The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, January 09, 1902, Image 2

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The Brunswick Times- Kitabllaked 1111. The Brunswick Cali. Katftbliihed 18M. The Brunswick Times-Gall, CONSOLIDATED I*oo, MUfM EVERY MORNING EXCEPT HONIJAT. BYR. A, MULLINS, LESSEE. The Time* Call Ml Im deliver** liy oarrler or m..U per year, I'OS; par week II ceala. Gor reap odenU oa lira subject* solicited, Kaal name o: writ/T should aooumpaay aama, Bub ccriptiune payable la adraoeo. Addreaa all communications to THE TfMBOCAI.L, Brunswick, da. TO BUB60RIB1K8: Subscriber* are requested o notify tha otßoe a hen they fall to got any laaua of tba Tima# Derfl vocation to thla matter will ba aptna eUtti i by tha pnbUabora. Mm~ PRESENTMENTS. Continued from drat page. there aa far aa the timber oarta use it, (he road la almost impassable; aa dry an the roan U now, thera are holes cat axle deep; oontluuiue talniog would mike it Impossible to uas thia road. H tnoh road, known aa W'ajne oounty road, by Jamaica to Flshhole road, need* pttohing and a bridge leptired. Bethel and Wayne oounty road by Utaden needs pttohing from Bethel t < Bladen ; tialance of tbla road is in v r> fair condition. Bethel end Wayne ootitny road to Uoieildge, with repair of small bridge would be *ery good us far as the Bladen Mill tram road; from thereto Wayne county liuetbfttm i her carta are outtlng It in nlaoee. Road to Camden county, except the pat t used by the Hilton & Dodge Lumb.-r com* panyfor hauling log', with little re pair would be in very good order; the part used by the H, & D, L. Cos., n -ed grading badly; if worked before the rainy aeaaon begins wou and be tut' a smVl Job Tie Fancy Hlulf roada hare been wr.rked Iwloe thia year by the toad hand*and aro lo good ciudklon. We tlnd tbe road to Oak (Jrure by Ryle's raarah in yery bad order, three bridge* In adangerouacondition,need* iog jmmedia'e repair. We would like to bare the attention of the road superintendent call id lothe taw jn reference to tullt .posts and aigu boards; with tew exceptions they *Pp ar tobe things of the put. Elections. Mr. A'ex 1, viogs'.on war re eleoted aa a member of the H ard of Bduca’lon for the 37ib district. Pension*. After careful" investigation we find the names of the following persona on ihc pension roi l , recommend that they bs eoniiourd: invalid--T. li. Goodbread, Alfred Green, J. A, Kudolpb, John J. Smith. Indigent—M C. Blair, J. T. Harri son. Widowa-Mra. Ba-ah Lewia, Mr*. Harsh A. l.nnday, Mrs, Klixshetb Palmer, Mrs. Matilda Sikes. We aim recommend that tha name of Tnoraan Howe bs added to the ind>g*nt pension roll Tax Returns. In pureuanoe to Hu Honor’e charge, we have made a thorough examination of tbe county tax return*, finding tbe moat conapiououaly tl,grant “undet” tax returns. Of 107 of these returne of 1901. amounting to, a* returned, 1,. 139,8,19, we have raised to $1,763,676, making thereby a net increase of 1460, 113. B*tidee tbe foregoing, we have piaotd tbe valuation on the B. A W, ralirrad property s*oo,ooo, being in ex <ea of aaid Company'* 1901 return of For Asthma use CHE KEY’S EXPECTORANT, *63,197, Tbi* return we consider should have been arbitrated hy tbe oomptroi ler general, who, we a>e informed, negleoted to to so, hy reaeon of over* sight on bis part. Heosuea if our finding* in this inres’ g* ion, we he lleve it our duty to report, however mnoh we regre' the necessity, that there exists a prevailing custom aunngst tbe tax payers to return (he r personal properties at rediculou-ly ow va uxtion, and, thertfoje, wou'd r oom mend 'he necessity of creating a boa-d of tax assersors, or tquslizara, for our county ; benoe we urgently riqu-etour representative to take steps to have en acted., at the next seesion of the log’a ture, a bill prov.ding earns. Resolutions. Be it and it is hereby resolved by the gran-' jury for the December term, 1901. of the Glynu Superior court, that >he atten tion o. the receiver of tax return* of said county, is hereby called to Beotion Hail of the political code as to bis duties in scru tinizing the tax retu.ns of vaiious parlies, and where be ie sail tied that said reiur n are below tbe true market value