 11 *. w. i>. n a LTxSR* CASHIKIi THf NATIONAL BANK OF BRUNSWICK, CAPITAL $150.000 LQaN>- -DISCOUNTS—EXCHANGE—CA.LLhC HONS tsran boxs ran sssr. I .ifprent Aliowea On Deposits in Savings Oepartasent Dl K BCTUHtsa fOSEFH W RENNET, C. DOWNING. ALDER I’ PKNuIG, Judge Brunswick Circuit, Pret Downing Cos cf Brohrton, Fendig&Co. V. G. BRANTLiY, E H MASON. *. D. WALTER, M. C. 11th Gs. Dist. of E. H. Mason A \.o . Cashier HENRI V, TALMAROE. Pres. Southern Hue Cos., IffiltiPil Strong Woman ml My wifr WM rick for t'ii'rec v.-ara* IV, J \ 7 -Jr KM wverythiiig writhont relief shd spent i ,nt.h gjßkt-oor- —Bfwj/ // 9 money. My wife tried Wine of Cardc: an.if- ur 'WsJmr J I bottles mired her. She took two more bottles, f at knowing she would bave to work ban! during “ 7 pr s' / H tbe hay BaryesE She attended to all her bouse- Silt mm t J 0 ’ W CV hold duties and loaded and unloaded all tho VS {SIM Law |m hay. This medicine gare her strong-.;. I or- IllVif ■ Kirin ■ merly she was weak and tired and could hardly II HT/If JU iUl\ B get about, but since she has beea taking Wine ■ I 111 II ■7/ff Stl |m of Cardui she feels better and stronger than IB II UkfHVflHlJ I “hen 20 years of age. JOS. A. LISr.NUAI Kit. IIH M3 ■ Mrs. Ciienhafer had tried everything during BitMl I her three years sickness and had spent consid fiofi MHSM n erable money. She was weak and could hardly 3iW I shout tor three years before she took WINE®CARBUI Now, after taking the Wine of Cardui, she can llMfcr wwk With her husband in the hey field. That 3L, v b hard work, but it is not as injurious to a woman's health ss labor in stores, factories aod offices where thousands of gliisa-t closely con. ywj fined year after year. With the aid of Wine of Cardui a woman can do any reasonable work and enjoy good health. The Ml health that Wine of Cardui brings makesawoman vlgorous'in body and mind. ■H Freed from those terrible devastating pains a woman grows well and strong Km naturally. Wine of Cardui regulates the disordered menstrjation and cures leucorrhoea, falling of the womb and periodica) pains in the head and back HR caused by shading or skijftftiß long time In the same position. ThedfonTs SPA Bla, M shape. Oreatlv and endurance is tfic natural result Most Ea cases arc ,u-ed i|JjHVdruggists sell SI.OO bottles oi Wine of Cardui and 25 cent s Black-Draught For nd litcrtturr. ad,lr*. |!tlbi 97m ptotn*, “Tl T.n<Uc#’ PpnmrDt. ’ Tb Chtttxaoos* Me<l.cine Ltmpxaj,*r.ix. < iA, aajL J. M. Bnrnett, HO L E 3 A L K Grain and Provisions, Horse, Cow and Chicken Feed. For Infants ard ChiMreu, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the / % Signature - W, h Ju' (YJF se \y For Over Thirty Years ; TMt CINTAIIft COMVftFL CV/ VORft CITY.