The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, January 09, 1902, Image 1

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THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL vou t m \i \ ; m hrn 372 DENTQMYRH Tjoih Powder, Tcolh Paste, T ooth Wash, Tooth Soap. All 25c Each. If J. BUTTS, The Druggist UuylCs 0 -1 r dy Frosh Every Week. H S. Syrup White Pine, a Safe and Sure Curs for al Throat and Lung Affliction. HUNTER-SALE Lr DRUG COMPANY. Ag*nt s LOONEY CANDIES. T T r mo ley last year in buying \A / L Dry (roods ( othing, Shoes, Hats, etc. yy r . and we can you money this year, I I JLi " when yu r eed anything in our line don’t pinch ise cbewher** until you have called on us W e curry a romp'ete line of ladies wear in all the latest styles and prices to suit. See our ready inane underwear specials in gowns at 39c. Waists in all styles, k rts from $1.95 to $5.00. Give us y iu measure anti have one made to order. All of our Capes Collarettts, Jackets and Furs are marked out cheap if you it ed one give us a call. Hosiery shoes and oh Lreif's ready made dresses. Clothing shoes, hais, etc Watch for Our circular announcing our out price sale for Mondey, Tuesday, Wednes day, Jan, 6th, 7:h and Bth. Mrs M. Isaac. 2(>B -208, Newcastle street. . It was a maxim with the diplomats of Ihc An cient Regiue that a sniff box was man’s allay In that work of 4 'concealinjf us thoughts” in which tally rand mainlined, the n-efo ness of speech chiefly consistert. But the man of rodav cares not to con ceal but rather to collect his thoughts, and his best allay is Chase & Sanborn’s beal Brand Coffee. It snarpens his wits, quickens his pen eption; and maKes him twice as clever. Many a man dates his popu larity in conversation from Ihe day he began using Brand coffee. Had on'y at THOMAS KEANY S, Fancy Grocery JIS Newcast e Ht., Brunswick, Ga, EVENING SL PPERS. ' In Patent Leather and Kid, plain straps and beaded. The most select line ’in the city. LEVY’S. BRUNSWICK. GA., THURSDAY MORNING. JANUARY 9, 1902 ■ 11 mmi We, tbe Grand Jury, for the Decern, ber term,l9ol, of the Superior court of Glynn county Georgia, beg to sabmit these onr general presentments; Finance. We find tbe debt of tbe oounty to be as follows*. Outstanding bonds (84,000 OO Preston , judgement 4,817 00 SB/W 00 Outstanding notes tor borrowed money 14,250 00 Total (88,067 00 Tbe commissioner* of road* and rer> •Die bare reoentl, purchased all ot tbe old Rows bond*, paying tberefor tbe •am of (2,350, which amount is inolud ed m’the outstanding notes. These bond* hare been careful!, cancelled and are now In poaaeeeion of the commissioners of roads and revenae. We have examined tbe books of tbe eouoty treasurer, and And them to be correct as psr his vouchers, and submit his report as follows: RECEIPTS. iialsucs on hn4 at last report I 3,388 80 Received of J. H. Read, gan’l tar 1901. 3/>9f> 86 “ “ Nati'inal Band loan 7,108 34 " “ Brunswick Bk. & Tr. Cos. loan 1,968 44 “ “ W. B. Townsend, sale of \ * J. A. Willlanson, differ ence on mules T 5 SO DISBURSEMENTS. Paid vouchers on accounts as follows: Superior court | 3,015 13 City Court 1,040 79 JB 893 40 Conviota 2 781 7S Lunacy 48 to Inquest ] 00 Charity las oo Notes and interest 1,880 50 Sundries,...,. 3,889 47 Salary 787 60 Court house 131 11 Bolsnce on hand 3/118 80 110,109 39 (10,109 29 SCHOOL FUND—RECEIPTS. Received of R. E Park, Mate trearr.. I !,581 9t “ ■* City council of Brunswick 1,887 88 “ “ National Bank loan 2,983 00 * " “ H. J. Read, pocil actiool. 20131 DISBURSEMENTS. Amount over-paid laat re port I 26 98 Paid out on vouo iers 6,179 44 Balanca on hand 830 49 ( 0,539 88 ( (6,530 88 The total digret for the year is ae fol follows* Tax 133,034 37 Railroad tar B,ooi 80 Other tax 112 80 111,208 77 Amount collected to December 2,1901 . 3,881 88 Amount still due ’ (37/311 08 We have checked tbe account* and vouchers of tbe secretary of tbe Board of Education, and find tbe same cur rent, but reoommend a change In his system of book-keepiag as suggested to the present encumbent by the com mittee on finance, and submit his re port as follows; RECEIPTS, Balance on baud October 1, 1990 I 1,288 (1.3 Received from r\ty 2,997 99 “ county 1,738 00 '* “ Mate. 9,452 79 “ “ Downing Cos. (rant) ... 