of the property returned, that he proceed to aaaeas aaid property for its true value, and follow the provisions of the various sec tions following eaid ab-ive cited seotlon Be it further resolved, that we recom mend that the commissioners of roads and revenue, in connection with the receiver of tax return*, select a well qualified man to a.rva as arbitrator for the state and oounty during the year 1902, to be at toe call of tbe tax reoelver, acd to allow said arbitrator one hundred dollars lot suoh servioe, Whereas, our investigation of the lax returns shows that the printed forme of oath, supplied by the state on which to make returns, haw not al ways been < Igned under oath, as intended, or before an otll cer, we therefore reoommend that in fu ture the tax rtoeiver lie more careful in this matter. Further resolved, that tl is body recom mend tothe commissioner* of roads and revenue of said countv that they purchase proper biudere for the purpose of binding and preserving with soma degree of rrder and method, the tax return! of the proper ty owners of said oounty, for each yea-, that the same may be kept on tile and investigated when desired Whoreas, it ie the eenss of this grand jury, that tbe City oourtof this county has out-lived ite usefulness, and is thereto e a useless burden upon the lax paye.aof the oounty, he it tht^bfoi# Resolved, that our next representative in tiie Georgia legislature bs, and they are hereby requosUd, to have an act paseod abolishing tne said court, alto on* to r*„ establish tbe County court. Whereas, it has come to the knowledge of this grand jury, that certain parties iiave violated the laws of this state with refers euce to hunting out of seaeon, shooting and huuting upon tlie Babhath day, and evidence not being obtainable as to the identify of suoh parlies, he it Resolved, that it it the sense of this body, that out county olfieere exert them eclves and use the utmo-t diligence to detect suoh parties, that this pernicious practice may he abated. And whereas, in the investigation of the criminal violations -f our statutes it ap pears in several instanca* that the alert ness which it neoessa'y to punish vl.da ors has not been displayed,and notbelng aide to place the blame for suoh, be it Resolved, that the attention of all the oounty officer -be oailed to the matter, and that they properly inform themselves aa to their duties in certain criminal case*, that in the future these errors may he avoided, and punishment speedily meted to the guilty. Whereas,'we find that many dealers In bioycles, sewing tnaohlnes, c’garettes phot tographers, and other dealers requiring a special iioense to do buaineia, in addition to registering with the Ordinary, liava not done so, therefore be it Resolved, that the attention of such parlies be called to this seotion of our political coda, with a view of oorreoting the evil, and preventing action against them in the future for failuse to oomyly with thelawi or thes'ate in thie particular Reeolred, that the pay of the jurors and bailiffs of this oourt be paid two dollars per dism for tbe ensuing year. Resolved, that the ol rk of this body re ceive twenty ave dollars, in addition to his per diem at a grand juror for his services. Resolved, that the oommittee on tax returns be paid for one adduiooal day for extra tervioes rendered: also that the ex pense of the oommittee ou roads (or con veyances iu inspecting the oounty roads be paid. Kesolred further, that thee* present ments be published in the <J*iiy papers of theoity, and that they be paid fifteen dollars aaoh for the same Keeolved, that the thanks of this body be tendered to Hta Honor, JuJge Joseph W. Rennet, for hit able charge to us, to Solloitor Bennett, Solicitor pro tern Mend s'. the clerk of the court aud hit assistant, the.aheriff and hit deputy, for the courts’ •lee extended by eaoh of them during its sessions Whereas 0. I). Ogg. chairman of the commissioners of roads and revenue, of Glynn county, Is oailed upon to give a great deal of his time to properly fill the poeltion. and a* the state doee not p-ovide •hat the chairman should be paid any thing more than the other commissioners of roads and revenue,- although the de mends for hie time ere a great deal more thau that of any other member of Vie board, and believing as w* do that lie hat Continued on seoond peg*. BRUNSWICK TIMES-cALL: THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 15 02. AV'ifeSays: “We Ijgv-i four children. With the first ftree I suffei td almost unbearable piins from •2 to J 4 ho. , and had to be placed under he influent e of chloroform. 1 used three bottles oi yvlher’s Friend before out las, chiid came, which akkjk Is a strong, lit and healthy boy doing w S 4 my housew irk up 'V*. jtL to within fw * hours *_, >f birth, afd sot- M \ (e red but a few hard tvi 35® TcW Tt % lini- j| j nfSt r‘M nent is the grand- ( fj \ '§j| // A f// cst remedy ever '-v JJL, V/'v'■ le made.” SB sg Mother’s ? A J Friend ’ will do lor every woman what it did for the Minnesota mother who writes the above let er. Not i use it during pregnancy is a mistake to i paid for in pain and suffering. Mother's Intend equips the patient with a -trong bod; and clear intellect, which in urn are ii iparted to tire child. It relaxes he muscler and allows them to expand. It -elieves rru tning sickne-s and nervousness. It puls all fire organs concerned in perfect condition for the final hour, so that the actual labor is sho- f and practically painless. Dan ger of risi sg or bard breasts t3 altogether avoided, a 4 recovery is merely a matter of a few dayi Druggists i *ll Mother’s Friend (or Jl a bottle. The BradfUld Regulator Cos., Atlanta, tia Sn/ 'or ou*- fr m . book Fall and Winter hats have never been et celle<l in any previous display, These hats are all of very artistic concepts n and are developed in goods of excep tionally good quality and beauty, Perhaps no such value has never been offered HISS KITE SLATES *O4 <4I,O9mCATK ST m. To oure SICK HEADACHE. HABITOAL CONSTIPATION, nnd all d'soar oft at lain* from in d'Rf-oo- They will purify your ►> .' r >cs your complexion > a ; A LILY, r -n agt. PRICi ■ > CCNVJ. SHIP NOTIOR. Keither the ni tor, owner consign ees of the Rittsisn bark Lennat it w ill be responsible for any debt* ooi.t-ac cd by the crew of aaid l,ark Kiisolm Master. At Bio Xewnastle -■ - .'•* ,-ut he -teen the uses of g:a in ('psiation HKALTH AN" BKAUTY. a poor oomplexion i* usually tiie result of a torpid liver or frrrgular action of tire bow-els. Pnloss uature’e refuse is carried ot! it will surely cause impure blood. Pimples, boil# and other eruption* follow. This is nature's of throwiug off the poisons whioh tbe bowels failet to remove. De Witt’s Little K-.riy Kisers are world famous for remedying tliiscondition Th*y stimulate the liver and promote regular and healthy action of the bowels but nerer cause griping, cramps or dii treee. Bate pills. W. J . Butts, CHARTS K 7r SALK. Charts 1 i<le tables and odier publications, U, S, coast and Geodetic survey for sale by C. W. Doming, Phones’ 1?2 or HI, A gss atovr, fun ilon’i have to light a half hour before the e loktog citu msficas. Wednesday, Tan. 8 | I.IEBLER & CO f ***y g£" p ■'■■■ £■■ SAG HARBOR THE BEST PLAY EVER WRITTEN BY JAMES A. HERNE. “A [sYMPHONY OF THE SEA SHORE.” 4 Months in Boston! 4 Months in New York. 3 Months in Chicago! 1 Month in San Francisco! OF BENBJ IT TO YOU. D. 8. Mitchell Falford, Md. During a long illness I was troubled with bad sores, was advised to try I sWitt’s Witoh Hazel Save ami did so with wonderful results. 1 was perfectly cured It ie the bea salve on the market.” Bure oure for piles, seres, burn*. Beware of counterfeits. W. J, Butts. Cheap Rates to JACKSONVILLE —Via The— ■n in. $3 to Jacksonville, $2 to Fernandina. iiii “Bst on Earth,” and equipped with all the 'atest improvement.* SOLD ON EASY TERMS G. F, GAY, 594 Gloucester Street OASTOniA. Bears the /) h ;l) Kind V " Havo AlwarS Bitcgfil m THERE ART. TWO SIDES ti be considered, the inside and out of buy ing lumhei-piioe at. J quality. You wilt tied both right if you bjyof us We have every kind of lumber you can need— eveiy kind reliable in quality and right in price You save money when you bay here, when you c\.n ;id r w 1 at you get, Kiln dried Mooring and ceiling always instock. Bto iel97. Lang-& Wood Planing Mill. TOT CAUSES NIOBT AI.AKM. •’One night raj brother’s baby wse taken with coup,” writes Mrs. J C. Bnld r, of Cft'.tendeo, K/ , “it serin.d it would ftrangl > before we could get a doctor, so we gave it t>r King’s New nisoovery, which gave quick relief and permanently cured it. We always keep it in tbe house lo proleat our children from croup and whooping cough. if cored me of a ehronio broioh'.al trouble that no ether remedy would relieve.’’ Infallible for oougbs, colds, throat and lung troubles. 60c, and SI.OO. Trial bottles free at all druggists. METROPOLITAN SALOON. v rot m iuuuu^o ONLY THE FINEST Liquor ni C^irs, ELEGANT LUNCH SERVED DAY ANDJNIGUT. gJTNO. 316 BAY STREET. BRUNSWICK. GA. • stunmus. xa-.* tojPftopgj jCASTOQK j|— i| AN’egt-tet!-' PrcpafilionforAa- I simila' is'g tiiPloodandßegula - I ling ibe Sb. umrls and Bowels of : i [ ness astd Rest.Conlains neither : ] Opium.Morpbute nor MinerctL ! Mar Narcotic. jimptafoujir \mTLPtracm PtenfJcm *f, etl ~ , Jlx Vmna * j Jtai** Ser rl * />, Snttoii 'tufa* a 1 C/'trifo'f JbptV rtonw, / Aperfocf Reraedy tion , Sour Sfoutnch, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish mss and Loss OF SLEEP. -r~. ! Far Simile Sifinaiure of fctfiJuA'. NEW YORK. .f ini’ EXACT COPY or WRAPPER. Christmas for Gentlemen. V/atcrman Ideal Fountain Pens, Gold pens, razors and razor sets, fine pocket kniv-es, ink stands, card cases, pocket books, Traveling cases an i pictures. FLEMING & WAFF'S. DOWNI.NJ. lists* ‘u.Kt. t, H. \ loi-rsMii,*.., .u. a i.Ti'.it, Uashiii. THE NATIONAL BASKOF BRUNSWICK, CAPITA!. $150,000 ‘ U UNT^— TIONS an m. — ' t >w(?J Un in Savings Department . w iCC i'OlU. W ENMEI .i) WrtiNO ALBKKT FJCATUIG, h -*. Hruntrict- Cirnnli. vTM>. lowan a ( ;o ot arobeton, Fendig*Co V a. BUAMTWY, K U MASOM; *. and. W alter, K ‘ { ' J ttn Oa. Dm. >i jg. ff. Mmoq & 00, Ctihie: - <•. Hr*** *%optheni > ime Uo., ' ■'• ir;in- W !ian (j, Mf wff wm sick for rrto* ijjf R\ t ‘ jir FZm •*eythia* without relief aurl spent mock IS ETaXW’W—rj • rim BK>nc Ir wife tried Wins of Cardui and four ! w i l4 y 9 bottles cured her, She took two more bottles, fl <~ N l/ sf \£j knowing she would have to work hard during jj J / y'/ the hay harvest. Bhe attended to all her bouse- n II / U ’ J 0 told duties and loaded and unloaded all the , 9 llti' lL /i. ’W R bay. This medicine gave her strength. For- ■ Afy 'i*.,/ R merly aba was weak and tired and could hardly f f J/rf J'l tl fet about, but since she ha* been tak ng Wine If ik IYr ! Vi ■ of Carduj she feels better and stronger than H tlnKrrlm fej wheni<l>y ‘-* r * |,f ****■ JOS - A - kiskmiiai kk. 1 I U D Mn. EUcnhafer had tried everythin* during ft ojlj jf/i iliftitw M her three years tirknen and had "spent consid- I H erable meaty. She was weak and could hardly . !"W yUfTnllifin 8 * h ° Ut f ° r * r * € y“ r> Iwfort she took r I /*T&J WINE ° F CARDUI Now, after taking tht Vine of Cardul, she can " V v\\. " I *£§jfcSJ wor!t with ber husband in the hay field. That I C h. \ x Is hard work, but it 1$ not as injurious to a i flj woman's health as labor in stores, factories and 9 Wy—RiSi dtji offices where thousands of git Is v * closely con. 9 ffflj flood year after year. With the aid of Wine of , Si Cardul a woman can do any reasonable work and enjoy good health. The 9 Mpa health that Wineof Cardui brings makesa woman vigorous in bodyand m>nd. 1 I PH Freed from those terrible devastating pains a woman grows wtll and strong I O' naUiraiiy. of Cardui regulates the disordered menstruation and cures ! Eh/ .g of the womb and periodical pains in the head and hack ft P'Jj caused bv sremfng or sittirg a lor.g time In tht same position. Thedfurd'l I bL Biack-D'.-.!; ,*.t puts the bowels, stomach, liver, kidnevs and blood in proper J wj shape. 0 t-iK imreused strength and endurance is the natural result Most F cas * are i quickly. AH druggist* sell SI.OO bottles of Wine of Cardui 1 I .■„ and 25 ceot packages of Thcdford s Ela.k.Draught ft ■Wi, -'T'- - UMIMf M HI lug C: tltanoog* Metucar* t wi puj, Cl.v.. ui eog-i, J. M. Bnrnett, esalk Grain and Provisions, Horse, Cow and Chicken Feed. mm For Infp.nts and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the / \ Signature //v[j| 01 W, Jr f laK Se vJ’ For Over Thirty Years WMii THI ckmtauk tosteurv. *cw von city.