100 00 “ non-resident tuition.,., 300 EXPENDITURES. Paid out nn vouchers (11,376 99 Balance on hand DcL 1,1901 2ss /,2 111,'M0 51 111,88*1 41 County Officer's Books, We have examined the books ot the various oounty ofiioers, and find them well and neatly kept. Tbe books ot the justioei of the peace in the various districts of the oounty, with twoexoeptlons, have been examlaed and fouod correct. Jnetloe T. W. Lamb of tbe ISB6 District re ports no oass and no book, while Jus tice Sapp, of tbe same District, failod to present bis books tor examination. Public Schools, We are pleased to report that onr city sobool* are In excellent condition, and are presided over by an efficient corps of teachers and an abl* and con* soienttous superintendent. In tbe publio sohools ofjth* city tba > white enrollment Is 510; oolorad 370 average atteodanoe 454 white*, and 297 | oolorad, Connty schools, white 60S, with an avarage attendance of 120 or a fraction lase than 65%, while that of the color ed enrollment is 1,009, with an average attendance of 700 or 70 par oent. We have to not*, [regretfully, that our rnral whit* sobool* are so very poorly attended,'thereby evlnolng seeming indifferanoe of the parents as to lha education of their children. Public Building* We find the Manefleld Street school building in very good condition, with tbe exception of a few leak* in the val ley* of the roof and in the gutter*. We find the water oloeete in very bad aad unsanitary oontfitlon, alao find the fenoes very muoh In need of repairs. After a thorough examination of the old academy, w* find that it ie badly In need of rapairi, and from ite unsani tary condition we would recommend that ite nee ae a school building be dis continued as soon as the recommenda tion found below ean be put into effect. The fenoe around this building ie also In need of repair*, We find tbe Itfeley reboot building needing the following repairs; The roof of the main building in very bad condition, needs shingling, tbe steps are unsafe, the underpinning ha* set tled until the wing Is about eight or ten Inohes lower at the north end thaD where it jaine the main building. This condition bae been brought about by the high wind* of recent storms blow ing the sand from around the pillar*, thus allowing the building to settle The fenca and water oiosets are in good condition. We find the jail In very good condit ion, with the excepMon of the lower flier, which is bed'* decayed. The oause, in our opinion, is due to the fill ing in of the yard, it having shut oat all ventilation from the floor timbers We find the court house in very good condition, and In need ot no re pairs in tbe near futnre. We respectfully nuke tbe following rsoommendatlonsThat a partition be placed In each of the aesembly halls of the Manstleld street sohool building, and that tbe furniture now in the old academy builJlng be piaoed therein. This arrangement will oomfortably house the teachers and pupils of the primary grades, who now have to oc cupy the old academy, Tnat a coat of ooal tar be put on roof and well sanded. This in our opinion, woold stop the present leak*, and that the wood work be given a ooat of peint. We would urge immediate and prompt attention be given the water closets at these buildings, ae the present condition of them renders them entirely inad-’quete to meet the demands made upon them, as several of them hsve bnt one or two hoppers to sooommodai* a hundred or more children ; also that the jantt >r be furoiehed, from time to time, a suf ficient amount of toilet paper to be need in said clouts Ws would recom mend that the oounty commissioners be requested, when ths oonviott oen be •pared from the work now in hand, that they have the stomps now in the oampus removed, and assist in repair ing the fenoes, aad that the mayor and aldermen be rrqnested to beve the front yard oleaned off and kept in • nett mtnoer. We would recommend that thetilsley •ebool building (the mein building) be reebingled at once, at tbe present reof is n<> protection at all from the rain, there being large places in the roof with nothing to keep out the rein, also that tbe plastering over head in this portion of tbe bnlldlng be torn off *n< wood ceiling patio; also that the! front step* be renewed and tbe wing of tbe building be loyeled up and pri> tent pillars renewed to make tbe build ing safe. It also needs a few vriodov glass, which would add greatly to th comfort of the rooms. We would recommsDl that tbe wood en fl ior In the tow r story of the jail be removed and a concrete fi >or put it in. We wju and further reccramend tbal if the eohool board has no funds avail able to immediately make these rnuct needed repairs on the sohool buildings, that a sum sufficient to ocver the ex. pense in-orred, be spp'oprl-tcd for salt purpose by ibs com nissionere of roads iv and revenue, Public Works and Convicts- We fl *d during the year 1901 then has bseu an avarage of 33>2 oouviou psr month on tbe ejai -gang; we also Hod that it has cost the county to main tain these conviota on the public works $1,966,00, an average of $149,00 per capita. There bts bseu ompleted fifteen mi es of road besides about nine months at work on tbe Brunswiok A Birming htm railroad. There ha* been raised on the county firm and gathered, 409 bushels of oorp, 350 bnsbols of potatoes •nd nine barrels of syrup. There Is now on the farm fire oonviots one of these net sent from the oamp siok; ht Is now convalescent end will soon be in condition to be sent beck to the camp. We find the building* and premise In a neat and orderly condition At the camp near Fletbraneb, we find twenty oonviots, out of this number there was one sick. found tbe oarup al quarters of conriois In a neat and oomforiabls condition, so far as It is piseiblt for the superintendent to make it so with tents. The oonvlcts ere getting plenty of wholesome and well oeoked food. The atook ie In good condition, two mules •nd one horse. The snperintendent of couviots has everything well in hand •nd systematically arranged, ae far as the movement of the convicts and ont- fit of tbe camp Is oonoerned, Public Roads, On the C irtwright road three bridg es need repair, some low places filled and the road will be In fair oonditiou. The Darien road is in very good con dition, with the exception of a few ■mall bridges, some boles and the B. & B. railroad crossing. The road from Evelyn to Sterling, as far as we oould judge bai not been worked in a long time; we could see no’blng later thaD the work done to clear tbe road of tim bar blown down by (ho last storm, The •hell road needs pa oniog, especially where the timber and wood oart* pm over it, From the end of tbe ahel road to Old Sterling • little repairing before tbe rain* begin would put It in very good order. The Clayhole road is now being giaded by the convicts, working from Old Sterling towards Everett City; some very nice work is being done on this roed, but owing to the limber earts passing over it, Borne of it is in bad condition, From Old Sterling to Jamaica the road it rery good: part of the flooring of teveral bridget it lo bad condition Tbt road to M uat pleattnt, known at the road to Wajne county, or Fitb-hole road, with lu tla Ailing aod repair! to two tmall bridge! would be lo very good condi tion, at far at tbt B A 8, railroad orottiog at Corrla’t lor tilde. From Continoed oo foortb page. For Whooping Cough use CHENEY’S EXPECTO RANT, PRICE FIVE CENTS. A few Specials E pps Cos oa For invalids. IGrape-Nafs, A Brain Food, Shredded Wheat Biscuits,] A Breakfast Food. Poslnin Cereal Coffet No headache after drinking it t Anything new and fresh in the Grocery line, we have it, ’PHONE 15b. Nolice In addition to affording every faotlity to our customers consistent with safe banking, we are prepared to act as Administrator or Executor of Estates, Guardians of property of nlnovs, and to make Bonds in judicial *nd other matters—Generally to exet ■•'ise all our powers as a Trust Company Brunswick Bank & Trust Cos. 3, W, Sale, Cashier- 1 The number drawing China Closet AT DeVoe’s is 2451-